Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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I want threesome with them

morrigan for not eating that fire crotch into submission

My Penis

Kekiana for being an annoying Mary Sue

Leliana was wrong about literally everything.

Isn't she perfect?

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the sexual tension between morrigan and alistair was unbearable in DA1. Just fuck already.

Force him to

>letting retarded people breed

This game aged terribly

Hey Warden wanna fuck?

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No, I want you to sit on my face.

>cleave plebiana's head clean off in origins
god i hate bioware

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Neither, assuming I have a threesome with them

Leliana is cute, but always wrong, no exceptions. Her saying Loghain was wrong made him unironically right even though he was ironically completely wrong.

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Get a thicker blanket

Bioware for making this pathetic excuse for an RPG

>Fuck or DIE
Hardest decision in the game desu

>Implying I want to get involved
Watching catfights makes me horny

Is Leliana the western equivalent of an anime character?

I was about to say that's Fenris but he is just literally an anime character in the wrong setting period.

that fucking moralist ninja was the worst fucking thing.

>moralist ninja

Not my dick, not my dick.

Probably Merrill, somehow.

Reminder that Morrigan and the Warden had no food in the Crossroads so Warden and his son had to drink her milk and Morrigan had to drink his cum in an endless cycle

Bioware for using the same fucking trope with Leliana and Liara.

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Fenris was based tho.

so what happens if u play female warden?

Nothing, Morrigan isn't a carpet muncher.

you basicly get to force alistairs or loghain to bang Morrigan if you want to do the, I Forget the name, capturing archdemons soul ending

Pretty sure the whole shit is just called "the dark ritual"

It's not like that. She was resurrected into a ghost that possessed another woman's body, that just happens to be identical to Leliana.

>she has 10923109238 porn webms with shota kids and taking all kinds of dick.
Life is better than we think anons.