Vidya rage/hatemail thread

Have you ever gotten mad at a video game? Have you ever met someone who got mad at a video game?

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I got a big "FUUUUCK YOOOOUUUU" after I beat someone as the boss in the Old Monk fight in Demon's Souls.
Wasn't even a PVP build or anything.

i'm not good enough at video games to get hatemail

What kept me playing Hearthstone for as long as I did was getting friend requests from ragebabs after I defeated them with my shitty decks

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I throw competitive games regularly. Even when I play seriously (i.e actually making some effort to win) I use troll picks to try to tilt my team.

Whenever anyone calls me out on it in chat I just respond with "what?"

I rage when I play pvp games and lose. But I keep it quiet when I'm not alone, I don't want to annoy everyone with my whining.

What is that from?

I sometimes get hate mail from someone on the enemy team whenever I stop them, but it’s always the same garbage like “wow dude, I clearly don’t play this game all the time like you do, get a life”

Shut the fuck up animesissy, bet you get turned on by insults

>tfw haven't got hatemail since Dark Souls 1 forest invasions

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i get called a cheater despite streaming for proof
when i scrim or pug, people tend to leave because i play way to gay or something, even though im just copying what i see in high level shit
in dark souls i get friend added or invited to no honor,

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Whenever someone rage quits in a fighting game, I ask them why they ran away.
Usually gets a nice hatemail response afterwards.

Same here, on the 360. Xbox Live was a special place

Love is war.

Fighting games are great to send hatemail on since real life interaction is common there and threats can have real impact that way

I've been called a cheater more than once.

When I played TF2 back in around 2010, I remember this random guy I kept reflecting rockets back at as a pyro, he added me to friends list, called me a hacker and started to DDOS me. This was before steam had IP protection. That was the most egregious thing like that to happen.

Today it's pretty rare, but I still get it sometimes in Tekken 7 on PC, I'll beat someone or someone will beat me, they'll add me to friends just to talk shit.

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I cant believe people don't block all forms of contact online.
Am i the only one?
I hate friend reqs, all chat and shitty PMs spammed

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>DS3 watchdog invasions with great club
>farmed Lothric Knight armor for fashion from the trio outside Dancer's boss room
>constantly get called a twink and a cheater when i can poise through the shit weapon lineup most players have at that point

At that point i just went the extra mile and became a twink. Got prisoner's chain, bumrushed the base game to get to TRC for FaP and Havels +3 (Lapp and Gael can easily solo Demon Prince provided you aggro swap properly), picked up Gundyr's set (one of the highest poise sets you can fast roll with at SL35) and it's a blast

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>Playing Avatar:the video game multiplayer on shitty internet
>Keep destroying a kid using the AMP suit
>he sends me a xbox voice message
>its a 10 year old sounding kid going "your a fuckin hacka, fuck you you fuckin hacka im gonna kill ya you fuckin hacka"
The only time having bad internet felt good, prob looked like I was killing him across the entire map to him.

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>I can't believe not everyone is as big a pussy as me
Wouldn't survive in the 360 era, kid.

I was there, kid.
I ignored people and their ragespam because i don't care about them.

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