Dark Souls 2........SOUL
Dark Souls 2........SOUL
why are das2 bosses so SOULful bros?
I'm glad Yea Forums is finally realizing that Dark Souls II is best Dark Souls.
It's not, it's shit and the worst.
based ds2 as best recognizer
Kill yourself, ds2fag.
i'm the last person who ever would but it's nice to know that you have this kind of pain in your heart. maybe you'd feel better if you played ds2?
I've enjoed it despite the flaws, dumping some webms
*ahem* Fuck offline sunlight medal drop rates. Praise my arse
Heavenly Thunder is so satisfying here
ds2 is the only mitsubishiyaki game i enjoyed. i usually hate jap shit but this had so much SOUL it almost hurt.
Its literally DS1 with more stuff, minus the great world design. If you like any other DS you have to like 2 by default.
Dark Souls 2 is the best.
>most diverse environments in teh series
>longest in the series
>most amount of weapons in the series
>most amount of armor and customization in the series
>biggest build variaty in the series
>most amount of magic/miracles/hex/pyros
>best online mode in the series
>easiest to start a build in the series
>bst girls in the series
>best and most SOULful covenants
>3 weapon slots in each hand
>4 ring slots
>dual wielding and power stance
>offers rewards for fun challenges such as no death run
>NG+ has new enemies/items/events and some remixed bosses
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
>reddit hates it
QOL improvements
>you can skip logos at startup (without mods)
>R3 to jump
>you can choose how many of the same item you want to consume at the same time
>weapon durability bar below weapon icon
>inventory items displayed in grids instead of list
>climb ladders faster and being able to let go of ladders
>roll through doors to open them faster
>can turn a specific area to NG+ mode (Bonfire Ascetic)
>can continue your playthrough after beating the last boss and can choose when to start NG+
It's DS1 with worse combat, graphics, controls, quality, and lore. It only has more content, but said content isn't better.
shit I didn`t know you could that. does it make the fight way easier?
Big Dawg is fucking based
>>most diverse environments in teh series
I didn't know nintendo 64 assets were a positive thing in the current year.
If you don't think powerstancing is the tightest shit in the whole series get the fuck off my board.
That fight is already a cakewalk though
>Proper dual wielding
>Bonfire Ascetics
The only things 2 needs to be the best
God forbid there are innovations in the Souls formula
DS1 > DS3 > DS2
Yeah since he can't hit you with hos weapon.
He will still try to hit you with his none existing hand which is funny as fuck.
Covetous demon... SHIT.
Reminder dark souls 2 was terrible on release and nothing you sotfs revisionists say will change that.
>soul memory shafting your pvp experience
>dark magic completely gamebreaking
>removed the kick in favor of stupid weapon bash thing
>aldia keep ogre thingys
>60fps durability issue
I don't care about architecture making sense and level interconnectivity, I don't care about the importance of estus flasks being limited and health gems trivializing everything
I do care about the absolute trash monster design that plagues half if not more of DaS2, those ogres, the weird turtles with hammers, blue smelter ect.
Weirdly enough I absolutely loved the game on release and thought it was way better than DeS/DaS but over time that faded
He's been doing this for YEARS. Check the archives.
Don't forget a few other things such as
>Blue fun police that actually works
>Being able to infuse Boss/Twinkling Weapons
>Poison actually does something
>Being able to wield weapons with their full moveset in the left hand
Didn't even know you could do this. Why can you do so much cool stuff in such a pants on head easy fight?
dual caestus was fun as fuck in DS2
I hope you are not seriously bashing it for that
I remember when I first fought him.
>Dodge through his attack
>Character doesn't react to being hit, meaning I successfully dodged, right?
>Half my health gone
It was then that I knew.
>dark magic completely gamebreaking
>dark beads u
>heh nothin personnel hollow
>soul memory sharing your pvp experience
Undeadburg twink detected. Endgame tiers are too massive to effect pvp in any meaningful way. If you're doing anything but trying to invade early areas with fully upgraded equipment this is literally a non-issue.
>>aldia keep ogre thingys
>tfw baiting ogres into doing their ass slam move so I can play one-handed
>>biggest build variaty in the series
This alone made me put 200+ hours in DS2 and go all the way up to NG+7.
You only get the dark beads in Oolacile if I remember correctly so it doesn't affect a large amount of the game
I didn't mean to imply magic was broken in any way in PVP terms
Imagine roleplaying a silver knight invader in Anor Londo in 1, you could maybe do 3-4 hours of successful invades before you're way too high in terms of SM
It's a stupid system punishing a majority for the acts of a minority
Like who the fuck cares if you get fucked by some random invader in the burg, no fun allowed man
>Virgin Undead and Ashen Virgin will forever struggle with the curse and eventually become Hollow
>Chad of the Curse finds a way to break it permanently with some snazzy headgear
>"it's shit and the worst"
The reddit opinion
You forgot
>best soundtrack in the series
>best starting area in the series
>best atmosphere in the series
>you can roll.through gestures
I prefer 1 and 3 as well but I have to admit that the ds2 dlcs are very good
More like the sane opinion. You retards just like eating shit
>muh plebbit
twinking pursuers in DS1 so I could spam it on low level people in anor londo was one of the best parts of being a twink dickwraith
it's not even that hard to counter and any build that couldn't stop it likely wouldn't beat O&S so I was doing all those scrubbers a favor by showing them their build was shit and they needed to git gud
>Work hard to get special crown
>Half the helms in the game look cooler anyway
The struggle
If I remember correctly having around 25 adaptability was enough to prevent pretty much all the "shockwave" bullshit.
It was stupid but still avoidable.
>Tons of concrete points as to why every game in the series has both good and bad points
>Except 2
>Ignore everything good it did and just say UM SOUL MEMORY FLOATING VOLCANO!!!!!!!
dark souls 2 is the opposite of soul
dark souls 2 has the most interesting locations and level design of the entire franchise.
Like clockwork.
Imagine being too retarded to loook up the soul memory ranges and invasion calculator and the rewards for successful invasions. If you're pricing yourself out of invasions at certain points you've spent an autistic amount of time invading there. Add in the agape ring and it's even more of a non issue.
with the greatsword the game is so easy
>Implying this doesn't happen when 3 and Sekiro are brought up
Nah, clubs are the real easymodo
I honestly had no idea you could do that.
>removed the kick in favor of stupid weapon bash thing
i mean, it looks stupid but it's 100% better in terms of gameplay
try with a friend with a havel shield or something and kick his guard open in 1 or 3
literally useless for breaking guards, only used to counter rolls.
in 2 at least it's a shield hard counter.
also helps since you can make a 100% indestructible shield that does 400+ damage per bash that soaks up all damage
pretty much the only good dlc there, sunken was really boring and had shitty bosses and ivory used the cat too much and fuck that tedious outdoor area
>Dark Souls 2 has glaring faults like Soul Memory or ADP that hinder the overall experience
>Yes but let's not be blind to the faults in the other games in the se
3 and Sekiro are only ever brought up when some assmad ds2fag needs to try and change topics when he can't defend his shit pile of a game.
this. finally Yea Forums sees the light.
either that or weapon arts, both are cool are shit.
a non-useless backstep is what sells it for me
the funny part is if DS2 re-released without ADP and soul memory it would be praised by the same people saying DS2 "is finally good!"
>Yea Forumseddit gets on the B-Team Souls hate bandwagon after faggotosis """critique""" video
>shit on based B-Team Souls game for years for being inferior to memezaki's A-Team
>"""""A"""""-Team releases the sequel
>it's pure undiluted SHIT
Have you apologized to the B-Team yet, Yea Forums?
memes aside, i think this single bonefire is one of the most open location in the entire series in terms of how many routes you can take from it, it rivals most other hubs if you don't count teleports
Deluded Dark Souls 2 faggot anime posting retard tries to change the truth? What a shocker. 2 was hated from launch, you delusional fucker. That video only fanned the flames, but it didn't start anything specific.
what the hell is this thread?
So you're allowed to pick apart DaS2 like Vultures while ignoring everything good it had, but if someone tries to point out flaws in other games in the series they are "assmad"?
Holy shit you people really need to get off Miyazaki's dick.
had no idea you could do that, neat
It's a stupid restriction that helps noone but bottom of the barrel shitters
>Reminder dark souls 2 was terrible on release
>bellfaggotry for days
>ratbros keeping it real
>fun on the iron keep bridge
They were the best days.
PvP was the best in DaS2, the actual PvE was kinda shit though with the broken hitboxes, bad level design, etc.
>the actual PvE was kinda shit though with the broken hitboxes
Every single day I regret not saving that video of the guy dodging all of fume knight's attacks with fucking gestures and the artorias anime flip
It only restricts invaders incapable of taking down hosts on even leveling terms.
I absolutely love these guys. It's not just the running, this webm really doesn't do them justice, it's ALL of their animations
It's like there were two different animators working separately on the top and bottom of the character model, and they were not allowed to see or speak to eachother
It's genuinely amazing
funny shit like this only makes me like ds2 more
Fuck no, because it wouldn't solve the shitty level design, world design, graphics, bosses, and gameplay.
This imagine can be used as a direct reflection of the gameplay, lore and ofc graphics of Dark Souls 2.
Cope, DS2fags.
>Invade in Dark Souls 2
>Phantoms are unable to use Estus
>Repeat summonings when your phantoms die are pretty much impossible
>Invade in Dark Souls 3
>Pic related
PvP in Belfry Luna was pure fucking soul.
There are genuinely "set pieces" far worse, especially in Aldia's keep.
Not only is the Guardian Dragon an absolutely terrible boss, but just standing in his arena and looking around shows how overly ambitious and underdeveloped their ideas were
The IDEA for the area and the surroundings was neat, but it all looks worse than a PS2 game
Because for every good thing 2 did it did 15 things bad, while the the other games have a very decent ratio of not fucking things up.
Why does everyone want to be Guts.....fuckin get creative faggots
>in a game marketed as "le most difficult game"
haha yeah
>DSP gets backstabbed.webm
*cackles in skeleton*
The fact that some hitboxes are broken means you have to treat all the hitboxes as shit unless you autistically memorize which enemies are good or bad.
>gomen sensei...I must use THAT technique...
Because it was designed that way.
>When you're fighting a 2 boss and they DON'T have three forms and anime flips
Oooo, I hate that!
This thread has made me realise an important fact.
For all its flaws, Dark Souls 2 was and still is the best multiplayer game of the series by far.
Best PvP
Best Invasions
Best Covenants
Small Soapstones
Introduced the password system
What's wrong with this anyway? He gets parried and the counter attack animation is the skeleton spinning him around to stab him in the back. It's not a fucking teleporting backstab.
nothing is wrong with it, its just funny
That's soul right there.
>it's treason then
If only they could remove soul memory so that I could enjoy the game.
>loved every souls game and adored bloodborne
>end up being utterly disinterested and disappointed in DaS3
Can't be the only one.
Based. Look at those terrible need 6000 ADP dodge roll hitboxes.
Only on Yea Forums are innovations in gameplay rendered obsolete by "LOOK HOW UGLY THIS SCREENSHOT IS"
>Dark Souls 2
What a god damn joke.
>getting stabbed by one of the most easily dodgeable attacks in the game
Git gud
Dark Souls 2 might be the weakest game overall but it has some moments of genuine soul that eclipse AotA and Dark Souls 3 and BB such as the OP webm, The Gutter, the basic philosophy behind how the world was laid out (poorly executed in some parts of course)
Lets pretend it didn't invent the password system for co-op.
Lets pretend it didn't have Small Soapstones
Lets pretend it didn't have powerstancing
Lets pretend it didn't have left handed weapons
Lets pretend it didn't have Bonfire Ascetics
Now that we got that out of the way, dude floating volcanoes lmao
zoomer shitters just cant into gameplay , hope we get real VR soon so they all can be permanently transported into some gay uber high graphic virtual reality and let the real gamers do their thing
>DaS2 was the first souls game to allow you to cancel gestures with a roll (they didn't even think of using it in BB and even put in the fucking motion control inputs)
>upgrading shields actually made it interesting and having some shields, with specific infusions, reach certain magic damage 100% blocks, instead of just increasing stability
>most varied amount of spells overall from all the games
yeah but have you seen the jpg trees in forest of fallen giants?
nobody cares about great gameplay mechanics grandpa
>Small Soapstones
Wow look at all this pointless, miniscule, shit. Powerstancing is also extremely overrated.
>So what if the combat is clunky and unresponsive? Who cares if the level design is fucking trash? Good Bosses? What's that?
Fuck off.Innovation my asshole.
Let me help add to your list
-Sprinting while locked on
-Can roll in any direction while locked on
Kinda funny how when you go play Bloodborne it feels like a step backwards with how you can only dash in four directions while locked on and sprinting while locked on is out of the question.
e-celeb worshippers are weak dumb faggots too stupid to form their own opinions
Oh yeah, and
-Jumping with L3
I like DS2 the best for it's PvP and most importantly that you could play different kinds of builds even early in the game. I hated DS3 so much for the fact that you can stick miracles or magic inside ur ass for like 2/3 of the game until they they get useful.
>It's a stupid restriction that hinders noone but bottom of the barrel shitters
>the only game in the series which doesn't force you to grind
when the fuck does any souls game ever force you to grind
>Make fun of people pretending things don't exist
>Reply that's meant to prove me wrong pretends things in my post don't exist
You couldn't make this shit up I swear
Can't forget the fact that it started Bonfire warping that isn't shit, added consumables that were actually worthwhile, and started the Torch trend
I remember playing DS2 after DeS and DaS
I immediately noticed the lower iframes, which were even lower on PC due to lol 60fps but I never levelled ADP and never had a real problem with dodging attacks and finished the game fine
retards whining about ADP are literally "sekiro needs ez mode"-tier shitters
The problem is that you see all the DS2 criticism ITT but only focus on the people talking about how fucking ugly the game it, you god damn moron.
This, im never getting the sunlight spear because im a lazy fuck.
Dark Souls had lanterns.
On my first play as a pure mage i finished ds3 with the 2 shitty starting spells because in never found that stupid orbeck fuck
Aldrich and Lothric were a total nightmare , i had to use my crappy fire dagger cause one was almost magic immune and the latter was too fuckin fast
man it was a great time desu, wasting half a day on those bosses
Lets pretend it didn't add the respec system
Lets pretend it didn't allowed you to buff and infuse boss and twinkling weapons
Lets pretend it didn't have the most interesting covenant to exist, the ratchads
Lets pretend it didn't add a way to opt out of PvP for shitters by using a consumable resource
man I can't believe the only thing Dark Souls 2 invented was Soul Memory! How did B team get away with adding nothing to the series but soul memory bros?
>all of these features
>in the worst Souls
On one hand it's not fair: Why make replayability out of the least playable Souls game? Why have all this passwording and other summon options when its for shit like Covetous and lol2headSpider?
On the other it makes PERFECT sense: It's all they could salvage out of this game.
So far, the 'less features' is helping Sekiro's focus but I'm still undecided on it.
>Dark Souls 1 lets you cut off enemy tails and certain appendages, preventing them from doing attacks
>Dark Souls 2 has 3-4 different limbs you can cut off despite twice as many bosses
>deadzones while walking bad
>deadzones while rolling (DS1) based
nuh uh you faggot
git gud noob
>the basic philosophy behind how the world was laid out (poorly executed in some parts of course)
How is it more interesting than Lordran's history? Where does DS2 take place anyway, dreams?
>never found that stupid orbeck fuck
Better question: why does this site parrot the same words and phrases endlessly?
one is actually important in combat
but let's not forget that DS1 fags defend this
NG+ with new items
This but for ds2
>Lets pretend it didn't add a way to opt out of PvP for shitters by using a consumable resource
You could just choose to play offline in Dark Souls by cutting your internet connection, you fucking baboon.
and new enemies
If there was one thing I wish the following games took from DS2, this is it
Anyone else selling sorceries?I didnt find them
soul arrow and greater soul arrow , that was all i had the whole game lol
i meant how the fuck you have missed him?
Also it's the only souls where magic isn't ass and is useful in all content.
Ah, I see you typed what he typed, only in caps lock. Well played.
Nice hitbox at 33. I saw it
not that user but he is kinda out of the way and I can definitely imagine someone missing him
Ah yes, I'm the problem.
It's not that you, instead of acknowledging that Bonfire Ascetics are actually an amazing feature just reply literally "DUDE LMAO" and ignore points in my post so that you can say Dark Souls 2 innovated nothing.
You're the fucking baboon. Shitlords too scared to PvP could opt out of it by burning effigies while also still being able to play with friends or summon 12 phantoms to help them kill a boss. It's a decent feature that Dark Souls 2 had, and it was removed for no reason.
Oh I can't wait for the reply where you say it's good that it was removed because invading hosts with 3 phantoms is loads of fun right?
To be fair, this was edited to make the boss work this way. This isn't a genuine glitch.
>but what about dark souls 3?!?!?!?
I did and that's that
>and new enemies. If there was one thing I wish the following games took from DS2, this is it
DeS started this and the 'hard mode' option with pure black world tendancy. That system was just jank as fuck. I also wish there was an option not to have DS1's additional enemies hidden behind a broken covenant.
They may have opted out of doing this to make the initial playthroughs better. Why wait til NG+ to have the best enemy compositions?
my sides
Oh and it was also the first Souls that gave players the freedom to start NG+ whenever they want as opposed to forcing credits to roll when the final boss died
Everyone knows it's a fucking edit you cum guzzling spergmonkey.
>and it was removed for no reason.
You could summon NPC phantoms anyway and summoning for bosses helps no one because you don't learn how to play the game and it actually makes the boss harder by bloating its damage output and health pools. Only retarded shitters needed this shit and it isn't even innovative like you want to think.
>it's not that you
No, you unironically just started bitching about people complaining about graphics when no one only ever complained about the graphics, it was only one aspect of the complaints. Nice backpedal.
based skeletons
Imagine being a 2cuck on purpose
>innovations in gameplay rendered obsolete by "LOOK HOW UGLY THIS SCREENSHOT IS"
Soul memory and ADP are gameplay and not graphics. You are now cherry picking like crazy to make a point. There is so much wrong with the GAMEPLAY of 2, not just the visuals and setting. You two are delusional.
DS2fags don't.
DS2fag here, I know that its not real
When are they releasing this Berserk game?
Still waiting for you to tell me why Dark Souls 2 didn't invent the password system for co-op that was used in future souls games and why Bonfire Ascetics, Powerstancing and Left Handed Weapons are bad features that didn't exist and needed to be removed.
>Now that we got that out of the way, dude floating volcanoes lmao
I'll never be more annoyed at how easy this is to fix, it's so fucking stupid.
Just make a tall ass mountain behind EP and put the elevator THERE, we can tell there was a mountain at one point through the bonfire thumbnail, what happened? And if not any of that, why not just teleport them instead?
lying 2cuck kys zoomer
I'd never defend Soul Memory, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with ADP
>Waaah i dont get free infinite i-frame rolls at level 1
maybe git gud , ds2 is for the hardcore gamer
Which infusion should I use for the Brigand Twindaggers in DS3? Sharp, Blood or Hollow?
DS2 is still the best after DeS.
Just what is it about shit souls 2 that attracts the worst subhuman contrarians this site has ever seen? They're even worse than the shit stain that constantly tries to force "sick dark" and that faggot that keeps posting his 100% in bloodborne threads.
Not that user but I can forgive missing Orbeck, but two sorceries? Really? Like there tons lying around all over the place, especially in late game, and boss souls make some as well
Literally how?
>Everyone knows Soul Memory is bad
>People talking about actual good features that Dark Souls 2 had
>no those good features DON'T EXIST BECAUSE SOUL MEMORY BAD
I wonder what it's like to live in your world.
The sequels are a Bamco'd shitshow, it's amazing DS1 ended up as good as it is
honestly one of my favourite things das2 did was the streamlined weapon upgrades, 10 upgrades and infusions being a separate dimension was way better than DaS1s system or DeS' horrible system.
Indisputable Fact: Dark Souls 2 had the best gestures
The only one i remember finding was crystal hail from the sage but that spell was useless af
i found scrolls but never got use of them because you need uncle orbeck apparently to read them to you
oh and there was also that one from ocerios but that was also ass cause you have to be close to use it
>There is nothing wrong with every character putting the same amount of points into a stat just to make their roll hit box match the animation
Again, you two are delusional. The stat does not encourage build diversity and creates many frustrations for players because the game is so poorly designed. Maybe if they had actually made different roll animations to match the changing hitbox it could have been interesting but even then it's just a dump stat past a certain level but necessary before then. That is the worst kind of stat.
I wasn't talking to anyone. I read a conversation where someone mentioned that for every 2 things Dark Souls 2 did right gameplay wise it did 15 things bad and the person responded by monging out about graphics when the post didn't say anything about graphics. When I see shit as delusional as that I call out. I hate when people do shit like that, put words in other peoples mouth or argue with a straw man. In fact you just did it you raging retard, when did I ever say the good things 2 added don't exist? I didn't but you needed to make up that I did in order to argue a point because you would rather argue with your make believe straw man.
that's 3, only for the fact that it's the only game that lets you do the Patches Squat
I thought the days of people actually trying to defend ADP were over. Do you really think it's a good thing? Base stat agility is fucking awful by pretty much all players' account leaving most players to pump the first 10-20 levels into ADP. What a great stat.
Why are DS2 fags always shitting on 3?
I was mad that "This one's me" didn't make it to the other games. It is still the the best.
>but there is absolutely nothing wrong with ADP
i would totally pay $60 for a remastered version with better graphics, lighting and mod support, etc
Emerald Herald sitting on the boulder and kicking her legs is peak souls, 10/10 would buy Scholar of the second and third sin for her.
>the enemy actually flies with the golf swing
I miss this. Why did they patch that out
>Quote post
>I wasn't talking to anyone
I wasn't talking to you either user. How dare you assume that. In fact I'm not talking to you now.
But by this point, everyone knows that Dark Souls 2 horribly shit the bed with SM and to a less extent, ADP.
But no matter what you do, if you try to mention ANYTHING good that Dark Souls 2 did, the first response is always SOUL MEMORY BAD as if that completely invalidates the good points of the game.
It dropped a lot of the improvements Dark Souls II made. Also, a lot of people are buttmad that it didn't take place in a totally different setting like Dark Souls II did.
How can you like this trash?
Woah there, as much as I really like DaS2 I think the AGI stat is it's fatal flaw. It just doesn't encourage a unique playstyle. In fact for new players it's almost mandatory which is a bad thing.
DS2 was one big wacky adventure and I loved it. Bought it twice. This was the one where I did a lot more PvP in and tried a bunch of builds, in DS1 I just did Coop mostly.
No way is still the greatest shitpost.
You need str to use a shield , you need adp to roll , dont see what's your problem
you can be a rolly tank if you invest in both if you like
Scholar of the First Sin was the "remaster", you're probably thinking about a full blown remake.
I just can't endure the poorly mocapped animations
Man i liked Too Human and Superman 64 Fractured was fun too
I can like anything.
Nice cherry picking.
the lagging isnt even the worst thing about this video, its that TWO people are using the Flamberge
oh and also , you can time your rolls and never need adp,again you got spoiled with ds3's easy infinite i-frame rolls
This ADP critique can also be applied to HP and Stamina. It's a stat that every kind of build needs, but if you're good enough you can time your rolls perfectly and instead spend the souls on damage.
I agree that DS2 could and should've had more roll animations, but to be fair this applies to all Souls games besides DS1. And still, as far as rolls are concerned, DS2 has weight checks for every 10%, while in most other games it's just fast roll/fat roll/no roll, with DS1 having ninja rolls and mid rolls
yes, thats it, also i would like them to fix some of the models. but i guess its just not realistic, even if the money can be made
Look at all that SOUL bros.
Thank god there was no soul memory in this masterpiece
Because they're all PVP fags and PVP sucks in DaS III
Dark Souls 2 is jank kino.
why do people hate so much on it?
>E-celeb shits on 2, causing youngfags infesting Yea Forums to also shit on 2
>3 is the most popular Souls game with youngfags
The reanimated statues in Drangleic Castle are even worse
I want them to bring back pre-patch MLGS swing speed. It's that stupid crystal magic weapon that brought attention for it to be nerfed unnecessarily.
>EH > MiB
Please user. EH is cute, but will never trump pancake queen
Because the hivemind decided so
>mundane dagger
Ah, the memories.
Too hard, doesn't have particle effect spam, and I-frame spam is nerfed
Because, in an effort to distance itself from the disaster that was Soul Memory, they cut pretty much every feature from Dark Souls 2, even the really good ones, because b team bad.
An open challenge to anyone: Scroll through this thread and find the good features from Dark Souls 2 mentioned in several posts and tell me why they weren't in Dark Souls 3 without mentioning that Dark Souls 2 was a bad game.
>trying to shoehorn ds1 in with the actually good games
yikes. its as much of a dumpster fire as the sequels
I'd play Dark Souls II a dozen times over before I play Dark Souls 3 again. 3 was a fucking piece of shit
This is me when I find an anti-ds2fag
build variety sucked donkey balls in 3 as well
God awful first impression at release. The downgrade, running into SM, dealing with ADP. If you were a poor fuck playing on 360 or PS3 you also had this god awful grey, brightened look you couldn't fix. It was a nightmare.
chameleon shenanigans is one of the few good things about souls multiplayer
how did you glitch gundyr to make his animations slower?
Where could I start? I actually liked it when it came out, but now it just feels bad to play.
ecelebs on jewtube told them so
In this thread we list things that make Dark Souls 2 the best Souls game. I'll start:
>Non-linear 1st half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas that contain the items for your build
>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to drink while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regen is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not OP damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits can't drink estus, spirits can only heal via spell usage. This makes fighting outnumbered without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform 4 rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allows for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocks an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in DS3
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without going through the whole game again
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Most build variety, effectively pull off any build you want
>Best replayability, customization, and fashion in the series
Dark Souls 2 does have soul, it has the same kind of soul that the STALKER games or EYE has.
>miyazaki plays ds2 pvp
I guess you mongoloids can't read
>Maybe if they had actually made different roll animations to match the changing hitbox it could have been interesting
The issue isn't that rolls change in I-frames, the issue is the visuals don't change in anyway to represent this. This makes understanding how ADP and i-frames work extremely difficult if you don't look shit up online. It's much easier to deal with once you understand but I have no clue why fags like you defend this lazy, obtuse design where the speed or animation of the roll never changes, just the i-frames. It's the root of why so many people were frustrated with the game and why some still think the stat is useless.
>This ADP critique can also be applied to HP and Stamina.
Not quite, ADP drops off in usefulness way faster, that is one of my biggest gripes with it. If it didn't drop off as quickly it would be more interesting and add more build variety. By comparison would you like it if HP and stamina stopped doing anything at like level 20. Even when they hit their soft caps they still do something, ADP does literally nothing at the soft cap of about 25-30.
>But no matter what you do, if you try to mention ANYTHING good that Dark Souls 2 did, the first response is always SOUL MEMORY BAD as if that completely invalidates the good points of the game.
Maybe spend less time arguing with the people you invent in greentext and more time arguing with the people who are actually talking to you and you won't have this issue. Also some people clearly think ADP is a brilliant idea as you can see by the DS2 fanboys responding to me.
>tell me why they weren't in Dark Souls 3
Bad communication between the two teams
You'd think that, even a simple thing like cancelling gestures, would make it into Bloodborne, since it was being developed around the same time as DaS2
>Scroll through this thread and find the good features from Dark Souls 2 mentioned in several posts and tell me why they weren't in Dark Souls 3 without mentioning that Dark Souls 2 was a bad game.
Because they are both insanely rushed games; DS3 is as rushed on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. There's nothing in either game as realized and as broad as DS1's world design, so good that PCGamer put the broken fucking PtD edition in their top 10 PC games ever shit.
based and soulspilled
>Bad communication between the two teams
>Because they are both insanely rushed games
But that would mean that A-Team did something wrong. I mean you're basically pissing down my throat by saying Miyazaki did something incorrectly.
>Maybe spend less time arguing with the people you invent in greentext and more time arguing with the people who are actually talking to you and you won't have this issue.
>"Soul memory and ADP are gameplay and not graphics."
You're right user, I'm sorry I invented you, I'll now will you out of existence.
>hit enemy in morrowind
>doesnt connect because no stats
>Yea Forums says its okay
>dodge attack in ds2
>connects because no stats
>Yea Forums says its bad
>You'd think that, even a simple thing like cancelling gestures, would make it into Bloodborne, since it was being developed around the same time as DaS2
More than that was ever thinking dodge to run OR jump was a smart idea. Like did they have some real shitters keep pressing L3 or something during QA or playtesting? Was someone accidentally jumping with the left stick more than the guy accidentally jumping instead of dodging after a run?
git gud
>Get creative
>A fucking meme face that doesn't look like anything along some random armor
Or are you going to tell me it's some obscure character from somewhere?
>I mean you're basically pissing down my throat by saying Miyazaki did something incorrectly.
Who the fuck gives a shit, I just wanted a good sequel to DS1 that I never got. Now I have to worry about something worse than a C-team, Bamco giving the reigns to some other assholes.
>DaS2 brought us the blessing that is the L3 jump
Completely forgot about that, god bless the B-team
>you just level up your stats in both games
"Invulnerability frames" is the weirdest fucking stat to allow leveling, though - like a stat that exclusively affects "winding up" for attacks but not the actual swings.
nice cherrypicking 2cuck
I liked that you were showered in levelups so you can easily have a STR build that still has enough FTH and ATN to cast Sacred Oath and Dark Weapon (all while having 105 AGI as well of course)
I also preferred the delayed i-frames on rolls that allow you to roll early into boss attacks instead of just spamming rolls
Name a level from 3 that is not
>Gray castle
>Dusty church
>complaining about a floating lava island in a FANTASY game
Untended Graves :^)
based b team
Undead Settlement
Demon Ruins
Smouldering Lake
Irithyll Dungeon
Painting of Ariandel
N-nooooo! Time is convoluted!!!
excuse me, WHAT?
"hit detection" is the weirdest fucking stat to allow leveling, though - like a stat that exclusively affects "wind up" for attacks but not the actual swings.
Okay now name a single one of those that isn't just copied almost wholly from DS1
impossible geography? in MY fantasy game? bakana
>Archdragon Peak
>Ringed City
>Profaned Capital
>both versions of the Cemetary of Ash
I can't play 2 anymore.
I tried to replay it recently, after playing bb/3/sekiro the controls and enemy responsiveness etc. just felt too... off.
>have the elevator go down, put lava castle in giant cave
>put elevator back in mountains, quick 20sec jog, "oh this elevator goes up the mountain i just went into"
>MAGICLMAO just teleport you to lava place from like her broken mirror or something
like literally anything could've been done instead and it wouldve been better i dont get it
You mean the first half of DS1.
its just an illusion or just like in ds3, convergence of worlds
Okay now name a single one of those that isn't just copied almost wholly from DS2
time and space are convoluted in dark souls
This thread was made by HBomberguy and his tranny squad.
>Demon Ruins
>Irithyll Dungeon
Gray castle
>Painting of Ariandel
>Has a dusty church and a swamp
The level up curve was changed so it would work better with soul memory. Cheap early levels and then everyone hits a wall after SL200 so that SM tier would become the largest.
not gonna lie that doesn't look too bad for a tranny
I never understood why everyone bitched about multiple enemies in 2 but not in 3
Is it just because 3 is faster in general so you can easily scoot out of the way of multiple enemies instead of running in circles to get running attacks in?
Not Izalith thats for sure, even though it has best lore. Second half is where it becomes Demon's Souls; for better or worse, there's probably a reason the games aren't that bullshit anymore (worse imo)
>when you become the boss
Undead Settlement
Irithyll Dungeon
Irithyll itself
Road of Sacrifices
Catacombs (the layout)
Archdragon Peak
Cathedral of the Deep
Lothric Castle
Profaned Capital
Dreg Heap
Ringed City
are all different and distinct from areas in 1, really the only similar areas are
>Farron Swamp
>Grand Archives
>Anor Londo (duh)
>>Demon Ruins
>>Irithyll Dungeon
>Gray castle
none of those are castles 2fag
>>Painting of Ariandel
>>Has a dusty church and a swamp
it doesn't have a swamp
>ignoring all the other areas because it has ONE church
There's a reason for the lava elevator, but it's not in game lore.
The entire game world was shuffled around last minute in development for some reason. You can tell that Earthen Peak was originally supposed to descend into the Catacombs, because the Gravewardens start turning up as you reach the end.
>nuttin' personnel, kiddo
Soul Memory, the severe downgrade, janky animations, agility, pre-order weapons, lack of polish, all that combined with people lauding the series as gods gift to man, left a bad impression.
The game is not the worst game in existence like some people say, but there's no way you can change their minds.
>t. tranny
I specifically said you were supposed to name the ones of those already named that aren't copies but okay
>Undead Settlement
It's the burg
>Irithyll Dungeon
It's literally just the Depths or Doors of Pharros
>Irithyll itself
Giant church in the middle
>Road of Sacrifices
>Catacombs (the layout)
Still copied from DS1
>Archdragon Peak
Copied from DS2
>Cathedral of the Deep
>Lothric Castle
>Profaned Capital
>Dreg Heap
>Ringed City
Hi Lost Bastille/Brume Tower
The character movement is terrible and floaty. You can't rotate a swing more than 90 degrees if you're not locked on to something with 99% of weapons. The animations are all flaccid and the sound design compounds the weak animation issue by making nothing feel like it has any impact. From the environments to the UI, it's ugly as fuck, a clear downgrade from the first game. Shockwaves. Nonsensical world design, completely bland areas to play in. Boring, easy bosses that are made even easier with the existence of life gems, by far the worst boss designs in any soulsborne games. The only ""challenging"" parts of the game are just the tiny rooms filled with enemy spam. An all-around unsavory experience.
Weapon turning is way more limited, weirder weapon animations, everything costs way more stamina, and lower ADP early on. We're essentially fighting the same amount of enemies but at a bigger disadvantage. It really felt the most like the "dodge dodge hit" meme.
It also makes playing unlocked a pain in the ass, as playing locked ON with multiple enemies can always be a pain in the ass itself.
>Archdragon Peak
>Profaned Capital
Grey castle
>Ringed City
Grey castle, swamp, and dusty church all in one
>It also makes playing unlocked a pain in the ass
you were asking to name areas that weren't in 1, not "which one of these isn't a church/castle/swamp but also not in 1"
>both have Undead in the name, so they're the exact same
>comparing a jail with sewers
>ignoring everything about Irithyll because it has one church
>Road of Sacrifices is a swamp now because it has some water
>both have Catacombs in the name, so they're the exact same
>2 had a Dragon area in a mountain, so they're the exact same
how the fuck do the Dreg Heap and Ringed City correlate to Lost Bastille and Brume Tower?
>it's fantasy! it doesn't have to make sense!
retarded ds2fag coping mechanism strikes again.
it's okay when bethesda does it
go cry about floating platforms in mario
>>Archdragon Peak
>>Profaned Capital
>Grey castle
neither of those have castles
>you were asking to name areas that weren't in 1, not "which one of these isn't a church/castle/swamp but also not in 1"
user, don't you think I'm the authority for what I was asking?
>Okay now name a single one of those
Also, Road of Sacrifices contains Farron keep in the bonfire travel menu so it's a swamp
its not the best, i generally prefer DaS1/BB/sekiro, but for the reasons you list its definitely not as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be. it plays a lot more like an RPG than the other games, in that stats/build can be more of a factor, and it lends itself well to replaying the game.
i love BB, but as an example, wanting to play through with a certain weapon/build is often annoying since most interesting weapons/tools are locked behind late-game content. so you end up playing 50% of the game or more before even getting the weapon(s) you want. in contrast in DaS2 you can rush for many weapons/armors/etc since the beginning is so open.
>>best soundtrack in the series
>>best starting area in the series
>>best atmosphere in the series
Pure lies.
How do I play DS2 in a way that makes it not a boring pile of shit?
start shooting estrogen up your rectum and identify by the pronouns xhe/xher
>Endgame tiers are too massive to effect pvp in any meaningful way
Please stop lying on the internet.
Anyone can tell your definition of "endgame" is just a moving goalpost.
A mouse is useless for melee in Souls games, analog is better the same reason a driving wheel is better than a keyboard. And it fucking sucks especially in DS2 because the mouse button attacks have DEFAULT input lag. Maybe if the camera didn't auto turn when I moved left or right, like a permanent way to have 'elevator camera mode' on.
are DaS2 seethers really stuck on 2014 humor
powerstancing two ultragreatswords
I like reddit.
I've been at Yea Forums since 07.
I drink almond milk.
And I fucked your mom's mouth while you were in your crib.
Dark Souls 3 is a classic.
So you're going to ignore anything those areas do differently solely because they may have one similarity to a previous game? That's autistic as fuck, especially when 2's variety isn't nearly as palatable as people make it out to be. I can't think of an area that isn't
>surrounded by water
>a ruined fortress
>drenched in shadows
>complain about how hard playing unlocked is
>hurr durr but I can't lose my exact 32 degree roll or I will instantly die
>because the mouse button attacks have DEFAULT input lag
Well fucking turn it off then. No one's forcing you to use the double click fuckery
>DaS2 brings in Powerstancing
>People love the FUGS and Door Shields
>Missing from Dark Souls 3
>Both get added in The Ringed City
Big think
seething tranny lmao
>>surrounded by water
Literally doesn't matter for actual exploration. What's next, we're gonna compare skyboxes?
>>a ruined fortress
>>drenched in shadows
Not even gonna bother bringing up examples because we both know at least 80% of all areas aren't either of those
Drangleic castle may not be as pretty as Anor Londo but at least the gameplay and menus aren't janky as fuck and there's heaps of content
>tfw you realize the only reason they brought back Earthen Peak is because they already had the mushroom-bug assets
Fucking lazy
>the area that dictates where your player is and isn't able to walk doesn't matter
Does anybody else miss the ability to upgrade armor? Worst change in dastriple imho
I honest to God don't remember these enemies ever running like this, was it always like that?
DS2 has unironically some of my favorite tunes in the Souls series
>Heide Tower exploration would be totally different if it was the exact same layout but on top of a mountain with deathdrops instead of surrounded by water!
>gameplay and menus aren't janky as fuck
you can't be serious
I mean it works for the meta approach Dreg Heap was going for
>start at the end of DS3 when Lothric is in ruins
>go to the middle of DS2 in Earthen Peak
>fight the Demon Prince in the ruins of Firelink Shrine from DS1
>go past them to the Ringed City, which has existed since before the first game
Looks just like Sekiro hitboxes
Reminds me of the fat blacksmith and other fat dude (by giant hole) in Majula that has weird as fuck running t-pose looking animation, someone please find it
it'd probably work better if it was in a later part of the game in the mountains instead of disconnected from everything else
>Also it's the only souls where magic isn't ass and is useful in all content.
Did you even play the other 2 games where magic makes everything easy?
Yes, just look at the amount of SOUL in this webm
Leaving shitposts aside, Dark Souls 2 had a lot of cool details that made the gane much comfier
>The water level slowly raises in the Flexile Sentry boss fight
>The ladders in Lost Bastille are made from broken cell bars
>The Stone Soldiers in Drangleic Castle dont become hostile if you wear the King's Ring
>Being soaked increases your fire resistance but weakens your lightning resistance
>The fires in the Smelter Demon arena snuff out when Smelter buffs himself
>If you kill Sir Alonne without taking damage he commits suddoku
>If you leave Executioner's Chariot with 20% of health or less without activating the gate it fails the jump and stays hanging from the hole
>Dragon Shrine is a fight club in SoftFS and the Drakekeepers dont go apeshiton you if you respect the rules
>Entering Fune Knight's boss fight with Velstadt's helmet makes him enter rage mode instantly
In the original game their legs were hidden by tall grass
When they moved them in sotfs they forgot they didnt really animate the legs
I mean this is a fucked up animation for one enemy type but I laughed at how often you see enemies of all types at such a distance that they turn into sprites
You'd think they'd try to hide that shit but nope
>complain about how hard playing unlocked is
>hurr durr but I can't lose my exact 32 degree roll or I will instantly die
?? Aiming melee attacks with the two analog sticks is instantly, infinitely better than anything you can do with the mouse and keyboard for these ports. Maybe if the camera could be edited like it could in Nier or stayed still more like in Nioh but it doesn't; it's like strafe left and turn left are bound to the same key.
>Well fucking turn it off then. No one's forcing you to use the double click fuckery
No one else is asking for it, either. DS2 vanilla needed autohotkey while any other sensible person would falsely think the game has crazy attack lag. This is not smart "difficulty" if that's what they're aiming for.
>A mouse is useless for melee in Souls games
I beat DaS2 numerous times with mouse and keyboard controls and I often fight unlocked.
>wear the heaviest armor, but midroll w/max iframes
It was never about the difficulty. Kill yourself.
>not using bone fist
>Aiming melee attacks with the two analog sticks is instantly, infinitely better
Already stopped reading. Just fucking turn the camera into the direction which you wanna attack and you have the exact same level of control. I know this is impossible for controller retards to comprehend, but you can actually flick the camera around in an instant with a mouse, you don't need to have it roughly pointed forward while doing fine adjustments with the stick
Reminds me of that time faggots asserted it would be impossible to accurately walk along the rafters in Anor Londo in 1 without a stick
Fucking idiots the lot of you
DS2 was my personal favorite because of the iron king hammer. It made me play unlocked, baiting other players into the fire explosion special attack. and even if they manage to dodge the blast, they never seem to expect the folow up smack. that weapon and powerstancing makes this game for me the best souls game
One of these is a pen and paper RPG in a first person perspective
One of these is an action RPG
You can't get the bone fist until very late in the game.
Even then it's shit compared to caestus which is also shit.
Can't help but think that it was once in but cut late in development for whatever reason.
The game literally showers you with titanite to the point that small and large shards become vendor trash after a while - all of which could've used to upgrade your armor.
>tfw realizing Gael's three phases represent the types of enemies you fight in the series, going from beasts to men to gods
what a sendoff
>Infinite rolls require a boss that flies all over the place
Meanwhile fume knight is an actual duel.
>ds2 soundtrack
>anything but forgettable
now you're really grasping at straws
just look at the amount of SOUL
Fuck off inferno+, no one gives a shit and your videos are unfunny garbage
We're all enjoying the shitposting but let's be serious for a second; Why is this fight upheld as one of the hardest and best in DS2? I didn't find him particularly hard, he's just like every other big sword dude in the game. Did people just not realize you need to kill the ash thingies that heal him?
For reference, I'm not pretending to be amazing at the game, I probably died 20+ times just in the run-up to Alonne
Become anger and PUNCH EVERYTHING!
>Just fucking turn the camera into the direction which you wanna attack and you have the exact same level of control.
But then you're fighting the camera if you hit the A or the D buttons because it auto corrects and auto turns. If you can't turn this off, then using mouse and keyboard is more painful then fighting it with two analog sticks. Batman games, Nier, Nioh, all better mouse and keyboard controls. Souls games suck dick with them, and aren't a "solution" to the game's issues.
Yes as it turns out when you have to roll earlier to catch the attack with your i-frames, you actually have to plan ahead instead of just dodge spamming
This, anything with strike is OP as fuck in this game
Only exception is the Majula theme. Kino.
i had forgotten how soulful dark souls 2 was
from the shitty repeating textures, to the horrible hitboxes, awful level design
it all just blends together so well
>Did people just not realize you need to kill the ash thingies that heal him?
Did you start with DS2 before the others?
Fighting this guy at release and afterwards was hard as shit. After DS3, BB and now Sekiro, this entire game is easy fucking peasy. I don't know either.
DS3 had tons of rollcatch for poorly time rolls you dumb parroting shitter
>The fires in the Smelter Demon arena snuff out when Smelter buffs himself
I never noticed. Guess I'm too focused on killing him so I don't have to do the fucking run back.
Yes, because it would explain how No Man's Wharf can logically exist in universe.
>you can't like the games equally pick a side!
But I love all of them for their own reasons, p-please
>auto turns
You fucking what my man. I never noticed that effect but then again I'm not a controllerpleb so I rarely keep the camera steady for more than a second. Cause if you can control the camera properly you tend to want to do that the entire time instead of just staring at one spot like all plebs do
Found footage of you trying to aim attacks with KB+M youtu.be
Notice how rarely you move the camera
>WaaaAh i cant twink and kill lowbies cus SM :(((
That's no trouble, user-kun. You like what you like. Just don't shame anyone else for it!
>But then you're fighting the camera if you hit the A or the D buttons because it auto corrects and auto turns
You realize you can counteract this by moving your mouse? A mouse gives you perfect control over your camera movement at all times, it's not like a controller where you have to either take your thumb off of the analog stick or hold the controller in an awkward way to press the face buttons.
It's not impossible just annoying. It's like playing a shooter that has the strafe and turn keys bound to the same keys. It's easier to fight with analogs.
shrine of amana
credits song
gank squad
sir alonne
all pure kino
I don't get the memes that come with DaS3's criticism for its PvP.
Learn to hyperarmor.
Learn to roll catch, it's easy.
Just parry.
>DBF is bad
nah man. Flying kicks, Hadoukens and punch-kick combos are great.
Combine with the stone ring and you stagger pretty much everything.
If you also do vanq seal you can enchant it for even stronger punches
Only enlightened post here. DaS2 and 3 are both shitshows and the autistic screeching between their fans is wonderful entertainment.
>But then you're fighting the camera if you hit the A or the D buttons because it auto corrects and auto turns
You realize you can counteract this by moving your mouse? A mouse gives you perfect control over your camera movement at all times, it's not like a controller where you have to either take your thumb off of the analog stick or hold the controller in an awkward way to press the face buttons.
I played 1 first. Having had Souls experience before made some bosses just laughable (Old Dragonslayer, Dragonrider, Lost Sinner cause I was a shieldfag at the time) while others are still pretty hard and fun (Alonne). But there's some bosses people call hard I just cannot comprehend, like Blue Smelter. I've even seen someone call the Rotten hard even though it's literally just circlestrafing or luring him away from the fire pits.
But Fume Knight stands out most among those, because almost everyone agrees he is hard as fuck
Lets also pretend it was a good game
Ah yes straight sword souls 3 definitely has great pvp and build variety m8
i'm confused what this is trying to demonstrate. obviously boss fights became more dynamic/faster/aggressive with each installment. but fume has 2 phases and way more moves than pretty much all DaS1 bosses outside of the DLC.
I hated 3 because the aggressor was always at the disadvantage. Most duels involved circle strafing and throwing knives until one lost patience and dived in, only to get punished.
Invasions i only used greatbow so idc. SL12 Millwood Greatbow+2 was all i cared for.
2 had the best pvp tho imo
1 one was backstab fest
3 was wait until enemy did something
Soooo. Let's pretend it didn't implement a lot of failed ideas that were never carried on to the other games?
Dark Souls 2
>best DLC
>most content
>most build variety and best balance between melee and magic
>by far the best and most in-depth PvP and covenant system
>QoL improvements and reduced a lot of tedium from Dark Souls such as no fast travel for 2/3 of the game and important NPCs being on complete opposite sides of the world
God, Dark Souls tards are so insufferable. Their game is half baked garbage and the latter half is literally unfinished with godawful empty and sterile environments and the whole game has you just backtracking to and from with no fast travel, but everything is forgiven because "woah look at how this EPIC elevator links back to the starting area" and "woah I can see another part of the world from here!!
>You realize you can counteract this by moving your mouse?
An analog stick can just be held in one spot while you have to keep moving the mouse. If the Y axis aiming mattered at all in these games it might be worth dealing with it but it doesn't so it's not - so It's literally just worse and more tedious than most other third person games on PC so gamepad it is.
Bear in mind, this all started because some fuckwit thought "USE MOUSE" was an answer for playing unlocked. I hope that's not you.
I also like how the webm shows a fucking great mechanic you'd actually have to figure out (parrying Fume's balls) while DS3 is just endless rolling
Ultra Greatsword shiters will never stop crying, will they?
>all that shit you posted
>doesn't even matter because it has by far the worst gameplay
this is the definition of "not an argument"
Lake above Research Hall, lmao
meant for
>it's not like a controller where you have to either take your thumb off of the analog stick or hold the controller in an awkward way to press the face buttons.
Having an analog stick for movement balances this out btw; anytime you're dodging your choosing which of the 360 degrees you're heading towards, something you can't do with a keyboard.
I just loaded up DS2 just to check and yep, I always make unconscious adjustment to counteract that
It's no more "fighting the controls" than holding the wheel steady while driving. How undextrous are you?
>another Dark Souls 2 validation thread
Most people disliking your game doesn't invalidate your experience with it.
Get over it.
In theory, ADP isn't a step back, but it sure is implemented in a really shitty way. They were so lazy they couldn't even add extra animations for the different tiers of rolling, which can make it seem like your character should be able to dodge something, while your hitbox is fucking off somewhere else.
Also, the gameplay innovations really don't fucking matter when the game is floaty as all hell. Coupled with the stiff animations, combat feels lifeless.
And critiquing the graphics and aesthetics is totally viable. Game looks like shit, worse than the two games before it. The world feels awfully dull, boring, and unrealistic as a result.
>casting op
>casting op
>casting shit
What happened
All of those things seem like they should be cool, but the weapon is a mediocre pile of shit with no range at all, underwhelming damage, and awkward startups on every attack.
The caestus also has no range or damage, but at least has consistent attack speed and very low stamina use.
So this is showing the sensitivity of the game to certain subtle movements of the stick, and ds2 seems marginally worse?
its better than backstab souls 1 and roll souls 3 tbqh
Haha and he did literally go back to the "but muh exact degree dodging" argument
Enjoy never being able to play unlocked properly because you can't look at all the enemies around you in time
We have this thread every day, and I always look forward to it.
>casting op
Maybe at one point, but casting sucks in DaS2 now.
Those hating it are a vocal minority on Yea Forums
Janky as fuck animations and the overall feel of the game is too damn floaty, shitty graphics, shitty bosses, slapped-together world design, uninspired level design, really damn ugly aesthetics.
If only I could have a game with powerstancing and some other mechanics of 2 but the speed of 3, it would be the perfect souls game.
this clearly hit the character. He was impaled but there just wasn't a graphic of him being run through, so it looks off. The character was hit during the drive, one of the clearest cases I've seen.
Your need for validation is fascinating.
Ruin Sentinel theme was great too
And Vendrick's
If you don't know what Deadzones are, you might as well just stop playing video games right now.
Why do people talk about Souls series like one of them is 10/10, another is 5/10, and another is 1/10? So much "this one is perfection and that one is trash" type comments; they're not that different of games from each other in the grand scheme of things.
Really I bet most of you would assign them as 9/10, 8.5/10, and 8/10.
DS2 was janky and shitty but I fucking loved it.
FUCKING BASED af Mischief Maker poster. Patrician taste
1-3: DaS1
4-6: DaS2
7-9: DaS3
0: Nap
Here i go
Don't you like the dual weapons? Or are they not crazy enough?
No, its more like
>the gameplay is garbage
>basic controls are broken
>world design is a joke
>level design is a joke
>looks like an early ps2 game
>covenants still make no sense
>weapon pool is polluted with 80% absolute garbage
>best DLC
lmao no, kill yourself
>caring about pvp
FUCKING kill yourself
I just dislike 3 because it feels more like Bloodborne with tacked-on Dark Souls assets
Also the horribad second half of 1
>Fist weapons have no reach
no shit. that's part of the fun. at least most fights allow you to hit things still while DS3 is a 70/30% miss/hit on big enemies.
The damage is only "underwhelming" if you expect enchanted drumstick or GS levels of damage on them. They're fast and agile, hence lower damage.
Get RoB +1 or +2 asap and/or stone ring.
It's not for everyone, but power-stancing the bonefist with nothing or another caestus and you can do real cool moves.
It's honestly better to just R1 spam, but the moves change your hitbox, move things around etc. still worth imo
>I just loaded up DS2 just to check and yep, I always make unconscious adjustment to counteract that
Sure would be cool to have every mouse controlled game to do that. But they don't.
>It's no more "fighting the controls" than holding the wheel steady while driving. How undextrous are you?
If I wasn't how would this make playing unlocked not a pain in the ass in DS2 and not in every other Souls game?
casting falls off in the DLCs, but hexes totally trivialize the main game across the board.
Why is it that you can't not post how much you hate a game everyone else is enjoying? Is it a desire to fit in with Yea Forums culture or you enjoy (You)s
DS2 still the highest ranking soulsborne game on metacritic
every FFRMsoft game has bad running animations. Go look at Sekiro
And now you're projecting. These threads provide a virtual cornucopia of insanity.
Why did ds3 gut the ever loving fuck out of Flynns?
Currently on my first playthrough of DS3
I'm going full STR because I wanna twohand shit. Getting bored of Greatsword and Smooch's hammer though because against any even slightly fast enemy (say, Lothric Knights or Pontiff Knights), I have to constantly walk backwards and make them walk into my attacks. Is there any fast as fuck STR weapon that is good twohanded?
Also, Pus of Mans can go fuck themselves with their impossible to read Bloodborne attacks
Doesn't matter, the scaling is insane and it's stylish as fuck throwing out those ridiculous kung fu moves while getting up close and personal with your enemies. I melted enemies with 1 or 2 punches rushing to grab the Bone Fist and pumping everything into more damage. Killing bosses with a handful of punches is the best. Bone Fist, Pyromancy and pvp combat mechanics are the only reasons I have the most hours logged in DS2 despite being the worst game of the franchise.
>journalist reviews matter when they mirror my opinion!
>user reviews don't when they disagree with me!
utterly disgusting levels of brainletism
Because it doesn't matter at all. Is driving a "pain in the ass" because you have to constantly subconsciously adjust the steering wheel in almost all cars?
66 str heavy exile cgs + 15 fth blessed weapon SHITS on the game
>>Non-linear 1st half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas that contain the items for your build
Demon's Souls did this the best out of all the souls games.
>>Drinking Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to drink while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
rendered irrelevant due to the existence of lifegems and various other healing items
>>Stamina regen is tied to weight,
Dark Souls did this.
>>Poise exists
Poise existed in Dark Souls
>>Can only perform 4 rolls before running out of stamina
>>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier before running out of stamina
Pure lies, you can attack at least 4-5 times with a lance before running out of stamina. and that costs more stamina than rolling.
Why do you have to full your shitty pasta with so much lies?
>souls with the most preorder and season pass DLC has highest metacritic
Ds2 came out before goobergate l/sjwjournalism shit
You have to play these games at the time they were out, because everything is fresh, new discoveries are constantly being made, the PvP/Coop is active. Also people these days just beat a game once and move onto the other so they don't even bother playing more in depth and judge it based on that one playthrough where others would play it for a lot longer and have a different experience.
It didn't seem that fast but sure I'll give it another try
>+ 15 fth blessed weapon
I'll never have enough SL to get that
We're talking about the enemy running animations, and none of them are as laughably bad as the ones in Dark Souls 2.
and out of those only the password system carried over
Hey I'm not the one spamming threads and pastas about how DS2 "is not bad, the others are worse".
15 fth is kike 5-7 SL extra
7.5% AR boost on high AR weapons are godlike.
If you don't wanna buff go heavy millwood battle axe or vordt hammer + firebombs
>DS2 still the highest ranking soulsborne game on metacritic
Yeah, by critics. The user score paints an entirely different story.
Demon's has the best ost tho
Brigade due to ps3 specific issues
Why would I ever use Bork's Hammer over Smooch's?
If you haven't played as a bluebro, you haven't played Souls.
>Because it doesn't matter at all.
Okay, what doesn't matter, the constant mouse sway? It matters to me, and it's annoying, and it's easier to control with an analog stick because you're not constantly having to adjust it.
And then you're at no disadvantage in-game because there's no counteracting the fact that DS2 has stricter weapon attack turning than all the other Souls games: Start an attack one way, end it the other - so if you need to react to someone behind you or to move around differently you can. But you can't in DS2, it's literally not a control issue. You're entirely right that kb+mouse or gamepad, it doesn't matter.
>Is driving a "pain in the ass" because you have to constantly subconsciously adjust the steering wheel in almost all cars?
Btw is probably the worst example you can pick because driving a car is better with a wheel than a mouse and keyboard.
Maybe I should have mentioned I only care about PvE
>that's part of the fun
Whiffing attacks at point blank range is not what I'd call fun.
>They're fast and agile, hence lower damage.
They're not fast and agile, they're slower than a straight sword while dealing comparable, if not worse damage.
>the scaling is insane
It doesn't matter because the base damage is so low. At 40/40, a +10 longsword actually has higher damage overall because it has a base damage of 225 rather than 20. This is actually the case for almost every weapon with great scaling in DaS2, the only exception off the top of my head being the greatsword.
>pvp in a souls game
Id rather not play a side game mode thrown in as an afterthought to prolong longevity
i enjoyed DS2 the most, it felt like a weird ps2 game with silly shit everywhere and 1 and 3 seemed like edgy bullshit made for codbabbies
>most preorders
You'd think that most people preordered it because they really liked DS1 and expected similar/better experience. I wonder how many people were dissappointed, I know I was, and I played them both back to back years after DS2 came out.
Frostbite is godlike in PvE.
Proc it on boss, toss a firebomb and proc it again. Vordts hammer has the highest frostbite per hit at 110.
2-3 swings cause a proc.
And at 66 str the weapon itself shits damage out
2 sucks because it started the trend that Pyromancy should scale off fth/int instead of your flame
>66 str
>up 5 to 7 DaS II threads full of butthurt,cope and seething per week
We fucking did it bros!
Playing unlocked DS2 with KB+M is no problem because you can always easily see where all the enemies are and can just move between hits to change directions
And are you seriously gonna attack that analogy because "hurr durr a steering wheel is also a gaming input device that is kind of like a stick I guess"? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since you have showed a basic misunderstanding of vidya controls this entire time
A mouse gives you precision control over the camera (point at some exact spot and the camera moves there as fast as you can move the mouse)
An analog stick gives you rate control over the camera (point at some direction and the camera moves towards that direction at a predetermined speed)
A steering wheel in a car gives you precision control over which direction the car's wheels point (move the steering wheel to a certain position and the wheels will follow as fast as physically possible)
Imperfections on the road cause the wheels to jump slightly and therefore slightly change directions, which you have to constantly counteract by controlling the steering wheel
I've used Vordt's up until I got Smough's and I don't think I've had frostbite proc on a single boss, there's just too much time waiting for their combos to end between swings
It wasn't that good until it was patched.
I'm playing the game right now as I said earlier
kek eviscerated
oh, that must mean journalists were trustworthy then!
Sekiro >>> both
>Playing unlocked DS2 with KB+M is no problem because you can always easily see where all the enemies are and can just move between hits to change directions
Something you can easily do with a controller as well, yes. So how does that change anything? DS2 is inherently more stricter to control because there is a literal cap to some weapons to how much you can turn between each swing. It is exactly why people bitch about enemies in 2 but not in 3, 1, DeS, BB, Sekiro...
It makes me sad how hard pyromancy got gutted in 2.
>Something you can easily do with a controller as well, yes
>you can always easily see where all the enemies are
I think you're a god damn liar
Basically DS2 fans are contrarians who build their whole identity around loving the thing eveyrone hates.
>"Waste 25 levels to make rolling work properly
>good design
Choose one
I bet you bitched when Pyromancy required stats instead of just raw flame
I bet you bitched when Equip Load was split from End and made into Vit
>Never see him again
Nice cope.
Turn the sensitivity up more than 3, then? What issue are you having? Nothing about control preference has any impact on DS2's inherently stricter attacking.
Ornifex is a girl.
>waste 25 levels to make rolling work properly
funny enough this isn't too hard in DS2 compared to the others, why does it feel like I get so many more levels in this than the rest?
>l-le sensitivity
Like clockwork
Enjoy either overshooting or only being able to point your camera in a general direction, pleb
Yeah it's so bad it's the only one anyone actually bothers to play anymore. People only say DS2 had good PVP because they know no one cares enough about Souls PVP to counter their inane arguments
Farming Souvenirs of Reprisal offline in daS1 is cancer
Did you say boss weapons?
See DaS2 has a much shallower level curve. For example, it going from SL20 to 21 costs 2857 souls in DaS, while it costs only 1341 in DaS2.
Cry louder
it literally has soul in the name you dingus
>just use mouse and keyboard bruh!
>insane default attack input lag, same strict weapon turning
Now that person thinks DS2 is laggier than it really is due to shitty advice for something they can't change.
There's really no way out of it.
DS2 gameplay is more cancerous than every other souls game combined.
>muh default waah waah
Turn it off, I told you this
>muh weapon turning waah waah
Just walk
There were a lot of retards who didn't understand the regen thing yeah. His shitty swings are so slow I'll never understand how anyone can get got by his delays more than once. The bonfire is right next to him too
>Uploads this to prove DS2 is good
>Hitboxes are so bad not even selective footage can make it look better
>im losing track of people on screen somehow!
Right, so just turn up sensitivity. I don't see how my advice is any different?
We're going in circles because you can't understand simple arguments. I'm not gonna keep doing this shit with some clearly underaged retard. Enjoy your shit controls
>DS2 gameplay is more cancerous than every other souls game combined.
>no point down
Why is everything an ultimatum? DS2 is the worst of the souls games but it made several innovations that should have been brought to later titles. You can acknowledge the latter without challenging the former. I'll play the second game for those innovations even if I acknowledge that the other souls are overall better
Nice try but it's a shit game from a objective standpoint
>another drone that takes autistic youtube longform videos as word of god and can't form his own opinion
maybe play the game first without bias and think for yourself
>We're going in circles because you can't understand simple arguments
I'll be honest I don't think you ever knew what I was talking about, because the control scheme doesn't change that the way attacking in DS2 is different than every other game.
Ugh, a game that's like Bloodborne AND Dark Souls???
>best fashion
nearly everything is oversized garbage
Gonna be shallow as fuck but I really just didn't like the graphics of 2 and it's really offputting.
>classic piece of shit compared to ds2
He shows the plethora of issues everyone mentions and provides multiple examples of why it's badly designed. Like shit hitboxes, shit lock on, shit AI, shit PVP, shit RPG elements etc
It's some faggy opinion piece.
Now why in the hell would you want 31 adap??????
I only played all the Souls games years later when they were all out and the entire time throughout 2 I was thinking "I can't wait to play DS3 cause it just looks so much better"
It's not even necessarily the graphics, I just like the ash aesthetic
I hope one day you stop relying on other people thinking for you
they are fucked up on both versions too...I think I read somewhere about how they kept these animations in the SotFS because they thought they were funny.
all the weird janky stuff make ds2 feel like its some Chinese knockoff that had enough new ideas and content to make it worth putting some hours into.
I don't rely on other people, I noticed the horrible movement system and input lag the minute I fired it up it's just that omebody already compiled all the complaints and put it in a video.
I'm not even talking about subjective stuff like preferring an open game over a linear, or not liking humanoid bosses, I'd easily accept all those design choices it's about quality
105 agility lets you dodge anything in the game easily and without having to worry about lingering hitboxes.
God why can't he make another cartoon.
Am I misremembering? I thought Naotoshi Zin had some input on DaS2 as well.