Katana Zero

sequel when bros?

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Cyka Blyat


Also the family in the bunker was the psychiatrist's family, right?

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Any games like this on the Switch?

Probably Al Quasim or however it was spelled, female NULL worked with him and the place was related to him

Brainlet here, I didn't understand anything about the story but I still enjoyed the aesthetics and gameplay

>best song in the game gets wasted in a infodump hallucination
What were they fucking thinking?

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>Game hits absolute kino as Zero's state of being hits its majestic crescendo

Katana Zero's story has no right being as good at it is.

the flashback happens way too early in the story, at that point in the story you don't have enough info to appreciate the scene
For example, one of the best parts of that entire section is the "28 years in that jungle" part
You don't know he is 22 and that the war ended 7 years ago when he was 15, meaning the whatever amount of years he spend fighting lasted 28 years for his perception of time
And that is only one part, a scene like that could have easily been the climax of the story but it was thrown away in the middle of 3 hallucinations for no reason
So yes, I consider it wasted



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I find that the fact we experience something that feels it should be at the end in the middle goes very well with the game's theme of broken time perception, specially considering that the game ends with a scene from 7 years ago

>Zero is described as having a "baby face"
>people draw him with manly features

Maybe they should have made him have a baby face in official art then

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There never really was one

Sure, but it's still a waste of a 10/10 song in a scene that could have been absolute kino and emotional as fuck but most people will forget due to being placed too early into the game
And it's a huge shame because the most emotional moment in the game other than maybe the final boss would be pic related and I can't even remember the music that played in pic related while I can still clearly remember the church scene music
I really hope they reuse the song somehow

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Technically he's saying he just wants to save Zero then, since the girl is a manifestation of his conscience. I suppose Comedy and Tragedy having kidnapped her shows Zero's reliance on the drug and his inability to escape it, lest he be caught in the withdrawal symptoms and imprisoned in his mind forever.

what if the entire game actually takes place during the war and Zero was seeing the future the entire time

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He looks like a roughed up samurai in the actual official art though.

It's highly possible that Zero is OD:ing on Chronos in order to FUCKING OUTPLAY the shit out of everyone else and save the girl.

He's just becoming a bit wee crazy from playing through seven years of imaginary murder.

I never expected so many feels from this game. Please let there be a sequel.


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>Pirated the game
>Having a blast
>you know what imma buy this
>suddenly game ends
>its only been 3-4 hours
Man i dont know guys, Game quality is high as fuck and i really wanna support it but its so goddamn short, what do you guys think?

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>game has only a few boss fights.
>what can be seen as the final boss can be missed.
What were they thinking?

>Chronos OD caused the memory loss

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i heard they are adding more modes and shit in future update

It's cheap
It's great
It's art

If you got disposable income, you owe your future self to support this game so we get the sequel

well its either this or mordhau

I suspect after working on the game for 6 years they needed money so they released it as part 1
The game was so good that I feel like they deserve it, nothing wrong with games being short if they are as fun and good as this one

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don't fall for their shilling

People say its short, and sure, it was "short", but considering fun per hour, I think the game's price was fair. Really, the only reason we complain it's short is because the game ends on the perfect cliffhanger.

at the same time, I personally don't feel the game story was "half-finished". It told you exactly everything you needed, it was immaculately paced and the ending was perfect for a cliffhanger. They couldn't have pulled that cliffhanger without actually ending the game, so they did, the madmen

>need more enemies variety
>few more moves for Zero would be nice
>need one or two more chapter
>need a Dragon boss fight

she wasnt real user,although i wish she was so i could kill those masked fuckers to get her back

>when you realize you can slash doors open


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Post more art

>implying the twist isn't that she was real after all

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honestly she might be,im still confused about her and masked dudes,they might be real

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Can someone explain the ending? I get the fact they're doing a war flashback but I can't tell what the message or significance of the flashback itself is. Everything that happens in it is stuff we aren't suprised happened already.

We had the assumption that the kid we see was Zero, when in fact it was the guy shooting the old man

Zero was a NULL soldier that participated in the war 7 years ago. He retains his youth due to being a Gamma NULL.

This game felt really short and unfinished, if they release paid DLC they're the jewest of jews.

It's going to be free

The significance is that it confirms a lot of the insanity in Zero's story and we find out that Zero's fixation on the girl is because she represents his guilt about killing the villagers. This contextualizes his character as person who feels like a lost piece of shit that feel that he's never done a damn thing right, which makes the struggles you endured while playing the game even more poignant as you realize
>i'm a fucking piece of garbage
>a piece of garbage who lost the girl just so i could stay alive as a piece of garbage
>i can see the future but i've never done a damn thing right in my whole life

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So, what were your favorite level?
I quite liked the one with the sniper. I liked that they introduced a mechanic forcing you to rush.

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Wait, how can there be a sniper if the TVs had prerecorded tapes?

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Chinatown was the best one easily
>good track
>all enemies use guns but are in the right amounts and properly spaced, giving it the perfect diffculty/fun ratio
>level design allows you to be fast and stylish
>at the point in the game where you start to get good and can beat stafes full of gun users without ever touching timestop on your first go
>taking on vans full of SWAT feels great

but who switches the tapes?

but who was phone?

I thought doppio was phone.

Who else fucking died laughing when you got the gun in the last stage?

I have 20 switchbux, is it worth it? I heard there was a secret boss/secret endings, how do I get them?
I know that they plan on adding more but is it currently a jam garden scenario where it's "chapter two soon :^)"?

>he didn't cut the wires

What would sex between two NULLs be like?

so what happens when two NULLs HAVE to fight to the death? does one just give up at one point and accept hell?

One literaly ragequits life

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Zero uses alot of Chrono, goes back in time and doesn't kill the kid. He fixed the one thing that haunted him. He never cared about killing people, he only had nightmares about killing kids.


is this bait?

Refunded it after Studio 51. It's a pretty game, but it felt really repetitive

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But that's what happens, no? He kills his psychiatrist, takes alot of Chronos, and goes back to the one moment he regrets the most. Snow even say as much "His eyes are lifeless and he doesn't care who he kills". The only time we ever see Zero hesitating to kill is when it comes to kids, like in the bunker. Hell at the bunker you even get a flashback to the day he killed the kid, and the only option is "KILL THE CHILD", implying he did it. Later when he takes the chronos and goes back to that moment, he does his job, says the mission is complete, but doesn't kill the child, implying some sort of time travel via chronos.

I'm not trying to bait or anything, it's just that it's pretty clear Zero gives no fucks about anyone else but himself and kids because of his PTSD. He doesn't even care about killing other NULLs, which presumedly were his comrades back in the war. He doesn't even care enough to get revenge to the people who made him this way, like the Dragon, although it's possible he might go after then in the sequel / act 2.