Good Games featuring yanderes?

Good Games featuring yanderes?

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Yandere Simulator

Umm sorry sir but that's a yangire not a yandere.
Thank you for your time reading my post, stay safe and stay hydrated and don't forget to brush your teeth.


I don't understand how people can like this artist, his stuff is eve worse than bad, it's just fucking boring in every way possible

Stop shilling your shit here nigger

what's the difference?

its piss fucking easy to get normalfags to pay for things and appeal to their tastes

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Not enough of them

It's a visual novel but I really enjoyed Crimson Gray

yandere is murderous jealousy out of love
Yangire is rmurderous randomly by their own will

a shotgun in your throat


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Yandere is an archetype that only the Japanese in all of their virgin frustration could come up with. Anyone who has ever had a relationship knows that having a girl become violently obsessed over you would fuck you up big time.

not him but yandere - murder is means to get love
yangire - love is just an excuse to murder

Why are all popular things so bad

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What is this shit? I keep seeing it posted this week.

Lowest-common-denominator appeal will always seem awful to those with developed taste

new ebin Yea Forums meme based on a video from 8 years ago

isn't he a furfag


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KuruKuru Fanatic

Charon has a bunch of smaller games.


School Days

Higurashi When they Cry

Nothing's topped Mirai Nikki yet though.

bro those are like my favorie artists tho

Do incels really think real women act like this

there is nothing wrong with yanderes

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I hate this bitch and I hate Diives

Holy based.

post more since I think the mods are dead

live action version.

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Not so based

I feel like there was some ps2 or ps3 game that had one. rare game, wanted to buy it but didn't have the money. Catherine is new right so maybe caroline? i don't remember. Supposedly a good game if a bit hard to find but otherwise I've not been able to find any sadly.. yandere are top-tier.

The animation's not too bad; it's smooth, detailed, and expressive. I asked myself, then, why do I hate it? I just had a gut reaction of dislike for the animation with no tangible reason. But I think I narrowed it down; looking at it made me think of a) the person who made it and b) the people who'd like it, and I felt a sense of secondhand embarrassment. I think it might be the actual non-meme version of cringe, like looking at the art exhibits in your high school's art alleys type. Any one else get a similar vibe?

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What about Yandere sneks

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Based and blessed.
The usual wowfag tranny janny seems to be away for once so you might be right.


>Toga now can mimic powers
Okay so I thought it was going down the shitter before but I don’t think it’s even salvageable anymore.
Too many same faces
Too many similar quirks
Too many shitter characters

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The facial expressions and shit character don't help, plus there's the fact that it's just boring.
I get what you mean though.

>chilean shadman

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Diives has never seen a naked woman and it shows in every piece of art he does


This kind of over-exaggerated anime-style acting is really obnoxious.

the red pill must've left your system. Shame.

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I kinda always knew that was going to be a thing, but they could not have handled the reveal any worse if they tried

The *animation* isn't bad. The art is horrible. Why the fuck do her collarbones go up when she rips her shirt?

Holy fuck this is embarrassing, like those fanfictions you used to post on those old forums, except frozen, memorialized for all time

Do retards really think anime characters have human personalities?

Post Hatsume.

ok virgin

it's derivative, and intended to appeal to a broad audience

is that the girl from My Hero Academia?
also have Deku's 7 quirks been revealed yet besides super strength and tentacles?

My tAsTe iS sUpErIoR

just wait until they find out girls have a second set of smaller beasts underneath the main two

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That was seriously fucking stupid.



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You niggers know there is an actual yandere that isn't toga the trash slut, right?

The explanation of it made sense even taking into account how it was explained before they even fought OFA, but the way it was just ass pulled out of nowhere was fucking dumb. It should've been something they thought of and Deku would have to work hard to discover. Could've had whole arc(s) dedicated to Deku talking with the spirits in OFA and learning of their backstory and power.

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Uraraka seems to be growing into/hinted to potentially become a normal yandere if you mean boku no hero.

Stephen McDaniel's interview

Don't worry every arc Deku will lose the fight until he asspulls a new quirk that is perfect for the new villain he is fighting and that's when the backstory will happen.

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who is this faggot? and is it normal that i want to punch him in the face?

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the webms that killed /wsg/, rip in pisces

Are you fucking stupid? I'm obviously talking about La Brava.

I unironically love this. It hits too many of my fetishes.

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i'm cringing hard but slightly aroused at the same time. i didn't think these were compatible feelings

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Toga is a good girl trapped in a rapidly degrading series.

What is even the fucking Joke? At least Bane made sense due how cheesy the whole scene was. Sneed as annoying as it was made some sense too, but what the fuck is this one supposed to represent or mean?

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Why are the nipples so flat?
They're not satisfying to see at all

Toga is fetish bait, but she appeals to my dick, so it is okay.

I have no context being an anime only fag, but all I feel when seeing this is immense dread for some reason

Distinct lack of best frog.

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That's not very advertiser friendly

It's an interrogation with two things
>a chair that defies the laws of physics
>a suspect that says nothing but "I don't know"
it's somewhat amusing, but it's so fucking old. Bunch of newfags picking up on it now, I suppose.

Like most shonen manga it doesn't know where it's going or where it's going to stop so now we're on the wild ride of power increase.

>posts an even worse artist


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Same. I call it the shame boner

I liek frogs :)

Maybe just more than Yuri

Do women with bodies like this exist irl?

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Apparently he uses instagram thoughts as references so maybe.

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I wonder why OrmilleF doesn't have one of this
Maybe it's because he's great

Yes, but you need body like this to fuck them.
Or money.

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No. The basic shape exists but the muscular back/arms cannot exist with asscheeks of that shape and size.
>Inb4 someone posts some whore who had ass implants
That genuinely doesn't count.

>He still has hopes that 3D isn't PD

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I always forget how many fucking times this nigga draws Froppy.

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shame this artist is a cuck


Never seen him post much that isn't just drawings so I wouldn't know.

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who is this sexy bitch

They don't exist. That anime-styled drawing is an idealised version of a body type that sort of exists but honestly isn't like that in real life. Instagram whores are renowned for their use of poses, lenses, makeup and filters to get their "look" that they are known for.

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that's a 15 y/o girl, her name is boni.

dumb sexy girl from a legit terrible anime
Something Academia

Hes a bait artist. Sucks you in with tits and butts then you find out hes a proud cuck and you feel >extreme disdain

it’s art based off of

false. iG is full of chicks like this who do you think csr is tracing?


frogs are becoming scare so I'll dump other girls I find that won't get me b&'d

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>Go into My Hero Academia with some expectations since people said it was good
>Protagonist has no powers but knows heaps about heroes/et cetera
>Assume the series will be some kind of deconstruction of shonen cliches following a protagonist who dismantles his opponents via excessive knowledge
>He just gets a super power and it becomes a boring shonen anime

I like diives, the animation is simple but the body designs are exaggerated to make pp become big pp.
I don't like minus8 shit style tbqhfamalam.
I like nu-comic style Shadman.
I think I've seen maybe a couple CSR pictures that were okay.

>watch shonen
>get shonen


Look, buddy, I understand you are some mentally challenged brown skin or teenager, but I said the BASIC BODY SHAPE EXISTS to some degree. However, none of the women CSR bases his drawings on have this kind of musculature in their backs, and most of them are EXTREMELY thrusting their asses out into specific camera lenses for maximum effect. Reality is a harsh cunt that will leave you disappointed, and it's better you learn that now: none of the whores on Instagram who "look like this" actually look like this in person. Accept this and your life will simply be better.


This can't be real...

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wrong you retard.

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Everyone made it out to be this amazing series and I didn't know anything about it, so I assumed there had to be something more to it besides more or less being an anime of Sky High.

Posting best girl

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>Apparently he uses instagram thoughts as references
I've always wondered why his art doesn't do anything for me and this answers that, trying to make 3D into 2D just doesn't work

all meme artists are using ig as inspiration

Momo could make a condom around your dick while fucking. Isn't that kinda hot?

higher res user

I like muscles so it's a decent nut

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No, that scene is one of the greatest scenes in the whole series so far. Toga goes fucking hardcore and fucks up like 50 people by herself.

Easily one of the top 3 fights in the series so far, possibly my favorite.

Also loli toga.

Okay, nigger. I am assuming you are a nigger or a teenager. Only a nigger or teenager would actually buy into the Instathot lies. All the women you see in these pictures with "this" body type are basically doing this into a specific lens for maximum effect. People do not look like this, it's really as simple as that. Look at Nikki Minaj or Kim Kardashian for an example of ass implants and how fucking dreadful they look outside of specific lenses and poses with filters added on afterwards.

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Toga could be hiding in your room and fingering herself to you right now

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person doubting is it possible this isnt a good example but here you go.
You can see vascalature, muscular arms and abs here

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Toga or Toru? Because one is kinda cute and the other one terrifies the shit out of me.

I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how to get full image size on multi image twitter posts so hopefully this is better.

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>all meme artists are using ig as inspiration
For fucks sake, no wonder they're all so bland and shit

This nigga gets it, Toga going wild has been fucking great. Also loli Toga is so cute that she looked adorable killing a baby bird, what a talent


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Sorry meant Toru,

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>tfw you'll never have a qt forced toga gf to hide in your room and hold you at knife point to rape you whenever she's horny


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I entered this thread fully intending to post this webm, you beat me too it user. Absolutely based and Bonniepilled

Wholesome loli (who is actually a 1000 year old dragon/demon/android) wife 4 life

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Stop using sample images you fucking retard

>Hip ratio is N O T H I N G like the pictures
A HURRDY FUCKING DURRDY YOU DUMB CUNT. Christ, stupid niggers like you are exactly why these dumb whores get so much money. Being reminded that "people" (and I use that term loosely) exist disgusts me.

Posting will now slow down since my Q popped

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Kinda figured. I'd be fine with that though, Toru is a good girl.

I want her to sit on my face desu

this is what autism looks like



I thought I had a stroke while reading this.

The goodest

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thats not even the best example there was this IG model who had a fat bubble butt who had some vids leaked of some guy playing with her muff.
She had abs and musculature visible too.

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If you want to post how I will from now on, but otherwise I can't be fucked.

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she could always do that

I am having a goddamn autistic fit because this stupid cunt proved me fucking right because the pictures he posted perfectly line up with I feel like I am losing my fucking mind. There's no way subhuman animals could actually fucking fall for these entry level camera tricks, right? Christ, fucking save me.

Good, I hope you fucking die.

>she's masturbating to you masturbating to the thought of her masturbating in your room

Is that futa Toga or Toga with a strap-on? I want to get raped by either.

best frog
best girl

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Why wouldn't we just have sex then?

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I remember when Diives was actually pretty decent about 4-3 years ago, he's only regressed since in terms of proportions

Fuck off with these 3d tiktok thots.

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Being a TikTok slut is the highest attainable status for a human in the 21st century. Record a 10 second clip to earn 100k a month. Even ancient God Kings had to go to war and dictate laws.

That's nothing compared to bitches, they got four extra sets