Thank you for telling me about this game, Yea Forums. Playing it and loving every minute of it. But man, those fucking unskippable cutscenes!
I'm on my third field study now, and those fucking cutscenes JUST WON'T END. It took an HOUR to get from Trista to Gaius' homeland. Even with the Turbo feature. I'm so not looking forward to the trip back.
Towa best girl.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
>he fell for the meme
As long as I enjoy it.
>Skipping Trails in the Sky & Zero/Ao no Kiseki
user, I'm glad you enjoy the game but starting with Cold Steel is not recommended. Might be ok for CS 1 & 2 but not 3.
It's all the BLACK GIANT EVIL ROBOT's fault.
everyone was good all along and they were all holding back this entire time.
Ah fug. I wanted to play the game(s) with Estelle and didn't realize I skipped it. Oh well, not my first time playing a series out of order.
I beat 1 the other day and it's really fun
Someone told me this series was the true successor to Xenogears. Are they correct?
i liked the story and the game has some soul but gods I cant stand these kinds of JRPG leveling systems and combat
it's a dishonest comparison at best drawn from pretty much pic related