Unpopular Opinions

>Most Star Wars games are not good -lego games
>Most older games are not good and just a nostalgia trip
>Games being remade is not an issue unless it completely changes the story

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Other urls found in this thread:


t. 17/18 year old

>Soul isn’t real
>Story isn’t important in video games
>The DS is overrated
>The PS2 is overrated
>Ocarina of Time isn’t even close to being one of the GOATs
>Changes made during localization are fine since the stories/dialogue in video games are rarely anything special


Videogames sucks ass now

Star Wars was NEVER good,even EU is SHIT

Prove me wrong

Ok lets just get this out of the way.
Who was in the wrong here?

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Compared to what other games

What is this?

Her, See the face of Vader then you meet his saber. Also hes still loyal to Padme

>you will never get to snort cocaine with carrie fisher again

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not him but you make a list of all star wars games and I'll prove you wrong
t. doesn't give a fuck about star wars movies

>old games are better than new games
>nostalgia is a legit reason to like a game and rate it high
>Epic is not as bad as people make it out to be
>Valve needs to get fucked really hard for their shit matchmaking, cheater, hacker and boosting shit in all their games
>reality is Dota 2 has the lowest skill ceiling in all comp game despite the biggest price pool
>Dota 2 is not hardcore it's actually normie shit
>not all western devs suck like Yea Forums implys

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N64 shadow of the empire
Rouge Squadron 2
Super Star Wars

Thats all ive played. They are all good.

its the latest marvel darth vader comic

is that an edit?
retarded edgy shit but much worse if official

Fuck thots

...its real

When i say most i mean, Older ones, mainly the Jedi Knight Series. It doesn't old up outside of nostalgia

Thot Status: Patrolled.

Why are these fucking threads never actually about unpopular opinions? It's always "unpopular opinion ON Yea Forums" which means the most popular, mainstream, socially accepted opinion imaginable. I can just imagine the blue check marks that post these threads.

Aside from the Dota parts, that I cannot judge, because I don't do MOBAs

the original battlefront 1 & 2 are actually terribly balanced games, people literally only played them because it was star wars

>because I don't do MOBAs

Good for you user and never start playing them.
I wasted 5 years on Dota and it only made me more angrier.

So that's what star wars comics have become?

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>tfw Vader is literally the most badass mother fucker in SW
>Nu-Star Wars only has Kylo who's a little faggot compared to Vader

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>old games are better than new games
not all
>nostalgia is a legit reason to like a game and rate it high
Thats fine, but dont expect others to like a game based on you nostalgia, Just because you like a game from your past doesn't mean everyone will
>Epic is not as bad as people make it out to be
Tru but its not good has a ways to go to get there
>Valve needs to get fucked really hard for their shit matchmaking, cheater, hacker and boosting shit in all their games
>reality is Dota 2 has the lowest skill ceiling in all comp game despite the biggest price pool
>Dota 2 is not hardcore it's actually normie shit
Im assuming all this is because of dota so sure, But valve hasn't done shit, they are a AAA company ran like an indie studio so nothing gets done
>not all western devs suck like Yea Forums implys
Glad someone else thinks so, There are just as many bad Jap games/Devs as western

>vader is so epic and powerful he killed like 100 guys and even knew they were afraid with his epic mind reading powers
this is pure fucking cringe right here

He doesn't need mind reading powers to know that

>It doesn't old up

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Looks like the woman is a self-insert by a BPD'd female writer.
Might not be the case but certainly comes across that way.

You don't understand what greentext is for

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>fanfic writing trannies on twitter are buttblasted by this comic because they self insert as the batshit insane medic girl
loving every lmao

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>posting from the series that gave him a quirky sidekick with her own super quirky sidekick robots

Crazy thot tracked a bunch of garbage water into his room and stank the whole place up

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I need proofs.
Post salt.

This is now the EU

And he ended up blasting her into space from an airlock, what's your point?

The good Star Wars vidya stuff is
>Jedi Knight games
>Empire at War
>Unironically some Swtor class stories like Sith Warrior or Agent
>OG Battlefront 2
>Final Fantasy 12

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Have a hearty kek reading it

She survives

This is the true injustice. The new battlefront is better in every single last damn way but its popular to hate this game that they didn't have to bring back.

They didn't have to.

The original bf2 multiplayer was objectively dogshit. If you played it, you know. You know. So this means that every last insufferable cunt that compares the original to the new one and claims its better, is a pretender. They played only on single player. They have no frame of reference to what should be in the game multiplayer-wise.

The capital ships did not blow up. You blow up every hard point, and then it's a pilot pissing contest to fill out the remaining score. By the way, the entire piloting mechanics are far superior to caveman 2005.

The only legit complaint is no galactic conquest. And i mean, the ONLY. Complaint.

The game has been good from day one. The lootboxes were barely intrusive in the first place, a controversy set in motion most likely by competitors.

Top lel

What is the actual point of this comic

Detroit Become Human is a great game and does the CYOA thing better than anything Telltale ever made
DMC1 has aged like milk and doesn't come close to 3, 4 and 5
Fighting games other than Smash and Mortal Kombat are boring
BOTW is a 7/10 and the weakest 3D Zelda besides Skyward Sword
OoT is better than MM, but both are 10/10 games
There's nothing wrong with playing on easy
Half Life 2 is better than 1
Fear 2 is better than 1
Rockstar hasn't made a good game since Midnight Club 1
Kamiya's only good game is Viewtiful Joe 1
MGS 1, 2 and 3 are good games but no one can legitimately put them among the greatest of all time because of the controls. They're horrendous in all three games even at the best of times.
The Souls games are generic, by the numbers dungeon crawlers with boring, stupid plots and a relentlessly obnoxious fanbase.
Counter Strike is garbage in all configurations
Far Cry 5 is a great game and the best in the series
Sonic was never good
Doom, Quake, and most retro games have aged like shit
There's nothing wrong with not putting female characters in skimpy outfits

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No one actually likes an old game just because of nostalgia lmao, specially a console one like a jrpg.

To show that the Empire doesn't do psychological evaluation for their members

Vader was cool. Too bad they couldn’t capture that energy with Kylo

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He didn’t need to kill her

Retard, Kylo's entire character is meant to be a wannabe Vader fanboy but failing at it.

Something that is meant to be shit isn't good because of it

>We want the Harley Quinn audience

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Your argument can be applied to rey, too. >something that's meant to be good doesn't mean it's bad because of it

Warn women to stop daydreaming about the "power of love" and "healing his dark past" or something.

It's not universal, something that is meant to be shit isn't good because of it, but it can be. Kylo isn't though.

The best eu story I ever read was about the logistics crew on the executor trying to figure out who was trying to fuck with their food shipments and darth fucking vader showing up to handle legal bureaucracy because the paper work was taking too long.

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Yendor needs a game. He's a cool guy.

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What? But the males in the species are ugly as sin.

What on earth.

Any game

>Detroit Become Human is a great game and does the CYOA thing better than anything Telltale ever made
I find it baffling that this was the only decent opinion you have

That's stupid. If they all fired their guns at the same time there's no way he could parry them all at the same time. It's just not physically possible to move your hand to all angles that fast. Stupid Mary Sue character.

They try talking him into surrendering, he uses the Force to subtly activate a bunch of their thermal grenades at once and massacres them in the dust and confusion

this is not official right?


Did he dead?

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What was the point of this? Who was that?


Quit being a bunch of nerds and read the whole thing to see how bad it really is

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>Most Star Wars games are not good
>Most older games are not good

I mean no shit? There's a ton of Star Wars games and a ton of games in general.

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I don't think you know what skill ceiling means.
To be legitimately competitive in Dota 2 takes a lot of effort. It's dumb to argue over what competitive game is the most skillful but DotA is definitely not the lowest. Pretty much every other MOBA is lower, for starters.

There's plenty of ways you can criticize the game and Valve in general but you come off as bitter by focusing on how "hardcore" it is.

but shes in his private chambers, last i remember vader kills anyone that sees him without his helmet, with the soul exception of a few. in fact, someone came to his chambers and he spazed out once because he thought padme was there or something

Think it’s one of the more recent comics. There was an imperial officer who was really helpful and good at tracking down remaining Jedi. He gained Vader’s favor so much that Vader would go out of his way to only talk to this lieutenant. Anyway he ends up walking in on Vader and survives.

>Vader would go out of his way to only talk to this lieutenant.

yes, i remember this, but that guy had greatly pleased vader, he was the one that was basically helping him track someone right?
i remember him being obsessed with pleasing vader

>and guest starring Telly Savalas as Darth Vader