Mods deleting a thread about fucking video games, You jannies suck ass. What's the best DBZ game?

mods deleting a thread about fucking video games, You jannies suck ass. What's the best DBZ game?

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yeah, whatever, Doc. just give me what I fucking need.

only dokkan battle threads are allowed because we're the only ones who actually discuss the game not the anime :]


Doc...this is my last request..

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just wait a couple hours to have fun again

Been playing Xenoverse 2 on the Switch, anyone else?

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Fuck DBZ

Best One Piece game?

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Doctor... What kind of dose did you gave me?! I feel weird.

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fuck off One Piece sucked after New World the best game as Grand Adventure


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Grand Adventure.

Give 'em what for, doctor! Put that PhD to use!

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why shonenshitters so insecure about dbz
most of us are dbzonlyfags we don't care about your weirdo animeshart

Raging blast 2 for newer age dbz, budokai tenkaiichi 3 for older console.

>Reads left to right

It's too late doc...

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>The objectively superior dragon ball


The card battle system game on SNES was pretty fun

>thread complaining about mods lasts longer than the original thread

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Unlimited Adventure

hows the port? thought about picking up something to burn time while traveling

christ I can't stand the way one piece is drawn
her waist is almost as thin as her fucking arms
her eyes are basically on her fucking cheek bones
her tits ___are___fine____:)

Why the fuck can't we just get a dragon ball game with a good original story?

>ruined score after Yamamoto was purged
>cut good scenes and filler alike

There is one, but it's a gacha.

I want a game about that What-if where Piccolo goes majin instead of Vegeta and makes Frieza, Cell and Buu his henchmen before Gohan has to take him down.

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I never played XV2 on PC because my computer is a toaster, but I haven't noticed any real graphic dips or frame rate issues. I mean, there was like on FPS dip in the tree area in Conton city for some stupid reason, but nothing in actual gameplay.

Come with me, Vegeta, I have something for you

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Piccolos legs and especially the knee caps bother me

I feel like they never delete ops talking shit about mods but if they catch it inside a thread it's a 3-day every time

Doc... my dose... I am.. were his arms suppose to be yellowish all a long?

Fuck shitposting

The best game is FighterZ. You know it's true!

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Toriyama is a retard with colors

Doc... please... i need my dose... imma die without it...

I remember a few days ago a modfag deleting at sanic speed posts asking about deleted posts in a Sonic thread
looks like moot hired newfags to mod Yea Forums

thanks doc

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Thanks doc

Thanks doc

Thanks doc

Best DBZ movie is Janemba's

Danke herr doktor

Arigato hakase

The effects went away too fast, doc.
I think I need a stronger, longer lasting dose.

Budokai series is undisputed IMO.

However in a controversial take, i’m Beginning to think games like Xenoverse, Fusions and now SDBH world mission, are really great additions and I rather DB games expand and use more creative shit than just retelling arcs everybody and their grandmother has seen time and time again.

Budokai 3 shit all over everything that was built up with teleport spam. Dragon Rush didn't help either.
>use more creative shit
The stuff out of Xenoverse is pretty bland and if the Heroes anime is any indication of its quality in general, it's inexcusable.


merci docteur

Fighterz without a doubt.
Best gameplay, best visual, it's that easy.

problem, vegeta?

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Uh, doc, are you all right?

The best DBZ game I've ever played was years ago. A Half-Life 1 mod.

To this day, no DBZ games came close.

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Fight me

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>I want a game about that What-if where Piccolo goes majin
This definitely happened in one of the gba games but I cant remember which one.

It's from Supersonic Warriors 2 on the DS, I just wish they revisited it because it has a lot of potential and Piccolo deserves to be intimidating again.

Budokai 3 for the content. Tenkaichi 2 for the what ifs. Tenkaichi 3 for the roster. Shin Budokai 2 for a better Budokai gameplay. Fighterz for visuals. Butouden 2, Hyper Dimension, Supersonic Warriors for 2D. DB Advanced Adventure for DB. Attack of the Saiyans for RPG and maybe that one GBC game.

>tfw everytime Bamco has a DBZ retelling game is usually about Saiyan saga to Cell
>Buu always ignored
>OG DB never

I really hate how that Project Z is about Goku and doesnt start when he was a toddler but Goku vs Piccolo, because people rather have the same old scenes with Goku vs Vegeta, Krillin being killed with SS transformation(YAAAAAAAAAMEROOOH FUUURIZAARRGH) for 1000x time

That thing is stale because the story is always about the same timetravel shit in 2 games. Whenever they do 3 they will reuse 80% of the first 2 games and 20% new stuff while selling more new stuff into dlc because they are cheap as hell

It's popularity sends them into a seethe.

oui merci docteur

Anyone who believes this is a fucking joke

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good dose.

>Best gameplay
You fucking what

it's actually a fighting game compared to every other DBZ game tho

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>this thread lasts longer than the dangan thread

Yeah, and it's garbage that can't even do that right

Earth's Special Forces.
Could not for the life of me figure out melee combat in that game.

i loved that one, it was tricky to get good. I think its still being worked on?

you guys ever wonder if anyone remembers that Piccolo can fire that special beam cannon without the long as charging time and do it with both hands? The reason he did it against radtiz back then was because he was already beat to shit and lost an arm to the guy but ever since that moment people think Piccolo needs a long ass charging time and can only fire with one hand. Why come almost 20 years after the fact that Toei never once attempted to rectifiy this mistake? It's not just this either,trunks character as a whole was fucked because of them, he never gained super saiyan upon seeing gohan's dead body in canon, that was Toei filler and a special in a non canon universe where things went more or less the same but differently, also his hair had always been blue like his mom's but Toei decided on purple and it lead to some weirder shit like his return in Super giving him back the blue hair just to differate him from the kid trunks. There's also Gohan's distaste for fighting, he isn't nearly as hesistate to do battle as he is in the anime yet thanks to them, people think Gohan cant make so much as a fist withoutreminding us he doesn't like to fight, on top of that after the buu saga he never wore his dad's gi again, he stuck to piccolo's version even in the manga TOP he uses a gi based on Piccolo rather than his father's and he doesn't spam kamahama's all the time instead fighting more physically than beam spamming.

Finally, there's Goku himself, he's protrayed as a super hero in the dub back in the day and in modern times a brain dead retard, he's not nearly as stupid as he is in the anime.

Are all this mistakes allowed to exist just because the author truly stopped giving a damn?

How much you want to bet this janny is an unemployed fatass living off his moms social security?

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If I still hung out with the dudes who I used to play the shit out of Budokai 3 with, it would probably be my favorite game of all time. As it stands, I hate playing online, and the campaign gets repetitive kind of quickly. It's certainly pretty though.

Huh I'm confused. What are you trying to say? Please re-read what you write before submitting. Trunks still goes SS after finding out Gohan died.
I assume you're talking about why Super has a way different tone and poorly written compared to DB and DBZ. The answer is:
DBS is a fucking cash grab you retard.

Is BT3 worthwile if I already played a shitton of BT2 back in the day

I'd like fighterz but honestly my gripes with it that made me drop it were
>Lobby system sucks fucking ass
>Netcode is trash which means DR teching and reflecting sometimes just fucking doesn't work online. This also means guard cancel may not come out.
>Bardock/SSVegeta shell is still a fucking annoying team to face

I have no issues with super dash or vanish but fuck the scrub teams online.

Meet’n’Fuck: Namekian Doctor

Meme and fuck more like

I literally asked what games do girls like and posted as the OP pic the game voted by female gamers in Japan as the game they'd most like a sequel/remake to, and my thread got instantly deleted.

Mods are resetera trannies who hate natural females.

I want to pinch her cheeks

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>builds on combat from BT2
>lots of customization and fun side modes
>carries both battle modes from previous Tenkaichis
>the best dbz game

I hate 21 with a passion. She represents everything I hate in anime today. Hell I especially hate her because she also reminds me what's wrong with nu-dragon ball

I bet you hate Zamasu and Jiren,too you loser

FighterZ made every other DBZ game, past and future, obsolete.

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2011 memes are making a comeback -- and we are all here for it


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Ok, this is epic

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that last line is basically all of super

Nope. Just 21.
Zamasu is cool but I'm not a big fan of Jiren.
21 was so fucking useless in the game though and fighting her with her annoying screeching yells is just aggravating. She's literally just fapbait for vorefags and thiccfags. Don't forget that dumb shit "I'm not even technically an adult yet ;)". 21 is just straight trash.

Best game is easily Supersonic warriors for the GBA

You'd be right if you were referring to visuals alone.

>everything that's wrong with nu-super
>have no problem with jiren

Nigger can't read. As expected.

Post more 21

why no DB dating simulator game with giran?

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The doses...give them to me

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I liked him better in Dragon Warrior

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gracias señor medicina

Haha it looks like he ate someone. What if that was me or something haha

all thicc toriyama dragons are precious

But her design is so cool.
And if you come to DBZ for good writing and deep characters then I don't know what to tell you.

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Muchos Gracias Doc

>Design is so cool
Good opinion from a 14 year old.

If you honestly don't know what's wrong with 21 as a character I don't know what I can tell you.

Ready the anesthetic

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Absolutely based

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>it's sexy so only 14 year olds can like it
Damn I didn't know ResetEra posted on Yea Forums

You now remember that Monster Carrot is dead.

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Fusions is one of the best games in the franchise and it's really underrated.

It's too bad everything else about her is shit, especially that fucking voice


You don't understand the meaning of that word. The three best DBZ ever made are so obscure that nobody but me has even played them.

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Not him but yes. And everything post Cell but more specifically nu-DBZ. The franchise was never just about two guys fighting each other. It was about tragedy (Saiyan saga), strategy (Namek saga) and inhumanity (Android saga).

The only drawn-out duels in DBZ were Goku vs Vegeta (which he lost and Vegeta had to be taken out with strategy), Frieza (which only culminated in a duel after a much longer party battle), 17 (which went NOWHERE) and then every fight against Cell, which is why that's the second weakest saga.

There is literally nothing wrong with her character, you mongoloid. She was made for a fighting game, and she eats people and uses their powers. There was obviously more thought put into her kit than that entire story, but she's still unironically better than actual characters that showed up in Z like Videl.

Legend of the Super Saiyan was great for its time.
Same with Hyper Dimension, those sprites blew my fucking mind.

You guys enjoying Heroes?

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>Are all this mistakes allowed to exist just because the author truly stopped giving a damn?
Toriyama never had much control over the anime. That's not how the industry works.

Toriyama gave me a floofy hair fetish

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