Press F to play a predetermined 3 second animation

>press F to play a predetermined 3 second animation

Attached: angry man.jpg (760x428, 81K)

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I love DOOM. Game of the year 2016 for multi-platform (next to Uncharted 4 for PS4.)

it was better than wolfenstein 2015 hallway corridor headshot simulator where every enemy will take cover on a barricade and stick their heads out for a full 5 seconds

Only do it when you're low on health then, numbnuts. This is like only backflipping in Mario 64 and complaining that it's boring.

>3 second
more like .5 seconds. You might as well complain about any kind of attack animations

Why did people praise the game so much? The melee was pathetically weak, the glory kills were obnoxious, and the RPG elements sucked dick. The only progression in DOOM should be getting more and more weapons.

You could ignore them entirely faggot.

>press button to perform action

You could also ignore the jump button and the D key, doesnt mean you would make it very far on the hard difficulties which are the only way to play FPS games

>melee is weak
why are you attempting to melee in a doom game
>glory kills are obnoxious
they aren't if you don't spam them like a scrub
>rpg mechanics equal bad
they aren't, and you can literally ignore them entirely, it just makes the game more challenging (fun)

Only real issue I had with this game was no huge armies to fight against at once, just spawn waves.

Other than that I'll give them credit and props for shitcanning the early CoD-like version they were working on in favor of this.

Not perfect, but they definitely went in a better direction.

It's because this game was made with consoles in mind. In fact, I'm almost sure it was entirely made for consoles.

Most people I know who played it on console loved it. Most people I know who played it on PC hated it. It's also a shit Doom game. It plays exactly like Painkiller, not Doom.

You think speedrunners do it? Use map pick ups and git gud but kill yourself first

This. Console idiots need their PRESS X TO BADASS button.

I enjoyed DOOM (2016) and am even more excited for DOOM ETERNAL with its grappling hook.

All game character movements are animation, that's how games work.

Eternal already looks like massive improvement. We've seen one or two arena fights, the rest of the combat has been normal Doom faire.


you could you know... not... hit the button...

You are just a salty old boomer that doesn't understand DOOM. Sure you might have played the games but DOOM is really about being BRUTAL af and also memes from the comic book.

Kids that only played Halo and CoD before it came out.

i agree
if you pay attention, youll notice all the monsters stop attacking you when you perform your animation
they included a rune powerup that increases the speed that the animation plays out but that would only really make sense if the monsters still attacked you while you performed you animation
i made sure to have it equipped though

sounds brutal my dude, hella brutal for the win.

>3 seconds
Did you actually play the game?

>not liking a game that almost everyone unequivocally accepts is an incredible return to form for one of the original shooters, and an amazingly fun and satisfying game in its own right
if I ever get like this someone put me out of my misery

That's how games work you fucking idiot, did you expect to be able to do anything like real life? Computers have limits life doesnt, and Visa versa, shit for brains.

you... could... you.... know.... not....... play....... the....... game.

t. 18yo

Depends on the enemy. Bigger ones do have 3 seconds animations.

>almost everyone

See, there's the problem. I don't want to be like everyone else. I want to be a special snowflake. I want to fancy myself as intellectually superior and past judgement over others. How the fuck am I supposed to do that when I'm the same as everyone else?

Lol OG DOOM is so shit you can't look up

People that find OG garbage good need to be hung

Go ahead, will sell great without you.

You're complaining about an optional feature many people enjoy that you can entirely ignore. Shut the fuck up boomer.

i played it on pc and loved it. tried it on console and gave up because controllers suck ass for fps games. tried old doom and gave up on that because keyboard only sucks ass for fps games

>gamers are now complaining about *checks card* button pressing

how often are you gonna be glory killing barons? it only happened to me about three times over 4 playthroughs

>press enter to submit hysterical crying into the ether

Attached: d55m.jpg (419x304, 20K)

he'll never stop crying about it since he's an out of touch boomer who wants the "good old days" back.

when i played i glory killed everything, i don't know if thats inefficient or what but its what i thought was best

what you guys gonna do in the invasion system? any Yea Forumsros going to team up and make demon parties?

blatantly not true. you will die very quickly on nightmare if you do a bad glory kill.

doing this on Nightmare literally gets you killed

Attached: bait eternal.png (855x634, 364K)