Do you know any cool game with school settings like FF8?

Do you know any cool game with school settings like FF8?

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Trails of Coldsteel, I guess?

Seconding this notion

FF8 might be the only one desu

The upcoming Fire Emblem

Persona games typically do

I want to lick those thighs

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What's the tag for this kinda shit? I go on a booru and I search 'thighs' and I'm assuming people who tag images just think to themselves 'yup thats a human being and they have thighs'

Literally me on the right

>cutting off the upskirt, censoring the pantsu
for what purpose

Bully, of course

>tfw she didn't really get any doujins
At least the aunt got a few.

Me on the bottom.

Cute face
Thicc thighs
Make the dick rise

I think booru's tagging system is excessive. Not just in the amount of tags, but in how easily people apply it. Why the fuck do they tag shit when it obviously isnt the focus of the image.

reminder for t**nnies to kys

did someone say thighs

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Trails of Cold Steel

>Why the fuck do they tag shit when it obviously isnt the focus of the image.
For people like me who like feet but don't like when big wrinkly soles covered in sweat, dirt, and a visible wafting odor obstructs 90% of the image with the remaining 10% being a photoshopped celebrity face given a pencil filter to look drawn and a tied up ball gagged blindfolded guy on his knees in front of her

how shit. Even a footfag knows that an illness plagues him.

Trannies of Wound Seal