you guys ready for the gameplay footage on May 1st
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I think it's pretty retarded to look forward to gameplay footage. I'll just wait for the game to actually come out.
why is Moze so perfect
it will be actual gameplay of the finished game and not a demo that will be nothing like the game
That's another thing. They say it'll be final gameplay, but we know it's going to be gutted and worse when the game actually comes out. I don't really want to be too let down by this game.
Not really, I mean it'll be a good way to get an idea of the game, it's new vault hunters and shit, and help someone like me decide whether or not it's worth grabbing now or later.
Plus I'm off that day or I'm happy as hell.
the game is pretty much already finished at this point
so im pretty sure evything in it is also gonna be in the game
>TFW no Gopnik Mecha woman to be submissive to.
Maybe just hope for the best instead of always assuming the worst then?
What's Randy been up to lately?
Paying people to post here apparently, and watching barely legal porn.
i want to ______ Moze.
Because she simply she is. She's inventable.
Look we can do this all day, but I still stand by my point. We can go back into the last 20 years of gaming and pull out all the times game companies cut corners, saved budget, etc.
But it is NEVER worth it to enjoy your hobby by always assuming any game coming out will automatically suck by default. It's not healthy.
this unironically
gearbox employees "leak" info about the new game on reddit and Yea Forums to make people on those sites think they discovered something when in reality we lead their hand
Just started 2 over boys, how do I build my Krieg?
Had to start 2 over, how do I level fast and get to the dlc?
>save and exit
>start new Gaige
thats how
uninstall wizard
>epic only
No thanks.
you mean
>downgraded to run on consoles but have the "real" version ready to go once the ps5/xbone2 come out
start the mission where hammerlock has to kill mutated varkids
when first varkid enters metamorphasis stage inject the mutation then kill it
save and exit and repeat
they give probably more xp than any other enemy that early in the game
watch Life of Boris with
Nah, already did slut waifu. Never done Krieg
i wish that Moze only spoke in Russian but everybody understands her and she understands everybody else
kinda like how in star wars everybody can speak to chewbaca or r2ds even though theyre not speaking the same language
i think it would be cool
Hellborn/forget the name of the left tree is my favorite. It's a more gun focused Krieg. If you want melee Krieg then it's just the Mania tree and whatever else you want.
How the fuck is she even Russia? Does Russia exist on Pandora?
Well we have nothing to assume other than that the Universe of Borderlands is kinda Human dominated. Also there is the Vladof corporation, which is very Eastern Bloc.
It wouldn't be a far stretch for Russians to colonize a planet and go from there on a generation by generation basis.
marcus and nurse nina are clearly russian or some sort of slavic nationality
and the vladof corporation has russian names for their gear
You're going to be amazed when you hear about Vladof and Marcus.
Can't wait to pirate
By that reasoning it’s wrong to hope for the best either. Why not just leave everyone to how they want to feel about it? Can’t I enjoy my hobby by being cautious until it’s actually released and there’s footage from the ACTUAL released game so i know if ill buy it?
>don't play Krieg, play Gaige instead
dude fuck you, you don't know how to play games
I find it typical that Days Gone, a perfectly acceptable 7½ to 9 rating game gets shit ok n by the gaming press and all the social media, Yea Forums, Reddit try hards but Borderlands 3 gets this angelic choir cued up with gaming gargoyles crying in their Cheetos.
Borderlands 3 is going to be just like the first game, the sequel, the "Pre-Sequel" and all the other suck ass spin offs they have squeezed from this lemon. It's the SAME shit! Run around cell shaded planets and shoot baddies & collect guns be while listening to bad puns and cringey dialog some writer thought was clever & 4th wall breaking.
Fuck Borderlands 3.
I hear that, the problem is all the TORTanic fags here on Yea Forums.
Yeah Gearbox is 100% trustworthy and has never done anything wrong.
>no nazbol gf who is loyal to mother russia
why even live bros
unironically this
but only when it comes to the borderlands series
its going to be a piece of shit so I don't really care
going to have the same shitty gunplay, the same shitty loot system and the same shitty humor.
You right. Changed my mind in fact, just pre-ordered...
>perfectly acceptable
>Not even Russian
Cringe. Yikes. Retard.
BL3 will get higher ratings and sell more copies than Days Gone and you know it will
deal with it
I was being sarcastic you fuck. Gearbox and Randy deserve to die.
what are they then?
I think it would be much better if she only knows basic words like "yes" but says everything else in Russian and no one can understand what she is saying including you because the subtitles just say "(Russian yelling)" so everyone just tries to guess.
Would make her somewhat likable which is something that the other Vault Hunters probably won't be
what about the russian dub version of the game?
whos going to be the sniper character?
i hope it wont be a dlc character
Looking foward to FL4K, pet AI better not be trash though, hopefully can get some skills to be a bit more independent like Gaige's anarchy tree.
Probably the Spy looking guy we know the least about. (Zane? Forgot his name)
what's to wait for? its going to be exactly the same
New environments, guns (including complete overhauls of the established manufacturers), and characters changes up the experience enough to feel fresh. I'm not exactly hopeful that they'll have done a good job, but it'll at least be a new Borderlands experience. Definitely not day one purchase material, but something to keep an eye on for when it inevitably goes on sale.
So a masterpiece like Bl2 was?
more like borederlands
The game was fun with friends, but it was by no means a masterpiece. To call it a masterpiece you'd have to ignore the glaring balance issues, dreadful writing, a bloated number of useless guns, and several less-than-stellar missions.
Yeah, my bad. 9/10 is a more fair score.
right, so new content and an ability every now and then but the actual gameplay will be exactly the same. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just don't think its worth looking out for before launch.
>yfw you didn't fall for the Destiny meme
>yfw you didn't fall for the Division meme
>mfw I fall for the Borderlands meme again
Borderlands is a solid 6/10 series, and I mean this in the way that 6 is an above average game. Not that overinflated rating shit everyone seems to use. 2 just has too many flaws namely slag, plot, character dialogue outside of Jack, the fucking oversaturation of memes, so many useless guns despite them touting the bazillion guns thing, late game number bloat, and several missions that are just glorified fetch quests to be even an 8/10. 7/10 would be extremely generous. I would say a couple of the community mods/patches make Borderlands 2 a solid 7/10 though.
I think it's FL4K, the Robo Hobo and also Beastmaster
>Best looking character will most likely be the most boring yet again.
It hurts.
Great subjective opinion, but i disagree. Then again 3 looks like is gonna fix a lot of stuff
>playing BL1 Encahnced
>an end game level 68-69 SMG rolls like 550 damage
>an endgame 72 SMG is like 6458958
I kind of hope they go back to BL1 on a few things, personally
Mose will be the GOAT of all time
Several of those things are fact though. Late game becomes actually impossible without slag due to the massive inflation of enemy health values. Pre-Sequel fixes this with much better enemy and damage scaling. And the game is full of a metric fuckton of useless guns. You might as well never pick up anything white or even green after a while. The moment you get a half decent blue or purple gun you never touch that trash again. And the game was filled with a plethora of stale memes even by the release year standards. Several skill names for each character is some kind of meme and they literally included a Minecraft area in the game just because. They had some neat and unique missions, but there were several that were just "go here and clear out bandits" and it could get boring. And most of the characters outside of Jack, who somehow managed to be the only charming character in the bunch. Everyone else was either extremely stupid, hypocritical, shortsighted, edgy, or some kind of sass machine.
Borderlands was never trying to be MMO shit though.
Ye, I don't like the silly damage numbers. OP8 stuff gets even more stupid.
I hope this is just bait or at least you are getting paid to say this
You think you're being optimistic but you're really just being naive.
Pre-Sequel fixed the ridiculous number bloat considerably and added plenty of quality of life changes. A shame about it being the shortest and most poorly written game. It had the best gameplay and probably the most fun group of Vault Hunters in the series to date.
alot of the things you mentioned dont affect gameplay
and the ones that due are subjective(and so are the ones that dont affect game play)
wait hold on a sec im pretty sure i have a smuggie that says something almost exactly like that
let me find it
No, slag, useless guns, and number bloat are objective fact. Slag becomes a necessity meaning you have to use it. That affects gameplay. Uselss guns means at least half of the shit you find or that drops from enemies is going to be left where you find it or sold for chump change. The vending machines fucking never had anything useful either. That affects gameplay. And the number bloat is a real thing. When shit starts climbing up into the millions of health, there's a problem. The numbers get ridiculous even before you reach OP levels. That affects gameplay. You're being willfully ignorant of actual, objective issues the game had. Some of these were fixed in the next installment with the addition of increased chance to get legends in the vending machine, the removal of slag, the reduction of number scaling, and the gear grinder that actually gave a purpose to shit weapons and items.
The overabundance of memes in 2 is a fact as well. Most of the written "comedy" was just some kind of pop culture reference. Sure, some of the things about the writing are subjective, but some of those things were verifiable things that happened. And these aren't even all of the issues the game had. It was by no means a 9/10 game.
many people like slag and its only necessary if UVHM is installed
the bloated numbers only occur once youre in UVHM
these are not problems in the base game
many players wishes the game was more difficult and UVHM did that
Playerbase increase more after the UVHM dlc was released than for any other dlc released
many people like what you consider "objectively" bad
deal with it
Heavy weapon type?
just ignore him
hes probably just baiting you
this is just promotional material
dont expect shit from a shitty game made by a shitty devs sold on a shitty launcher
They are issues with the game because they become necessary. In a game that champions choices and variety you're still forced to use slag if you dare play on the higher difficulty, which you pretty much have to if you want to max out your character. And at this point, UVHM is base game. It's not an increase in difficulty. It's just tedious. Enemies just turning into massive bullet sponges doesn't actually make the game harder. And again, that's only one issue the game had. You still can't excuse the fact that the vast majority of the gear was useless even before you reach TVHM. You're delusional if you think the game was somehow a 9/10.
Probably, but fuck it annoys me when people want to trumpet a decent, but flawed game as a 9/10 or some shit. I mean I love Dragon's Dogma, but you don't see me calling it anything above an overall 7/10 at best.
>dragon's dogma
>above a 5
now this is bait
I said "at best" for a reason. The only way it could possibly reach a 7, and this is being generous, is simply because it makes use of some ideas that no game since has even bothered trying to execute in a meaningful fashion. The music was good, the combat had a reasonable amount of depth and choice, fighting big enemies provided a great sense of scale, the pawn system was neat, leveling vocations and mixing and matching for stats and skills was fun, and the environments were nice to look at for a while. On the flip side, the world was a chore to travel once you'd inevitably explored it all, the story was bland at the best of times outside of a few key moments, the game never really gets much difficulty until you reach a few areas, the quests were almost all garbage since they were pretty much all either escort quests with bad AI charges or collection quests that ranged from tedious to infuriating. It's a game with some great ideas but some equally glaring flaws. It's a rough gem to say the least.
Except I like Borderlands, but I'm not going to pretend it's some kind of masterpiece. Part of enjoying something is in recognizing its flaws.
i never played the game but i've heard it was pretty fucking bad
kys for liking such admittingly bad shit
>liking bordershit in this day and age
kill yourself twice
>i never played the game
Form an opinion for yourself. Your current one is meaningless.
And even a 5/10 isn't a bad game (which I'd still say it's a 6 or 7/10).
You literally dont know what you're talking about
This isnt movies, no one does shit exclusively to put in trailer and art.
i think today i will pirate some DLC for 2
i have never pirated before so i gotta ask, how well will something pirated work on an already bought Steam copy?
i never said i didnt play the game
Pixar literally does that shit
the trailers are never scenes from the movie
i felt cheated when none of the scenes from the trailer make it into the movie
just return the base game then pirate it dumbfuck or stop being so cheap
I want an Innuendo Bot Gun &/or Shield.
try it out
worst case scenario it fails to function and you have to delete the file
You get the bullet first
>Got excited when watching the BL3 trailer
>look up some BL2 LPs in the mean time
>gameplay is literally just standing nearly still and holding down M1 while your gun shoots a million bullets a second or whatever
Man, it's really been a long time since BL2 because I genuinely liked the game back in 2012 but now it is incredibly shitty and archaic. I can't go back to that type of garbage gameplay after so many better shooters have come out since then.