What games let me be an officer?

Are there any games that let you be a cop and take down bad guys? We always seem to have games where you play as the bad guys

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Other urls found in this thread:


dredd vs death

True Crime

This is the Police

Sleeping Dogs sorta. Virtua Cop.

max payne

SWAT 3/4 (get the last resort fix/SEF respectively)
Police Quest 1 and 2 are kino too

resident evil

oh fuck, this game would absolutely rock in VR. i've played some pavlov recently and it was fun, all of this tactical bullshit would work so well there. controls would have to be simplified though

breath of fart iv

the only poilce quest game is the first one. the only good swat game is the fourth (and last) one.


Astral chain


Mortal Kombat 9

Cops ARE the bad guys.


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Disagree. Playing as the terrorists is cool even though OP wants to play cops only and Swat 3 had more depth and options (changing ammo type on the fly, less lethal being less op...)

Both of the silly David Cage games let you control a cop as one of the characters. Actually so does Omikron technically, but no one should ever play that. The other two games are questionable too, but at least someone might have fun playing them.

There's also LA Noire, which I thought was pretty fun.

If you just wanna play as a cop and don't care about doing police work, you got the Time Crisis series, you can play as Lei in Tekken or Chun-Li in SF.

Now I'll lurk, cuz now you made me want to find another fun cop/detective game to play.


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avatarfagging is against the rules

Being a fag is faggy user, leave him be

Counter Strike: Condition Zero

I was pretty much done anywas. I liked my new reaction images and wanted to post them a bit, see the reactions

The results are pretty positive

Shantae: Half Genie Hero

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Space station 13


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The police have never been the good guys. Their genesis is not in older justice systems, but in strikebreakers and slave patrols ( libcom.org/history/origins-police-david-whitehouse ). Their duty is to maintain order by applying the law to subdue troublemakers, because the current social order benefits those at the top who make the law and employ the police. Police brutality against the lower classes, such as blacks, helps reinforce the social hierarchy. This is also why the police and FBI have always put way more effort into destroying leftist movements, which are naturally revolutionary even if they're not violent, with COINTELPRO being the biggest example. Meanwhile, right-wing movements are considered less important if not outright ignored, because they are naturally reactionary even when they dress up as revolutionaries.

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>American cops are too trigger happy so that means all cops are bad

Zero no Kiseki
Ao no Kiseki

Yes, it all makes sense. Lots of black are in prison because cops are all in on a secret conspiracy to "reinforce social hierarchy." Not because black people statistically commit about 10 times more crime than any other race. No, no. It's all a conspiracy.
leftypol smoothbrain.

The right isn't "revolutionary," and they don't claim to be. Revolution is a judeo-marxist obsession.

Oh boy, this is the first time I've been called a smoothbrain instead of being the one to call someone smoothbrained.

Blacks are accused and convicted of crimes at a higher rate - this doesn't actually mean they commit more crimes, especially considering that 40% of all murders go unsolved in the US and other crimes are even less likely to lead to convictions.

Also, I never said it was a fucking conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy when seagulls flock to food, and it's not a conspiracy when police abuse and intimidate people; they're just doing what they know best. It's not a conspiracy, it's just the natural consequence of people acting out in predictable behavioral patterns.

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I can tell you've never lived anywhere where niggers are common, niggers behave like niggers do, unironically. if you had to deal with hatians on the regular you would see them for the backwards culture that they are, beyond any shadow of a doubt. Most of the time when a white person, or an asian person gets into trouble with the law, they tend to be predictable and respectable. But every black person has this concept that they're above the yoke of law and actively resist any police force simply trying to ask them questions about a scene that may have happened nearby. I've spoken to black people who were absolutely livid for being questioned as a witness to an assault because they "had to talk to the fucking pigs."
So whenever you try and peddle your absolute fucking bullshit that niggers don't behave like niggers and it's just whitey putting the black man down, I'm gonna fucken guffaw at you because you're an absolute smoothbrained retard.

PS, I'm a different user and while hatians and sub-Saharan niggers are the scum of the earth Jamaican people are absolutely based.

Hope you're proud of your thread now that it ended up being /pol/ bait

I am slightly. I dont care for /pol/ shit though, just find it funny

team fortress 2 as Scout with cop hat, cop badge, shortstop, pocket pistol, freedom staff

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