Stop talking about Japanese game

Stop talking about Japanese game.
We are western.

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No, and I won't buy Skyrim.

This website is literally ran by a jap

I like Japanese games over western games because Japanese games aren't ashamed of being videogames.
The only western game I'm excited for this year is Doom Eternal.

Then make a good western game, Toddy

No, I like the Big Bazongas Todd

Get as good as the japanese in gameplay design and we will.

And it's not even impossible, John Carmack got pretty fucking close.

Are Bethesda, Ubisoft, and CDPR the only good western AAA developers?

There hasnt been a good western game in years.

There hasn't been a great western game in over a decade. They have settled on mediocrity and it shows

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Make me, fag

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He already did, idiot

Ubisoft and Bungie are the only good western devs

And rockstar

Skyrim is game of the decade you fucker

Sure I'll play Morrowind does that count as a western game Todd?

no, not until they give me another Bully game

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Their last good game was rdr back in 2011...

(Plz no hate, I'm tryin japanese)

Derped, not how you write game in japanese.



Shut up tod you NIGGER

And a ching ping ding to you too


does anyone have the >western gaming memes? forgot to save them