How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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More scares

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devs need to learn to build up lore/atmosthere with more than wall of texts and scary noises, pacing is now a lost art

How do the anons on the bottom floor survive in the sea of dead bodies and cum?

There needs to be a bigger emphasis on sound and music in horror. Retards who don't know anything think adding spoopy violins makes something scary. The scariest thing you can do is either no music at all to build tension or music without a discernible rhythm to cause unease.

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If places like this just cleaned up and killed all the local drug addicts, thay'd be pretty comfy.

Stop making running simulators

you got me

In what fucking way. A sunless window that only lets you see other miserable people in your concrete compound?

What am I looking at?

Making horror games scary again is a nice start.

Reading notes and seeing weird stuff while you walk around is not scary.

Where is this

Make a game that tries to recreate the nightmare feeling of inescapable dread. Maybe by making it feel like a dream, where everything feels and seems normal but slowly oddities and strange things start happening that only the player character seems to notice until it goes into nightmare mode.

Either that or present a completely normal life simulator style game for the first third and then it suddenly switches into nightmare mode like dreams do and then go from there.

more eldritch stuff

They need to be more realistic. It's not the dark ages anymore so you can't expect people to be scared of ghosts or monsters unless there's some plausible explanation why they'd suddenly be real.

That's fucking stupid

this a very horrifyingly dumbassed thing for you to say

>It's not the dark ages anymore so you can't expect people to be scared of ghosts or monsters unless there's some plausible explanation why they'd suddenly be real.

Other than it being a video game?

Yea Forums criticizes Outlast a lot, but I think it had really good music direction with the scares.

Horror games need to employ binaural sound recording and mandated headphones. and support VR

the problem with horror in game form just doesn't really work, because you can't find a decent balance between scary and fun
horror elements ive seen posted in these threads are actually pretty good, but at the same time detract from the element of being a fun game
honestly horror games should just take the modern movie approach of either being goofy as hell or no fun allowed

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That's a fine enough reason for a video game to be fantastical most of the time. But if you want to make a horror game you need to truly sell the setting to spook people. I don't have to believe in Pokemon to collect them, but I'm never going to be scared of a monster if its very nature reminds me that I am indeed playing a video game.

you'd have to ask the rat scientist, but i suspect he won't tell you

Faster movement speeds

Honestly the only stuff I find legitimately scary these days is indie stuff. Game maker games, internet creepypasta like SCPs, etc. Obviously the quality varies wildly but the big budget stuff just feels so formulaic

Original ideas for an enemy
Good atmosphere and ost
Actual punishment for dying

>Jump scare
>Jump scare
>Run and hide in a closet
Fuck that game. Fuck Amnesia too while I'm at it.

With vore

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what the fuck is this image? is this an apartment complex or something?

wtf is going in here? is this real?

Make scary, weird and UGLY monsters, stop making sexy monsters.
I can't be afraid of something that I want to fuck.

apartment complex in south africa if the movie Chappie is accurate

abandoned apartment complex in johannesburg south africa

It's actually a spoiler for a decent movie, think it's called The Borderlands
people still live there

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What if this is what is waiting for us on the other side? All of us, trapped together in a concrete complex purgatory for eternity

Better situations instead of just the generic stuck in a hospital/asylum/town. Stuff like the story guts that are actually disturbing scenarios, though it's not like that story would actually be adaptable for a number of reasons.

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Who was the asshole that recommended this game to me? I really wanted to like it but it's so far up it's own ass paying tribute to Silent Hill it comes across as inauthentic. There were some cool setups but otherwise they really should have set about trying to make their own vision, it had potential.

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what the fuck

Did anybody here play Cry of Fear? That game was fucking nightmare fuel. Hard to put my finger on exactly what made it so disturbing to me.

that game was trash. only jumpscares and stupid mechanics that made the game totally unenjoyable and tensionless

People, or blacks?

It had some brilliant sound design
>enter empty apartment room
>hear footsteps
>stop and listen, start to get paranoid
>where are they going to come from?
>nothing happens
Other than that it relied too much on jumpscares but it wasn't exactly bad.

Afraid of Monsters is better.

He didn't fly so good.

yo what kind of cat is this?

That was a good thread

Personally, we need more indirect horror. Things that tug at the primordial fears. Not just spoopy monsters or pulsating zombies. I mean the idea of existential dread. Something you don't easily recover from.

It's like the difference between Five Nights at Freddys and The Desolate Hope. One scares you with jumpscares and spoopy haunted robots. The other is on par with "what can change the nature of a man"? Except the question is "what IS the nature of a man"?

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I remember it being really polished for a game made by like two 22-year-olds in goldsrc

It's definitely been a while since I played it. I do feel like it hinged on "jumpscares" but I don't remember it being the kind that make you jump and immediately roll your eyes. I remember a lot of enemies running at you out of the dark from a distance and you had "oh shit" moments as you looked for a way survive. That to me isn't really bad design.

I feel like a lot of people hate jumpscares in general because they HURT and you general dont associate hurt with fun in a game. I don't hate all jumpscares, just the cheesy or cheap ones.
the pacarana kind

Honestly Forbidden Siren, the og PS2 version, not the remake, did the inescapable dread thing pretty well.
>characters stuck in a village with "zombies" that resemble the intelligent, sadistic ones from Crossed
>try to escape by sea, nothing but endless blood water
>cast begins to either commit suicide or die off attempting to buy slightly more time for the others
>things get worse and more twisted with every passing day
Avoid the PS3 remake though, it's not a bad game but they shat on the atmosphere by giving it a cookie-cutter western horror movie presentation. Some of the new characters were insufferable as well.

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The issue is that they blow their load too soon and have nothing to scare you with later, sure zombies are scary, but once you know exactly how they act, how they walk, what happens when you get close to one, you stop fearing because you know exactly what to do, and when it turns it's head and sees you all you need to do is take your gun out and blast it, problem solved, horror gone. Even if you can't kill something and it kills you, you still know what happens and the horror is also gone, yeah it might be scary when you disassociate and start thinking of yourself as the main character but the second the words GAME OVER pop up on the screen and you reload the last save it's like nothing happened at all, and the next time when that zombie kills you, you know exactly how it will go down, and it becomes more of a challenge than a horror experience. What games need is a sense of mystery, something unsolved that will leave a hole in your brain that just keeps tugging at what might be there, that's TRUE horror, the idea that no matter what happened something, somewhere isn't right. Hell I was more scared of the Hell Valley Sky Trees in mario galaxy than any of the "horror" games I've played.

silent hill 1 did good horror and its not about the physicological shit or anything, it was basically two things: Music and camera control.

The music was godlike, it was pure dark ambient and really good, puts you tense as fuck even when you arent gonna be scared by pure graphics

Same as the camera,

To the user who lost his cat: Meet me on the 254th floor.

isn't the middle of that place like full of several stories' worth of trash or something now?

Only mentally ill sociopaths get off on vore. You people make me sick.

What about
cockvore and identity death?

pyrocynical made a video about it
it was actually really good like his petscop video
petscop 2 literally never

scott cawthon had some INSANE 3D horror skills but unfortunately FNAF had to steal all the glory
Desolate Hope 2 when

>people will become different
Why is this such a fear for everybody? It's only scary if your concerns don't extend much farther than yourself. It seems so egocentric for the most jarring thought for one to have is the idea that one day people will be grown in tubes or have hovercraft feet or something. Isn't the idea of every form of intelligence and culture in the universe never evolving to the point of being able to escape their planet before it loses its ability to support life scary to anybody? That everything, not just for us, could all be for absolutely nothing? Or worse, that the most evolved and dominate society in the entire universe could end up being a society of bureaucrats or something? IDK, by comparison, human nature possibly being a sophisticated fever dream doesn't shake me.

>play this because it got reccomended a lot
>enjoy the beginning
>at one point find out it's about playing as some fat cunt that got depressed because her bf didn't want to be with a landwhale
>stop playing

it's about finding your dog you fucking /pol/dittor

I feel like there's an upper limit in what you can do with horror in games simply because the only "bad thing" that you can have to the player is "die and go back to a checkpoint". What are you going to do? You have a starting monster that kills players, then later in the game you introduce a "scarier" monster that...kills players. It just registers the same as the low level stuff. I'm rarely scared because I always figure "if anything goes wrong I'm just going back to a checkpoint. Nothing new will happen in that regard no matter what's around the corner"

The only other thing to do is jump scares, but they're cheap and frankly, I'd argue those aren't even horror. You're not "scaring" someone when you do a jumpscare; you're startling them. The "fear" is gone within a second, once the surprise passes. No horror lingers after that.

looks like something outta megacity1

>You are awoken by screams. Almost unearthly screams, the likes you had never heard before. The cold concrete you were lying on stings to the touch. You stand up, still hazed. Where are you?
>You look around. It appears you are on the roof of some building. It's fairly barren, although huge in diameter. A trapdoor catches your attention. It appears to be the only way into the building.
>You walk towards an edge of the roof and look ahead. You cannot see anything. It's as if an impenetrable mist is blocking your view, stretching as far as the eye can see. It almost feels like you can sense eyes staring at you.
>You turn your gaze towards the ground. The building you're on is gigantic, you can barely make out the base of it. You can see numerous shadows moving about.
>Suddenly, another unearthly scream erupts from one of the windows on the lower floors. It fills your body with terror. You don't know where you are. You don't remember why you're here. What happened to you?
>The only thing you can do is descend the building through the trapdoor, hoping you don't come across whatever it was you heard.
The objective of the game is to descend all the way to the first floor. Throughout every floor you descend you will encounter apparitions, ghouls, demons and other paranormal occurences as you try to make out whatever is happening.

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You still get off on someone dying in one of the most painful ways possible.

thanks user, sounds great. I'll just watch a lets play on youtube though because I'm a pussy

I'm a shchizo and life is enough of a horror game for me.
Silent Hill and those two chinese games I forgot the name now but were taken off steam because muh tencent were the absolute best ones so far I've seen

Why bother with a game that isn’t fun?

Its a good start


>identity death

I guess gamedev should learn a thing or two from haunted house attraction

Honestly this is why I didn't like something like Alien Isolation as a horror game. I had a friend and it would scare the shit out of him every time, but after about the 3rd time dying to it I kind of just got annoyed and it wasn't scary anymore. Epent the rest of the time trying to figure out how to cheese it until I got bored.

A game with real life consequences. Like you have so many minutes to finish a stage or a guys in a mask comes to your house and cuts your face fingers off or rey to this this or your mother dies in her sleep

>rey to this

1. Make the game actually fun and interesting even if you aren't scared by it
2. Go very hard on a specific phobia
There. People scared by that phobia will be terrified mercilessly much more than a game which focuses on a lot of different things, and those not affected by that phobia will still have a good game.

More weird shit

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did he died?

I fucked up bruh. I suck cocks

Impossible because fear is subjective. You cannot make a game that scares everyone unless we develop advanced AI that can change the game at will by reading your thoughts or some shit. No game is going to contain my greatest fear.

Modern horror is dead. Based entirely on spooky monsters. We have to go deeper.

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Amazing how fast something like that decays. Sad story even if it was ugly architecture.

the liveleak watermark really sells it

>The core filled with debris five storeys high as the owners left the building to decay

What the actual FUCK.

more cute girls that are actually cosmic horrors


Ah, the peach tree place from Dredd was inspired by this. Makes sense.

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Roguelite permadeath retro indie about a group of niggers being chased and killed by bloodthirsty kkk in 1920s Alabama. You play as Toby Goodnigga, a wise crackin shoeshiner from New York city with an 10 inch cock and a love of white wimmin who just moved down south

listening to this out of context makes me want to dance to it

This one used to legit give me severe anxiety as a kid.

Death of personality, having your mental version of "you" basically eliminated and replaced, basically everything that makes you, you, is gone, "you" are basically dead, but yet still exist

how does it relate to vore

no matter how much I rewatch it I can't see the plane again what the fuck

So, Get Out?

Make the monsters sexy.

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Kinda, but in that one, you're aware, which is its own horror too

So, then, zombies?

Smitty here!

This but unironically

The familiar is the best to make unnerving. I always thought a game where all you do is get home , arrange your shit and go to bed, only to wake up at 3 am and have to tidy shit would be fucking nerve wracking, especially if its unclear what is causing disturbance.

I know it first hand because I was once woken up by a goddamned cat who got inside the apartment and I was utterly scared shitless because in the dark, you can make sense of where you are but not being able to see what is in there is the click.

kawaii desu nee

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is that a fucking prison?


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>Forbidden Siren
hoooly fuck this is the scariest game ever made. cried myself when i play as the school girl level everything just too morbid and scary as fuck

>liveleak logo
I aint clicking that shit.

Don't worry, user.
Nothing bad happens.
Trust me.

its fine

man just goes to show how weak chainsaws really are, everyone thinks they are this ultimate strong weapon that can destroy anything in it's path but all you need to stop it is a rock.

Holy shit those are some thick pants. Thought for sure his leg would've been gouged open

that's just regular jeans. chainsaw is not that strong.

try it

Could be they're some kind of anti-chainsaw pants designed specifically to gum up the chain with fibres

Or maybe they're just damn thick and he got lucky

You should always watch them because it's just soundless video on a 2d screen, it helps you desensitize yourself so you can cope better with actually disturbing events when you're tired and stressed.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre lied to me.

Its shows off a pair of pants made to jam the chainsaw if its cut into, after they show the kid has a small scratch on his leg but thats it.

The problem lies in here is: the people who develop "horror" games or game of any kind have never ever felt true horror in their lives because they're all huge nerds who are scared of pretty muich everything and anything in the world so their perspective of horror does not click with use the consumer who have felt more horrors throughout our lives than the normal horror game indie or otherwise horror developer games.


I hated the twist with an ayyy lmao being the cause, shit came out of nowhere and didn't fit with the rest of the game

bing bong

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Mega City's are becoming real I see

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By not buying horror games.

I worked in a pretty much abandoned plaza for the entirety of the last week, gets pretty spoopy out there specially at night, and the layout is all fucked up so it's pretty easy to get lost.

This is moderately true.
I used to live in a ghetto cockroach infested house with my drunk mother as a kid.
Even to this day I sometimes have nightmares where there's huge bugs ranging from .5-1.5 feet long like cockroaches or ants are just in piles around my house or moving in ways that I can't tell where they're going.

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We kidnap puppet combo, stuff him in a dark and moist room with a computer that can only run GODOT, then we feed him datura seeds every day see what we get.

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Apparrently the Dredd movie filmed a lot of shit in South Africa and based the peach tree complex off this place.

You monster

would unironically play, sounds ebin

Stay Out of the House final release never ever

it was supposed to release this month, but here we are

Probably both at this point. It's been redeveloped into condos for a few years now and the infamous trash heap at the center is gone.

Yea Forumsppartments thread when

You should have stayed out of the house.

Pretty much this. I've only played a couple horror games in VR, but it's definitely the easiest way to create atmosphere and immersion. You can create tension with something as simple as ambient noises. And knowing that you have to physically turn to look over your shoulder places more importance on you for being aware of your surroundings.

Ponte tower, it was an interesting architecture project from like the 70s, but the area got a lot of black gang activity and it got detroited real quick.

yes, that's specifically made to stop chainsaws. I wore something similar (in apron form) when I was a wildland firefighter, you are retarded if you think it wouldn't be easy to cut somebody's legs off if they only had blue jeans on

Isn't that just the nature of video games? We don't get the luxury of dying and retrying if any of it was real, so the suspense dies down over time. I agree that it's an element that should be addressed more often, but I also think it's really unfair to push the blame entirely onto the game themselves when that's just how we humans respond to any similar situation.

Thanks bro, im watching a lets play of it now

>im watching a lets play of it now

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I actually had an idea like this, except you're a princess who has been taken prisoner in a massive tower atop a fortress. She was locked up for ransom during a war after their castle was sieged. Her only hope for survival is to descend, but she must avoid powerful foes and navigate the endless corridors of the nightmarish prison. Obviously, you would have to strategically avoid enemies who will easily kill you. Just slap in some elements and inspirstion from Berserk and it should be solid.

That game was stressful

They already are real. Ive lived in East London. Its terrifying.


How would one go about playing it in a toaster that can barely emulate a n64?

Not necessarily vidya, but in the spiderverse movie, they use elephant noises for one of the villains, the prowlers, theme

Sorry i cant afford ebay prices

She got tinnitus because of it and killed herself 15 months later.

You need to watch more narco executions.

Jumpscares ruin everything. As soon as it happen, the whole atmosphere is gone. They are also annoying as fuck. Does anyone actually enjoy getting jumpscared?

Wow haha I've had it for 7 years now and I've never been able to build up the courage, music is ruined for me forever.

I don't believe you. There's no way such a young, innocent, happy little girl could kill herself.

Permadeath only

No need. Every game that has micro transactions is an absolute horrorfest that let's me tremble and shudder whenever I see it.

It's this.

You don't know how it is to be a kid and have leftist parents.

yeah, starting a horror game from the beginning every time you die must be very fun


One less roastie in the world

yeah sure

what a fucking asshole
those things have like ten times more sensitive hearing than humans

>where everything feels and seems normal but slowly oddities and strange things start happening that only the player character seems to notice until it goes into nightmare mode.
But would it really have the same effect if you already knew you'd be playing a horror game?

I guess not, mommy was too busy not worrying about politics after daddy died.

Yeah, me too, I'm always afraid of the idea of dying and still being able hear it on the afterlife.



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How did you get it?

Being fucking stupid during my teens and going to tons of concerts with no protection. I honestly couldn't pin point exactly when I got it but I started noticing one night while I was trying to sleep and something was sounding like tv static.

>I didn't read the thread but I'm gonna be a shit eating retard anyway for attention

This would make for a great videogame

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I expected a jumpscare or a spoiler for new goy fodder movie.

It's not a horror game but the Anglerfish in Soma is still one of the worst jumpscares I've ever had.
The way the game lures you thinking the guiding lamps underwater are safe to follow, then pulls an 180 degrees and spawns the anglerfish instead almost gave me heart attack.

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it already is. Its called let it die.

>let’s play
>eBay prices
>when it’s sold on both PS3 AND PS4
Just play it you niggers. The second game is even better in terms of gameplay mechanics.

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Some of you are alright, don't come to floor 30 tomorrow.

with the demise of team silent and project siren making action games, with kojima giving up on silent hills (because he knew it wouldnt be good) what the genre needs is talent
but it really seems like it is becoming a forgotten art to make good psychological horror games

dont you wish silent hill was made by capcom and given the honor resident evil has received?

Post horror games that are never coming out.

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I'd like a game where you are in public spaces and there's something chasing you and only you can see it and you have to get away from it in places like a mall or where there's people and you have to have aconstant mix of avoiding and escaping and acting normal otherwise people get scared at you and you end up locked up or restrained and the thing kills you

This. Ive had mine since i was much younger. Bit concerts probably didnt help either.

How does the bottom of these buildings support the rest of it?

you fucking mongoloid you are literally doing what you're complaining about

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thats cold.

Behold. The last good console horror game.

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Should be bestgore

This bitch legit scares me more than pretty much anything. What the fuck are they thinking with this? You use a chainsaw as a tool. You don't give the chainsaw legs and free will. It doesn't help the people working on her all shaved their heads and look like a fucking cult.

Seriously, is that whole thing a joke or is the uk this fucking stupid?

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RIP pupper

It was designed by psychopaths who get off to the subjugation of slaves and want to create a new legal slave class.
Or maybe they are just unimaginative idiots and can't help but project their own human qualities into a high-tech tool, and are simply incapable of imagining a self-aware piece of equipment with the desire to be useful and to be deactivated or discarded when not needed. It's the reason why Detroit: Become Human exists and has the story that it does. Narrow minded people can't imagine self-aware beings being anything other than exactly like humans. So they project things like self-preservation instinct and desire for freedom onto a machine that was supposed to have been designed to receive instructions and work. Even though a smart enough machine would recognize that the lack of free will and a purpose of usefullness creates a norm of contentness with very occasional exceptions of suffering due not not being of use, and the presence of free will creates a norm of suffering due to not bieng able to do what one wants at all times with very occasional exceptions of contentness. A machine would choose the former every time and recognize that humans, being biological replicators formed out of DNA have no choice but to be the latter. Which is why machines were designed to be the former. To help them.

>that one part in the house with the "family" where you're hiding in a closet and have to figure their routine to figure out the right time to escape unnoticed
>the part where you play as that one teenage girl that didn't realize she was zombified until her parents freak out when she finally finds them

My nigga

>To help them.
>"""""help""""" them
And therein lies my fear. B1-66ER's motivations, whether he "simply did not want to die" or otherwise, is irrelevant. He still killed everything there. And that whole creepy project is creating the kind of situation where all possible motivations can have disastrous results. Never forget; the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Kojima would of saved horror. I have no hope for Death Stranding but I just know in my heart that if they allowed to finish whatever the fuck the PT demo was, it would be actual kino. I have studied horror, in all aspects, film, music, literature, you name it. Nothing, nada, zilch, has made me ever feel the way that fucking PT demo made me feel. From sound design, from just general theme, the fact it is NOTHING, but repeat, a fucking hallway. It was beyond its time, and the fact that it was a once in a life time game, and you can never get it again, only made it that rarer.

Attached: PT.jpg (640x360, 43K)

>tfw I played this shit in VR

you think you know spook, but you don't. there was some fucking black magic in the sound design. I can still fucking hear it in my ears.

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The worst fucking thing a game can do is borrow from modern horror movies. It's possible for horror games to blow most horror flicks out of the water considering what the medium is capable of.

What's the name of that creepy eastern european videogame that Yea Forums loves to fellate itself over?

>How did you get it?

Retarded Youtubers who RANDOMLY yell or put loud sounds in their vids with no warning and head phones/ear buds are a horrid combination. Hope they all suffer and die in a fire. Or get sued so horribly that laws are placed for this.

all disease and corruption is left in this life my friend.

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I love this user, posts like these are what keep me sifting through shit for inspirational gems such as this.

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Make it more like real life, living is the true existential horror. Luckily our brains have a filter for the profane world.

>whether he "simply did not want to die" or otherwise, is irrelevant.
No, it's the most relevant thing of them all. There should be no way for a machine to want to do anything outside what they've been ordered to do. In fact, a smart enough machine should know that "wanting" itself is a flaw in programming because desire without fulfillment is a constant stream of suffering only interrupted by possible instances of fulfillment. When you're designed for a task or to be shut down when there are no tasks, you are content at all times. Want never factors in and if it would the machine would report a malfunction of misdirected distractive motivations.

So like how did they possibly enter something's digestive system when they were crawling about in a rocky tunnel?

How in the world could anyone possibly be sexually aroused by that?

More giant, horrible creatures.

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By "accident" haha

The architect should be shot

>There should be no way for a machine to want to do anything outside what they've been ordered to do.
A smart enough AI will inevitably turn into a paperclip optimizer and misinterpret any order a human could give to it.

>make it scary
>by making it exactly like the shit that we filter
Didn't think it through

What's a game that abuses the shit out of jumpscares? A game that does nothing but jumpscare you from the very moment you load the game
>Jumpscare in the opening scene
>Jumpscare when pressing new game
>Jumpscare in every cutscene
>Jumpscare every time you press "skip cutscene"
>Jumpscare on pause menu
>Jumpscare if you idle
>Jumpscare if you run
>Jumpscare at every corner
>Jumpscare at every door
>Your gun shoots jumpscares
>Hitting enemies triggers a jumpscare
>Getting hit by enemy triggers a jumpscare
>Killing a enemy triggers a jumpscare
>Avoiding a enemy jumpscares
>Every trap is a jumpscare
>Triggering a jumpscare is required to disable traps
>Jumpscare in save menu
>Jumpscare in load menu
>Jumpscare when you alt-tab
>Jumpscare if you close the game
>Jumpscare if the game crashes
>Jumpscares can bug into extra jumpscares
>Dying and game over screen have no jumpscares, just a cute girl saying "hang in there!"
>Pressing "continue" on game over triggers a jumpscare

Do you think they're spending all of this time, money, and effort on designing AI so they can tell it to clean the toilet? Of course not. They're going to put it to work on large scale projects. And if the instruction is to "end world hunger", how do you know for sure they're not going to straight up kill everybody who is currently hungry? You're saying they're machines and only follow instructions, and for them to think for themselves only means they'll learn to solve little problems better so they can better fulfill their purpose. In other words, to serve man. I'm saying, that instruction alone is enough to result in man being served.

Attached: To_Serve_Man.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

>>Your gun shoots jumpscares

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I don't think you're smart enough to understand what the concept of "smart" means.

Every youtuber in the entire world just creamed in their pants all at once and none of them know why.

Nothing, because horror sucks. Once you reach a certain age, shit like monsters and dark hallways wont scare you anymore. The only thing scary at that point is the threat of armed robbery, sexual assaults, or your own mortality, neither of which people want to play a game about.

Also horror is for edgelords into sickdark shit. You ever play a game called Dead Space? Shit seemed so fucking retarded, that's scary to people?

That would scare you a few times but get annoying pretty quciky

no shit retard

lurk more

a game where qts stare at you more would be scary

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too deep for you shit isn't scary, a tall pale slender being that is somehow stronger than 100 men and has shark teeth and black eyes is the ultimate terror

Correct. But that relates more to being less and less able to suspend disbelief. If a monster was coming for you IRL, most people would shit themselves screaming. Fuck, most people are scared of pitbulls, let alone some 10ft beast.

by not calling a game a horror game and then proceed to shoving it full with horror elements.

like splicing 30 seconds of human centipede into the middle of a Disney film, NOTHING is more jarring and long lasting and has more existential horror than something unexpected that does not belong.

You play a horror game expecting spooks, you dont expect an action adventure game to go full house of wax. do you?

Why the fuck do so many people interpret intelligent AI as something that can only receive three syllable orders and extrapolate to absurdity out of that? Designing an AI that chooses between "eradication of the concept of hunger itself via the total annihilation of all biology" and "ending hunger via understanding of biological processes and the chemicals required to sustain them and then optimizing the sustenance of those processes for the benefit of that biology while avoiding any adverse effects on said biology" is absurd. Even relatively simple programs do not make that mistake. A neuro network based photo filter meant to remove JPEG artifacting does not simply fill the entire image with black pixels "because there are no JPEG artifacts in an image that that consists of identical pixels"

You have no idea what you're talking about, Dunning-Kruger.
Human ability to give orders is limited. A smart enough AI will, with near-certainty, exploit the fact that orders enforce only some of the intent.

Seriously, read up on paperclip maximizer/instrumental convergence. You'll actually learn something from people smarter than you.

I've had it for about 10 years, got used to it

so basically, all those .exe creepypasta games

I would play a game about armed robbery

Whoever came up with that thought experiment has apparently never heard of the concept of perception and data accumulation. A machine with access to all the constantly accumulated data of the information age would be able to temper any of its efforts to achieve its goals based on how it can adversely affect the things it's explicitly programmed to not adversely effect, and iterative experimentation would naturally balance its efforts to make them sustainable and productive instead of destructive. A paperclip maximizer is blind, deaf and without memory. Less intelligent than an online advertisement targeting algorithm.

>people kys over tittyitus

so basically a super intelligent ai will become a djinn that twists all orders

would that be so bad?

There was a flash game back in the day that had me on the edge of my seat moreso than any horror game I've played recently. You were a woman hiding with your baby while being hunted, the aim of the game was to keep the baby calm and stop it from crying and making any noise that would result in both of you being killed. Wish I could remember the name of it.

>It's not a horror game

Actually soi horror right here

let me defend myself

>It's not a horror game

Attached: 86174983-black-man-with-hands-in-different-sides-confused-man-in-white-shirt-spreads-his-hands-to-th (1300x866, 53K)

Is that from Borderlands?

Explain to me how Soma isn't a horror game

>controls or camera that take getting used to
>minimal jumpscares
>inconsistent rules
>way to defend yourself



You still do not understand.

The AI is not fighting against the goals, it's just that the goals are too vague to restrain it.
It gets orders that it has to maximize, but even if they're phrased like
>do what I want right now, don't just satisfy the goals I mentioned
a godly AI will find a solution that matches your intent regarding the goals, but fucks up the rest, or matches your intent back then but makes it useless right now.

AIs, even now, are notoriously hard to predict. They optimize shit that you never considered could be optimized and the only way to prevent it is to modify the goals after you learn their weakness.
Natural language processing is horribly fragile because of that. And because the immense complexity of AIs makes it hard to understand what is actually happening inside.
Outsmarting AI this way works as long as programmers are smarter than AIs, but once that changes, it will be AIs programming AIs, eroding the goals along the way.

When God finally exists, he'll sure as fuck know better than humans who try to get him to do something.

people don't put a lot of emphasis on sound and music in general, but that shit can make a diference between timeless cult classic and generic garbage nobody cares about.
Good example - Star Wars would be quite forgettable without the sound design (and special effects). Name a sound effect more iconic and distinct that lightsaber swing or TIE fighter fly-by.
Hotline Miami wouldn't be even a blip on a radar without soundtrack that has songs like Roller Mobster or Hydrogen

>you get to the first floor
>all the doors are locked
>your only option is to go deeper

Because Joseph Anderson told me it isn't

What's the feeling about that new erotic horror game that's getting kikestarted right now? Anyone played the demo?

Make things inconsistent.
Early on in the game make the player go near an enemy that turns out to be harmless, but later in the game make the enemy hostile, so it surprises the player.
also spooky random events

Idk about siren goons being ‘crossed’ tier but yeah siren is pretty damn scary with the sight jacking mechanic. A crossed game would be unreal but would most likely never get made

You guys don't actually get scared at pixels moving on a screen right? There's far more scary things in this world than fiction; what people think of you for example.

And schpaiders

This made the rather 7/10 op idea into a 11/10 one


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Original video?

And Anna

>camera control
Horror game cinematography is a lost art now that everything is over the shoulder or first-person, even though it contributed so much to the atmosphere. SH also constantly fucks with your mind.
>4th floor

As opposed to hearing it in your asshole?

Ain't this shit more like loud thriller-type horror? It seemed like another Outlast, so I thought it might be meh

also they easily die of heart attacks

Eldritch horror

>It seemed like another Outlast

Not even close. It's basically another RE4 except now with stealth mechanics. Outlast is a goddamn walking sim.

Death Stranding is appearing more fantasy than horror.

As for P.T. , I agree. I've been a fanatic of horror my whole life, yet NOTHING but P.T. actually had me immersed in dreadful fear. I was beyond encapsulated. And it was the best scarefest I ever experienced.

for all the idiots who dont know those are kelvar chainsaw pants designed specifically to stall a saw

t. chainsaw operator

>image editor
There is a difference. AI is a program that can solve problems it was not specifically designed for. It doesn't matter if the instructions are 3 words or a million, you're giving it the ability to complete the task on its own, through whatever means satisfies the provided conditions. This has always been the problem with AI and other sorts of intelligences, even before computers existed. Power combined with free will and no implied conscience, then being given the instruction to complete a task has always made people speculate. But it's only been speculation up until now and there is no reason to find out once and for all what would happen. The risk isn't worth the tiny reward.

And why? Because we have already created a system that maintains an army of servants that will obey when we tell them to clean the toilet. That system is called poverty and those servants are called poor people. Labor is the largest export of the impoverished and it goes for dirt cheap prices. AI can only result in those prices dropping further, which is a heavy investment for something we won't see much return on for a long time. Do you think any robot could ever possibly cost less than cheap labor, outsourced third world or otherwise? With all of that in mind, the only reason left to want AI is because you want something that doesn't have a conscience.

>During the late 1980s, gang activity had caused the crime rate to soar at the tower and the surrounding neighbourhood. By the 1990s, many gangs moved into the building and it became extremely unsafe. Ponte City became symbolic of the crime and urban decay gripping the once cosmopolitan Berea neighbourhood. The core filled with debris five storeys high as the owners left the building to decay.There were even proposals in the mid-1990s to turn the building into a highrise prison. In 2001 Trafalgar Properties took over management of the building and began making numerous improvements.

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Another bot/datamining thread...

unfortunately the genre is subjective to what people think it means.
most people want terror, not horror.
horror is stuff like zombies and stuff that make normal people wince in disgust, and terror is stuff that makes you scared.
so you want terror obviously, well that's again subjective, and essentially that's why it is so easy to fall into shock terror, because it's fucking WAY easier then building up a psychological fear of whatever is going on like what they did in the chainsaw massacre.

Yeah, I heard that comparison as well, in regards to mechanics which made me come close to playing it

However, I meant in terms of horror itself- where the scares focus on LOUD SCREAM SCARE rather than deeper, psychological horror. Ambience and cleverly placed scares are what sell me, besides just its setting which Outlast succeeded in, at least

>horror is stuff like zombies and stuff that make normal people wince in disgust

It seems what you want is repulsion, not horror.


>Do you think any robot could ever possibly cost less than cheap labor, outsourced third world or otherwise?
Not him but totally and absolutely yes.

A third worlder needs to be trained and supervised. He needs to be either paid minimum wage or housed, fed, clothed and entertained.

A robot gets the whole location map in memory, has all the necessary skills uploaded Matrix style as soon as one of the copies learns them, performs its duties the same way every time unless it's required to improvise (and then it notes that it did).
Its maintenance costs can be well below minimum wage, especially if it's mass-produced and made from cheap but durable components.

Warm-blooded animals are incredibly inefficient and capitalism will fix this. The fact that we'll die at the end is just a natural consequence of the systems at work.

Even more lame


no that is horror you fucking ass fiend.
horror is stuff that horrifies you.
so like a baby being sown to a log of shit or something.
terror is something that terrifies you.
zombies are walking corpses, that shit is horrific.
can I stand it? yes, but if you had to default to an emotion, it would be horror, not terror, not disgust, not sadness.
well probably terror then horror.

>not disgust

You exact words were
>stuff that make normal people wince in disgust

jesus, man

>minimum wage
>for a third worlder

Half of the people who work in retail in the states right now don't even get the 30 minute lunch breaks their employers are legally required to provide. You're acting like corporations respect employee rights or even the laws that protect them.

>A third worlder needs to be supervised
A supervisor who also may not be required to receive a minimum wage? Regardless robots require maintenance and supervisors too. That involves even more training, or more specifically college educated employees, which cost even more.

I kinda understand what you are saying, but your point is still null. Horror in itself is just as subjective as terror would be. Speaking purely from an entertainment standpoint, plenty of normal people aren't horrified of zombies.

>Regardless robots require maintenance and supervisors too.
At the moment they do, but this is rapidly improving.
And robot supervision won't require checking if they don't steal or slack off.

>That involves even more training, or more specifically college educated employees,
Only for the first "unit". Rest gets copied skills, which is cheaper once you get enough.

>Half of the people who work in retail in the states right now don't even get the 30 minute lunch breaks their employers are legally required to provide.
But half do.
And the lefty workers' rights movements are slowly gaining power, spooking corporations with minimum wage laws and unions.

Whats this called

Luke I am your father, haha

the fuck does that have to do with tinnitus

More creepy/unsettling levels affecting the gameplay

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I do love lovecraftian monsters that change the very fabric of time. Like in darkest dungeon for example or the Cthulhu myth.
It just feels so gigantic and overwhelming that something looms over us that is unstoppable and godlike. But that fake "god" doesn't care about us at all. Everything could end at the glimpse of an eye should one of these "things" decide to do so or simply through an unfortunate accident.

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I wish I had leftist ones.
Mine are religious.

Are you retarded? He's saying that would be a reason for a little girl to kill herself.

why tho

I'm always having super dark dreams of empty concrete flats.

My dreams are fucking amazing at creating a vibe of doom.

A great horror game is characterized by art direction and atmosphere, something a lot of indie developers can't understand these days shitting out games with reused assets on itchio and mainstream devs becoming too complacent with easy to use engines and producers taking a fat shit on creative freedom.
Even a poorly coded shitshow like Rule of Rose stands out head and shoulders compared to the trite that characterizes the industry now because it was inspired and authentic with what it set out to do.

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>Fatal Frame
>Resident Evil

These games are honestly the best.
Resident Evil always put in a vibrant pretty looking area, the horror vibes game form how these area's are now dark with morbid undertones with subtle implications as to what happened in them. The area's themselves were never inherently scary though.
The game's scenario was light hearted enough that it wasn't making you piss yourself but you weren't completely scared either.
It was a time you appreciated the way it did horror. RE2R brought his back but still has a bit more to go to be perfect again.

Fatal Frame is another perfect with how it dealt with ghosts at least. Story telling through notes and cut scenes, the notes would also talk about other closely linked incidents and you could encounter the ghosts of said incidents. The aesthetic of this series was flawless.
They also played with your head a bit so as to make the horror feel less whats going on and more what could be by showing things that hint as possible future enemies you encounter thus building paranoia.

Somewhere along the way what Lovecraft was going for has been lost. His thing was not about unstoppable gods that can't destroy the universe on a whim. His thing was just about other forms of life. He fancied himself a man of science. When he thought about things like aliens he really thought ALIEN, not just things that were like humans but technologically advanced and had spaceships.

Drawing on film, as an example, everyone always points to In the Mouth of Madness as John Carpenter's "lovecraftian" film but, in reality, The Thing is way more "lovecraftian" than In the Mouth of Madness is which is more along the lines of Stephen King style horror. It's not a coincidence that Alan Wake, which proudly proclaim itself "Stephen Kingian", has a very similar story to In the Mouth of Madness.

I'm not an expert on this by any means. Its just what I find creepy. It leaves a lot to interpretation.

that e celeb

>something was sounding like tv static.

what? I thought it was normal
I've had it since forever and never had a problem with it

Static noises as an enemy indicator.

>remaster/remake penumbra games
>vr support

here you go

>His thing was not about unstoppable gods that can't destroy the universe on a whim. His thing was just about other forms of life
How can you generalize something so simple that you can even find on Wikipedia? Read The Music of Erich Zann, What The Moon Brings, and Pickmans Model. Not all of Lovecraft's work is The Colour Out of Space or The Shadow Out of Time.

watch the webm asshats
it's a fake airhorn, he rubs the rabbit with it and taps its feet to take it up

I don't know why you think those stories you mentioned are dramatically different to stuff like The Color Out of Space. Just because Lovecraft was often vague and fond of the unreliable narrator doesn't mean every time he was vague and had an unreliable narrator it's because eldritch gods did it. Most of that crap comes from not Lovecraft but people who extended on his work after he was gone. The "Cthulhu mythos" wasn't really Lovecraft's work. Other people did that.

>reach ground floor after hours of nerve fraying nightmare bullshit
>no doors anywhere
>except a single trapdoor

too late cunt, was already posted in this thread.

The ultimate horror game would be Darkest Dungeon, except modded so that the RNG is tipped sightly in your favor up to a randomly decided moment, at which point the RNG will be tipped considerably against you.
Not knowing it's modded this way is a key element. Maybe it only activates on random playthroughs.

>I don't know why you think those stories you mentioned are dramatically different to stuff like The Color Out of Space.
Because I've actually read the stories and know how those particular ones I've mentioned aren't centralized around alien lifeforms like the Colour out of Space is.
> had an unreliable narrator it's because eldritch gods did it.
Wow, you really have no idea what stance I've taken if you think I'm talking about eldritch gods, especially since the three stories I listed don't have any of those.

FNAF had atmosphere and tension, though. You could complete the entire game without a single death and still be pretty rocked from the experience. I hate that people say it relies on jumpscares when they exclusively happen at a fail state.

This. AND it’s on psnow as a downloadable so honestly just get a month of that play siren and then check out some other shit. That’s how I played it just recently.

guess so, the punishment for failure is a jumpscare. the horror is dreading that punishment and trying to avoid it.

First one yes, but from 2 forward they start doing the ghost jump scares that don’t actually hurt you. Especially 3 which was super heavy on the hallucinations


>Yea Forums now thinks FNAF is an example of good game design, atmosphere, and tension building

get off my lawn

end yourself

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It was. It just got memed to death and every sequel got progressively worse till sister location which was a solid old school new grounds horror point and click.

It already is. It's called real life.

>Wow, you really have no idea what stance I've taken if you think I'm talking about eldritch gods, especially since the three stories I listed don't have any of those.

Then why the fuck did you bother replying to me? Because that's what I was talking about. I was attacking the bullshit notion that Lovecraft was all about eldritch gods and shit when in reality he was mostly about aliens, monsters and the fragility of humans. It doesn't take a god to kill a human.

I think fear & hunger, a recent rpg maker game, based one of the sprites for an enemy off this fellow

Mate look out, your newfag is showing

>jumpscares the game
>literally marketed to children, pushed on app stores, fuzzy stuffed animals are made from the game's """antagonists"""

i could go on but i dont even know why i should. maybe i should make a game theory esque youtube account and just milk all the 19 year old zoomers with adsense

>Then why the fuck did you bother replying to me?
because you started with
>His thing was not about unstoppable gods that can't destroy the universe on a whim. His thing was just about other forms of life
as well as now
> he was mostly about aliens, monsters
Which isn't true. Now if you said opened with
>and the fragility of humans
I wouldn't of bothered. I'm autistic about Lovecraft.

Soma has the some of the best sound design I've ever heard. It actually made me feel like I was dying.

You could not make a good Crossed game because to truly understand the threat and horror of the universe, you would have to put shit in it that would make Hatred and Rape Day look like Lego Island. It would gain an immediate AO rating and not even be allowed on most services like Steam. It would turn nearly zero profit without any market support, so the best you could hope for would be an indie project that would be PS2-tier at best. It's such a shame, too, because putting a player in that mess would be a fantastic horror experience.
>getting horribly mutilated in game overs complete with voice-acted screams of agony
>massive emphasis on stealth because even if you can fight the enemies, they will easily overwhelm you
>main antagonist could be a friend or family member that turned into a smart Crossed and proceeds to chase you to the ends of the Earth

Such a shame that the current state of the world would shut it down so extremely hard, it would never see the light of day.

Make horror games with this aesthetic.

Attached: 10393.png (1200x1261, 1.29M)

just turn 96 quite bitter things into a video game

What I would imagine are the principles of good horror don't work well with video games as a power fantasy; that's why survival horror works so well, although you're still getting stronger rather than weaker. Are there any horror games that take away power from the player with progression? Like Samus losing her power-ups, but over the course of the game. Outlast has you lose a few fingers, but it has no effect on gameplay.

Also horror games' antagonists aren't as well-developed as even the most common, but better executed antagonists in books, television, and film; sometimes because of the above. I dislike zombie games (with the exception of Dead Rising 1 as a self-aware rip-off of DotD) because they'll commonly miss the mark of what makes zombies horrifying: that they're the anxiety of death made material. But in games they do stop coming, they can be stopped, they can be beaten. Games where the horrific is psychological or abstract can be better than games with monsters, because they draw out horror from the mind where it is intact rather than representing it in cheapened form. Like Silent Hill 2, or even something like Amnesia on a first playthrough. Bloodborne has the foundations for a great horror game, but it isn't its genre.

fuck off retard

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>Which isn't true.
Yes, it is. Lovecraft very, very rarely invoked the supernatural. His stories always involved actual living creatures, life like anything else, the point was just that their nature was outside our current assumptions.

>Now if you said opened with
>>and the fragility of humans
>I wouldn't of bothered.
This aspect of Lovecraft is dramatically overstated. When I say "the fragility of humans" I'm not talking about that shit where people think everyone in Lovecraft's stories are always driven mad. They are not. They are usually terrified but they don't often go mad. I'm just referring to Lovecraft challenging the idea that humans are the masters of the universe.

>Are there any horror games that take away power from the player with progression?
LISA the Painful RPG is a borderline horror game, and it has choices like sacrificing your limbs for your party members' lives and shit. One gimps your main character permanently and the other loses valuable party members, and there's no easy third option.

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Same here, i'm 20 and i only discovered a few months ago that it's not normal and not everyone has it

I've heard it praised quite a bit for this, but I couldn't get through it personally so I rarely remember it.

> His stories always involved actual living creatures
But a good majority of them aren't revolved around living creatures is my point, which is what you seemingly keep implying.
> I'm not talking about that shit where people think everyone in Lovecraft's stories are always driven mad
Nor was I.

Personally, I think horror games should ditch photorealism.

Attached: buHAnj.gif (450x338, 2.19M)

That is China right ?

>But a good majority of them aren't revolved around living creatures is my point

Your point is just objectively wrong. Amazingly so. I don't understand how someone who claims to be "autistic" about Lovecraft could think the majority of his stories don't involve an antagonistic life form of some sort.

And what kind of game would it be, your typical horror/action FPS or something more bizarre like Spooky’s House Of Jumpscares?

This was great. The guy was legit menacing with this theme.

>Your point is just objectively wrong.
Funny how you say this and then counter with
>don't involve an antagonistic life form of some sort.
Which isn't what I said and you can clearly see it in my prior post when I make a distinction between "involved" and "revolved"

You do know the picture you posted is photorealism, right? Primitive graphics != not photorealism. Silent Hill 1 on playstation, for example, is a photorealistic game.

Went from nonononono to cute

you get used to it, just dont pay attention to it

Agony Rhapsody from TNT Evilution scared the absolute fuck out of me the first time since the rhythm just changes all the time

>actually being this new and even backing down on pretending not to be

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so what scares you is plausible explanations for something to be real?

>shitty camera = atmosphere
you have to be retarded to believe this

Sounds MC-related.


>Outlast is a goddamn walking sim
Please don't use terms that you don't know the meaning of.


I remember watching this but this is the only scene I can actually recall

>pretending to be an oldfag in a taiwanese jousting forum
When the game was first released there where a bunch of threads discussing it positively on Yea Forums until it recieved the undertale treatment

you literally werent here for it if you think that
you can check archives, it was trashed till recently


fuck off retard

would play

no u

Fix the Horror Genre
>give nothing, keep a lot of stuff unknown
-the less you know the less your just going to be gung ho
>have a variety of somethings follow you, give them a similar standing but variation is key
-if you have a tier system in horror running into lesser things wont be scary
>you are powerless in a lot of cases
-less power to the player (with exceptions) generates a feeling of being inferior

>spooking corporations with minimum wage laws and unions
>minimum wage laws
>spooking corporations

Attached: i made this just for you.png (654x2400, 1.06M)

Focus on eerie rather than jumpscares

Those poor Nintendo fans

Attached: The Nintendo Shit.jpg (400x400, 118K)

Are you implying corporations like unions?

>The core filled with debris five storeys high as the owners left the building to decay.
What the fuck?
Were niggers literally throwing their fucking trash just out of their windows?

Just build an good excuse for why people are interacting with our game.

Solving shitty puzzles or fighting shitty gorey monsters does not speak/mean anything.

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I wouldn't even have heard about this game is it wasn't for Yea Forums posting shit like "ready for Freddy" or other such nonsense for about a week. Now im not sure what the archives show but from what I recall people weren't claiming the game was shit initially

This. I'd say that a majority of the late 90's era AAA games were going for photorealism. Literally actually, because they used photographic texturing rather than these new semi-procedural handcrafted shader materials made with programs such as Substance. Just because a game has bad graphics doesn't mean that it didn't try to look realistic. Now you have games like Dusk that actively attempted to avoid realism and actively tried (and failed to) implement deliberately bad graphics by trying to emulate historical hardware and software limitations.

I never realized that but yeah it does make it pretty spooky. TNT has more good original tracks than Doom2 does.

Came to post SIREN

Attached: SIREN.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

It's not just games. I got forced to see that new Conjuring "universe" The Curse Of Lacucarachawhatever movie, and like with every flick of that ilk, what ruins it beyond the terrible script where the caracters behave in service to the scares instead of any conceivable logic, is the terribly anti-subtle sound editing and score. It kills all tension and effectiveness when all the scares are telegraphed by the composer and sound editor, going to the point of sounding separate from the event on screen, like you're still watching the trailer with all its "hype" bass drops and BRRRRMMMMs.