Walks back progressive itemization

>walks back progressive itemization
>reason given: there was a bug with Ragnaros on the first kill

lazy stupid fucks

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Their list of reasons hardly addressed progressive itemization at all. They just pivoted to bugs and class balance.

This all comes down to them running out of time. That's it.

will they change it?

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Honestly, its more practical and better this way, having to constantly play the sight seer because things will change and you have to prepare for them to minmax is annoying

>he's actually gonna minmax
you're the cancer that killed wow

Nicker confirmed for changed to "Blackrock Slicer"

Good luck getting into any semi decent guild, your fun attack speed troll rogue build will stay forever in brd

You didn't understand how that was a reason?

>semi decent guild
Do you seriously join guilds to be top in the realm? You must hate your guildmates.

so how is classic wow going to solve the decade old problem wow has where you run out of content to do quickly and then burn out

Not for removing progressive itemization, no.

>muh sword has 15 stamina on it it wasn't like that on release REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Here's hoping for more changes to watch classic losers sperg out

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>people not playing like retards killed wow
almost like classic WoW was a shit game

He's right though.

I think the only way minmaxers are going to be looked down on is if they bring back rp servers.

Even if they do progressive people will still farm the bis shit that sucked at the beginning because they know it's going to be bis in phase 3 or 4.

They didn't do it for the same reason they aren't keeping the Ragnaros bug.

We don't get Talisman of Binding Shard as a trophy?
Aw dang.

It's amusing that you can't translate the word "Black" into spanish without someone getting pissed off.

So what? That was not the primary purpose of progressive itemization. The purpose was to keep the early content more difficult by having the shitty/awkward stats.

People farming future BIS gear is besides the question.

I just don't understand minmaxers. What kind of person turns a video game into an exercise in accounting and spreadsheets? Save the efficiency obsession for a real life job.

They enjoy being good at things more than they enjoy staying shit at things.
Perfectly understandable.
You should do so too.

If I enjoy something, I would like to understand it. Theorycrafting is fun.

You've got me beat. I'll just never suck dicks as well as you.

Nothing wrong with minmaxing as long as there are different builds to do it with. In alliance all priests and warriors should roll dwarf. In horde warriors should roll orc if they are making DPS, they should roll Tauran if they are maxing tank.


I mean you're playing a MMO. There's effort spent into levelling up and acquiring gear. Most of the enjoyment of the game comes from that.
If you're spending that much effort on raising your number, then why wait until level 2? Start it early, get bigger returns.
Given the choice between efficiency and inefficiency (and it is a fucking choice), efficiency gives you more options.
Now, I can understand there being something that people would enjoy -more- in a different race. Maybe they like the lore or have a fetish or something. That's understandable.
But a lot of the complaints of people who hate minmaxing aren't people who research the matter and opt for their personal standards instead of community standards.
Most of the matter are people who are lazy and butthurt that they didn't research anything at all, and end up living up to NOBODY's standards.
The type of person who thinks having a social life (or pretending to have a social life) is a valid excuse for not taking the 30 fucking seconds to buy food, water, and reagents.
This person's feelings are not important and can be safely ignored, because they will never amount to anything in life.
If it needs to be paid for you to even try being competent at it, then you're going to slack off at work, too. Probably explains why you still work in a shitty McJob and haven't been promoted since classic began.
No work ethic. No sense of responsibility. No prospects. Just impotent rage.

Then it looks like you're COMPLETELY out of employment prospects.

Humans get sword spec for better aggro generation, and in vanilla the aggro gen is more important than the armor CD and bleed removal.

Thanks. I just think that everything should have a purpose. It is annoying as fuck when a race can't bring nothing to the table for raids and you end up with a ton of the same shit. Trolls need to be fixed, and dwarves need a fear ward nerf.

>I just don't understand minmaxers.
Damage meters. Competition, but not for the good of the guild or raid (unless they have some beef with other guilds) but for their own e-peen.
Source: i was one until i stopped giving a shit about video games aka turned 25.

cant wait for you to sperg out because your guild is forced to pick up an enhance shammy to fill out its 40 man roster

I wasn't around for vanilla, but were 40 man raids amazing or a shitshow?

In any group with more than 1 different number, there will be one number that is larger than another one.
No fixes needed. Things can be imbalanced. What matters is if the imbalance makes it so thinking up strategies has a lower reward-effort ratio: For instance, the strategies become so braindead simple that any effort at all is wasted, AKA Skyrim.
In WoW, the racial balance isn't enough to make the strategies any more or less braindead than they already are. Though to be fair they are pretty braindead.
In WoW most of the challenge comes in retard wrangling and tard herding, in getting 5 or 10 or 20 or 40 people together in a room and at least -pretending- to try to work towards the same objective.
What Minmaxing does here isn't just for the 2% number increase. It says that you're less likely to be the type of stubborn jackass who intentionally goes AFK and acts like they're entitled to do so.
Still, Minmaxing can also mean you're the type of prideful egomaniac that can't stand being told what to do, even if what you're being told to do is manage rotations, positioning, cooldowns, and debuff assignments.
Bit of a mixed bag really.
The main skill in WoW you want is the ability to tell people who will at least bloody -try- apart from the shitters who make excuses.
2% dps decrease from bad race is minor compared to the ~40% dps increase from just not giving a shit.

Sorry, meant the ~40% dps -decrease- from just not giving a shit.


both at the same time. Of those 40, you were really lucky if you had 10-15 who actually knew what they were doing while the rest just drag everything down

It was a carousel of brb smoke breaks and brb wife ago shit. It took an hour and a half just to get wiped.

There's more than one motivation. Social pride is one. Another is desiring to be good because it just pisses you off when people are willingly bad, and you don't want to be pissed off at yourself.

I would rather have an Enh Shammy with consistent attendence and who spends the time farming pots than a minmaxed flakey beggar.
Obviously, if you can get both a good player WITH a good class, take it. But if there's a choice between good class shit player vs. shit class good player, take the good player 100% of the time.
That said, be aware that a LOT of people think they're hot shit when they really aren't, and will go into a spastic rage when shown or told how to improve.

>were 40 man raids amazing or a shitshow?
This depends on two things.
First, server population and availability of classes.
Second, how slack your recruiter / raid leader / guild leader's standards were.
On med pop servers, you can be trapped between the rock of having your A team carrying the fucking Z team to success they 100% don't deserve, and the hard place simply outright not having enough warm bodies to throw at shit to kill it.
If your recruiter has some basic fucking standards and will treat wasting 39 people's time as being worse than hurting 1 person's feelz, then they'll get some progress.
But you really do need to drill into people that you can't get away with that shit, because the instant the Guild Leader's IRL friend gets away with it, other people will start getting away with it too.

For instance. This is what happens with low standards. The frustration of undeserved victories and unnecessary delays.
What I like to do in this situation is use a smurf account or a patsy to suggest these people be given a small penalty for being AFK or noticeably underperforming. 1/5th of a piece of loot or they lose the right to roll for nexus shards for that raid or whatever.
You watch to see people's reactions.
Whoever gets really fucking angry at the idea of penalties for slacking, and starts going on a tantrum to defend the AFK? Those are your "Replace ASAP" people.
If the AFK in question feels guilty or admits he's done wrong, then don't punish him at all. A personal sense of ethics and morals is a much better deterrent than a nexus crystal.
But anyone who REEs about muh 3dpd aggro muh keeds muh smoke break muh social life muh excuses muh I only play for fun, no loot next raid.
Yeah, the rest of us play for fun too, jackass. It's more fun if everyone co-operates and at least -pretends- like they give a shit about doing well.

Now, I'm not A-team myself. I'm a B-team or C-team shitter. My guild is full of B-team and C-team shitters. But even then, some firm and consistent standards can turn a rabble of retards into Nefarian killers ... eventually.

I want to go home

i've missed something clearly
i was quite pleased with the blue post discussing the extra 2 tiers and itemisation, wheres the update?

if you give money to Activision Blizzard you are supporting censorship of freedom of speech and degeneracy

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Imagine the smell

Lets take a regular scenario:
On average its hard to manage even 10 people to do what you tell them to do.
Now from those 10 people on average
>2 skilled
They know their job, they do their job. End of story put DPS here so you can actually kill the boss, you don't need to micro them. I learned this the hard way.
>2 mediocre
Willing to learn, best for healing because this way you can see who bleeds out during pressure, assuming the other half of the raid is bad
>5 dogshit
The rest is a waste of oxygen. Good for off tanks and filler healers also teach them Pavlov tricks. The only question is assuming you are the leader and you are not a "I brought my gf" type the only question is how strong your nerves are, because people are stupid. Yes the "don't stand in fire" levels of stupid. I never raided on vanilla, but there is a big reason I don't really want either.

I dont know how you dont understand the changes.
Keeping fucking spirit on tank items just for the sake of it being "classic" is the same as keeping bugs crucial to clear raids in for the sake of being "classic", its completely retarded.
Catch-up items are going to drop when they originally dropped in classic so nobody is going to be able to ez clap molten core but now we're going to get classic raids as they were originally intended to be played, balls to the walls difficult but not completely impossible.

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>balls to the walls difficult
Are you disabled?

Where did i say MC was difficult?

zoomers and pserver kucks have destroyed comfy home threads

In your post. Are you retarded? That would explain some things.

Autism, unironically.

Here, i got this for you. Try and solve it, then come back to the conversation.

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>Destroying h*meposters is bad