For Xbox One X, should I get COD Black Ops 4 or Halo 5 Guardians?
For Xbox One X, should I get COD Black Ops 4 or Halo 5 Guardians?
You should get a refund
Get whichever one your friends play
For Halo, MCC looks and plays great in 4k. BO4 is okay I guess.
Halo 5.
But RDR2 is better.
Just get whichever Halo is on Game Pass
>Shooter on a console
You shouldn't
At least you don't get carpal tunel syndrome from those.
Halo 5 is mediocre get MCC it's very nice besides the fact they made Master Chief jump higher in 3 than the 360 version
That's a lie I play Yakuza on my PC with a controller and after like 3 hours my hand hurts whereas when I play most stuff with a K&M I feel no pain people gotta learn to type the way they are comfortable and not the way Mavis Beacon taught then and they need to get wristrests
You bought a $400 console but can't afford $30 worth of games for it?
>playing FPS on console
You should get the fuck off Yea Forums is what you should get.
You guys are so strange, all games on console will be an inferior experience so why even attack that point, I'm sure OP knows this, he just wants to shoot some niggas.
>inb4 fighting games are ded on PC
Fighting games are party games anything else and you proabably wonder why you don't get invited to parties
>my hand hur
Thanks for proving my point. I don't play on my PC, just console. Whenever I use a controller or the computer mouse my hands don't hurt.
Years of K&M did you that.
I was a primay console gamer until like 2012 lol, how would It be K&Ms fault for console controllers causing discomfort when it would be their design causing it
Both are burnt out husks of once actually fun game series. Get gamepass and get MCC so you can at least play the Halo games that had soul.
Because you shouldn't feel discomfort at all.
If your hands hurt for some reason holding a controller it's because something might be wrong.
Halo 5 guardians, it's the halo with the best multiplayer, and will give you months, if not years of gameplay.
I've been playing fps since Wolfenstein 3d and only retarded people get that
Come to think of it, you might be right
If you're playing on a console you would probably get a carpal syndrome otherwise
Nothing is wrong because I grip my guns, my shifter, my rodney, shampoo bottles, A1 bottles, barbells just fine. Console controllers are just crappy to longterm play it, it's most likely that I'm just not used to it anymore
Halo 5 guardians is just titanfall 2 without wall running, it's lame, halo 3 was the best halo MP experience