ITT: Franchises that have left you behind for a new audience
ITT: Franchises that have left you behind for a new audience
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All of them
Imagine being a dipshit who pretends Fire Emblem ever changed
All it ever did was add creatures that we call girls.
Video Games as a whole.
Get fucked by Camilla's 13'' dick , gramps
Feels fucking good that I made the origin of this image
Fuck off gramps
I'm a zoomer who has only been a fan since awakening and I already feel abandoned. I don't even know what 3 houses is supposed to be. Harry Potter with Anime tits?
Yeah well it hits me hard too. Fire emblem fucking sucks now
Its "waifu" shit for Fujoshi.
Fucking sucks when something you liked completely panders to some weird group of fetishists doesn't it?
Its almost like what you're feeling now is how old FE fans felt when shit like Awakening and Fates started heavily pandering to autistic otaku that spend their salary buying waifu figures to jerk off on
Dicklet futas are a disgrace
>not ten foot hyper dick
Meh 13 inches is nothing, faglord
You posted it. FE is now made for pedophiles who belong in a gas chamber.
cold steel sux
It always did
Unironically the image that made me stop thinking of the Boomer wojak as a shitty forced meme.
This image alone made me start finding this stupid fucking wojak edit to be wholesome and fun, and I fucking hate wojak edits.
I always treated the anime tits as a novelty, since most of the japanese games I've played have stuff like that in some form. It was something I just kind of expected and was taken off guard when Echoes actually had a more down to earth artstyle without Camillas heaving cowtits. It actually inspired me to grab an emulator and play some of the older ones. Its really sad to look back on all the stuff I've played and enjoyed and see how it has led to this.
Sky wasn't good either.
"Anime tits" aren't the only thing that changed.
The entire aesthetic and tone of the games changed with it. The writing style fucking sucks now, the games feel like I'm playing Deviant Art fan translations with how obnoxious every character acts.
They don't even try to pretend its supposed to have political undertones anymore, none of the characters seem to give a fuck about the plot. Awakening and Fates felt like highschool dating sim games that for some reason took place in the middle of a fantasy medieval war, at least three houses just stopped trying to pretend and actually put the characters in fantasy medieval highschool for super duper special lords.
Camilla wears more armor than most FE characters
FE never good writing.
I'm going to be called a Zoomer but playing Modern Warfare 2 with my friends from high school is some of the best times I've had. Game wasn't very good, but I had a blast playing custom games and fucking around with them. Haven't spoken with any of them in almost a decade.
The sims
But it took itself seriously, had a consistent tone, and a really nice aesthetic.
The writing didn't have to be great to be enjoyable, it established the setting, gave the characters fun personalities without making them feel completely out of place, and was in general very cohesive and felt like it was made with a vision.
New Fire Emblem games feel like a complete thematic trainwreck with no internal consistency and a setting that might as well not exist because none of the characters give a fuck about it or the plot.
I never thought the writing in any japanese game was particularly good, old FE games included. But the older games did have capable writing with an art style and tone that reminded me of the 90s berserk anime, whereas the newer games is closer to generic fantasy isekai no. 847473, so I can see your point about the tonality.
A bikini made out of metal is still a bikini
>I unironically liked the third person mode in custom games and all my friends would bitch when I enabled it
I liked ghost recon, sue me
Go Back to /vg
That bikini is still something than most FE characters
The amount of armour isn't nearly as important as the style.
New FE is so overdesigned and gaudy that its just tacky. Old designs were very reserved and believable for the most part.
FE characters used to look like they belonged in their setting and were what they said they are, a bunch of mercenaries, farmers, maybe actual knights. Now they look like anime highschoolers at some convention, they don't look like they belong in the setting at all and their armour is just fucking ridiculous. In general the new art direction is just really fucking tacky and feels out of place, people say its just a matter of the franchise going from "OLD ANIME" to "MODERN ANIME", but if this is the case then modern anime is fucking trashy and tasteless. It wasn't until Awakening/Fates that I had any issues at all with the overall aesthetics of the franchise. Hell, Echoes looks fucking great, I really wish they would just hang on to whoever it is they got for that game because he fucking nailed the classic FE look for the most part. Its not perfect, but after Awakening/Fates it was insanely refreshing to see a glimpse of what I remembered Fire Emblem being like.
Why would a bunch of boomers that don't like modern Fire Emblem want to talk about Fire Emblem with nothing but zoomers and horny weebs talking about which waifus armpits they want to lick?
It's Armor you fucking Brit.
America is the only place where people use English(Simplified).
unironically this, nu-gaming is shit.
I dunno but my friend who's never played FE is looking forward to it
Go away camillafag, go get dommed by your incest mommy.
It's true
FE, KH, and Paper Mario
It did change though. Maybe not the story or characters or over animu but the overall quality of animation did. Nothing felt better then critical hitting an enemy in the older games. It was the only reason to watch the animations over and over again. Awaking killed that and the only good thing we got back was 'PICK A GOD AND PRAY'
>Hell, Echoes looks fucking great
Yeah if you love sameface and generic moblobs with pastel dry colors which makes everything look dry as fuck.
It wasn't perfect, but after the shitty direction of Fates it was a great change of pace
Boomer somehow managed to remove itself from the whole playground namecalling that wojaks are now used for, instead joining the self reference/self expression that they were originally used for to begin with.
It's armour you fucking Yank.
Are you really whining about armor in a game where people use magic and dragons exist and can transform into humans?
not this
>Its a fantasy game bro, dragons exist lmao why do you need any thematic consistency or tone to your story lmao anything goes it doesn't matter haha
100% this
That's breaking in game lore though.
Totally different
Calm down armor autist. If you wanted to complain about something like bikini armor I could understand because it does get a little out there, but your whining about people in non front line positions not wearing chainmail
>but your whining about people in non front line positions not wearing chainmail
No, I'm complaining about their designs being retarded.
I don't see anyone wearing chainmail here but they look fucking fine Its a tonal and aesthetic issue. The old games had practical and reserved designs for the most part, in the new games everyone looks fucking retarded
first game
>We want the speedrunner / platformer audience
>We want the journalist / ubishit audience
The Battlefield franchise is a modern day tragedy
That's your personal opinion.
You should just admit that you think the designs are too anime or something
I feel you user
>this piece of shit is better than dogshit
It looked fine, it wasn't as good as the old games but it wasn't bad. Your hyperbole is out of control.
Wolfenstein. After the Youngblood trailer with ME: A-tier facial animations, and synthwave I genuinely don't understand why they call it Wolfenstein anymore.
Miss the old days, man.
It didn't look fine. You just have shit taste
>and synthwave
It's cause it happens in the 80s. Wolfenstein has always been about killing nazies and wacky shit and that hasn't changed at all you fucking nigger.
Been playing since spear of destiny came in a crapload of floppy disks, the only low point in the series has been Wolf 09. Machine Games time line is pretty ok.
the witcher
silent hill
It's okay, we know you're too underage to be able to play the game anyway, since it's rated T
Monster Hunter
Ace Attorney
4 killed it, the infantry component is good but that is spoilt by the horrible map designs (that don't support anything other than Conquest) catered towards vehicles which are the meta
Since then it's CoD on a battlefield size map without the good map design we saw in 3 and earlier games
>lmao its jsut a game u nerd, aint need to be realistics :)
jesus christ
Pokemon, I hope kids today can enjoy it as much as I used to.
Total War
Old Good New Bad
They don't
Well that’s unfortunate.
Honestly I can't see how anyone could, the game basically plays itself now.
Gamefreak just needs to pull the fuck back and let me play the god damned game for more than 5 minutes before one of my 9 """""rivals""""" stops me to hold me by the hand and walk me to the next town before giving me 50 potions and a handjob
>Paper Mario
What was tragic is that the audience it was regeared for wasn't even a meaningful playerbase. The audience consisted of two selfish and pettily vindictive retards within Nintendo (Miyamoto and Tanabe).
Yeah, cutscene-heavy cyberpunk is still Wolfenstein. What the fuck happened to the indiana jones stuff that the series had since the beginning? Nope, fucking Carpenter Brut and cyber suits
Wario Land. I loved those games as a kid, best platformers on Gameboy by far. Now Wario games are just a forgotten meme.
Tenchu. Miyazaki is too busy chasing after DarkSoulsfags now. From Software is sitting on an IP.
Dark souls
>II was rushed as hell and rode the hardest game ever shtick for marketing more so than the pc release
>fucking ds3 existing at all and being the best seller in the franchise
Fuck vaati fuck enb fuck oroboro fuck that other faggot whose name I can't recall too
Battlefield for obvious reasons too
Based, same for me.
I am hyped for three houses
But you can play sekiro now.
Guild Wars
Mobas in general
Mass Effect
Doom :(
The people who made Tenchu aren't really at From Software. I remember them saying in an interview that they thought about it, but decided against it since they had no one from the original team.
Fire Emblem
Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi Warriors
Every blizzard game the thread
>Warcraft was killed by wow
>Stacraft was killed by itself
>Diablo was killed by the nu blizzard stupidty
>Wow almost died on cataclism and try to revive in mop and now have some coma
>Overwatch was never good
>hots the devs make de best redesigns of blizzard characters for a thrash game saddly nu blizzard split the team and now is in coma
>Doom is a game about shooting demons on mars
>Doom is still a game about shooting demons on mars
Why do you feel this way?
>didnt like fates
>thinks sacred stones was good
how to spot a shitter
It's not sprite based. Some bullshit like that. Something something soul vs soulless.
The only legitimate complaint I've seen against DOOM 2016 is that there's too much story.
>hasn't changed
The games went from stealth shooter with mecha-Hitler to generic fps filled with cuckporn, the protagonist being a jewish power fantasy and statements like ''white ass fascist pig''.
How the fuck did gondola even took off? That meme is completely retarded.
I agree with the americuck. Why would I use an extra letter if the reduced version is completely sufficient?
The team that made it are k2 and aquire. Check out way of the samurai and shinobido. They also did samurai shodown for the 360
You just answered your own question.
Fuck off europe already, britbong subhuman.
World of Warcraft and FF14 1.23
y us mny letrs wen fw letrs do trik
wew lad imagine being this
Try again faggot, I'm Dutch
>being so BTFO you resort to this kind of rhetoric
Hahah, you fucking bongs are retarded. Go get a licence for something.
Dota 2, WoW, Star Craft 2.
I loved the 90s anime aesthetic of FE4 and if they change that in a hypothetical remake ISIS should be bombed.
Before I even opened OPs image I was going to say Fire Emblem
Oh, my bad. Fuck off, swamp-German.
Man, Shinobido as a concept has such potential. That team needs some fucking money and maybe better people
whay leeehss leattttehris wheeehn caahnn dou moure
Why would you use male outfits for the old examples and female outfits for the new example. I don't even necessarily disagree with you but that's such a terrible attempt at showing your argument. This also suffers the usual issue of there just being no real attempt to draw parallels between the outfits, which whether it's the case or not makes it look cherry picked just by default. You have a decent layout, make top row cloth, middle row light armour, bottom row heavy armour. Show either both male and female on both sides or choose one. It baffles me why anyone would make an image like this that looks intentionally poorly made as if it was bait when I can clearly tell there was an idea going into this.
>I'll call him stupid, that'll make him think I'm not stupid!
Don't you have to be at school at this hour anyway? Don't forget to pack your bulletproof vest!
God I wish, the EU fucking sucks.
Don't you have to be at the mosque soon?
Don't forget your acid mask!
that's retarded
FE is dead
All we have now is Persona Emblem which weebs eat up but the original soul of the series is dead
Get out or die tryin' ;^)
I'd disagree with legitimate, since even as a fan of the new one, it has some issues. Having encounters be entirely arena based can be limiting for some people who like to just run through levels, the runes and upgrades were absolutely not thought out, and glory kills being the core of the game got annoying with how long some of them could take. The only rune I put on anymore is the one that makes them go faster, since it gets me back in the action quicker, though imo that should have been the default glory kill speed.
How dare you, gondola is pure like apu and spurdo.
Pretty much this, but most especially Resident Evil [\spoiler]
Except DMC
World of Warcraft
DMC fit this description until a month and a half ago.
all my favourite franchises are either dead or turned into trash
I feel like people only ask Pete Hines questions like this to bait him.
He's just the PR guy, he's not the lore guy who the level designer who added this.
I want to disagree with this but I can't find a single example. At best there are franchises that just stopped getting games a decade ago and are for no one anymore, not just a new audience.
Sacred Stones gets barely any recognition or discussion and it's the only FE game I've ever played
You never actually played Shadow Dragon or Mystery of the New Emblem.
Shadow Dragon was poorly received at launch but Awakening and Fates are much, much worse. Mystery of the New Emblem is actually pretty fucking good too. Neither are my favourites by any means, but your meme chart makes it very obvious that you just straight up never fucking played them and assumed they were dogshit unredeemable games because you saw memes about Shadow Dragon being bad without knowing why and assumed the next game was bad too.
S-stop ;-;
>Titanfall didn’t even last a generation before chasing the next trend
There was literally nothing wrong with IV's multiplayer. Trying to create some shitty ecosystem killed it for me
Obviously Mortal Kombat
Same. There's something endearing about Boomerjak going about his day to day life with a smile on his face.
The game used to have soul son. But you wouldn't remember that.
Yea Forums
>buncha crunch
>being this mad at someone's opinion
Calm down and maybe have sex for once in your life nerd.
Taste unbelievably shit, wow.
GBA ruined the series.
What? I played in high school to and I'm 28. You are very confused about what generations are.
aaaand no replies because everyone knows you're 100% right
There is a difference between having opinions, and talking shit. One of Yea Forums's biggest problems is faggots that have never played a game before, giving opinions on it based on shit they saw other people say, which just results in a giant game of retard telephone.
If you haven't played a game just fucking say so, Christ.
Dude, seriously. Chill the fuck out.
Hope that you guys are having fun with it
Of course he never touch them. He's just uses that image as bait.
This, but unironically. It's especially bad within the first few months of something coming out
This for me too.
Especially WoW since I started in Vanilla and quit in Cata. I recently replayed it in both Legion and BFA. It was just completely unrecognizable and felt more like Diablo 3 (which I absolutely hated) instead of the WoW I remember.
My old main, a mage I played from Vanilla launch to the middle of Cataclysm (like months of playtime) was just completely butchered. I hated the way he played so much that once I got to level cap in Legion I fucking dropped him. I enjoyed Warlock in BFA far more, but I heard a lot of Warlock players say that class got butchered too.
Rune of Power in particular is just one of the most boring gameplay designs I've ever seen Blizzard add, and my rotation used to just be fireball or frostbolt. They took every aspect of the class that I loved in BC and Vanilla and just annihilated it. They restrained my spellbook. They made my play-styles even more focused on shit I didn't like (Pyroblast chasing) and they did it all while turning my into the Diablo 3 wizard with less fun spells. How they fuck don't I have something as fun as disintegration at least?
I'd say the part that truly makes me feel boomer is that there are a lot of people that argue that Legion was one of the best expansion. That's just how I know I'm not WoW's audience anymore.
If these are your actual opinions then why do you sink so much time into a series that you obviously arent in love with?
Because it's a meme and he's trying to fit in with the Yea Forumscore crew.
it's bait and always the same retard with the same filename and the same replies with a shitty wojak who posts in unrelated threads
Ask him about any of those games and he won't tell you anything about it but "surface level" acknowledge since he hasn't played them.
Mass Effect
League of Legends
Elder Scrolls
Smash Bros
Pillars of Eternity
I still consider 3 to be the slipping point. You could argue the Bad Company games started the slide, but I don't view those in the same light as the mainline series.
I fucking miss having the commander role, or having physical assets on the field you could blow up to deprive your enemy of arty or radar. I miss fighting over vehicle spawns, or actually having to take off and land planes and helicopters in order to rearm. I miss not having all my classes smashed together into as few classes as possible.
I have been thinking about this recently, maybe is it time to leave it behind I mean is there anything to look forward?
Jesus christ my dude, thats the most banal normie taste in games I've ever seen
> GoW. Mayhem gameplay and a story about a ruthless Spartan bent on revenge gives way to story about muh daddy issues and muh lifetime regrets.
> Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Challenging adventure/dungeon crawling gives way to slow ass story text written for a 5 year old, a huge field with nothing in it, and no enemy challenge whatsoever.
> Final Fantasy VIII/X. A series set in fantasy or steam punk environments suddenly turns into a bunch of colorful edgy teenagers.
> Castlevania: SOTN. A 2D platforming game with challenging levels turns into an exploration game where the main character is OP as shit.
> Super Mario Bros. Perhaps the greatest platformer of all time (SMB3) gives way to 3D platforming that has all the challenge of eating soup with a spoon. I played Super Mario Galaxy and I swear it's almost impossible to die from being attacked by an enemy.
PoE 1 is pretty good
wow makes me want to fucking die
It's a small wonder that they're still kicking then isn't it, fucking retard.
Monster Hunter
This, but for Halo 3. Forge was amazing.
It still is
I still think BC2 had better combat balance between the classes than 3 or 4.
Giving assault some of the best guns while also giving them the ability to self-heal was an absurdly retarded design the decision.
BC2 was also the last time I felt that the series was very battlefield. It had a higher time to kill than the later entries which made all the random explosions and bullets flying around feel less like a crap-shoot. I mean just seeing Dunkey's video of BF1 is a good example of what series became when (especially 4) more explosives and death gadgets were added.
Still, I felt the series started going downhill for me after 2142. I wouldn't call it nostalgia either. I played the absolute shit out of the community relaunch (like another three hundred hours) before real life took me away for a few months.
I just think the way that they design modern battlefield now will forever prevent them from making a legit successor to 2 or 2142.
>like Sacred stones but dislike Thracia 776
absolute shit taste
>that resolution
Of course phone fags are camilafags, probably only know her from FEH
Tom Clancy games are all shit now
I don't think warcraft counts as an mmo anymore
FE7 is nu-FE too, real fans started on war of thracia
WoW is without a doubt the most unrecognizable game for me compared to when I first got into it.
I mean like Fire Emblem, I hated the Fates story, but the gameplay of Conquest was most fun I had with the series after Path of Radiance, and I could still recognize the core of Fire Emblem.
I can't do that with WoW. There are the classes and raids, but none of the rpg. If it wasn't for it's artstyle, I'd considered it an entirely different entity from WoW.
Maybe Front Mission is on the same level? It's kinda hard for me to name any other series that is so different while still wearing the same face.
They were never good. I remember as a kid playing Ghost Recon running through the game with infinite grenade launcher spam
Spicy opinion here but Fire Emblem was never good and I'm floored people ever liked it in the first place, that it's somehow considered a popular Nintendo IP is incomprehensible to me
Cue the Up theme
>blue confirms wow is designed for 12 year old children
Star wars games in general
That's not a opinion that's a fact. FE is pure shit and bottom of the barrel for trpgs
100% agree with you. Modern battlefield can never go back to what it used to be since its core audience has fundamentally changed.
TTK is one of the issues, but I think one of the best indicators, but least noted, of the changes the series has gone through over time is visible in the maps. The further down the series line you go the more you start seeing maps designed in a linear fashion, as opposed to the former sandbox style. The flow of gameplay in the newer battlefield games is typically a lot more directed due to how the map is designed and objects within are laid out.
"je ne saus quoi" is the most retarded phrase adopted to English. It literally means "i don't know what." I don't know why people think they are being smart or observant when they use it, you might as well have written "the art is good, idk xD"
Those games in the left are all kino, the games in the middle and right suck, with very few exceptions (rouge squadron II and maybe MAYBE battlefield II (though I consider that game to be quite overrated))
Did the genesis have any Star Wars games?
Star Wars arcade for the 32X
Played em all, faggots. Stick to your nu-FE garbage.
>you sink so much time into a series
Conquest (the """hardest game""" according to the nu-males) took me only a couple hours to beat from start to finish. So clearly I didn't put that much time into the shitty games.
>The further down the series line you go the more you start seeing maps designed in a linear fashion, as opposed to the former sandbox style.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. It's one of the aspects that got me into the series with 1942. I was a console kiddie playing Halo, loving Silent Cartographer and then I play 42's Battle for Omaha Beach (which is one of the linear maps) and I was just blown away by the scale. It felt like the Medal of Honor level without scripting.
The series just kept that steam going. Even when it casualized some elements in 2 (the commander replaced the old method of calling for artillery and hoping some user on the team would reply) I still think it was the most open-ended shooter series on the market.
Most of the newest entries feel too much like CoD with tanks (WaW was still awesome, but BF was different which is why I liked it).
>playing 343Halo
I shiggy diggy
funny how playing with friends can make a bad game good
How do you beat NM RL chapter 10?
that's the big reason vanilla wow was so fun
Hold up, he needs time to google the answer.
That was kind of the problem, they decided 'we want the CoD audience', and started altering the core moment to moment gameplay on top of overall design.
They sped up gameplay, homogenized roles, and reduced mechanical and tactical/strategic complexity. Its pretty fucked actually. Play one of the newer ones and you'll quickly find out that all of the classes feel pretty much the same to play. A sniper is more or less a viable in close quarters or clearing house to house as an assault is. Holding long lines of shit doesn't mean shit if everyone is as effective at it as everyone else. Medium to close range fights, the bulk of fights players get into, feel all the same since there isn't a large discernible difference in striking ability between the classes.
Just answer the kid, man.
What they did with the core of qc was a stroke of genius (tying quake playstyles to specific champions) but I can't stomach the dumb pointless progression systems, lootboxes and instant gratification rewards. I'm just too disgusted to ever pick up the game again. It wouldn't be so bad if you could ignore it but they keep jamming it down my throat and there a no toggles to turn the cosmetic junk off so I'm forced to see quake characters prance (read: huh) around with wings on their back like it's the gay parade.
This was supposed to be a boomer game but they turned it into a zoomer fuckfest and the game is dying for it. And rightfully so.
>Republic Commando
>All of Lego Star Wars
>SWTOR yes it IS a good game, fuck off with your launch opinions
>Bounty Hunter
The middle row is literally, and unironically the best.
You are incorrect, and retarded.
>defends SWTOR
>lists SWTOR over Empire at War or Galaxies
Imagine liking RTS games
>we want the CoD audience
Yea, it's just one big pissing match between them. They both went back to WW2 for nostalgia, but neither of them felt close to representing their older entries.
I've honestly abandoned multiplayer shooters now after playing BF1. I just don't care for what it became and no other active multiplayer series scratches the itch old battlefield did. I'd probably left shooters all together but there's a lot of newer indie and triple-A titles that atleast understand an fps game should be fun.
Gta when it went after the mmo audience.
Wish it never happened v is dead offline and online is a terrible buggy grind fest with the worst player base I've seen in over 20 years of gaming
>4player ps2
>he didnt have the adapter
Conquest was a legitimately good Fire Emblem game. The story was among some of the worst I've seen, and the MU was a horrid mary-sue faggot, but the gameplay was solid.
I like how I didn’t even have to open it to know it was sprite shit.
It feels like just yesterday we were trading Pokémon through Youtube comments...
Even X-Com, the new ones just aren't the same.
Rent free.
I bet you love Game of Thrones you fucking retard.
I can tell you havent actually played all of them
>SS good
>New mystery bad
I don't speak nu-male. If you're asking how to beat Ch10, just stall until Camilla arrives.
Closest thing you're going to get to the older battlefield feel is probably something like Red Orchestra or Rising Storm. But they lean too heavy on the realism aspects to be anywhere near a true successor to that spot battlefield held between cod and sim