*spin-off* persona 5

>*spin-off* persona 5
>sold 2.7 million copies
>*main franchise* smtiv
>sold 0.6 million copies

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It's not fair smtbros. Demons were supposed to be better than teen """"""waifus"""""...

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Moe/fujo/whatever weaboo trope ridden kusoge loving personaniggers should be gunned down on the streets like the brainless dogs they are

There's a reason they don't call it Shin Megami Tensei Persona anymore, or some would argue in the first place

It's mostly used as game mechanic inspirations and monster bestiary at this point

>Budweiser sells more than super rare wine

Eh, I like both. Do wish that the mainline and other spin-offs got more love, though. Would kill to see a DeSu3.

Hello p3/p4 zoomer.

>Implying it's not hipster 20-something beers rising while boomer beers drop
sorry boomer back to bud light while i enjoy all my fruity garbage

Maybe they should try putting the series back on a console that actually matters.

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>spin-off designed to appeal to a wider audience
>appeals to a wider audience
no way... how could this happen...

How actually stupid are you, and be honest
There's nothing in that post that isn't fact

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It actually fucking hurts
Daily reminder that Persona got a musou spinoff before SMT

>Budweiser sells
Only to people 45 and older ya boomer

What a dumb fucking analogy

Persona is just more fun

smt4 was garbage

sales don't determine quality

Mario Kart sells more than Mario Odyssey/Galaxy/etc. What's your point?

Selling hardcore japanese dungeon crawlers to the nintendo fanbase does seem like

A mistake, considering the resurgence of japanese gaming on Playstation and PC

SMT fighting game when?

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When they make an actually good Persona fighting game first we'll talk

Molson Canadian outsells Budweiser

alcohol is not a food

p4a is great though. easy enough to get into but has a lot of depth at high level.
3ds/ds was made for dungeon crawlers though. bottom screen for maps and top screen for movement/gameplay and portable so you can use it on long trips

t. not alcoholic

Bro who cares? WoW Classic is coming. Why would you play anything else ever again? Well unless they do a WotLK Classic..... Anyway what the fuck man?

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