Is it shit?

is it shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gameplay is good

but as usual the SJW agenda poisons an otherwise great experience

Gameplay is good. Everything else sucks.

>game does what its meant to do, call white boys what they are which is ugly, short, fat weak little cuckolds
>the Yea Forumsirgin is enraged by this idea being used

At least you admit that both you and the game are racist.

This doesn't happen in this game

can't wait for the johnny cage caged cock DLC

Gameplay is garbage like every other NRS game. Ignore autists who complain about "SJW" shit.

So the game is bad but the SJW stuff good?

Really activates my almonds

sjw crap

Man I feel really empty feeling when I play a MK game I feel like there should be more but it's never enough there's always something missing.
I don't really get that feeling from other big fighting franchises so what up with MK?

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>its sjw crap
>no one says why
other games now have other brand characters in their base games or use unused characters in their franchise like in injustice, MVC or and the best example of this super smash bros. MK just has the same characters every single installment

If the game is actually good that shit shouldn't ultimately matter. If your modus operandi is to start screeching about political faggotry when someone asks if a game is worthwhile you probably have nothing worthwhile to say because odds are you don't even really play vidya.
Of course it's NRS shit so it's not good either way.

They'd tried to make a neutral heavy game. Instead the game favours safe strings that put you at point blank range or full screen zoning. You can't really do all that much in neutral, just force the opponent to take a risk when they are so easy to deal with here. Characters seem to lack good neutral tools in general, Chris G basically won Northwest Majors by doing nothing. But no one could really get anything going in neutral, so took a risk that was easily punished. He didn't even know how to deal with grabs

Just watch the tournaments yesterday, it was a joke.

Too similar to Injustice, combat is overly slow and game design is pure garbage (towers design, mtx, consumables, collectibles, too many cutscenes). It's like devs totally forgot or discarded its simple arcade roots

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If you're allowed to criticize the gameplay, i'm also allowed to criticize the "message" the creators are so obviously shoving into player's faces.

Two-way street, etc.

Underwater combat.

It's of no real consequence. The SJW shit is just NRS always being a cringe ass reflection of the times.

They took away the one thing that made Johnny likable and fun. They never should’ve hook him up with Sonya and given him a kid

fucking this. gameplay looks so fucking boring compared to mk9 and mkx.

>this is your brain on no sex

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>i'm also allowed to criticize the "message" the creators are so obviously shoving into player's faces
No shit you're "allowed" to, but that doesn't mean it's valuable input.

Anyone who believed the "footsies in MK!" meme is a sucker. You can't have a strong, footsie-based neutral in a game where projectiles don't clash and unreactable teleports, especially if it's developed by NRS.

And this. MK shouldn't be slow, ever. People tried to say "It's like MKII, boyz!". No it isn't. MK11 is nothing like universal-normal having MKII. And even if it was, MKII is broken anyway. All the OGs knew Injustice II was the start of NRSs decline. And look, MK11 is starting to flop.

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>I feel like there should be more but it's never enough there's always something missing.
With MK11 I do feel like it lacks some kind of mechanic. Like my gameplan is just do my safe pokes, your mix up game is weak and the damage you get for that risk isn't equivalent to the level of risk. So my safe pokes aren't setting up a bigger risk. And your safe strings are so multi purpose. The combo system is somewhat limited as well. Every match just because I safely unga and then hope to whiff punish.

Maybe I should perfect block more to get some different punishes, but they seem to not want that as it has been nerfed in a weird way. There is a delay on the next time you can do it, so can't be used like a parry outside of big single hits. You also don't really need to worry about meter management. I'm also not sure how I feel about fatal blows, only getting one means you only get the tactical use of it once. So if you use it to catch the opponent doing something then they no longer have to worry about it. Another type of super might help, but this one already does a lot of damage.

>muh narrative reeee

fuck. The rating is that low? Yeah, i'm not getting it.

Has anyone been able to complete the "Win 3 ranked matches" Daily?
Ive won a bunch but it's still 0/3 for several days now. But when I search or ask I dont see anyone having the problem.

Dude microtransactions and burkas

>read user reviews
>its people parroting Enraged Enriques opinion on the microtransactions or Yea Forumss opinions on the politics of the game
>no one really discussing the gameplay
I have no interest in buying MK11, WB is a trash publisher I have no desire in contributing towards. But the gameplay isn't really why people are angry at this game, so 2.7 does seem kind of unrealistically low. Based off of what people are saying it'd be a strong 4 at worst really.
The principles behind the game are fucking trash though and the monetization of a 60 dollar game like this is unacceptable.

a bit like church then

no the thing the retard got it from don't count digital sales


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What's the best way to cheese the towers of time? Which character and loadout ect.

DO NOT BUY. Unlocks are pure fucking cancer.

Gameplay is not good, but it's not worse than 10 either. It's a different kind of bad.

MK is shalow broken gameplay, more about exploiting whatever mechanic is most broken than anything other fighting game. And their design tends to result in very samey characters.

If they fixed the MTX and the always on, and shit like that, I think a 4 is fair.

i use noob and sonya

>But the gameplay isn't really why people are angry at this game
Right, but by the same token, gameplay isn't why people shill the game. It's graphics, hype, and lore. Logic and the unquestionably short lifespan of NRS games will tell you that. The NRS community lives for the novelty of the honeymoon period and shits on the game later. EVERY TIME. With MK11 it's happening even faster.

put combos and rush down at 60

Iv'e been using baraka, he's my man in this game. I'm curious about noob, he seems pretty intuitive to pick up and play.

The gameplay is really solid and most of the characters look awesome, but the voice lines are weak and the krypt is tedious in an Overwatch type of way. The story also has me very hopeful for the future, I really thought the ending was a nice way to cap off this trilogy.

>shits on the game later

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he fucks


did you get the good ending

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Yeah they fucked up by screwing up the casual grind system that casuals love.

Why did they make Kotal Kanh a jobber in the story and a fucking jobber in actual play.

Does Boon hate mexicans or something

baby got back

It's Mortal Kombat.

Singleplayer is shit but that's a fighting game so who cares

Online works great, gameplay is an improvement over 10 on all fronts, but it's still a Mortal Kombat game. Uppercut and string mashers are rewarded and are much more hard to deal with than they should be. The way inputs work in this game makes me question NRS constantly, I don't get why their 'dial-a-combo' system is even a thing because of how clunky it is. And not, it's not even close to how strings work in Tekken and 3d games. You can't drop a combo in Tekken before it even comes out. You can't and buffer a mixup in Tekken before it even comes out. In MK, it's the norm most of the time.

MK in general feels like a Tekken ripoff made by people with no expertise put in 2D space to me. Inputs in general makes very little sense and take some time to get used to. Characters still feel clunky as fuck, but at least the horrible running system from 10 is gone.

Once you get used to all the weird (comparing to other fighting games) shit here, it's actually quite fun and at it's best is pretty damn great and flashy.

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scarlet is cute. CUUUUTTTEEE!!!!!!!

>Why can't every game be a loli anime fighter
Fuck off neckbeard, mk is FUN.

if you like slow gameplay then its for you, but other than that its a hallow piece of garbage

I enjoy seeing two people slug it out on this

>The gameplay is really solid
Nope. It's already broken and boring. Will die faster than injustice 2.

LOL. As soon as MK11 was revealed to be slower and claiming footsies. All of a sudden the community started shitting on MKX.
>too many 50/50s!
>ex armor too stronk!
>running sucks!
>too much rushdown!
>wow I went back to mkx. graphics suck!
And yet, biggest selling MK ever. Everyone said it was the best MK ever during the honeymoon period. It'd the same shit again and again.

he is a Kanh so yes he is a jobber

>Singleplayer is shit but that's a fighting game so who cares
The majority of people who play MK games. That's who, ya fucking retard. Most people buying the game never fight online.

It is, until it's not.

Why stance switch is still a thing. Why is it used for some inputs. Why amplify needs to be a separate button. Why is timing on getup rolls is so weird. Why does controlling a character in this game feels like steering a battleship. Literally every other studio gets fighting games better than NRS, including westerners.

>too many 50/50s!

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i dont want to touch it because no sexy women anymore its a shame because i like the pretty graphics.
Also im not a retarded liberal so the jax ending is a deal breaker.

That's a shame, i assume most people are intimidated but most mk players are mexicans with mcdonalds wifi who don't know how to do anything but uppercut. granted no-lifers do exist.

I still think that majority of people on /v have better taste than general public, but you just made me question that.

This doesn't happen in the game, but seriously where the fuck do you come from and what is wrong with you. Also say if you're a fat multicolor-haired woman.

Exactly lmao. People get fooled by the hype, the western take on oriental lore, and the graphics, then drop the game. They drop it, because it's boring. There's no other reason. If it was fun, they wouldn't. Why would millions of players suddenly stop playing a fun game? lol

>I don't get why their 'dial-a-combo' system is even a thing because of how clunky it is
Same. I could understand them rewarding people mashing it out with no timing, that rewards causal players. But making it so you have to mash the string out is so weird. They could allow both. I don't get it when you have a 3 or 4 hit string, but the second part won't come out unless you've hit the third button. I was confused with a Jade string for a while until I realise I had to mash it all out like an ape to get it working. Which not only feels wrong but reduces how much you could do with that string. It isn't even consistent, some strings allow you to stop at any hit and others require the full sequence. Just make the second input all those moves then, they aren't even against 1 button press being multiple hits.

I actually agree with all your points, i liked the faster rushdown style of mkx. Everything just felt so fast in that game, mk11 feels like sfv with downs. Still though getting a meaty combo in in mk11 still feels good and 90% of the class is pretty fun to actually play and learn. It's a solid 7/10 gameplay wise so not bad. It's better than shit fighter 5 at least.

>Literally every other studio gets fighting games better than NRS, including westerners.
KI will rise again

The fucking costumes for this lady bothers me. Sure boob window, but no ab window or have her have a two piece costume similar to Mileena's default on MKX. Like the woman regularly Stabs herself in the abdomen, you'd think leather straps and heavy fabric would be problematic for much she regularly does it.

Also, I hate the fact that the different skins for her and for some if not majority of the cast is just slight variations of the same costume. Skarlet is mostly, Sleeves, no Sleeves, Boob window, No boob window, or No Sleeves and Boob Window.

Do you even know what that means?

all the costumes are shit

That's not what I've been talking about though, quite the opposite. You CAN'T mash in Mortal Kombat, ever. Your inputs need to be precise all the time and you need to be doing them BEFORE your characters does anything most of the time. That's why people compare it to entering a phone number on a phone. You get the wrong number? The move you want won't come out and you can't 'overwrite' the buffer like in other fighting games, where immediate button presses always take the priority over the 'stored' ones.

It's true. The vast number of MK players just play the singleplayer then dump the game. It can sell millions, yet only have an all-time max of 22, 000. Even the so-called competitive players on places like testyourmight get bored and stop going to tournaments.

Do you think she can bloodbend he blood inside your penis wenus? That would probably feel pretty good haha. I bet she could make an onahole out of my own blood haha that would be so funny.

>Also, I hate the fact that the different skins for her and for some if not majority of the cast is just slight variations of the same costume.
Pretty sure her long hair is just Cassie. Though I don't mind that, I just think everyone should be able to swap hair

They toned down the dicerolls in 11 and I'm totally on board with it. I hated how run was implemented in 10 so I'm also glad it's gone. I also like the new meter system, I think it fits MK much better than classic super meter from previous games.

D'vorah still has a i13 overhead with a knockdown though, and I don't get how can anyone think that that's a good game design.

Ill let you guys in on a secret because i sense some of you are niglets.
The only reason to play mortal kombat is to play your favourite edgelord martial artist or boob ninja.
Its always been the cool characters and costumes. Playing through the singleplayer. Collecting some things from challenges.
If the cool designs are not there. Well there isnt any reason to play it.

>Your inputs need to be precise all the time and you need to be doing them BEFORE your characters does anything most of the time.
That's why i always feel like I need to mash it all out. Tekken lets me take my time with strings, while other non string games have a nice rhythm to the hits. MK it is get the right sequence out quickly with no care. It is like entering the string and hitting send.

Right but these are the same normalfag npcs that buy CoD because everyone else does and goes through single player and never touches multiplayer because it's too hard and people are mean, while they make up most of the sales they should automatically be thrown in the garbage can when it comes to discussion.

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You're the guy who comes in and says "damn right!" after a truth bomb. Congrats.

im just letting you niglets know why mk11 is so hated.

you mean band wagoners hate it and people who have grown up with mk and seen it shit the bed a thousand times don't care and will continue to play it?

Difference is, MK is the COD of fighters. You can't seperate the fans from the game if they keep it alive, especially if they're the majority. And double if even the hardcore, as I said, are scrubs themselves. Out of all the fg communities to be complaining about casuals, the NRS community shouldn't be the one.

well im the later and im not going to continue playing it,
its not the mk as it once was.

Use consumables. Sometimes I let my call in bro kill them while i block. I got a trillion consumables now.

> last game Double Helix made was released in 2014
> it's a fucking mobile game

The KI2 announcement is right around the corner bros, right?

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It's great.
Especially on PC.
Console faggots just crying like always.

The majority really do sucks, though do find some to be "good" though I say that lightly. Most of it is uninspired and lacking a certain pop to them. They don't stand out as much. I found artists online seem to have better sense of character design than the fuckers working on the game when checking out the fan art.

The gameplay doesnt seem good, or at least it doesnt look polished.
You have shit like punishes that only work on the left side but not the right, shao kahn not being able to do his combos on females and liu kang being able to crouch through more things than other characters.

The PC version is literally fucked. Consoles are ahead patch wise, any bread and butter you learn now could not work anymore if they actually decide to give a shit about the PC audience.

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Their own fanboys hate it. Don't try to bullshit people. The complaint thread on the biggest nrs fanboy site is stickied and has the most posts on the entire thread list. I'm not even gonna post screencapped posts kek.

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>You can't seperate the fans from the game if they keep it alive
I can and will, if you don't at least choose to learn how a character functions on a competent level after a few hours of experimenting and practice while playing you should have your thumbs removed by the neckbeard police. If my 12 year old brother can get a combo down in 5 minutes these "people" have no excuse being dumb as goldfish with the argument they don't have time to git gud. Also every review of the game has been painful to watch, why is every game journo so fucking bad at videogames? It's their fucking profession, this makes me mad.

At least we can have the 60 FPS all the time.

It seems like the game went through 2 clashing design philosophies in development. When it was first showed off they said they wanted slower more neutral gameplay and most character reflected that. Then halfway through they just said "lol nah" and made kollector, shao kahn and liu kang who can teleport and unga all day for free and get 30-40 off any stray hit. Baraka is bad about that as well but at least he can be reliably zoned out, those 3 also have great zoning and probably the best corner carry, along with fantastic quirks with their projectiles.

Compare them to characters like cassie, scorpion, or kabal. A lot of their strings are unsafe if they don't cancel early, some specials are unsafe as hell especially if they break out mid combo, and what few good neutral tools they have isn't enough to stop someone mashing in their face and their conversions are especially weak. Comparing the characters shown off early to those shown late and it seems like they were made for a completely different fighting game

Of course its shit. Number 11 in the series? Are you all fucking retarded? Game companies only do this when they know morons will shell out $60 for garbage.

Typical consolefag crying lol.
Have sex incel.

Its a neat fix but that doesnt change that the game you play is literally fucked and over a week behind on essential patches.
There's also many other bugs that affect many PC users. buying the game is a gamble right now because it might straight up not work.

>game is good
The fatal blow bullshit comeback mechanic in any game makes it shit

Yeaaah, good luck in cloud cuckooland. Meanwhile, in reality, the game is made for, made by, and maintained by scrubs. If you really wanted to play a non casual fighter, you wouldn't even entertain MK for that. You're going in an infants playground, crying that there's no big boy games.

mainstream reviewer reviews of fighting games are literally useless.
skip to 1:20 to see the real life punchline that are game journos. thats how they approach the game they review.

worst of all is that they dont even point out the kikery and grindyness of MKXI so they're not even good for that. its just "muh capeshit story 10/10"

i dont mind comeback mechanics like that but it's beyond retarded that if you whiff it or if it gets blocked it recovers again within like 8 seconds or some shit

alright, bend over fagboy

This. The gameplay is not good at all.

Fuck managing your meter, heres a free super just for losing

I also remember a lot of people calling the beta characters boring, while saying the ones like Liu looked way more fun. Finding that balance between neutral heavy and interesting unique characters is really hard and I don't think they knew how to go about it. Which might be down to customisation, you can't really focus a character that well when they have to be so changeable. Especially when everyone agrees the variations they settled on for ranked are just bad.

I wouldn't put Shao in that crazy list though, he barely feels like a complete character.Scorpion also seems strong cause he has the few tools you need. He has a low and mid safe strings he can convert off and a teleport. So he just goes unga. I think he got buffed from the beta so his basic offence just works, and there really isn't an interesting counter play to it. You can try and space better but those strings move him forward as well.

> most character reflected that
I don't think so. Most of the characters can and clearly could unga all day for free. Vast majority of moves are strings that make your characters move forward and backdash is basically nonexistent, there is no point at back dashing ever. You can't have footsies in game like this, and I doubt they ever planned on implementing SF style whiff baiting gameplay at all.

They wanted to add more defensive options, and they did. All of the new defensive stuff is very welcome, even if some of them options feel very clunky. Still, a guy who gets wakeupd in 11 is much, much less fucked than he was in 10, which is good.

Glad someone on this board said it

Oh baby I've been waiting for this

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What i'm saying is the literal casuals of the casuals should stake nothing in an actual discussion because even if they buy the game because review man told them too they don't actually play video games.

>and there really isn't an interesting counter play to it. You can try and space better but those strings move him forward as well.
People have been sleeping on instant blocks. Mastering them might be a gamechanger. Can't say for sure since I'm shit at them still.

>SF style whiff baiting gameplay at all.
I have seen a fair bit of whiff punishing, and it is actually pretty easy to do. Easier than SFV at least. But that is mostly down to people throwing out dumb shit at bad ranges. Once it develops a bit I think the game will be safe strings you just have to know and block mixed with neither player doing all that much cause they currently can't approach.

>loli anime fighter

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When I'm good at a fighting game it usually means there's something very wrong with the gameplay. Somehow I'm great at this game.

big improvement over mkx especially in animation

Graphics are astounding

I know what you mean. I'm ass, but when I checked what better players were doing with the same characters it turns out I'd figured out all the same shit. Outside a few combo optimisations. I'm still waiting for that next step in the gameplay, hoping something like really takes a hold.

I wouldn't say most. Its about half. If you try to mash strings all day as cassie or jade you're going to be in for a bad time. Also shao kahn is fucking terrifying. His javelin gives him enough time to dash forward or back if it hits thanks to its knockdown properties, and his hammer drop makes everything safe unless they have a teleport. That means he can basically mash all day and cancel into that then keep going until it hits and you take 30% meterless easily. The only downside I can think of to him is his big body makes him easier to combo/whiff punish. I'm not sure how he feels incomplete to you when he has more moves than someone like dvorah or cassie.

Does anyone else plays Kano? I play him and Feel like he's really really lacking in this game.

He seems fine to me.

Projectile, good range on normals, command grabs are nice too. combos are fairly easy too. He also got one of them strings that are plus on block (1,1,2) and are clearly meant to be instant blocked. Abuse it while it's hot.

My biggest complain is that instead of a plus on block mid knee which half of the roster has, he gets a shitty unsafe commando roll that leads nowhere. b3 is nice, but that's an unga knee replacement.

Not sure how he compares at top level, but he seems pretty capable. Oh and I'm talking about the variation that everybody plays, not sure what's the molotov one is even supposed to be, feels like shit to lose half of his good shit from movelist and get two shitty dots instead.

>*not an unga knee replacement

Hes one of those good at neutral but not much else type characters. Which is frustrating because between this and x its like they don't really know how to make him now. The few good things he has pales compared to stronger characters and even some weak characters can out class him in some areas so its hard to have much confidence in any match up unless they have no teleport and no zoning

>but as usual the SJW agenda poisons an otherwise great experience
So you're ok with mobile game garbage

U mad

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My gripe with that is you don't get fatal blows if you're good at the game.

Yo does anyone think inputs in this game feel like absolute shit? I hopped on MKX to confirm and that game feels like butter in comparison

It dies seem kind of slow. I just use safe strings and hope my opponent fucks up.

No, I also had an issue with connect 3 special moves. I got one but it would never go up after that.

This game feels so stiff to me. Like basic stings just don't come out sometimes. Coming from guilty gear I don't like it so far.

I just play ranked matches and ignore everything else (story, towers of time, customization bs)

It’s pretty good just to play ranked matches

>tfw everyone leaves after one match in Kasual

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Can you do brutalities to unlock them? Like fatalities from the older games?


of course not

huge disappointment in terms of outfits, characters and story plus the greed is off the chart when it comes to lootbox style unlocking

>spend more time on censoring females instead of improving animations
Yeah, it's fucking shit.

Forgot to drink your Respect Women juice today, partner?

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>fatalities/x-ray shots locked to 30fps on PC for console parity
>turns out you can disable the frame cap with no apparent detriment

Shame too because this is the best looking fighting game ever made with the 30 fps caps disabled holy moly

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It seems to have done pretty poor for an MK game. Days Gone isn't even multiplat and the hype for it was small

I fucking hope so. KI was a goddamn miracle.

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Zombie Game vs. Fighting Game with an 11 at the end

I am Not surprise

Fatigue didn't kill your game, Boon.

New ip that was treated like a joke vs huge franchise with a notable place in pop culture.

MKX did 11 million, no excuses

>play a fighting game

>Taking European physical sales as any indication
It's 2019 user, many people don't live in Europe and buy digitally now.

Fatal blows are a shitty comeback mechanic.
The cooldowns on your offensive and defensive meter was designed for retards that don't understand the concept of risk vs reward meter management in better fighting games.

Yeah. Feels a bit weird. Does making my command "short" make it better? I have then on "medium" right now.

> Implying MK was ever any good.

MK9 hit the sweet spot where a bunch of nostalgia fags bought into the hype after a slew of poorly received games in MK4-7 (there is no 8). As a reboot, the story was decent for an MK game and campy enough that it doesn't take itself seriously.

Every character that was memorable in the original trilogy was in MK9. MKX/XL sold on the strength of its predecessor and still had relatively solid gameplay, but started to deviate from the roster of characters that we all remember from the original trilogy. The problem is that 4 of the new characters are bland teenagers wearing similar outfits and two of their themes (Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs) are uninteresting amalgamations of better, more interesting characters. MKX was a decent experience, but for most people that game finished scratching the MK itch.

MK11 deviates even further, so if your favorite character isn't there then you're going to pass. If you bought the game, you found that they stripped out the run game which slows down gameplay immensely.

Then you have the poor design/marketing choices like micro transactions to unlock characters after you already forked over $60 for a game. One or two unlockable characters for beating the story without losing or something is fine, but most people don't want to pay that much money for only 2/3 of the game.

lmao, who gives a fuck about uk

NRS should stick to monster desgins for the most part. D'Vorah and Kollector are pretty cool.

>Fatal blows are a shitty comeback mechanic.
They're fine. Forces you to be aware when opponent is low on health instead of turning on cruise control. Works just fine in Tekken. And it's not like they're new, they're pretty much x-rays anyways. Unless I'm mistaken, they can also be interrupted by low.

>But the gameplay isn't really why people are angry at this game
Oh, the gameplay is broken as fuck, it's just that this game has bigger issues

I'll get it on a 50% maybe

If it's ftee to play — yes
60$ game — no...

its garbage in tekken too. and here your fatal blow even recovers if you fuck it up.

It feels like they tried to fuse the style of injustice with mk in terms of looks and gameplay which is not good. The game feels slower than previous games. I just stared playing mkx again just to compare and mkx is faster and more fun. I would've rather had an expansion to that instead of this. I don't play competitive so I don't know what the main issues are in terms of exploits or whatever, so i can't really comment on what technical improvements they added, but then again who the hell can? Only competitive faggots care really about that shit. The story mode is really good, though, moments like the raiden vs Liu kang fight scene were pretty cool. characters like cetrion, Jacqui and the kollector really don't fit in the mk universe and soil the game just by being there. Overall it's two steps forward and step backwards. I recommend you get it in a sale. Warner bros always price drops their shit super fast, anyways.

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What was the other ending?

You get your head chopped off

The fatal blows don't really do much damage. It's pretty much comparable to landing one good combo. Also it's not as bad as like Tekken 7 where you get one at the end of every match. I like that you can only use 1 fatal blow for the entire round. Makes you strategize when you need to use it.

So wait, how did goro die in his throne again?

What I never understood is guys calling you trash online after you just beat their ass. I just beat the ever living fuck out of someone online, he didn't even win one match and he turns on his mic to go "you're Baraka is trash bro pure trash". Then he quits the match. Like if I'm so trash why did you just get your ass beat?

I like it, all the characters I care about look great, story mode was way better than X, krypt is komfy. The towers suck not because of unbearable grinding but because the stupid modifiers make them a chore. Hopefully in a few weeks they’ll patch it

Why doesn't Kollector fit?

This mostly happens in NRS games. I get way more asshurt people in them.

>Seething virgin nog.

I think it's an improvement to MKX but I have no drive or desire to play it right now

D'Vorah poisoned him

>is it shit?

Roster is shit.
Lot's of classic characters missing while bringing back the annoying ones from X nobody cares. To top it off characters look fucking ugly, they went for a realistic style that looks awful and out of place with MK. They also straight up reworked a lot of classic characters to the point they might aswell be a completely different character.

Story is shit.
Poorly written throught-out, probably the worst storymode of all modern NRS games. Everyone but Raiden, Liu Kang and Kronika is useless, and Kronika is an awful character. The arcade endings are a joke. The other singleplayer content is a grindfest, towers are awful and some straight up impossible without grind and the krypt is bad.

Gameplay is shit.
This is the dealbreaker. It is very slow, (not even compared to MK9 and X, but even slow compared to the pace of old games like 2 and 3) to the point it doesn't feel like a MK game, it feels more like Injustice 3. It has dumb systems like meters on cooldowns and free, safe, regenerating guaranteed supers so you don't really have to work for any resource. Combos are incredibly simplistic for most of the cast.
The variation system is poorly thought out and much worse than the previous game. You can pick your extra moves but the base characters are extremely limited and gimped (some only have 5-6 strings and a couple special moves), so that you have to pick certain moves, but only you are limited to three. Only to top it off all of it is useless anyway because you can only play ranked with the pre-made variations NRS made for you, no experimentation allowed.

There's also all the sjw shit, but that's more like a shit cherry on the top of a shit cake.
In short it is the worst modern NRS game there's nothing redeeming about it.

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Playing MK11 unironically makes me want to go back to MKX despite all it's flaws.

So how is the game supposed to work in a tournament standard with all the create your own fighter styles? The two default styles are barebones.

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Is Mk nothing more nothing less , casual friendly gameplay , No eye candy females , grindy as hell and microtransactions . is a good game ? nop . is decent enogh to be worth 60€+ nop .

They don't just use the Tournament loadouts?

>4+ year old game has more followers than a brand new one

>he thinks they will again almost 600k followers in the future
shocking autism

Its fun to play, but the online Towers are bullshit unless you use AI Fighters or consumables. The microtransaction cosmetics are pushed hard but they're shit anyway they should have stuck to simple costumes, and every female characters plot and backstory are underdeveloped. Jade shows up in a Hijab and the cinematography for that scene makes it look like an epic female muslim gamer moment.

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Why is nobody talking about how there is a mod that unlocks 60 fps for the Krypt and all cinematics including Fatalities, Intros, Brutalites, etc. for the PC version, and Steam forum mods delete every thread mentioning it?

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even 700k+
considering not even 15k playing it on steam active during weekend MK11 is fucking dead after one week

How old is this damn meme? 8 years now?

it's just woke and has many micros and other bullshit to make you pay for stuff even though you already paid $60 for the game.

Kek. cope

Fuck rage arts and fuck fatal blows!
If you suck dick you should remain sucking dick until you get good.

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Meanwhile MKX never hit 15k again after it's release DAY.

>All these casuals who think Tower of Time is unbalanced or unfairly difficult. Sorry, but you need to git gud. Game is fucking great because it's so fucking difficult! If you don't like it, it's because you suck ass. You aren't allowed to criticize it!


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Gameplay is better than the previous MKs. Don't @ me.

I like it. The gameplay is fun as always and they finally have an in-depth tutorial system that teaches you nearly every mechanic in the game including frame data. The story was fun with some fantastic moments undercut by shitty voice acting by Ronda Rousey. Moments I won't spoil, but Scorpion and Sub-Zero have a sick chapter just dedicated to them and they manage to tie in every game in the series into one continuity, no matter how stupid it is. The loot system and RPG mechanics are annoying, but doesn't hinder the quality of the game IMO. Nothing feels like it has a pay wall and The Krypt uses no micro-transactions at all. There are annoyingly woke moments like Jax's ending at the end of tower mode, but that's almost it. The woman look fine, better then MK9 honestly. Shao Kahn saying Make Outworld Great Again is funny as someone who voted for Trump. Finally, the multiplayer is great. I always loved just fighting players online in King of the Hill. I hope my opinion helps and is objective enough for you. #MOGA

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>Git gud
>THE casual fighter
cool story bro .

why you lie on the internet get help

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>b-b-but muh boobies!
DOA waifufaggots are so cancerous it hurts. Fucking casuals I swear.


they sell dlc to buy a character for six dollars when you can unlock her free in the story and try to hide that fact as much as they can. The game is shit

No fighting game is casual. You can't just pick up, play and be good at it.

They are kinda bullshit though

Gameplay is shit like all NRS games

Ice storm that has NO cooldown and stuns you for the whole match is fair.

16 fights in Story Mode is hard for some people :^)

Then why buy a DLC character if you're not even able to play the game.

Not this one since there's almost no skill curve . just compare this one to Tekken 7 and you will see what im talking about .

Tekken? The game where a button masher won the tournament?

Besides, Tekken is 3D. They are two different games and they don't play alike

>>game does what its meant to do, call white boys what they are which is ugly, short, fat weak little cuckolds

You are experiencing /pol/ overdose, get professional help immediately

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Well to be fair, she would say something retarded like that. It's her character.

I think that cover really sucks and I think it's what's hurting sales.

fighting games have all been shit since 2014

Not him but I beat the fucking thing and she won't unlock.

Kombat Kard. Check Notifications.


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I'm enjoying the game, but I find one aspect of the gameplay to be very strange.

I skipped MKX, but I did enjoy MK9 and Injustice 2. So correct me if I am wrong on this, but does anyone else feel the wakeup options control weird? As in, you can only initiate a roll within a certain number of frames as you're getting up. It seems overly strict (at least for now until I get muscle memory) compared to instantly doing so while on the ground.

Going along with that, I'm not a fan of pressing UP along with the corresponding button as you're halfway getting off the ground. It feels very stilted when playing.

Again, this is most likely something I'll just get used to, but it still feels off.

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Yup, but MK are in denial and they will do o said anything to defend this piece of shit.

Its not shit its just mx10 reskinned with soibois and lesbian ogres

Absolutely. Positively. Fucking based.

i unlocked frost by just minding my business on the story mode.. ?

it's Mortal Kombat it goes with the franchise.

has less replay value than mkx

The biggest problem is the direction MK 11 is heading right now. The female costumes are all, bland uninspired Injustice rejects. The new characters range from bland to shit. Only Kollector belongs in some way in the MK universe. They lack any spirit, any edge any sense of fun.
The game ends with retarded universe reset (which makes me wonder why should I care about the game at all, since it basically erased itself from existence), and I have no hope for the future rebooted games.
What is there to look forward to? More bland redesigns and removal of whatever soul the series still retained?

why does nu-mk keep pushing kotal kahn?
he fucking suck

I got nothing in my notifications. She's still locked. I played the whole chapter with sub zero, am I supposed to replay it as scorpion as well? This is so stupid. What was netherrealm thinking.

did you do all the scenarios?

I played the Story Mode offline but when I went back online I didn't have her. I just redid the final fight with Sub and she popped up.

Gameplay seems passable. Devs have this terrible habit of leaking pretentious liberal moralfaggotry into crevices though. They only get away because humans are too pussy to call it out and it's a goddamn fighting game.

Gameplay is way to slow and combo's hardly exist

But the neutral :^)