do you play or have you played stardew valley?, if so can you give me tips for the game
Do you play or have you played stardew valley?, if so can you give me tips for the game
For the first year check to see which crops are needed for the community center. You can check via the menu on the right and go to the pantry section.
Don't go to the game's wiki. You'll ruin it for yourself if you try to min-max stuff on your first playthrough.
Marry Haley.
Don't worry if you missed some seasonal quests, you'll have a better shot next year. Take it easy, relax.
>marrying bimbos
On that note, why are all the girls so shit in this game? The only decent one is Abigail and even she's a le gamer girl xd archetype.
Emily best girl
pretty good advice here. You'll eventually find your groove, its difficult to fit all you want to do in a day at first because the daynight cycles so unfairly quick. It's best to take the game as it comes and just enjoy it. You'll like it so much more that way.
But why user?
Haley is by far the best because she actually changes from annoying blonde bimbo to loving housewife.
is it true the guy that made it is a nonce?
Na, he seems like a good dude.
It's worth it to play through once or twice on your own. It's supposed to be a comfy game.
That said, I enjoy speedrunning the shit out of it and try to get the community center completed in year 1
I dunno, Abigail, Leah are Haley are solid choices. Even Penny's romance is cute, and I guess I can see why people would choose Maru, but Emily seems a bit meh. Overall I wouldn't call them shit.
>try to clear out some stuff
>go to town to talk to people
>boring conversation anyway
>go to dungeon for one minute
Fuck this game.
Git snacks
because 5 events is too little to build a non-generic character
Jas was clearly made to be the best girl so it's entirely possible.
>Not marrying Haley
Everyone else will cuck you
I also recommend that you avoid reading a wiki or watching videos. Learn the game little by little and don't try too hard to make your farm perfect. One good and simple advice is to look for shells on the beach. They sell for a good bit of money at the start of the game and they make nice gifts.
Work on the community center. It's the only aspect of the game that means anything. Outside of that, the game is a glorified idle game.
the best girls are, in fact, the guys
This. Haley is possibly the biggest shitter at the start, but ends up the best. She says how she enjoys being a housewife for you and offers sex every day (obviously via innuendo but it's there)
There needed to be more variation, though. It's a damn farming community - where are the other farmers? Only one rancher (who isn't even romance-able without mods) and that's it; everyone else is some kind of hipster. Even the outdoorsy girl is a hipster artist.
You have to actually progress through the game. Eventually you'll build sprinklers which stops you from wasting energy on watering crops. Then with a lot of crops you'll have an abundance of food to restore energy when you want to
Biggest thing is to chill and take it slow, as min/maxing that shit makes it where anything past year 2 is nonexistent in content. Here are some general tips, but keep that in mind.
>Check for the caravan merchant in the northwestern part of the forest on Fridays and Sundays, she can sell some amazing stuff such as certain crops, animal products, and exotic goods that can let you skip major community center goals
>Make lightning rods for summer months when you can, batteries are used for valuable shit like iridium sprinklers
>If you want good early profit, growing shit like strawberries (save up during early spring for the festival), blueberries, and cranberries
>If you want to min max your profit like a mad man, get the greenhouse, set up sprinklers, get an ancient seed, plant it, use the fruit to make more seeds, turn the ancient fruits into wine, and never worry about money again
>Keep quartz and smelt it, refined quartz is used in sprinklers and other stuff
>Want to make friends fast? Only have to give two presents a week, so grab some food from the bar and pass it around during the evening
>Save grass till you get a silo, can turn it into fodder
>Level up your axe, then go cut the big log to the northwest in the forest, something cool is behind it
>Check the farmer tips sometimes on tv, they can tell you when its time for wild berries and shit
>Bug meat can be turned into bait, but also consider making a bait barrel on your farm
>Save nuts, you'll want to plant trees for sap and they're good for making cheap energy bars
>You can go left into the tunnel where the bus is
>Making friends is good, you'll not only get to know people better through scenes in town, but they'll send you lots of stuff including food and recipes
>Get a horse asap, it requires no food or real care, and is an objective increase to your speed
Because every characters in harvest moon styled game is the same one dimensional stereotype
>Chad/Stacy with bitchy personality but hot
>Qt starving artists
>Depressed emo/goth that doesnt belong
>Long haired fabio ripoff
>Childish neet with colored hair
>Nerdy science chick
>Hardworking doctors
>Blonde farm hicks who live with their granma/granpa
>Weird merchant that only appear at specific dates/season
>Non-human helper who works at your farm
The entire game is about progression. You upgrade a tool so it covers more distance or cuts/breaks stuff faster, using less energy. You make sprinklers, letting you water less and explore more. You find stardrops in dungeons and for completing certain tough tasks, thus have more energy overall.
Without that blockade, you'd finish the content within the first two seasons. If you don't like that sense of progression, then the game isn't for you since the whole thing is geared towards a slow burn.
That doesn't sound like any harvest moon I know. That sounds like every white western cast ever.
>Without that blockade, you'd finish the content within the first two seasons.
Let's be honest, if it wasn't for seasonal locks on crop growth you could finish the game in two season.
Hell, if you find a red cabbage on the gypsy merchant you can finish the CC in the first year.
Click on the television every morning, one of the channel gives you hints and tips for beginners.
Based Vincent saving the local farmer from eternal cuckoldry
Not to mention recipes that only repeat every two years or some dumb shit. Anyways animals tend to be shit for money, only get them if you want milk, eggs, etc for recipes. The exception to this are pigs, which are amazing money makers if you pick the right perks when leveling
She has the most character development out of all the characters, you are missing out
>that eye-burning glow
>overworld sprite doesn't match dialogue portrait
My 8 years old niece plays this game. She doesn't farm anything. She just picks shells from the beach and gives them to Sam.
Not on my monitor user, and dunno what you mean? Thats the default portrait when talking with her, this is a season mod that changes every NPC sprite / portrait to wear outfits depending on the season and weather
best portraits coming through
Emily looks like Alita
They all look high as shit
woah dude this really activates my almonds
Drug chick and the dudes look pretty bad
stardew valley in a nutshell
>season mod that changes every NPC sprite / portrait to wear outfits
Which one is that?
Best mods?
there's also one that converts some of them to anime
Eat something retard
user already beat me to it but yes it is this one all NPC get new sprites and portraits depending on the current season and whenever its raining or not. Gives it more of a real feeling vibe insted of the same outfit all year
Is there one for all the girls?
i'm having a tough time choosing between haley and abigail
haley's transformation from bimbo to good girl has been fun, but abigail shows up in the mines on rainy days which is pretty neat
it's year 3 and i'm not married yet
at least the game isn't punishing me for having 2 "girlfriends"
your choice of picture tells me you want a fucked up mod
dear lord
what the fuck is happening to this thread
I want to fuck your wife kent
i like how his wife's name is jodi and the military term for the guy fucking your wife while you're on duty is jody
she also whines about regretting marrying young and losing out on her "freedom" and we all know what that really means
Who doesn't.
I got depressed after finishing my romance with Elliot because romantic things like that will never happen in my life. Thinking about this game still brings a tear to my eye.
Be friend with hobo and go dumpster diving. Seriously. Sashimi has saved my ass way too many times
any other good game on this genre that isn't my time at portia or animal crossing?
>it's a small, insular community
>"someone" steals from you when you pass out
Oh yeah I wonder who that could possibly be
TIME DOES NOT REALLY MATTER, when your grandpa ghost or whatever comes it's really anti climactic. I spent lots of times restarting days thinking my farm would be judge just to find out I could have been just chillin and smelling the roses. You gotta like the music for that though.
Also Abigail will play Vidya Gaems wit u
rune factory, harvest moon, stranded sails, probably some other games that i can't think of right now
There weren't even goths in any Harvest Moon game you fag.
There are, but in work at least. There are is rune factory 5 and
Anyone got Prairie King arcade at their home?
>>Also Abigail will play Vidya Gaems wit u
once. as you carry her. and then she complains for 2+ years (depending on how long you play) that she still can't fucking beat the first level of the only videogame she owns. and then wonders if she should have married sebastian instead in front of your fucking face
your waifu not only a shit, but the shittest
Depending on the game playing with her could be an absolutely frustrating and Unfun experience. She couldn’t even beat the first level of her game
>wonders if she should have married sebastian instead in front of your fucking face
Holy shit what a bitch
>ur crush "Gee wow user I would love to play Mario Kart."
>you "I doubt it dumb bitch. I'd fucking smoke you, then punch your fucking face for disgracing the track."
>crush "I think I'll just stay at home then."
>you "tfw no gf, I'm gonna go have pretend relationships in video games."
Penny is best waifu
Hailey is best waifu*
Mario kart is fine even if you’ll end up in the first every time. If she’s fine with it ok. If it’s something like donkey dick or cup head fuck that noise.
Robin would the most practical waifu for a new farmer. You could work all day in the field while she does nothing but upgrade your house constantly until it becomes a towering palace. None of the other girls can offer practical skills to support farmwork like a dedicated builder. Robin is so good she has to be roped off-limit with a watermelon expert khangz scientist. None of the other girls would stand a chance.
you have to neglect her for a while before she does that.
>i would happily marry someone with no job, no education, no aspirations, no productive hobbies, who also sucks at the hobbies that are unproductive
>i just need new places to stick my dick in. please god i'm so desperate
see? i can write condescending fanfic about you too
>I guess I can see why people would choose Maru
choosing a literal mulatto, the state of Yea Forums
Sounds like you're writing about getting married to yourself. Except the part with the dicks is a nignog in ur butthole.
Too bad Robin is a filthy coalburner to made up nigger scientist.
Haley has taken too much chad and tyrone suasage to not crave somemore the moment you are out of town.
Imagine getting this defensive over a virtual woman. Seek help, unironically.
>mfw bf doesnt want to play stardew valley with me
Imagine pretending to win an arguement over Yea Forums, then telling someone they need help, LOL
Monster Girl sprites
He actually believe there's an argument to be had here.
Buddy, if your shitty waifu was real she'd put on 400lbs and just slog along through life as you happily sand away her leathery patches in-between McDonalds runs. Get some fucking standards.
There is zero drawback to having multiple girlfriends. In fact, you are treated to an extra scene if you make all the marriage candidate girls your girlfriend and then get them all to 10-hearts. There's a week period of them being angry at you, and then it goes back to normal with nothing lost.
I would say based ConcernedApe, but it's more of a fact that the romance system is awfully lacking rather than being any kind of intended aspect.
>tfw no mods to romance the married women
Literally all I wanted when I first played the game. Check back in on it 3 years later, and still nothing. At least there's one where you can steal Marnie away from Lewis I guess
You're talking about a video game waifu, "standards."
refer to
>gateway excuses
Spec on produce for fat cash by mid of 2nd year.
Every guy has the exact same jaw line and most of them have the same eyes. What unimaginative shit drew these?
Not even cuckold mods? bummer
You'd run of things to do fast.
A Korean
The only one I could find was one for Robin. But it's not actually romancing Robin - it creates a completely new and separate NPC that copies Robin, and replaces the real Robin with someone else. Half-assed approach and not worth it
Just watch dangerouslyfunny on youtube exploit all the shit in this game and do stupid shit in it. If you play it you'll sink 100 hours in this game and realize all you did was get to the bottom of the mine and do a ton of busy work for an ungrateful village of NPCs.
Genderbent Alex is the worst one tho