Post your favorite games on a 3x3 and rate

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too much work for little to no recognition

go do your datamining somewhere else, shill


there are about 4 or 3 threads a day of 3x3 but ok ill post again just for you user

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I need to start playing more vidya.

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5/6. I hated Symphony of the Night. The visuals and art direction are spectacular, but the game itself just isn't as fun as Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia. Traversal is just so clunky and slow. I remember quitting the game after beating the lightning giant in the inverted castle, because I hated the feeling of moving around in that game.
3/5. Don't like SOTN for the reasons I stated above. Also can't get into Grim Dawn or any other point and click ARPGs like Diablo. It just doesn't feel as involving as it should be. It feels like the gear and the character is doing the brunt of the work.

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this has been a part of Yea Forums culture for years, newfag

I like all 3 MGS games there, but I'm kind of eh on HL. I'm just not huge into FPS games.
God Hand, Vanquish, and DMC3 are the shit.
Really solid picks all around.
6/6, I haven't played Ace Attorney, BB or Mahvel.

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+Yakuza 0, RE4, Bloodborne
+Dark Souls 3, Silent Hill, CoD4, Lineage 2
+MGR, Bayonetta, DMC, Bloodborne, MGS
+DMC3, Dead Space
+MGS1,2,3, The Lion King
+Yakuza 0, Hotline Miami

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8/8, really need to give Yakuza a try. good taste lad
4/4. DS, SH, RE, SotN. why Souls 3 though, out of curiosity?
6/6. Bayonetta, Ace Attorney, MGS, BB, DMC, SotN.
3/3. DS2, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh. really good list user, all games i look forward to getting around to
6/6. Golden Sun, Lion King, MGS, Halo. nice picks but three MGS games?
5/5. All of Suda's and Hotline Miami. i like your style.

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kill yourself

no u

1/2 I like DeusEx but I got bored of BB half way through.
2/2 DS3 and Grim Dawn are alright.
1/2 RDRR is GOAT
1/1 DS2 is the best game in the franchise.
1/1 AoE2 is an all time classic
1/1 DMC5 was reasonably entertaining
0/1 Could never get into Morrowind, the combat system is straight up bad.

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>straight up bad.
that's what that opinion is, kind sir


+VtM:B, GTA SA, F:NV, Hitman BM
Everything but Castlevania
That's some fine taste, friend
+DS2, Vanquish, God Hand, DMC3
Everything but Pro Skater
+Mother 3, Yakuza 0, BB, Shovel Knight, RE4

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>That's some fine taste, friend

SMT, Max Payne, and of course, God Hand are all amazing.
I need to play the Ace Combat holy trilogy and Ghost Trick sometime.

bump while i prepare mine

someone said ghost trick was a great puzzle game. is this true?
not sure what any of this is besides majora's mask and metroid prime
+mgs1, mgs2
i have yet to play 3
is dead cells really good? im hesitant to get it cause i dont want to get bored of it after 30 minutes. is there like great bosses and level design?
based, thought i was the only one who loved it. i gotta try grim dawn some day as well. weird to see ff8 and not 6,7 or 10.
+shovel knight bloodborne

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>someone said ghost trick was a great puzzle game. is this true?
Kind of. You see, the puzzles on Ghost Trick looks complicated and makes you feel smart for solving them but when you look back at them, you notice they were pretty easy.
Aside from that, it's a fantastic game from every angle and I highly recommend it to anyone.

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The game has 15 levels and 6 bosses (pic related). The levels are beautiful and atmospheric. The bosses are solid. There are tons of weapons and loadouts to play the game.

You'll definitely be spending a lot more than 30 minutes on this game. A first timer probably won't reach the final boss until like the 10th run of the game. After beating the final boss, you can unlock 5 additional difficulty levels, and once you get the 5th difficulty level, you can face the game's true final boss. Most players get stuck on the 1st and 2nd extra difficulty level, but if you work really hard you can eventually beat that 5th difficulty level.

The controls and feel of the game are the two best things about it. It's probably got the best controls of any 2D action game I've ever played. The worst part about Dead Cells is the bullshit moments, and there can be quite a lot of them, especially as you go higher in the difficulty.

I say Dead Cells is an 8/10. I take a point off because the difficulty can get really bullshit at times. I take another point off because I think the game needs more bosses, like maybe one per level (we'll probably get those as free updates in the months to come). But when the game is good, it is REALLY good. It's satisfying unlike any game I've played. Just hitting things feels so incredibly good.

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7/7, good sir, quite a taste here
Yea Forums's Obsession with Bloodborne, oh geee
5/5, I'm saving it as a recommendation pic now

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+Yakuza 0
+Castlevania SoTN
+Shovel Knight
+Resident Evil 4
-Deus Ex
+Dark Souls 3
+Silent Hill
+Castlevania SoTN
+Metal Gear Rising
+Devil May Cry
+Castlevania SoTN
+Pro Skater 2
+God Hand
+Devil May Cry 3
+Metal Gear Solid 3
+Metal Gear Solid 2
+Titanfall 2
+Killer 7
+No More Heroes
+Devil May Cry 5
+Hotline Miami
+Yakuza 0
+Rondo of Blood
+God Hand
You really like Suda51 games. Nice.
+Sonic Adventure
+Ocarina of Time
-Yume Nikki
-Kingdom Hearts
+Killer 7
+Majora's Mask
+Metroid Prime
+San Andreas
+God Hand
+Shovel Knight
+Dark Souls 3
+Resident Evil 4
+Pro Skater 3

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Why though?

i like the level design (world design maybe?), character design especially and the mods are pretty good too. It's one of those simple games that you can't help but like a lot. Plus its got that Resident Evil vibe to it where anything could potentially fuck you up where it be a trap or an enemy. Plus some of the puzzles can really get the noggin joggin.

> character design especially
Yeah, me too. Also what's the difference between the original Nights and the PS2 version?

I couldn't say what the PS2 port has in it since I've never played that version of it. Looking it up though it sounds like they changed the scoring system? Not too sure if there's anything else that's changed though.

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ill have to give it a shot. im not sure if the switch version would be a good decision, or the ps4 or pc version. or doesnt matter