20 years ago gaming magazines featured sexy vidya girls on their covers and even had special swimsuit issues with girls...

>20 years ago gaming magazines featured sexy vidya girls on their covers and even had special swimsuit issues with girls like Chun-Li or Cammy
>Now every gaming journalist and Western AAA game dev is a massive prude and thinks all vidya girls should be ugly and show no skin
What happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This happens to every medium that gets too popular. Normal people feel discomfort with if there is too much passion in their medium.

Happend with movies in the 2000s
Happend with novels in late 1890s
Happend with music and art since over 2000 years.

Normalfags are cancer.

So it's going to reset like a cycle right? It used to be very conservative then it went wild and now we're going back to conservatism?

Everything operates like a pendulum, at least in social related "issues". Just hope that it at some point it goes to equilibrium in our lifetime


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>now we're going back to conservatism?
HAHAHAHA. Read a history book, nigger. It only gets worse from here. If you're not brain dead, you'll learn Japanese so you can get most of your games without Western censorship.

Except that western censorship is affecting jap games now

based master miller

No it's never going to reset. Two things will happen:
1. Like in modern music there will be different branches of consumers. Mainstream, Alternative and Underground. The Video Games that we attribute "soul" to, will inevitable become underground idie in the future.

2.A new medium will arise will arise once the high technology is easier accessible. Like VR for instance, it had many weird hentai and experimental indie releases, but lacked refinery. Just like video games games in the 70s. So maybe in 10 years or so we will have insanely good VR games. Only time will tell.

mein negger

BASED Miller does it again

Even the Japanese copies are getting censored? I need a source on that.

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Just look at what Sony is doing in California.


>why are games now filled with women with ridiculously large breasts?
>why is the real world filled with women with ridiculously large breasts?

>What happened?
Your retardation and desire to only see things that confirm your bias.

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It's the eternal self-contradictory hypocrisy of the Left on sex.

>women should be sexually empowered and spread their sexuality as much as possible
>but if a man gains pleasure or enjoyment in any way in this spread of sexuality, it is wrong

This brings them to a point where the only females who are allowed to feel empowered and attractive and show off their bodies are the most disgusting, fat, and vile ones. If an attractive woman models, or even a woman who doesn't exist like a vidya character models themselves, is a tool of patriarchy and oppression. If a landwhale legbeard does it, it's strong and empowering and beautiful.

Ironically the body acceptance and female empowerment movement excludes and puts down women who are actually attractive or work to be healthy in their bodies.

Imagine being the sort of autist that spends all day spamming east vs west threads

you forgot the part where they can objectify men as much as they want, so they would expect a landwhale to date a male underwear model, and if he rejects her for not being fit he is the most despicable pig but the the landwhale lusting after his abs isn't.

>the virgin journalist
>the chad nigger

This character looks absurd though, oversexualised to the max.

Where the fuck have you been the last few months? The whole outrage over Sony censorship is that it's not just for America. It's even for Japan too, which is why Jap devs are getting pissed off because it's affecting what they're allowed to make to begin with

The exception enforces the rule, retard.

kill yourself tranny, join the 40%

I don’t have the picture saved on this device, but there was a particular advertisement for a tennis game that featured a female tennis player’s bare ass. You can see those things in the old advert threads. I’m of the opinion that the world isn’t set quite right until something like that can exist again. Either a world without outrage or at least one with people willing to man the fuck up and tell the prudes to shut the hell up.

>fictional bimbos with big tits are bad
>real ones are a-okay

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It's odd. I never see these same people attacking porn or strippers, two industries where women are literally being paid to be objectified.

>being this gay

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Somethingsomething they choose to do it and its empowering.
I mean I guess its empowering to pay a woman money to shit on her chest.

read the torah


>not just watching the movie adaptation

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Meanwhile, being a traditional wife and mother is the opposite. Bizarre world we live in.

>this thread

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Nobody is telling woman not to be a mom, the objective is to tell woman they can do anything they want, not just be moms.

post more anita i want fap

>Nobody is telling woman not to be a mom,

They pretty much do that though, even if its not outright said.

>PORN-influenced heroines in video games with “impossibly big breasts” and unreal bodies are harming a generation of Australian children.
>The stark warning comes from concerned body image experts, who warn the increasingly graphic sexual poses and depictions of women in mainstream video games fuel harmful stereotypes and body dysmorphia.
The seething roasties are back at it again, eh?

When are they not?

u r fegit

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That's totally sargon he's replying to.
Sasuga Yea Forumstards you deserve your board being the public toilet of the internet.

>and depictions of women in mainstream video games fuel harmful stereotypes and body dysmorphia.


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go outside

my favorite part of this shitshow is my grill is bisexual and likes the big tiddy anime waifus
she played games like DoA way more than i ever did
meanwhile in sjw land, all men are pigs for thinking about looking at a woman
but it's fine when butch lezbins do it..they get a pass for some reason

Go find the deepfake of her. It's damn good.

But when a woman wants to be a mom. They are blasted by people telling them that they are wrong and they have only been taught by a patriarchal society to be a mom. I belive a woman can be what ever the hell she wants but the twisted part is feminist are the ones forcing women to conform to their ideals
really makes you think

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Don't know if true but a bi girlfriend would be a fucking prize.

Don't Pick on Gal Gadot, she went on training to bulk and she got quite hot on WW movie and Justice League.

>she went on training to bulk

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>increasingly graphic sexual poses and depictions of women in mainstream video games fuel harmful stereotypes and body dysmorphia

Discounting niche Japanese fighting games and the like, the AAA vidya industry has been routinely cranking out a never-ending procession of intentionally ugly heroines with extremely mediocre proportions and bland outfits. Why is this bitch talking out of her ass?

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I really just want this industry to fucking die already.

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I just want the Western side of it to die.

I have seen many people say this specifically.

lmao is this real?

Based kazuhira "don't speak ebonics, or i'll go demonic" miller

japan can't even allow uncensored porn retard

They're unrealistic, we need real women in games.

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I prefer to watch it.

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Boy, did I pick a good era to be a fatfag

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women started to notice video games, and women ruin everything

imagine getting your feelings hurt over a photo

Based torabrora maybe Yea Forums can be saved after all.

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There's got to be someone out there trying to conduct a role-reversal and getting shit women like banned

Both conservatives and liberals attack the porn industry all the time. The porn industry just doesn’t give a fuck.

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This is highly triggering content. Somebody needs to redo this image with burn marks, a unibrow, a few love handles, a gunt, a moustache, a tumblr nose, and/or leg hair in the next five minutes!

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>makes argument using over-exaggerated female in a game with over-exaggerated males who have ogre feet and biceps the size of basketballs

I get it. I can remember being 10 and giggling over mk trilogy art and then as a teen laughing at netherrealm's design choice when the male ninjas looked badass and more practical but come on.... street fighter is a bad example.

No! Stop it! They should be faaaaaaat! And haaaaaaaiiiiirryyyyyyyyy!!!

I too get annoyed when people want girls who are cute to get ugglified up

But then incels like
On are my side and I feel like cheering for the other team.

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we let women vote

>Men are muscular tall hunks with the hairline of a teenager.
>Women are curvaceous fit bombshells
>This is oppressive and demeaning
>Men are muscular tall hunks with the hairline of a teenager.
>Women are pudgy, flat, hairy trannies
>This is equality

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>as graphics get better
>Developers make females less sexy and more clothed.

Explain this phenomenon.

People finally stopped buying those stupid magazines giving a message that sex doesn’t sell anymore.
The only people mad about this are retarded underaged kids like yourself

>What happened?

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Anything that becomes mainstream will eventually be watered down to reach the widest audience possible. Avoid triple AAA games and just stick to everything else and you'll be fine.

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dilate tranny


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I fucking hate how they all act like they're so quirky and say that if you're not into it you're boring
sorry I'm not a sissy faggot like you

We need vidya Stalin, he actually won

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That's not a gaming magazine. That's a Street Fighter comic book from a super obscure weeb comic publisher that has not yet been tainted by the mainstream regressive Twitter crowd.

The logic,as I understand it, is that a video game character is not an actual person and thus doesn't have the agency to choose how they dress/are depicted as so when the fighting game character is wearing a thong leotard they have been created and dressed that way for a man presumably for the enjoyment of other men.

Again, this is just the way I understand it from posts I've read. I love me some thong leotard fightan girls.It's not practical but literally no one in fighting games dresses or behaves in a practical way so who cares. The women in fighting games may be sexualized but they're generally some of the most capable fighters in vidya.

>the mainstream regressive Twitter crowd.
desu I think the based nigger in the OP got more retweets than any of the irrelevant SJWs in the twitter sceencaps being posted

Tech has always leaned liberal though. The issue is inter-sectional feminism which only took hold because women started entering videogames.
So short answer is women is why all the fun and enjoyment is being drained out.

DOTR when?

There was still good literature in the first half of the 20th century, but there inarguably was the start of the decline.

the word you're looking for is housewife. feminists don't like it when women choose to be a housewife because muh patriarchy. it's so weird, because if a woman plays her cards right, housewife can be life on easy mode. third-reich feminists don't believe in the nuclear family nor positive masculinity. some feminists nowadays don't even believe women can be toxic geekfeminism.wikia.org/wiki/Toxic_femininity

Here's a shocker:
>Aguilar died of complications from diabetes

They decided to get clicks from outrage over boobage

Maybe there really is a god

based miller