You faggots lied to me, this game fucking sucks

you faggots lied to me, this game fucking sucks.

Attached: mlbtheshow19.jpg (1039x1200, 177K)

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Show me a sports game that doesn't

Attached: nfl2k5.jpg (1024x682, 136K)

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The mario baseball games are pretty fucking kino

Mario various sport titles
NFL Blitz
Mutant League series
Snowboard Kids

MLB The Show only works on people that even remotely care about baseball. I usually just make a character and stay in the minor leagues.

Get off the internet, Ryan

That’s not my name

Git gud

i am a baseball fan and i'm not buying one of these until my team actually wins ;_;

is handegg a sport?

nah mlb 2k was better. the show became shit when 2k stopped making baseball games

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my nigga they need to bring this series back now that everyone likes tiger again. 08 was like my most played 360 game

Pangya or Super Swing Golf for the Wii games.

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I don't believe you played it. Making yourself and trying to get to the show is fun. I play outfield, skipping to just when youre at bat or involved in the fielding play is great. Games last about 5-10 min that way and can jump in or out and not have to commit to an hour long play session.
Do you just suck at baseball games? Cause the show is the best one, ive been playing baseball games since mid 80s starting with rbi baseball, baseball stars, triple play, the tengen ones, and others i cant remember, hell even atari 2600 baseball. Last show i bought was griffeys though 2017.

The game is great, it's BASEBALL that sucks.

Play some Chel, give your balls a tug

Tiger Woods 2005 was no joke, a fantastic game and the soundtrack was just amazing.

Sports games are fun, the problem is just play one you've literally played them all.

>zoomers will never know the joys of NFL blitz

The last MLB The Show I played was 2010 when I was 9 years old. You could change the stats on anyonem even yourself in career mode.

Is everything cost money to change stats now?

there were like 3 of them on 360

Sports games up until 2010 used to be pretty fun, then they monetized them all the fuck .


>Phillies on the cover

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Yeah, I pretty much just buy em to pass the time in the offseason when they're dirt cheap.

best team in the league rn brah

It's better than the shitfest that was 17 and 18, but yeah it's still designed solely around pushing microtransactions so they don't give a shit about actually fixing mechanics.

>he didn't play the best one of all time

Attached: Kazuki Ito.jpg (400x400, 21K)

It's the only Sony exclusive outside of bloodborne that looks good.

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I got 18, is it worse than that? 18 was alright but the series peaked with 16.


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No, 18 was the worst game in the franchise. 19 is closer to 16.