What went so right?

What went so right?

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It hit that perfect level of bad that caused even hardcore fans to leave and absolutely gut the sub count, so maybe blizz might actually make a good expansion next time

no soon wow will be dead and they can release wow mobile

Mythic raid difficulty is pretty good but I have no motivation to grind those bosses when everything outside the raids suck ass. Also fuck that forced necklace grind.

XIV will finally dethrone WoW with Shadowbringers and that's a good thing

It released close enough to classic so that fans won’t have to wait till the next expansion to not play a shit game

>irrelevant weebshit wowclone
>dethroning anything

jaina got some good sfm is about it

If WoW has less than 1.3m subs it already lost

>let's make a shittier version if the artifact weapons
I'm honestly impressed they made so many shit decisions because it leads me to believe they did it on purpose

I've literally been playing WoW for 12 years, hardcore raiding and I've jumped ship. Let me tell you that FF14 has WAY more polish, things to do at endgame, infinitely better story, boss fights and general class mechanics.

Frankly, I'm suprised that it's taken this long for people to catch on that it's just out-right better.

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>expansion so awful that everyone is abandoning ship and going to classic
has an MMO ever self destructed this bad before?

>no dwarves

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Nah that's objectively wrong and a shit opinion. You tricked me with free trial but not again. Who cares about fucking raids and dungeons when the leveling so fucking awful. It's literally a korean mmo knockoff and a wow clone just fucking awful.

>>no dwarves

Eh, fair point.

>Nah that's objectively wrong and a shit opinion.

Imagine being so fucking wrong. FF14 just literally had to split data centres up due to the influx of new players and world queue times. Odd how that co-incided with another shitfest of a BfA patch.

xiv is a shit wow clone for consoles

This promo artwork/wallpaper/whatever and the horde counterpart are just so cheap. The lighting, angle and way the characters are posed is just terrible.

How'd Blizzard allow this terrible promo shot from the cinematic to go live?

it looks like a f2p phone game

that night elf on the right looks so retarded

>it looks like a f2p phone game
I could not place why it looked like shit before, but damn user you are right on the money. It dose look like a shitty fp2 mobile game.

When is Warcraft 3 Reforged going to be released?

runescape and ultima online

Battle for Dazar'Alor mythic

Pretty much everything else.

>that night elf on the right
They don't make em like they used to.

Attached: 52611.jpg (640x480, 41K)

4D chess by Blizz. Make the expac so terrible that it will boost Classic sales. Then release a god tier expac once Classic hype and Shadowbringers hype dies down.


Blizzard can do anything they want and the pathetic addicts will keep paying their sub + buy mounts. These people have played wow so much it's part of their identity

I never realised how buff Anduin is in this picture