Fact: Physical medium is dead

Fact: Physical medium is dead.

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And thats a good thing

On PC yeah

Guess I'm not buying anymore games then.

Why is PC gaming so soulless?

I'm enjoying digital a lot more but overall it's a good way to move me away from this addiction. Starting to feel like vidya is a huge waste of my time.

i can download a game and have it be installed faster than i can install a game via CD.

also all your games are stored on physical storage anyway so whats the deal other than muhstalgia?

>also all your games are stored on physical storage anyway so whats the deal other than muhstalgia?
Because at any point valve or china can just remove your ability to play the game.

>buying games you don't own


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No, only soul-sucking companies with bad games make digital-only games.

That and indies, but they either don't have a choice or fall into the previous group.

user all we can do is waste time what difference does it make?

>sell a physical copy
>actually, don't sell it, sell an empty case with a code
why does this happen? These companies do know that the disc is what makes the copy physical, right? If they're going to go digital only at least have the nerve to actually straight up say that's what you're doing instead of pretending to go physical and not actually do that.

Only modern console game I could pop in and play without any downloads was Mega Man 11.

Why even have the case at all it would cost less to produce it, just have gamestop hand out a card.

don't act like a 4channer outside of Yea Forums

Nigger will destroy gamestop again

>gamestop doesn't stock physical copies of Battletoads in store anymore
Why even live bros

It's all posturing. These idiots actually think that the case going out will be noted but not the cardboard disc with a code on it. They think people will just be singing their praises because, hey, cases are physical. They're completely deluded and out of touch.

Fuck, what? Calling now to confirm. What the fuck

so if future games are sold in store as a download code, what will the packaging look like?

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no more big box releases that come with a poster and full color manuals

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We're quickly reaching a society in which we no longer own anything. America in particular it's already common place to rent and lease and take out loans and be in debt until the day you die. Its genuinely scary

We already know

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>barely a meter worth of shelf space
The absolute state of PC gaming.

Downloads are next.

shut the fuck up bootlicker

on Pc it was dead since the floppy disk.

what the point of this shit ?

PC was always soulless.

They're for that one person in the family that cant be trusted with money.

>user will just spend it on x if I give them money for [reason for gift]

PC gamers are mentally unstable

This. Been saving a ton this year compared to last.


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Fact: You own your digital copy of any game you purchase online and while companies may shut down servers for online, they cannot take away your ability to play the game. There is no reason to own physical outside of the collectible factor.

Yeah if all you play is trash AAA western shit.

Only if you let it.

JRPGs are for children’s though and there is very little customization.

Who the fuck said anything about jrpgs retard. You're posting in a thread that started with fallout 76. If that isn't a good indication of western development I don't know what is.

>decide to start up fo4 again because why not
>insert and begin install
>stops at 19%
>delete game, reinsert disc, gets a little further this time then says the disc is fucked
>clean disc and retry, 19%
>retry, 19%
>come to conclusion that the disc is somehow fucked up despite being spotless
>mfw 19 x 4
You can't fool me, Todd! You're not getting even more of my money!

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>Gee I sure hate the hassle of actually owning the things I pay for

>buy physical copy
>get a piece of paper instead of a disc
Why are PC gamers such cucks?
You don't have this issue with console gaming.

That's not the fucking point. Get the corporate cock out of your ass and open your eyes. They took his games that he paid for. Fuck the terms and agreements, that's not right.

>buy physical
>they just break by themselves over the years

im looking at you nintendo

It’s just the best we got user. Maybe they will make a mod to remove all blacks. Then it’d be a 10/10 game

Children who don't have debit cards or for giving as gifts.

>buy physical copy
>no manual, just the disc
>have to install data from the disc to the console anyway
>mandatory day 1 patch that has to be downloaded at 500kb/s from Sony's/Microsoft's shitty servers
Everyone gets cucked by physical in 2019

Regardless I can still turn around and sell the disc so

Are you sure you're not talking about Sony's UMD disc or something? That's the only physical media I've used that breaks from breathing on it.

This has been proven false by reality on many occasions but okay shill

>physical supporters literally just want the option they like, don't care about digital
>digital supporters actively want to remove an option and fuck over anyone that prefers it
Why is this?

Legal fraud

You are converting USD to nothing. They will even say on the back of the cards "this card is worthless and we have no obligation to allow you to use it in our stores"

Just imagine, how many of these cards are left with small balances on that you cannot spend? Yup, thats how they defraud you.

Maybe in the US because regional courts can’t agree but everywhere else it’s been dealt with in court and ruled as I said. You own your digital software. It’s only a matter of time until a similar case makes its way to the US Supreme Court and also gets ruled the same way as every other country. Go be a retard elsewhere, actual shill.

>Just imagine, how many of these cards are left with small balances on that you cannot spend?

Cashier: that'll be $19.99
>gift card with $0.24
Cashier: Now that comes to $19.75

No you can’t do that, just buy a PC

Heh, thanks for the cd key, kiddo.

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its fallout 76

are you serious?

Calling people "faggot" and "nigger" is not right either while ALSO breaking the EULA.
This is what you assholes don't seem to get. If you weren't acting like a complete retard in the first place, some sort of support would have already sprung up on the mainstream, but you're all acting like cunts and ruining the experience of the game for everyone else but your little discord clique, so no one is rallying for your rights to act like an angry 8 yo online.

Whoa, it's almost like this was only one part of the massive shitstorm surrounding Fallout76.

PC was always soulless. We'd see Doom, then nothing for years at a time. People think Nintendo used to have high prices in the early 90's. Walking into a Babbage's meant that you were going to have to pay $90 plus tax for the newest PC game.

>Playing multiplayer games
>Showing the world how retarded you are
Literally does not happen often enough.

You're so dumb you could not understand what the guy meant and basically answered twice the same thing.

>it’s not right
It’s literally one of our rights
Why can’t lefties get it right?!

>that feeling when you pick up the box and it's heavier than it should be guaranteeing you a good manual.

Go to your favorite physical game and read the patch notes.
Those are also lost when the servers are shut down.

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>We'd see Doom, then nothing for years at a time
How young are you. Just because a bunch of games didn't really stood the test of time as well as Doom, doesn't mean there wasn't a flood of at least serviceable games between every classic out there. There isn't even space between EACH id RELEASE to claim there's "years" between each game.
You must be really dumb if you think I couldn't get what's "freedom of expression" at this point, you just have to understand that if you use your freedom of expression to act like a cunt, no one will defend you and you'll just be some asshole screaming for years on end on an anonymous tibetan hand-cut color separation imageboard.

>no one will defend you
That’s what the constitution is for, faggot

Good. Fucking gamers, thinking they own a product and not a licenced service.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This really makes you look underage.

Bootlicking cunt.
Free speech is free speech. You can’t just steal someone’s money cause they hurt your feelings

Actually they can and the Trump picked supreme court justices will defend it.

Then we need another revolution

It's not just video games, everything that can be purchased once and considered yours till the day you die are being phased out. Movies, music, cars, homes. A perpetual cycle of renting, permanently in-debt subservient consumers to feed you money for eternity.

What are you? A liberal socalist?

>he got a round piece of paper
Mass effect Andromeda came with a paper for the code, that's it. But it was not even disk shaped. There is not even a space for the disk in the holder.

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what are you? a boot licking boot licker?

Freedom of speech, not responsability. You are allowed to say what ever you want, but that does not mean that a private property like an online server cant kick you out.

If you start to insult the owner of a house, they are allowed to kick you out even if you paid money to be there.

A Democratic Republican

Fact, they're killing physical media in the US because people were starting to become aware of companies committing fraud by banning you fro ma game that you purchased for wrongthink.

They are paying to use your service and you cannot discriminate them whether they say nigger or are nigger.
So which is it? Can we leave blacks to their little shitholes or can we say nigger online? Faggot?

False. Physical media cost simply more money to produce and thus less profits. Having a server up and people downloading from it is cheaper than manufacturing and shipping millions of copies of a game that might not sell.

You can say Nigger. You can also be kicked you and banned from private areas for saying it.

Read the rules and term of agreements you agree to before going online. You know you can be banned from Yea Forums for Racism, right?

So if you go in an online game and you insult people, you can be banned. You dont own the game servers. Just go play offline in the menus. Or stop being an edgy teen.

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Fact. You're a bootlicker defending multibillion dollar companies committing fraud.

fact: op is a faggot

How do they commit fraud? You agree to terms, you are warned that if you break those terms then your licence might be revoked, and you still do it.

Do you blame the cops for arresting you after drunk driving and removing your permit?

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>private areas
Oh like White liberal neighborhoods?
Surely you don’t mean a public server PAID FOR as a service that is open to everyone? If the dude was in a store yelling nigger, yeah, can’t sell to em, dont’ have to. But if he’s saying that shit in his own home on his own console? That’s private, even if people can hear him they aren’t forced to. Yet we are forced to live with, serve, give our taxes to, and give jobs to niggers.
So why don’t you just shut the fuck up? Hypocrite?

hes not defending shit you inbred nigger. In which part of that sentence was he defending that practice?

>agree to a set of terms and conditions when you use literally any online service
>do something that specifically goes against the conditions you agreed to
>get punished
The First Amendment stops the government from making laws to infringe upon your freedom of speech, private companies can do whatever they want on their private property.

>Terms of service
>Games aren't a service as defined by law
>Yeah but you broke the terms of service
It's fraud you stupid nigger.

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>buy a physcial copy of a game
>it's just an empty box with a steam code printed on a sticker inside

wtf is a bootlicker? is this some new alt-white slang that we're supposed to know?

Private companies are forced by the government to hire niggers.
Zuckerberg just went to face the Supreme Court for allowing censorship via his private company.
Maybe shut the fuck up little kiddie?

They are not calling them games anymore. It's a "live service" now.

They couldn't have at least made it a mouse pad or something

Servers are a service

Exactly, and that's illegal. Games are a good. Taking away a good after somebody purchased it is fraud.

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Some dorks want the box for their shelf.

Based. Why do discord trannies SEETHE about us being concerned about our rights being taken away? Why are they such sadistic masochists?

You are only banned from the online component. Go play offline. :)

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How much does it cost to produce one beefy decent boxed copy of a PC game? The only game I know that did it recently is A Hat in Time.

I built a PC without a DVD reader. In fact, my case doesn't even have room for one.

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That's called fraud.

>Consoles are the only reason why we still have physical media in games
just when you thought the master race couldn't get any more pathetic.

That's never happened to me, even when I expected it to.
>playing Friday the 13th online
>gaggle of niggers loudly acting like niggers in the game
>tell them to quit being niggers
>they start hooting and howling about raycists and reporting me
>start citing crime and AIDS statistics for the rest of the match
>this goes on for 20 minutes
>fully expect to log in banned any day
>never happens

Consoles kept alive overwhelmingly by digital preorders

How? They give you the rules to follow to play online.
If you go in a bar and start insulting other patrons, you will be kicked out. It's not fraud, it's you being an asshat.

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>buy physical disc
>game isn't even on it and it instead has to download 60gb of data
Consoles aren't any better off champ

Because Bethesda pulled this shit? I just bought Sekiro on disc and don't expect it to change anytime soon.

i dont have a credit card so i buy the Amazon ones and put the exact amount i need

>they give you rules to follow
>that aren't legally biding or recognized at any legal level
Keep trying shitstick

Fun fact : Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 game is not on the disk. They were not done with the game by the game they declared it Gold, so they shipped a disk with the demo on it, and you have to actually download the full game.

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In PC? Sadly, yes. I can thank Steam and that Blu-ray never took off.

low iq post

can you imagine being a literal manchild unable to respect some rules. get fucked filth

It's a private area. Just like a house, a server is an owned area of the world. Dont piss off the owners and you will be fine. Go to a bar, insult the owners and patrons and get kicked out and then try to call the cops.

You insulting somebody is not a protected class.

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>Perpertual license
>taking away the ability to play the game
Not. Legal.

You can play the game, just not with other people. Enjoy the singeplayer campaign or the menus champ ;^)

this is what stopped me from buying spyro, why the fuck is this legal, you are not buying what is advertised

>You can play the online only game after you get banned from online
Try again

shit example

You can play the menus

Perpertual liscences can still be removed from the customer at will.

Prove to me that it's not legal. Any actual laws that prevent a buisness from refusing to serve you even if you actively look to offend other customers?

>why the fuck is this legal
Make a lawsuit. I would like to see Activision bleeding some money. Rockstar at least gave you the full game for PC in 7 DVDs.

I only buy physical. If physical is dead, then so is my money going to them.

Factier Fact: Physical medium cannot die.
It is impossible *by definition*. Everything virtual/digital by definition needs a physical support.
That's what's happening: Physical medium is not "dying". It's just being *STOLEN* from you.
That's why piracy should be not only allowed, but even promoted.

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Because compressing audio/textures has fallen out of vogue and its cheaper to sell a disc that says you own the game and can download it than to make a box with multiple discs worth of data in it

>Perpetual licences can still be removed from the customer at will.
No they fucking can't you retard

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>not having a future where Wifi connect to your brain directly


to be fair though, I believe that spyro was one of the few that actually did advertise on the box that there was a need to download additional data, I don't remember if it explicitly said it did not have games 2 and 3 though

Yeah, meanwhile in real life they can just remove it from store and not offer any downloads. Or just ban your account from playing. You wanna cry some EU law? Better take that shit to California court, shillboy.

Learn basic laws.

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You can resell it and get some money back if you wanted to.

you can be banned for trivial shit not only for calling nigger and faggot to some nobody, a man journalist from south america was banned from ps4 because in his account name have the word "kike", people in south america who name is "Enrique" are called kike, the word kike can be a (((slur))) in some countries but in south america is a short name

>Consumer rights don't matter if the developer has their fingers crossed when they sell it to you
Oh I see, you're stupid

Fuck off discord tranny

Go read the TOS of your perpertual liscences, they all have a termination clause.

Just stop being an edgy teen.

>actually heres legal precedent for it being legal

How do you know it doesn't work?
Did you try putting it into your CD player?

Those TOS are illegal you fucking moron

>A company tries to steal another's intellectual property
>The same thing as buying a physical copy of a game which isn't intellectual property
You're actually brainlets

>Physical medium is dead.
Not really Probably on PC but no
Physical games will not go anywhere anytime soon since People still have a market for it, so no

How are they illegal? Show me the law. I literally quoted you the law.

>TOS are illegal
cite a law or a court case frend

You misinterpreted a case, you're disingenuous. Not that I expected any more fro ma corporate bootlicker.

Because they're basically the same as console war fags. They think their option should be the only option.

most places let you make up the differences with cashmoney though

Tell me how it's illegal. Show me a law.

Physical Games are not going anywhere for a long ass time, and they still sell

He'll just default to how mega corporations have enough jewish lawyers to bend space time and make applicable laws bend to their whim when he gets pushed into a corner, I've seen his type, he's disingenuous, he doesn't actually care what the legality is, he's got the "Customer's always right" mentality because he's never had to deal with an entitled customer that quite obviously wasn't right.
He's the type of person that thinks he's fighting the man when he lies about his food being cold to get a free meal at the diner and stiffs the waitress.

Before I do any research for your lazy ass you have to admit, do you think it is morally right for a videogame developer to take away your game after you purchased it? And you do not believe perpetual licenses to be legally binding?

Cutting off access to servers with other players you're hell bent on ruining the experience for isn't physically removing the game from your possession, check and mate.

Opinion isn’t Fact

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You still have access to the offline component, they did not come knocking to your door. They simply banned your access to the online. You are actively ruining the pleasure of other players and you cost them money.

You are the BR.

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That's not what I asked though. Are perpetual licenses legally binding or not?

They don't, 80% of sales are digital. By 2030 it'll be 100%.
It's over let it go.

They are while you're using the fucking service they're providing, yeah.
Same principle goes for literally anything, at any point, you can be banned from a public space for disturbing the peace.

>They don't, 80% of sales are digital. By 2030 it'll be 100%.

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Perpetual licenses have nothing to do with services, they have to do with goods. Are you saying that at any point in time a car manufacturer should be able to take your car away?

soulless post

You still have the good. You are just banned from driving it because you are a danger to other people with it.

Doesn't the government do that with literal licenses?

Fact: if you buy digital, you're a moron.

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So you're honestly arguing that there should be no consumer rights

Maybe because this game is common as fuck.

Consumers right are there. But public protection is still there.

You are allowed to buy your car. You are allowed to use it. Just not drive it on any public road.
Because your license is revoked for not following the rules.

Imagine taking a logic leap this far when you're pushed into a corner because you can't defend saying "Nigger" online.
Yeah buddy, I want corporations to feed us hot rations of dick every day at noon sharp because I don't give a shit you got banned for trolling.
Gonna sue people who own private servers for games for banning you for saying some stupid shit too? They took your access to that server away, or is it different because they're not a corporation even though the same act was carried out?
Fuck off retard.

Since when does "public protection" trump consumer rights?

And I own games that I didn't buy!

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Since you ruin other players fun, with your behavior, which make them not support the game, which mean less profits.

Also, you do know your driver licence can be revoked, right?

>Since when does "public protection" trump consumer rights?
The same way public safety trumps your civil rights, dipshit

I have yet to find a single game that didn't cost less brand new on Amazon as a disc than it does as a download from Microsoft. And obviously if you get the disc pre-owned it will be cheaper still.

E.g. Red Dead Redemption 2. It's currently £60 as a download from Microsoft. Or £35 as a brand new disc from Amazon. Nearly half price, and you get a physical copy of the game, and you won't need as much hard disk space. And you can get the disc pre-owned for £25 if you want to save a bit more.

Digital prices are absurd.

I would be worried if it was real

The only true way
Pirating and Hacked Consoles are the way to go

But you're saying that non legally binding "Social Justice" trumps decades old consumer rights laws.

The amount of mental gymnastics some of you faggots will perform just to justify saying nigger.

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No. You need to support the hobby.

You don't get it. The white race will go extinct if I don't say nigger

>I pirate single player games, cucks, look at me, it's not stealing it's piracy physical=/=digital I'm so fucking smart

nah nu-gaming doesn't worth it.

How is it social justice. Do you even know what social justice is? It's when an individual or group use social media like Manifestations, protests or call your job to get you fired.

It's not even close to social justice. You calling other people insults and getting banned for it, is not a result of social justice. It's a result of capitalism. You cost them money, you make people quit the game, you have to go.

How is banning somebody for saying something you don't like not social justice?

If they are not worth it, then why play and pirate them? If they are worth your time, they are worth your money.

You are just cheap or poor. Accept it and move along.

who are you quoting?

You know someone got upset when they pull a misused /jp/ meme out of their back pocket

Because you ban them for capitalistic reasons. You cost them money. They dont do it because they think that nigger is a bad word. They do it because people dont like being insulted over and over by a 14 yo kid and quit the game.

One bad player can cost them 10-20 players. That's 20 potential players who will not buy the next game or buy DLC or promote the game to other players.

You are not worth 15 players.

yes I accept it, too bad even if I had money I would pay for them.
Get fucked bootlicker.

Damn, I guess all those cucks should just put up with a retard yelling "Fire" in crowded theaters

>too bad even if I had money I would pay for them
Good good

How do I get fucked? You just said that if you had the money you would pay for them.

Get fucked edgy teen?

"Capitalistic reasons" fucking kek. So let me get this straight. At any point in time any business anywhere should be able to come to your house and take their product away from you with no reimbursement with no legal recourse?

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There you go making up those extreme "I din do nuffin they take muh stuff" dystopian shit again when you're actually defending saying nigger a bunch of times in an online match

They dont take the product. You can still start the game.
You just cant access the online component, which is on a private external server because you can follow simple normal rules.

Hey bootlicker

Sup financially irresponsible retard

based and piratepilled

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>you can't use you product as was available when you purchased it
Yeah you can't drive you car because they took everything but the driver's seat but at least you can pretend to drive in in your driveway.

>Ignores the license analogy because it absolutely shitter shatter his "argument"
Get a job

>financially irresponsible
Nice Projection

>Ignores law because it gets in the way of silencing dissenters

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I mean, what kind of person irrationally hates on corporate entities, certainly not people that can comfortably afford the shit they make.
What kind of people can't afford a fucking video game.
Either a child or a failed adult.
It's not baseless if that's what you're playing at.

Because PC is for work, and not entertainment or play.

Tf2 does just fine

>Ignores law
Funnily enough you still haven't pointed out your "law" after all this time

I said I would if you proved to me you weren't a retard, guess what you didn't do?

>I'll provide evidence if you disprove the evidence I have not provided
How did this back and forth go on for so long?

Damn, it took you about 8 posts and being reminded to come up with that?
And you didn't rebutt your "law" claim
Fuck you're on a roll dude.

>when you pirate a game and get better performance, all dlc, and easier use than payfags
feels fucking good

>Not a new IP
>Didn't respond to me
I bet I got under your skin, sorry I called you poor.

People somehow believe trimming clips of them regurgitating video game news they got from a website as "work".

>I'll have a conversation with you if you have an argument
>people should have their things taken away from them for wrongthink
>wait why are you leaving!

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"Wow bro why don't people want to talk about 9/11 conspiracies and niggers while they're trying to unwind on a video game dude, why am I getting reported?!"

it's financial cuckoldry

I'll spell it out for you, that other user's point has nothing to do with hate speech and everything to do with the fact that their library THAT THEY PAID FOR was locked away from them for an arbitrary corporate policy that could change at any time. Legally, a digital platformholder could take away your right to play games you paid for for literally any reason. That's a dangerous road. Hate speech sounds perfectly reasonable, but what is actually designated as hate speech changes with time. Or they could decide some other kind of behavior is suddenly unacceptable, behavior YOU personally believe is fine, behavior lots of others find to be okay. It could be something as stupid as playing a class YOU want to play in a game while everyone else is cursing at you to play something you hate. It could be literally anything.

Someone being legally able to take away a product you paid for for literally any reason is shitty and it's anti-consumer. Digital distribution is anti-consumer as hell.

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I've played for like a year with UFC UT custom character modeled after mc from American History X, was fully expecting to get notification that my character has been deleted any day, never happened.

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>What kind of people can't afford a fucking video game.
Either a child or a failed adult.
You assume to much especially for how baseless it is
I just don’t give a damn I take what I want, try again

>make claim
>people ask for proof
>stupid stupid stupid
I'm just shocked at how far it went beyond

>be kid, buy a game
>get pic related
>fuck even 7th era games gave you similar content
>fast forward now, buy game at full price
>get plastic case with code in it for download and forced day one patch.

just why?

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*Hits pipe*

>say nigger
>house disappears

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Sony should just ban the offending player and refund them the remainder of their subscription, pro rata.

I'm pretty sure any business has the right to refuse a sale for whatever reason they like - as long as they're not discriminating on the grounds of sex, race, etc. Right? And that's perfectly fine. Businesses should be able to do that. If you go into a restaurant and you act like a wanker, the restaurant should absolutely have the right to eject you. Same thing for if you do it on Sony's online multiplayer platform. Businesses have no obligation to put up with you acting like a child.

Yeah, you just don't give a darn, that's why you're defending it so rabidly.

Games' budget increased. The games didn't increased prices just because of the rise of digital.

Fact: PC gaming is dead.

Attached: pc-gaming.png (723x590, 71K)

>say nigger
>car boots you out while driving
>umm no sweety, you're costing the company money

Giving businesses the right to make up their own laws outside of federal and local oversight is the problem here.


Why do so many people want this? Buying pre-owned physical games is the cheapest way to get them. Most PS4 games go way down in price after they have been out for a month or two whilst the PS Store version is still full price for at least a year. The only reason they lower the prices is to compete with physical copies anyway. If all games were digital only they would probably stay at $60 forever.

> that's why you're defending it so rabidly
You assume to much, try again

aren't these the same faggots that also said VR would take off like crazy this time?

Only in the US, where the PC market is half dead to begin with in comparison to the EU.

If you dont own anything, you cant be robbed user. Its kinda silly, but its true.

When you dont own anything, have only few debts to your name and decide that the country you live in is shit, juat take another loan, buy plane ticket and try the luck elsewhere.

Sometimes owning things only holds you down. Pic extremly related. Would you stay in spain or ukraine? I wouldnt if i didnt own anything there.

Attached: beee yourself.jpg (1024x576, 81K)

>say trannies aren't women
>dog dies

>say that africans have an average IQ of 70
>lose health insurance
>get fired
>wife and kids leave you
>government comes and takes your guns so you can't kill yourself
>Try to hand yourself but the rope and stool manufacture shows up and take your rope and stool
>government locks you in a padded cell for the rest of your life
>guy next to you "At least you didn't say nigger"