How did they get away with it in 2019?
How did they get away with it in 2019?
Other urls found in this thread:
They didn't
reminder you cant even do a wheelie in this game
white trash is just as bad as niggers
If my husband came to our wedding dressed like that I'd send him away and tell him to retry.
would you marry a biker in the first place?
Real life isn't like GTA
>backwards cap at your wedding
The amount of douche in this pic makes me cringe.
>straight people can't show how much they love someone
They didn't, gaming bloggers panned it,
Now I get why it's getting bad reviews.
reddit is 2 doors down champ
I want the sequel to be called Gays Gone. What a bunch of faggots.
>sjws rage at biker (minority) culture episode
>offensive against women
a women literally said that to once, a total stranger. it was offensive to me. :^)
Journalist are the fucking enemy, they should be more transparent with their intentions with games
oh screw off, since when is cringe a buzzword on Yea Forums?
You don't pull a wheelie on the types of bikes you ride in this game. Wheelies are mainly done on street bikes
>Beautiful blonde
>Ruined with those tattoos
am i the only person who think the novelty of tattoos is completely gone. It's like the average person who has a tattoo is incapable of thinking outside of the box, as a result, failing to differentiate themselves from the rest of society; tattoos are extremely cliche now.
Its a bad game but not bad enough for the scores it's getting, although apparently you sell some people into slavery at some point in the game so that probably hurt the score as well.
Not to mention they are ugly and a distraction from a girls natural beauty. I can't think of a single person who would benefit from tattoos
Maybe just fucking maybe. Learn the difference between an op ed type of thing and actual journalism. ya media illiterate fucking lame ass queer faglord of a faggot
This. Tattoos are degenerate and a sure sign the girl is trash.
people are saying this same exact shit 10 years ago, fucking retard
Jesus. Do we need a triggered ESRB now too? Rated R for rustled.
Don't pay attention to the mentally ill, you'll drive yourself mad.
i kinda want to get this seeing how everyone is so triggered by it. Like ok if its a bad game its a bag game but the main character being white is whats triggering them the most.
>Lucy was Brian
In this picture its for the best since it makes it less visable that he is wearing a cap at all.
what's wrong in selling people into slavery in a post-apocalyptic world. fuck off faggit.
>maybe just maybe
get out
what? getting away with making a shitty game? A lot of devs do that.
terrible game with terrible graphics. but I understand your need to shilll it in here.
The concept of people with tattoos being allowd to marry disgusts me to no end.
What next? Wheelchairs?
Jen is pretty, shame about that mind virus
Excuse me for being 11, 10 years ago, faggot.
so.. they're mad at the game for..?
Careful what you say about tattoos.
>you can't do a wheelie on a chopper
yeah fuck face everyone already knows this
fucking mod scum
Wow... Now Yea Forums janitors are SJWs?
What's wrong with that? That post was clearly off topic
They allow gay marriage where you are from?
it's a fucking video game you incels, disconnect yourself from your personal beliefs for one goddamn second
most people who had tattoo are retarded faggots who feel very strongly about the subject because they know their only way out (laser) leaves them ugly scars. tattoos is one of the most retarded memes the 80s/90s left us.
and these faggots wonder why white people are getting angry
Go tell that to western developers lol
Being made for straight white males and not catering to the non-white LGTBQRSTUVRAAAAP+.
You don't wheelie when riding cruiser you fucking retard, do you even ride?
You know, despite all the replies getting butthurt about people being offended, a tatted up whore telling her soon-to-be husband (wearing a vest and hat at their ceremony) "Promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike" is just plain trashy.
No wonder they let these blacked threads, cuckold jannies and mods
Because straight men aren't allowed to have nice things anymore.
Is she saying she’ll peg him
I wish Oregonians were more like Deacon St. John.
>post off-topic reply
>get banned for off-topic post
They have been for years, mate. Where the fuck have you been?
I remember that post. It wasn't off-topic at all.
finally experiencing just world fallacy as a non-white is an abstract kind of feel
>doing a wheelie with this
thats the point, shes a fucking biker chick what do you expect her to say
>best part of the game gets memed because of politics
This part was genuinely funny and entertaining, you can criticize the game for all its other real problems
yeah, wtf they're acting like bikers or something
I just checked the fucking thread, retard. It was a bait thread with a bait image and you immediately replied to it without even answering the question posed in the OP. Who do you think you're fooling? Kill yourself.
>chick makes dirty joke at her wedding to a rough biker dude
>wtf this is objectifying womyn!
What is wrong with these people?
Clearly journalists have never interacted with Bikers, before.
It was off-topic. Fuck off. Hope you enjoyed your ban.
Game is super comfy.
>they are ugly and a distraction from a girls natural beauty
user... Why do you think they get them?
people can just search your posts even though theyre supposed to expire? how is this not a violation of free speech? is this legal?
blame the sjws all you want, this game still fucking sucks
>white trash has a trashy wedding
I don't see what the big deal is.
>bikers acting trashy
Who could have seen that coming?
Fuck I kind of want this game but cant help but feel its also some reverse marketing stunt where SJW get offended and it makes people want to buy the game. I mean its on the Censorstation 4 and I don't feel too good about giving money to Sony anymore. But on the other hand dicking around as a biker in the apocalypse sounds good in its own way. Maybe I need to at least wait for a price drop. Can't trust reviews anymore with all the feminists that have entered the industry and soiboi reviewers who are shit at games and cannot beat them.
>why are there no black zombies
>why do people fall in love
>why am i playing a white male biker and not a woman
>why does deacon kill child zombies
>why doesn't deacon believe that woman
>why does the white trash act like white trash
Seriously, the fuck is this shit? And what the fuck is a social editor?
Is it? Is it ever challenging? Do you have to scavange for supplies often?
>natural beauty
You mean the same women that need to be caked up with make up to be beautiful
So a woman trying to sexually attract a man is making people angry? I guess they wanted a post apocalyptic lesbian instead.
>tattoos stop below the shoulder
That's even tackier than having tattoos in the first place.
>Yea Forums hates video game at announcement
>Yea Forums hates video game at reviews
>Yea Forums hates video game at release
>Yea Forums discovers sjws now hate the video game
>Yea Forums loves video game
You can hate both you know.
yeh, mostly gas since your bike sucks fuel like a hooker sucks dicks.
What’s their point here? Yes, it is trashy and tasteless, but isn’t that kind of the point here when we’re talking about some biker guy and his equally rednecky wife? It’s not like every character in stories you see are supposed to be ideal or likable.
>mfw shit like this reminds me of twitter/tumblr getting mad as fuck about two of the romance options in biocuck games not being dykes
Post a full size of the ass pic I need it for "fapping purposes" if you know what I mean.
it's a minority culture, we can't tolerate that.
I hate white people so goddamn much.
>wtf i love days gone now
She has tattoos though
is this the greatest bait image of all time, I've seen so many people unintentionally call themselves faggots cause they posted this
I don't mind that, I like taking my time in shit and exploring around for supplies. It's part of the reason I enjoyed red dead, just taking my time outside of missions doing shit before shit kicking off.
>the straights are at it again
Nigga, what?
Why's that nig nog? Maybe you should find a safe space without any.
Only whores have tattoos.
>what is irony
It is double irony in this case since ironic shitposting is huge on this god forsaken website
This game is just a big embarrassment to everyone no matter how white or male you might be. Cringy wedding scenes aside, it just looks so utterly bland. I thought there'd be something to it since it was promoted heavily by Sony who's been on a roll this gen, but I guess they got too cocky or something.
God I hate these kinds of people. Fuck
Please stop calling them journalists, you give them way too much credit. They, and all the other clickbait opinion piece writers, are just paid bloggers.
>poor white subculture bad
>poor black subculture good
what gives? I have to commend the game for going balls deep on the portrayal of biker culture
Been playing.
Gameplay is eh but the story is pretty good. Couldve used some better dialogue though. Also Deacon sounds schizophrenic.
Tattoos are really shitty, chances are some assblassted faggot janny with a full sleeve of regret got megatriggered by your based-truth and took out his sexual frustration on you
Sorry, but some of the staff here really suck fat faggot chlamydia dick
This shit is worse than neofag
They invented new words to marginalized people, in this case heterosexuals.
It's a coping mechanism. When you feel persecuted and obsolete you project your own persecution onto others
Really is. And the soundtrack is fantastic.
How buggy is this game right now? Is it difficult at all?
Because "poor black culture" is just "black culture". Which is why a black kid who speaks proper English and has aspirations of something other than being a rapper or an athlete is "acting white" and an "Oreo".
kys whiteoid. we run this board now.
Ya well you’re a double nigger!
t. straights, at it. again
this is the reaction to all this gay nigger progressive lefty shit taking over everything. The tide is finally turning.
Slavery is economically unviable at the best of times, it's completely absurd in a zombie apocalypse.
Man it's such a fucking shame the game isn't good
Would of been the perfect counter to all the (((((diversity)))) being pushed
Trannies always win, baby.
>this is our hobby goyim!
Wow that's a big yikes bud. Try not being such and incel next time misognerd
reminder all reseterafaggots and associates should collaborate to make that 40% go higher
fuck trannies
fuck faggots
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck the jannies
I knew they were mentally ill
Streisand effect.
Post her butt
it's older than that, faggot
white trash actually talk like this and yuppies pretend like it's because they're just straight
game isn't woke and it out sells MK 11 in spite of being on one platform
>William Seed
>Formerly Chuck
Is it bad or just okay?
Fuck off falseflagging weeb nigger.
Why even care enough about what these people tweet to make a compilation image? Game journos either write articles that have stupid opinions as their headline to get angry clicks, or write articles about "issues" like these in order to get the progressive clicks. Either way it's just a way to make them money since there has never once been integrity in games new media since fucking "news" about videogames should strictly be release dates and development updates and not someone's opinion.
doesn't matter, leftists are emotional and always overplay their hand, they lack subtelty
>Chris Crocker
Do women really schlick to this fag?
Weebs make up the majority of the alt-right sweaty
>buttblasted mod has to justify his eternal $500 mistake
>backwards baseball cap at your wedding
>while bride is properly dressed
THIS is what wh*toid males fantasize about all day? Good grief.
i'm not in "the know"
what did they get away with? two str8 white people marrying?
Progressive liberalism is a mental disorder.
That is how they marginalize normal people.
>shitting on based Frued
All this over a straight white wedding.
I mean mentally ill people and twitter is a hillarious combination.
i'm straight, white, and masculine and nothing about days gone looks fun or interesting. just because sjw's hate it for their own reasons doesn't mean it's not fucking bad in every other way too.
social sciences > hard science
in view of the leftists
>blue checkmarks
Opinions discarded
What the fuck Yea Forumsros I thought we were the ones that hated it
They didn't. Game got penalized ten points on Metacritic for not being woke enough.
yeah I can see how they would reset that, these female bloggers would prefer "choke me daddy" and the idea of a wedding is an uncomfortable foil towards the career-building they believe they're doing
What else can you expect from a group of people who have unhealthly views about sex.
it still sold better than moral kombat 11
I find it sweet actually, I dunno.
But I've always enjoyed my romance more on the humorist side.
t. falseflagging snoyfag
Friendly reminder to never listen to game journalists. They fake outrage to get clicks on their dumbass article because nobody would go to their site otherwise.
watson and crick were hacks who took someone elses data and turned into retarded eugenecists with big egos and junk data. no scientist gives a shit about them, just retarded high school students.
What was the post? Jannies covered up their own mess.
But Bill Nye is the hill youre dying on. Yikes
It's just the first Yea Forums related seething wojak I found
But yeah fuck n*ntendo
Stupid Xcuck.
>when you're retarded but you have to be extra retarded to show
But the protag bragged to his gf about having a couple of darkies in his Pacific Northwestern MC and everything! There was even an interracial lesbian couple -- no doubt a world first for the still booming post-apocalyptic zombie genre!
The game is great!!!
How did they get away with THIS?
They’re gonna patch it all out unfortunately so when I’ll buy the game in the future for like 10 dollars I won’t see this :’^(
Oh fuck the 98% of people are at it again!
Get the disc and deny all patches then.
Well obviously. They are clearly trashy people.
Days Gone? More like Niggers Begone.
Screenshot of a ban announcement over someone saying they wouldn't marry a girl with tattoos
This image gives me a headache. I can't even understand what's going on here. Do they think women who would say trashy jokes are unreal and morally wrong or what?
t. non-english speaker
>straight white couple getting married
so this is about Trump?
>"There's even a callback to it"
>promise me to ride me as much as you ride your bike
Literally every dude's fantasy to hear that from a hot girl desu. Not sure what the fuss is all about.
There are many reasons why Days Gone is bland and in a lot of ways bad, but none of them are social justice reasons. I want all durrnalists to burn.
That said, I'd much rather a femc because every girl in it has a cute butt and I want a cute butt on my face.
What women have fucking pornhub accounts? Hell I don't even have a Pornhub account.
>look how petty I am
>Chris Crocker
Wait, that's not the same one that did "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE", is it?
So Lucy O'Brien did nothing wrong?
>white trash acts like white trash at wedding
are people not supposed to write characters anymore?
>it's not libel if I put "opinion" at the top of the page
She isn't white trash though. What she is though is sarcastic and a bit goofy. Which is how I read that line was her just being a dumbass. But of course this implies game journos can actually think and not just looking for a reason to be faux-outraged.
>the straights are at it again
fucking normies
>that perfectly cute skin ruined by tattoos
Why people do that to their bodies?
You smart
You loyal
You special
We the best!
>type of bike in the game
>it's an imaginary offroad bike of slapped together real bikes
>durr wheel base is too long
If it has a clutch, you can wheelie it you shits.
There is very little weight on the front of a bike. There is even less during acceleration since the rear wheel tries to lift it.
That most certainly isn't true.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should retard.
Anyone who wheelie a cruiser look like a fucking faggot, no exception.
The only bike that's okay to wheelie is sport.
Fuck off
living with demons that weren't bloodthirsty would be sick
They probably get triggered every time they hear the roar of a motorcycle.
>sport bikes are the only ones that are okay to wheelie
>it's not 'okay' to wheelie fucking dirtbikes or dual sports because user says so
>it's not 'okay' to wheelie an imaginary bike in a video game with arcade bike controls cause user says so
Please stop posting. One of the funnest parts of offroad riding is wheelies.
You are retarded
It's oppressive to women
is it?
real bikers say this at real biker weddings
bunch of dumb ignorant fucking retards running their mouths on shit they dont know about jesus christ
yes im mad
Yes, apparently.
You know what you also are? Reddit.
>reddit invented double spacing
These people hate you, folks. Remember that. They will laugh when you die and your corpse raped. They don't play your games, they just want to tell you what to do.
Because that's what's reddit is. Simply double spacing. There is certainly no other context whatsoever that differentiates impactful double spacing and reddit double spacing. Nice try. Head on back over, bud.
its funny because i've been posting on this site for literally a decade and i never fucking visit reddit
now kindly kill yourself you fucking mongoloid
that's how bikers are, they did their homework. who cares how you feel about it
Yeah, alright, I'm sure you believe that what with your, uhh, "simply double spacing is reddit" standard. You can lie to me, but you know who you can't lie to? God.
God everything about this game looks disgusting to me. Everyones here praising it because they hate the SJW boogeyman, but this game is just gross to me.
God is my nigga
>a decade
>kill yourself
>not a hero
>not even kys
>not faggot
dubble spacing is fine tho
>not a hero
It's an hero, faggot