What's your favorite level, boss and OST from the series?
What's your favorite level, boss and OST from the series?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Gwyn's theme
Sens Funhouse
Between Friede and Manus
Fucked if i know
>Sen's Fortress
>Ruin Sentinels
>japanese cover
>all characters sit
>western cover
>all characters stand
>Undead Parish (honorable mention: the catacombs)
>Iron Golem/Asylum Demon’s theme.
>Japanese cover
>reflects the struggle the player is intended to go through as they try to understand the deeper meaning behind their purpose
>Western cover
>main character strong main character face challenge head on
>Ivory King
>Phase 3 Gael
If you are going to put Bloodborne and Dark Souls in the same series then Sekiro belongs here too.
Not at all. Bloodborne plays like a souls game with a dash and a lowered focus on armor/turtling.
Sekiro plays like an entirely different game.
Anor Londo or Central Yharnam
Ornstein and Smough
Ludwig's theme, Ebrietas' theme, or the Divine Dragon's theme.
Sekiro is an single player action game with all souls rpg elements and multiplayer aspects removed, completely different types of games.
Oolacile Township
Orphan of Kos
Darkroot Garden is pretty cozy
tie between Ludwig for Kino, Midir for challenge, and O&S for memes
don't really put too much effort into the music, but i do like Majula's music a lot
>Tower of Latria
>Gaping Dragon i know it's a basic bitch fight when it comes to gameplay but i still think it's one of the coolest designs in the series
>Tower Knight or Majula
That Japanese DS3 cover looks pretty cool, damn. Anyway:
>Central Yharnam
>Slave Knight Gael
>Slave Knight Gael Phase 2
>Divine Dragon's theme.
That's Sekiro, you retard.
I like them sitting.
> Central Yharnam
> Orphan of Kos
> Gherman's theme
Anor Londo
Gehrman's or Gwyn's
Tower of Latria
Orphan or Midir
Ebrietas OST
Shrine of Storms
There are a couple of cool unreleased ambient tracks that I like. But Maiden Astraea theme I guess
Tower of Latria
Sword Saint
The faint, rhythmic sound a bonfire makes
The Gutter, DaS2. Not even kidding, I wish there were more levels like this in any Das game. There are not, not a single one, not even in DaS2.
Artorias, Gael, Nameless King, Dancer, orphan, Ludwig
Mostly things that aren't huge monsters that often force you to struggle against the camera
No best side quest or side character?
> Level
Whatever the fuck the opening level after teh asylum from DS1 is called
> Boss
Abyss Watchers
Cleric Beast
>No best side quest
Solaire's quest line is a meme answer but it's hands down the best. I can't even think of any other quest that comes close
I'm playing DS1 for the first time and just reached blightown
Is it normal that I'm still using my starter armor because I haven't found anything better?
I found many weapons and shields but all the armor I found was either turbolight or a direct downgrade
>Favorite level
Eleum Loyce
>Favorite boss
Orphan of Kos
>Favorite OST
Sir Alonne/Gwyn
Snow Fields
Abyss Watchers
First of all, i'm still ass mad salty about not having those top tier japânese covers.
favorite level
> irythill (setting) / astral clocktower
Favorite boss
>Lady maria / gehrman / gael
Favorite OST
>Ludwig/ Old king allant/ gehrman
Haven't played Demon and BB, but from the main trilogy mine are
Og anor londo
3's soul of cinder
And seath's theme