Days Gone Outsells Mortal Kombat 11 As It Tops Weekly UK Sales Chart


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Other urls found in this thread:

>However, sales are slightly up over 2017's Injustice 2, which is another beat 'em up developed by NetherRealm featuring DC characters.
Still a success incel.

>Calling Injustice, a fighting game, a beat'em up.
Why is this allowed?

>Mortal Kombat 11 had to settle for No.2 as a result. The game's debut performance is 43.6% smaller than 2015's Mortal Kombat X

>which is another beat 'em up
What the fuck kind of journalism is this

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You beat up people in Mortal Kombat.

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It's almost as if taking away tiddies and adding MORE microtransactions has a negative effect on sales!

No. You kill them.

Comparing in just ass to literally the most popular fighting game franchise in the west with decades of legacy
NRS shills getting desperate

What could pawsibly go wrong?

To be fair physical purchases has gone down across the board

>buying game with straight white male
>in 2019

Attached: BLOGGERSDAYSGONE.jpg (3495x2740, 2.98M)

The article is right, mk can barely be considered a proper fighting game lol.

seething incel sexless virgin discord tranny hypocrite
you are

Get woke, something something.

>Yea Forums - Twitter & Social Justice

Uncharted 4 - 192k (TUE)
Spider-Man - 190k (FRI)
Horizon Zero Dawn - 114k (WED)
God of War - 96k (FRI)
Uncharted The Lost Legacy - 80k (WED)
GT Sport - 74k (WED)
Days Gone - 70k (FRI)
inFamous Second Son - 70k (FRI)
Bloodborne - 43k (WED)
The Order 1886 - 39k (FRI)
Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection - 39k (WED)
Ratchet & Clank - 38k (FRI)
Detroit Become Human - 22k (FRI)

Sold better than Bloodborne lmao.

Because the balance is so bad, they're barely fighting games.

Why is Ed such a kuck?

n-no it was MK 11's t-turn

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Less gore you mexicans
More ass and titties


what if I told you that physicals sales dont matter

An almost 50% reduction, though?

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physical sales have been down a steady decline for ages the devs said the game sold well stop coping

To be fair, Mortal Kombat is more niche than generic open world games the normalfags like to eat.

why is the west becoming pakistan I HATE it

Twenty year old, established franchise on four platforms with a headstart and a sales discount can't beat a by the numbers, literal who zombie game made by the studio that brought you Bubsy 3D.

>developers said it sold well, of course they aren't biased or anything! Really!
Where are the numbers?

user it is not about the total amount of physical copies, is about how MK11 is selling less than a new IP that everyone despises

im really surprised. nobody ever talks about days gone, cares about another zombie game, and it had piss poor viewings at the past 3 e3's because sony had nothing else to show

Will pick up WWZ after seeing what type of updates it actually recieves.


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4 years is a long time, I last heard Gamestop was on its last legs

>Game's price is cut down
>Receiving bad reviews everywhere
>Actual numbers show it is failing
>"B-but what about their statement? T-they would never lie to us (even if they refused to talk about sales figures)"

Cope harder

so is OP a retard?

Attached: mk11 gamestop.png (1080x853, 353K)

muh numbers dont worry when it gets revealed I am sure you guys will get btfod I am tired of your whining you are not the core fanbase stfu

Nope fuck off. A franchise as big as Mortal Kombat doesn't get to use the niche excuse.

>Mortal Kombat
You sipping on stupid?

the characters in MK11 already look beaten up

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>Sold better than Bloodborne lmao.
Europoors have shit taste

Stocking shelves hoping this shit sells

what did he mean by this?


Come on, even Days Gone is more popular than Mortal Kombat.


Who gives a shit?

D-delet this!!!!

holy fucking shit literelly coping over the fact mk11 sold well dude no one care about your shitty titties fucking grow up and have sex

>Literally nothing

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>muh blunder
>muh politics

Get bent faggot.

The UK is the most accurate representation for the success and quality of the game. Which is why Fifa is game of the year every year.

Days Gone isn't even a passable game.

You type black

It is failing user. Boner culture won

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This must be Asian Gorl...

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>fucking grow up and have sex

the average person has sex before leaving highschool you incel LOL

What's the point of Days Gone? You just ride around on your bike in a big world full of trees and do fetch quests.

>good game outsells shit game
"Free" market finally wins one for the little guy

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Uhm... OOF here is a big YIKES for (You) ;^)

So what's your excuse?

B-b-b-ut MK11 is d-doing so well! I--it-it has the biggest MK launch ever! #I'mWithHer

Well it manages to have 10 threads up 24/7 bitching about it.

whats the point of 11 rehashes of the same game except with more nonwhite people and less attractive female characters

its literally just marginally better graphics + diversity and feminism

The Last of Us 1.5 in atmosphere and narrative themes

so its at number 2 so its still doing well how is that bad

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Days Gone has 0 threads and it's selling well


>t. spends $60 every year to hit ganondorf with a boomerang

Yes user, Tlou invented zombie games

What's the significance of this game in the culture wars? Is the game woke or against bullshit SJW identity politics?

>bro stop caring about this one thing that kids do and go focus entirely on something else that kids do

how about neither, i dont give a shit about any games that arent a simulation which requires actually thinking and planning, like an adult

holy shit, days gone is /ourgame/

retards are mad at a non canon ending

>or against bullshit SJW identity politics?

What even gives you this idea?

By this logic YIIK was also succesful

See And take into consideration Days Gone will flop

Times when you acted like Deacon
>come across some people from my old school
>immediately under breath start mumbling
>yeah god damn it, yeah, okay, just keep walking. that's it-uhh... fuck, okay. god damn rain, why the fuck is it always raining? yup, just walk past them, yeah.

I kind if think ill get days gone once its down to 30. Sounds nice being a white male and all.

So is the game woke or something? Why is it being compared to MK11?

>Beat em up

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Capeshit is popular too.

Oh, you mean Days Gone

There's a theory it got low reviews because of the white male lead and it kind of makes sense

is that a good thing ? days gone have no one bitching about it and is selling well isnt that further proof of how shit Mk11 is

so you you have any facts about what you posted or do you like talking out your ass


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wow another mass replay without any facts

YIIK sold over 100k. So yes it was successful for indie shit.

i guess a game that just isnt SJW as fuck selling more than one that is is a big deal nowadays

the marketers were really smart to try and cater to the new large group of vidya consumers; nonwhites and femcels

Based Bend is back, baby. Try saying that five times.

The UK where Knack outsold Mario 3d World because it was a sony exclusive.

mk11 has soemhow sold bad because its in the second spot are you retarded

So wait, Days Gone has zero SJW shit and features a white male lead? And it's selling better than MK11!? Am I understanding this correctly?

Read the article you brainlet

>UK sales

I think MK11 looks objectively worse than 10, but to deny it won't make money is pretty retarded.

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MK is a strong property with better reviews than Days Gone and also available on three systems (not including PC), it should be #1 no?

Cut via amazon only, don't make it seem like it was every store. "bad reviews everywhere" has an 83 on metacritic. UK doesn't represent actual sales numbers globally, especially with a hyper violent game. You cant lie to investors that would be fraud, they will show their numbers.

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ok now show me the numbers that it flopped

No excuses, Ed.

This is basically only counting Sony sales.
Xbox One and Switch games don't sell as much there.

I guess thats why the dev throw a tantruum and is never doing another vidya in his life

Days Gone will top the NPD charts. Screen cap this for future posterity, kuck.

Sony Interactive Entertainment is a zombie

>UK Charts:
Who cares? The most recent GTA, FIFA and CoD are probably still charting there too, EU is full of absolute plebs and sony drones. EU is basically the only place people care about the shovelware PS4games like this. Id bet 90% of The Order's sales were from EU

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>Days Gone has zero SJW shit
It's a fucking Sony exclusive, of course it's SJW
Don't let the marketers fool you
They're trying hard to appeal to our conservative nature on here
Elsewhere the shills are talking about how woke the game is

its almost like its 2012 again

i really have no idea though im just shitposting

if its made by sony like this guy said then fuck them and fuck it, they would profit off this just to use the white male dollar to then go make another game with twice as much propaganda

maybe don't make your game more grindy than a fucking mobile game and add MTX with the intent to sell you content already IN the game

days gone is mediocre and nothing special, but at least its a full game that won't take a billion hours of your time to get extra content you already purchased

i was on the fence with this game but now im definitely gonna buy it

Why would the article lie about that? COPE

>MK11 is flopping in Europe
>Lost most of its PC audience
>Wont even be release in Japan on Steam

I cant say this looks good for NRS

Days Gone

Amazon UK: #1
Amazon Japan: #2
Amazon Brazil: #1
Amazon Australia: #1
Amazon France: #2
Amazon Italy: # 1
Amazon Spain: # 2
Amazon Germany: #1
Amazon Canada:#4
Amazon US: #8
Amazon New Zealand: #8

Attached: amazon best sellers.jpg (859x659, 138K)

>Euros have shit taste
>#8 in the US

are you a fucking retard man

>a fucking toy is beating MK11


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get woke go bro-

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Further proof we need to nuke america


Why the fuck are people buying shit games?

also they 110% intend to sell you that Krypt and other "Kontent" shit down the line for $40 once things die down, NRS are pathetic


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20% down from God of War's launch

Switch port was a smart move.
Install base that's hungering for ports and something to lmao.

>dude trust me


nothing he said was even wrong dumbshit

>Exclusive to one console has similar to another game on that console
>But if you count ALL CONSOLES, the exclusive sold less
This world is full of dum dums

Both Days Gone or MK11 selling still means Yea Forums BTFO PFFFFHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

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I'm suddently feeling this unexplicable urge to buy Days Gone

Will Zombie games ever stop selling well? It seems like every time a new Zombie franchise comes along everybody writes it off because there's already so many zombie games out there but most of them seem to do really well. Hell even World War Z did well

Last Zombie flop I can think of was Dead Rising 4


>>Lost most of its PC audience

are consolefags the only ones keeping this shitty SJW jew infested industry alive?

i think so

its not their fault though, most of them are children. and half of them arent even white

Sony always wins (#1, #2 and #3 are PSN cards, #4 is XBLA card, in case you’re wondering)

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Post Sarah's butt.

Imagine fucking up so bad with microtransactions that you lose to a game that's only quality is that people wished they would stop showing its boring shit at e3.

You missed the point entirely. The person tweeting stated MK11 and Days gone are selling similar on the same platform but says MK11 is way ahead when you factor in other console sales. Well no duh, one is exclusive. I am pointing out his line of reasoning is stupid

i dont like any recent console games but days gone looks cool

my ps4 is collecting dust though, i cant see myself playing anything but squad and star citizen any time soon and the second game isnt even remotely finished but still i cant stop

I beat my dick up while I masturbate but I don't call masturbation a beat em up.

liberals are literally fucking children


>uncharted that high
Who the fuck buys those shits? Fuck those "immersive" globetrotter games. fuck Tomb Raider, and fuck Legend of Zelda for inspiring all that Backyardigan bullshit.

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reviews are irrelevant.

>seething incel leaves out the very next sentence which is (note: digital sales are not included, and download sales have improved significantly over the last four years)

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I think I'll buy Days Gone tommorow when I get out of work just to spit in these faggot journalists face

>Tell people you don't like to have sex every time you get into an argument
>White character has sex in a videogame
>Get angry

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He already admitted Days Gone outsold MK11

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>shills ITT are saying Days Gone is shit but MK11 isn't
Don't move the goalposts, just admit MK11 is shit and you're upset some literal who game is outselling a mediocre fighting game franchise, all while fighting games are fucking dying across the board because they're a shit genre.

Get fucked, now learn the pain of Arena Shooter fans, fightingfaggots.

>Twenty year old,


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Jesus Christ, just fought a 50-80 freaker horde for the first time while exploring, it was scary as fuck, the game plays a very Jaws-esque theme as you’re being chased, it’s really fucking tense, they also don’t drop like Left 4 Dead zombies, they’re kinda robust

I can’t even imagine the 500-strong hordes

that guy and the shit behind him is almost an exact copy of the only person i know of who bought mk11, minus the alt kike shit


user, a franchise with 27 years of steady popularity was outsold by a new franchise that everybody shat on. What you are saying doesnt change that fact

TL;DR: Cope

he's the guy you see in the mirror

they also act like children

>100 burgers for a game

Trannies on suicide watch!

This is just simple economic theory. You already squeezed all the retards who were willing to pay $60 for it, so now you go after those who are somewhat more price sensitive. When you've sold all you can to that bunch you do a sale and so it goes.


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im pretty fit and square jawed fren


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except America is the only country without shit taste according to those stats

The game's biggest sin is not being set in TLoU universe. I have no idea why, seeing as Bend and Naughty share assets.

Reminder all the "SHUT UP INCEL POLTARD HAVE SEX" posts are done by a small group of people who hop from MK thread to MK thread relentlessly derailing the topic into /pol/shit because they're "totally one of us, I'm not a warner brothers shill at all!".

Just look up their reaction images and you get entire walls of this shit.

Attached: I'M_ONE_OF_YOU_GUYS_HONEST.png (1718x711, 107K)

This is great PR for the game, I'm actually thinking of buying it now


r/gamingcirclejerk, WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WINNING.


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But they are not talking about Smash user.

>mortal kombat won't be a success
>mortal kombat is a success, reportedly the most successful one so far
>y-yeah but it was outsold physically by sony's premiere first party title of the year! take that! you lost! go woke go rich but not the richest as we always say.
You're coping pretty hard friend. mfw incel pandering isn't coming back.

Attached: 2017-01-28_0201.png (379x370, 204K)

I'm going to buy Days Gone now.

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Yeah we know

Post pics and show him who's boss. preferably with your MAGA hat on for optimal butthurt..


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And while you are doing it, here is a big YIKES

No its not. Your grandma will fucking know what Mortal Kombat is.

I might give the game a chance for this.

Sad that the gameplay is crap. But I guess UI can use it to play frisbee or something


Trannies are always on suicide watch.

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This game is actually AWFUL to the real minorities.
You see, it requires a CONSTANT, PERFECT internet connection or it returns to the main menu with an error message, regardless of it's a single player or multiplayer game.
So, all the minories in europe, south america, africa and even empoverished parts of the US can't play this game.
Only the white CIS people from countries where they have the privilege of having fiber internet.

Attached: MK11.jpg (1106x324, 42K)

>Detroit Become Human.

Sold 1.2M compared to Beyond Two Souls' 1.7M, and Heavy Rain's 3.M.

>Life is Strange 2.

1/4th of the Userbase from Before the Storm.


Went broke.

>Shadow of Tomb Raider

Literally sold half the copies as Rise.

>Wolfenstein Colossus.

Sold 1/3rd of the previous game.

You've been reading too many Buzz News: News telling you that everything is fine and dandy so you don't feel bad about buying a dead game.


>The Last of Us.
>God of War.

They all starred heterosexual white men. I am fully expecting TLoU2 to sell a fraction of number 1 by now.

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>seething so hard you demand someone dox themselves
Why do lefties always do this? It's a giant corporation, bro. They don't care about you, why do you care about them? Just to stick it to the /pol/ bullies?

60% of the game on a motorcycle yet you can pop a wheelie

>mfw when you'll never have a real vagina, even if you get a doctor to chop your dick off and leave you with a rotting crotch hole

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>>mortal kombat is a success
>Mortal Kombat 11 had to settle for No.2 as a result. The game's debut performance is 43.6% smaller than 2015's Mortal Kombat X
Oh hey, you changed your reaction image, let's see where you've used this before:

Oh wow, hey, look, an entire wall of shilling dating back to last year accompanied with the usual "FUCK OFF NAZI POL INCEL REEEE".

I'm glad you're totally one of us and not a paid shill operating on a shoestring budget to where you can't even afford more than ten different reaction images. Anyone want to help this poor man out and give him some reaction images to use in his "totally grassroots" white knighting of MK11?

Attached: I'M_AN_ORGANIC_4CHAN_POSTER.png (1883x911, 215K)

ive spoken to a guy who was literally being cucked openly by his wife and refused to leave her, and when i called him pathetic he called me an incel, as if he thinks he's so much better for being a cuck than just simply having some degree of self respect and being alone

these people are genuinely sick and insane, they think you're better off being cheated on and being cucked than being alone

You've been reading too many Buzz News: News telling you that everything is fine and dandy so you don't feel bad about buying a dead game


Thing is. They are making less money, but they want to pretend they're not to improve consumer trust. Nobody wants to buy a game that is struggling, so you make it sound like your game is the most succesful shit ever.

Stakeholders will be the ones to decide in the end. I am expecting to see a flood of white people in video games from now on.

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I mean, I guess he is literally, but isn't racially white.

Reminder that by "years of content" they mean "it'll take you years to unlock all of the shit you could otherwise get by paying a small fortune". They're going to cut and run after the 2 week mark like literally every other western dev.

Walmart also cut down the prices. Steam gave them a mixed reviews and everybody is pissed at how much of a mobile game it is.

Don't forget.

>Apex Legends.



All of them went broke.

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because the corporation convinced him hes a good person for offering up his country as a refuge for the entirety of the worlds poor

he doesnt care about the corporation he just agrees with them that we need to take in unlimited poor 3rd worlders, and they JUST HAPPEN to have a financial incentive to try and convince him of that, cohencidentally

>Not white.

Dont even mention APEX. Some trannies depended on its succes to not commit suicide. I guess they are gone now

>has an 83 on metacritic

From publisher approved reviewers who wont say a bad thing about their masters if they cant help it. User score reflects reality of how people feel about this game alot more realistically.

>You cant lie to investors that would be fraud

Whose talking about lying to investors? Are you stupid? You realize they can tell investors the truth, and come around and feed us horseshit right? Fucking moron lmao.

Ancient meds were genetically closer to whites than they are to modern meds.

Detroit was actually at 2 million at December last year. It will easily pass Heavy Rain especially now that it's on PC

Lefties literally hate themselves.

But you already knew that.

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I usually don't find this shit hilarious. But just this once....

It's hilarious.

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Is this problem really that bad? Is this just the future now where, if you say something bad about a game, a little beeper goes off in these people's heads and they just swarm the thread to scream and bitch about /pol/ and incels?

pedo complaining about anything, cry more virgin.

Genetically yes, but physically they were more tanned and brown.

>Get fucked, now learn the pain of Arena Shooter fans, fightingfaggots.
The pain of never being a profitable, popular genre at any point in the last 30 years? That pain is unknown to us, but I'm sure it runs deep, LANfucker.

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Yes, and the problem is way worse than we realize.


Lemme get this straight, Ed. Dismemberment and bludgeoning good, ass and tits bad?

>Apex Legends

Bad examples.

Apex is failing because devs refuse to add any meaningful content at a decent pace, and what has been offered so far is incredibly disappointing.

Anthem failing is self-explanatory, nothing to do with going woke here.

I agree that "go woke go broke" is sometimes real, but atleast try not be a tard and reach so hard to make a point with incorrect examples.

So I’m someone that has only ever played some of the arcade games casually, MK Deception, and 9, and now 11. I’ve enjoyed what’s alive played of 11 and it isn’t ‘slow’ like I hear on V. At least not the slideshow it’s made out to be

Online has a very quick speed to it and is difficult. I enjoyed the story for a fighting game and I think the Krypt is cool for the exploration. Wish it wasn’t random and boxes were cheaper or koins were easier to get

I don’t like all of the micro transactions and I’m not buying any of it but it’s not a train wreck like V makes it sound. Unless it’s 100x worse than X maybe?

I’m really hoping that more characters come down the line like Shang Tsung, Ermac, Nightwolf, and Cybers

Did I buy a rare copy that everyone else isn’t playing or do others here like it?

2016 was a mistake.


>generic "zombie" exclusive one a single platform crushes Mortal Kombat's newest installment offered on 4 platforms more

Yes but Injustice 2 launched on one less platform and went up fighting with Prey, Mario Kart 8 Switch, Fire Emblem and others. MK 11's only competition is this one exclusive that has no legacy behind it.

>being so new you equate anime girls with pedophilia
maybe you should just stay on discord

>obvious loli pic
ok pedo


Yes it does.

They literally have the option to ignore these threads. But they simply flip their shit for no reason and invoke the /pol/ boogeyman. And when people point out you can't just call everything you don't like /pol/, they dig themselves even deeper. And just like that, they've perpetuated the cycle of:

>Relative peace on Yea Forums.
>Collective faggots screech: "This is my chance!"
>Suddenly, off-topic porn and faggotry threads.
>They get pruned.
>Which convinces them that the mods are /pol/.
>So they spam more shit to feel validated.
>They feel validated and start with the hot takes.
>People call them faggots.
>They get angrier, and spam some more.
>People call them bigger faggots, and start shitting the board with anti-fag memes just to spite them.

>They're kicked out back to their containment boards.
>Board goes back to peace.
>Collective faggots screech: "This is my chance!"

Repeat ad-nauseam.

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The boomer christcucks joined up with the current SJWs I guess

>Game's price is cut down
due to retailer competition. no expense to the devs
>Receiving bad reviews everywhere
83 metacritic. inb4 >buh buh muh user review scores
>Actual numbers show it is failing
>second strongest launch in the UK and succeding by the publishers metric(the one that matters) in the first week is a failure because it didn't meet a standard for success that I set for it.
>"B-but what about their statement? T-they would never lie to us (even if they refused to talk about sales figures)"

Look at that cope. Sounds something else that was supposed to go woke and go broke. that only succeeded because Disney totally lied and paid itself. go woke get paid, fag. you lost

>getting the surgery.
Love my dick too much. dick goddess works for me.

Are you assuming I don't keep a defacto post history via file name?

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Holy fucking based, keep exposing the trannoids and the shills.

nothing made it more clear than the paris climate deal

it would have crippled our economy with environmental regulations while giving china and russia a free pass to pollute. and they loved it. and they call us the russian shills

they dont genuinely give a shit about anything except the sound of their own voice and martyring their own civilization in some kind of reckless psueo-altruistic pandering to the rest of the world, all cohencidentally at the benefit of just a rich few


The more you faggots fight one another, the worse it's going to get.

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Based CM making incels cry

where were to titties in X? what a stupid argument, and reminder that no one fucking plays DOA

>Based Aquachad, beating up the roasties.

Attached: aquaman-box-office.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

Pro-tip: as much as I hate liberal retards, this game will be one of their top profiting ones. Why? Because they upped their micro-transactions elements.

This is the power of the whales, the ultra retards of the 21st century. Even if this had sold 25% of MK X they would still profit more from whales alone.

Holy shit I hate whales so much jesus christ fucking cucked retards piece of shits.

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>Due to retailer competition
Any way you can back that up? It also may be because they considered it wont be sold at a full price.

>Trusting shill reviewers
There is a reason this people have such a terrible reputation user.

>Bringing Captain Marvel
They did release numbers, unlike NRS. The numbers we are getting say they are not doing so good. No conspiracy, only taking all the facts into consideration

cringey samefagging bruv

How accurately do UK sales reflect the sales of a game as a whole?

will recommend the game to my friend who owns a ps4 cause i don't. thanks SJWs for the marketing

>using straight as an insult
lmao SJWs are deranged

the good old "it was shipped, not sold" bait and switch


Attached: incel.png (1080x235, 25K)

The problem is that you spend literally all of your time shilling corporate products because you're "totally one of us, guys. I swear".
Do you just happen to be spending all of your time in threads defending corporations and screaming that everyone who doesn't love Warner Brother and Disney is an alt-right incel?
"SHUT UP INCELS YOU'RE MAKING FUN OF MY MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY". shtick is getting old and it's obvious that you are several people in contact with one another in an attempt to derail these threads.
Sorry that you got sloppy and were caught doing it with an image you've used a dozen times before.

Why is she so unlikeable? I believed it was only me, but yesterday when I went to se the movie all audience sounded annoh each time she appeared

>fire emblem matters
here's the real truth:
>mario kart 8 switch: 16 million copies total
>injustice 2: 2 million copies total
>fire emblem echoes: 750,000 copies total
you FEfags need to get a clue.

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Im just trying to help you actually make a good point that isnt made up of literally incorrect examples.

You are either not paying enough attention or are a polfag with a shallow understanding of why those games failed.

Rise of the Tomb Raider would have been a far better example than either Anthem or Apex. Use your head retard...

Attached: 1387964504583.png (560x407, 12K)

Nobody wanted a new MK after 9

>Using proof

>Why is she so unlikeable?
Brie Larson has the charisma of a wet rag and the acting chops of one, too. She's paid to stand around and look pretty, not much else. Her role in the movie is to be a wet rag, as well.
She's the least fun new marvel superhero.

it seems politically neutral from what i can see. which means extreme right-wing, from the perspective of video game journalists

>Wonder Women finally broke the Glass Ceiling!

>A based chad comes forward and shows her what a man does to the box office.

Attached: 57596.jpg (225x350, 35K)

I bet he's one of those faggots who go
whenever someone criticizes a vidya publisher.

>uk sales

who gives a shit

oops thought you meant days gone, mea culpa

Is this you?

Whatever you say about us, we're not OBSESSED enough to buy a thicket to the same movie 100 times just to stick it to Drumpf.

Attached: captain marvel.png (803x269, 21K)

U guys can shit on MK as much as you want, but it still great fighting game.
NRS community finally got the game that is not about 50\50 or gimmicks.
Also Kitana is cute.

Attached: kitana_4677.jpg (439x960, 58K)

I don't know whether to be impressed by his dedication, or disgusted because it's for one of the worst MCU movies alongside Dark World and Hulk.

Why did Kitana become Japanese?

>go to friend/weed dealers house
>complains for long as fuck time about how its full of microtransactions and the grind forces you to pay more
>then mentions how he bought it for $100, almost with a hint of fucking PRIDE in his voice over getting some shitty character for the extra $40 he paid

>later he complains about drumphf or some shit, when i dont even care because trump is a kike pawn

Because asians are cuties.

Yeah, this is the sad fact of the matter.
The microtransactions sell, and they sell well. The game itself doesn't have to sell nearly as much because about 5% of the playerbase will turn into obsessive 'Whales'.

Whatever opinions you have on the game, that's fine. It's a decent game.

What I hate is faggots who blow criticism out of proportion. They should make an internet guideline that says something like:

>Lots of people making the same observation on your game isn't a raid.
>It's just a lot of people making the same observation on a game.
>It just looks like a raid because there's a shitload of people on the internet.
>So no.
>There's no need to go "GAMERS ARE DEAD" and fan the flames for no reason.

Don't take it personally.

Attached: 3517891-joker.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Nope just you, of course jewstop has it at sixty still, but just about every other retailer has it at 49.99

That character is pre-order bonus if you buy any edition or pay $6 afterwards.

its not a coincidence that the games that have SJW shit often have greedy practices that fuck (((themselves))) over sometimes

leftism benefits corporations, its all about greed, the propaganda, the microtransactions, all of it

can you tell me how she sits down with no ass?

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thats a fucking man..................................... also imagine the smell

you know what the worst part is? "lol how am I a leftist if I defend corporations? Those are alt-right. Read a book."

Attached: 1552915087408.jpg (320x240, 18K)

This isn't the place for politics, but why do you think they need immigrants so hard? White people have grown so educated they're actively avoiding basic clerk jobs. They need more brown-skins simply because they need manpower to maintain their own production and infrastructure.

Which is going to be a kick in the balls when automation strikes us.

Attached: 1555709117277.jpg (639x849, 204K)

>Any way you can back that up? It also may be because they considered it wont be sold at a full price
Basic retail knowledge.Markdowns (which you think it is) happen across the board due to no demand for the product. however most retailers like gamestop and including all digital stores are still selling it at full price.

Thus retailers that don't primarily sell video games (amazon/best buy) are selling them at a loss to be the premier place people go to.

> The numbers we are getting say they are not doing so good
NPD haven't released hard numbers but basic tracking shows that physical only shows it's done really well, corroborating the WB guy that the game was a success.
>b-buh it didn't do as good as days gone
That doesn't make it a failure. unless you were aiming for
>go woke go successul but not as successful as a first party

Sorry user. you lost. keep the cope up though.

Attached: evolution.jpg (779x492, 23K)

nice mad

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190428005305.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Ladies and Gentlemen, WE FUCKIN GOTTEM.

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190426014020.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

You know realistically if she's that ripped and a fighter they would look like most porn stars with huge glutes and ass.

And if there making her skinny then lmao

Attached: vfdvfdvfd.png (564x542, 108K)

nope just some fag posting the same thing over and over

Attached: 1555811245175.png (588x658, 562K)

>uses foot as leverage because your ass has no support

Nothing, it's a fighting game about blood and gore. Not everything is politics related.

>animation and poses still look retarded as fuck
>that fucking jump animation

Attached: 11asd22.jpg (361x319, 21K)


What’s days gone even about? Bikers and Zombies?

I'll start caring about the UK as soon as they start cleaning their fucking teeth, until then UK sales don't matter.

reminder all reseterafaggots and associated incel trainnes should collaborate to make that 40% go higher
fuck trannies
fuck faggots
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck the jannies

That's funny but not disgusting.
The disgusting part are people like him who give money to Disney for other people to see the movie.

Attached: 35922548_1546806814463827_r.jpg (1199x800, 180K)

Hey, if you hate captain marvel so much you go out and support a movie starring a PoC playing an interracial prince with a message of equality and eco-friendliness I welcome it. If you'll adopt a liberal cause to fight a liberal cause than as a liberal, I'm winning.

>Sorry that you got sloppy and were caught doing it with an image you've used a dozen times before.
what if I told you that was the point

>Whatever you say about us, we're not OBSESSED enough to buy a thicket to the same movie 100 times just to stick it to Drumpf.
And that's why they're taking away your anime titties and there's nothing you can do about it. because your kind doesn't buy things 100 times to spite a jewish man.

She doesn't seem capable of any emotion but apathy, smug, and vague sadness. which is weird because she was really good in room.

Not a samefag but I don't have time for MSpaint

in short SJWs are where the money is

Attached: heh.png (430x363, 303K)

How are the sales of MK across the globe?
Is it mostly focused on the US like Madden, or is it more proportionally distributed through other countries?


hmmm who's the choco semen demon?

>what if I told you that was the point
So was getting caught part of your master plan?

>i'm attractive I swear
>prove it
kek you really are pic related

no they arent, we arent paid a fucking livable wage on basic jobs anymore, BECAUSE they've devalued our labor in part by shipping in people who arent capable of anything other than wage slavery

the only reason whites are really trying to avoid those jobs is because they have a means of doing so (their brains) and because regular jobs pay fucking slave wages now because they imported people to devalue our labor

when you increase a supply of workers, you can work the shit out of them because if they leave due to exhaustion you can still find more easily, meaning everyone is made to work harder just because corporations can get away with it

I wonder if gamers are dominantly left or right leaning

And now I'm suddenly interested in this game.

of course

Attached: 1542978794872.jpg (300x600, 86K)
What's the next step of your master plan?

Attached: shitting_this_thread_with_no_survivors.png (1857x912, 256K)

Are you talking about Days Gone or MK11? Because the former is just another generic zombie shooter with bikes and a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE. And MK11 just another entry in the MK series that did everything it can to virtue signal hard and then added in loot box system.

So you be the judge.

>autism speaks : the post

People actually want an Ash Ketchum amiibo?


whoa its like a mirror

Attached: 6603074-brie-larsen-marvel-1.jpg (960x720, 125K)

>However, cigar smoke ice cream are slightly up over Steamy shit ice cream, which is another main course developped by the same people.

not an arguement: the post

crashing this thread with no survivors

Attached: die in a fire.jpg (1022x609, 734K)

this is literally you right now.

>the STRAIGHTS are at it again
>getting mad that a man isn't an incel
>getting mad that a man is white
These are non-gaming fucks that devs are trying to please.

Fuck it, I'm supporting this game.

IMO: the signaling hard is an attempt to distract from the loot box syndrome
Just look at this thread, how many people are bitching about loot boxes? Fucking nobody.

>not an argument
I dont care, you have autism.

>in short SJWs are where the money is

in short, yes

thats why in the long run the jews always end up being exiled, they only care about short term profits

>Mental gymnastic based on asumptions and especulations

I will keep my coping as more numbers show how this game is underperforming expectation.

more like soon-to-join-40-percent lmao


>zombie shooter outsells fighting game


>in short SJWs are where the money is
Disagree, SJWs is where the useful idiots are. That's where the people reside who will pledge lifelong loyalty to your brand or company. It's where people like the guy who did this reside.

It's a tiny group of people, but they'll do your own marketing for free. It's capitalization on useful idiots.

Uhm user I believe you didnt read the article, specially this part

The fact Days Gone (a game heavily critized and that noone ask) is selling better than MK11 is a terrible sign for NRS.

Christ, I hate this idiot. Her arguments boil down to "Shut up and just accept that this is how the world is, now." over and over again.
Between her and Destiny, she takes the idiot cake.



Attached: tulio.png (833x720, 411K)


the fuck is this

Attached: 1518669352149.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

I literally just bought Days Gone on amazon after seeing this.

Good shilling.

the companies are so big, they often have lots of money invested in other or similar industries that can benefit way more off of the effect that SJWs are having

they are quite literally throwing a little money away here and there to try and influence public opinion to make them richer with other enterprises i believe

>le balance

Fuck you and your FGC memes. All fighting games play mostly the same.




>even acting like this tranny and destiny are actual human beings who deserve rights and are worth concerning yourself with

>can't refute any of the points
>enter panic mode
>ha got em.

>I dont care, you have autism.
pic very much related

until then bow to mommy and her millions of views eductating people on incels.

you're alright user. I'm going to stop posting for tonight because of the fun banter.

>Her arguments boil down to "Shut up and just accept that this is how the world is, now.
That's john oliver. Contrapoints is actually really kind to the opposition because she used to be one and she gives very reasonable deconstructions of their arguments. like being able to acknowledge Jordan Peterson can be be helpful for some despite his flaws. rather than CLEAN YOUR ROOM LOL. She's condescending throughout, certainly so maybe that threw you off.

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in UK



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Why anyone would? Smash it's not a fighting game.

what the fuck is this? Do people actually think this game has more depth than anime fighters?

>this person actually exists and isnt being ironic

Attached: 1549455664850.png (1920x1080, 2.75M)

Post that image with her butt double.

>pic related
There's good autism and bad autism. You are not the former.

Why the fuck isn't the MH disability column 100%?

>MK11 has no crossplay or profile transfer
>can't unlock my dumb costume bullshit on PC and then use it on my friend's copy

well i found this, seems even better

Attached: Tom-Holland-Brie-Larson-meme3.jpg (1125x1116, 169K)

who said that even?
Also, do you unironically think some dumb ecelebs first week with a fighter can accurately reflect its depth?

post girlcock

I remember that idiot now he's the one who said felix trans and and called astolfo non-binary

These people are legitimately insane
How the fuck can people on Yea Forums say SJWs are a boogyman

Why is it always the UK sales that get attention?

Mk11 is actually pretty fun but it's not as fun as mkx

How is MKX compared to MK9?

Never played 9 but my friend who play X said it was like a jankier X

The dumb thing about Get Woke Go Broke is that anything else to do with a game's failure will be ignored in favor of saying the "wokeness" is the reason it bombed instead of literally everything else wrong with a game

>Calling NRS shit a fighting game

is days gone any good anyway? I was gonna pick it up soon

a game came in second in a top sellers list yes the game flopped

Attached: 1543024686357.png (750x1334, 1.92M)

>uk charts
Oh nooooo


Wtf I just ordered Days Gone

6000 dollars of DLC

I did too, and its actually ALOT better than I thought it was gonna be. the video reviews I watched were totally SEETHING

ok billy

It's better than X but not quite as good as 9. What holds it back from being as good as 9 for me are things that can be changed with patches though.

Attached: 1555762122973.png (538x575, 724K)

>no numbers
>dude trust me!

Attached: 1555864765891m-1.jpg (201x257, 11K)

You are literally paying money for a game because of outrage culture. What the fuck is wrong with you?

have sex



Attached: NICK.jpg (609x370, 74K)

I wouldn’t say that. True no one is talking about the loot box system ITT but this is Yea Forums. People would rather shit on the social political shit first before actually talking about the other shit that makes the game bad. Granted MK deserves it but you get the idea.

On the other hand I seriously doubt they are just virtue signaling to cover up the loot boxes. That’s like saying “I shot this guy to distract people from the fact that I just slashed that dude’s throat.” Virtue signaling never really help cover anything. In fact it only feels like it enhances the other negative aspects of the game.

ive been looking forward to this for 5(?) E3s now, and the early reviews had me let down. after seeing so many "journalists" slam it for "problematic story", I knew something was up and bought it anyways. im glad I did.

where are the numbers it did bad

People aren't talking about lootboxes because the person that brought it up was fucking retarded and if you actually bring up 6000 dollars now it just proves you're a fucking retard that doesn't even know what they are talking about and know nothing about the actual problems with the game.

It still fucking triggers me to no end whenever some western cuck tries to pull Japanese shit into social politics.

all im seeing here is idiots saying the game did bad and crying when people saying it did well asking for the numbers where are the numbers that its doing bad do you have any

nice shill post, completely organic. take a look in the mirror and neck yourself friend

>the game is a flop
>one angry gamer said so

Attached: sdflfgbksfglsfgvk.jpg (628x518, 163K)

If you can't trust reverse kotaku who can you trust?


You can do that to all the r/The_Donald users too
Both sides need to be exterminated from this site

Weren't you guys calling it an SJW game just a few months ago?

A game that launched in 4 different platforms is behind an console exclusive. A console exclusive that was faded to fail, surrounded with negativity, while mk11 was being talked about everywhere and between beta test and launch it was being streamed by major channels on twitch.

WTF I just ordered Days Gone

ok so

>Imagine having a brain as small as this user.

I wish you luck

MK11 will still be a flop though

Delete this right now you gosh darnned nigger dagger.

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>if we lose, we win

Because I say so

Attached: NaziPartyCunt.jpg (470x532, 42K)

She has no ass whatsoever. How does a female like this even attract other males? Her face can't even compensate.

My man, keep up the good work, and fuck trannies

>I have not been paying attention

You should work on that.

any chance of a pc launch?

all you have is some random fuck on twitter

What? No, read the fucking article on the OP and other posts, you retarded faggot

What's a success incel?

Why do these beta fucking incels accuse other people of being an incel? I'm fucking married with kids dickhead. You probably donate money to women online I wouldnt fucking doubt it for a second

MK11 is a fighting game though. Both its audience and its budget are significantly smaller (although I did buy MK11 and now I regret it)

Consider how BB had a much smaller budget/PR focus and also hit before people really owned PS4s (it pretty much sold whole-ass consoles).

>MK 11 lost to le evil rascist game


wow one article

>A console exclusive that was faded to fail, surrounded with negativity,
It's been heavily shilled everywhere, including Yea Forums
It got mediocre reviews because it's a mediocre game

>Implying it is just one

I guess you really want (You)s

when were you when fighting games was kill?

yeah let's put our sadistically violent game that's banned in half the world's countries on the dedicated children's console, also we'll have it play at 480p because the hardware cant handle it
I'm sure it'll do well

>not once did I mention anything negative about this game's protagonist in my review, Actually, the opposite!
What was the problem with this tweet?

>Beat 'em Up
Imagine 'journalists' in other mediums not even knowing what genre the item they're writing about is a part of. How did gaming get this bad in just the last 10 years? What the fuck happened? Seriously. This is just sad.

>MK11 was "the strongest launch in the series' history"
>The game's debut performance is 43.6% smaller than 2015's Mortal Kombat X
so which is it

Attached: 1534111345967.gif (320x240, 2.12M)

>User reviews reflect the actual reality of the contents quality
Imagine being so desperate to prove a narrative that you'll push user review bombs


Post the results from a place that matters; I hope it did poorly, locking the good stuff behind 3000 hours of work is silly.

Sounds like something a millenial women wanted in desu senpai.

Guys in a work place wouldn't dare try to get that by HR

God, Sekiro is still remaining and even ranked up. Good games sell well even with having a bad taste of people like brits.

Because they are one themselves.

Uk physical sales. It's possible the majority of the sales were burgerstan or digital

>4X %
one could say.... the game is... dead?

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This latest MK just hasn’t really had the same hype surrounding it as the last one. Not sure what the difference is.

it has had some its just retards that are mad the characters dont have there mk9 shit where crying as loud as they could

Yeah the left are babies unlike the right who totally don't do the same thing whenever a black person exists in video games

Yes, that's the only reason people are mad. DEFIANTLY

It's UK physical sales you fucking retard, they don't matter. The game still sold in America


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yes all they have been crying about are the girls the grinding shit was bad but they have already said they are fixing it so other than those 2 things what is the big problem

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When will we genocide the journalist class?

>(note: digital sales are not included, and download sales have improved significantly over the last four years)

I’m gonna put my slightly below average white dick in Frost’s artificial womb while she insults me

When you rigties stoping being such apathic fagots

I haven't seen autism like this in a long, long time.

like when barneyfag gets really really mad level sperging.

don't open this

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-02-15-at-12.16.36-AM[1].png (915x664, 812K)

I don't get the hate. The grind is annoying, sure, and the fact that they sell Frost as a character (despite being unlockable) makes me want to pull my hair out. But the story is enjoyable and the gameplay overall gets me excited! I prefer it over DoA6, Tekken 7 and even Street Fighter V. And if you don't like it, just play MKX or MK9, that is the game for you. I like all three equally though.

retards are just mad about the girls not in there mk9 shit

I can't understand what people see in this game, it feels like generic open world #174

Honestly, they are a little too revealing in that game. Sex appeal is nice and it shouldn't be censorded just to fit an agenda, but that game had a little too much, though Sonya's default in that game was fine. MKX found a fine balance, even though I hated Kitana's default in that game. Made her look gross, but the models were hit and miss in that game.

>muh incels

Why are leftists so obsessed with sex

Attached: 1555129127668.jpg (540x651, 79K)

That dude from the picture literally has 4 more friends than the dude who thought he was being cute by making this. I wonder if he wept once he realized what he'd created.

US top sellers are 7 different sony and xbox store cards, followed by Smash ultimate and a dualshock. Days Gone is actually 10th but just the second that's an actual game

that "ride me as much as you ride your bike" line is pretty fuckin cringy and rednecky

are they related?




Attached: it keeps happening.png (798x1012, 446K)

But i fap to black women, keep on fagging lefty-bitch

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Attached: Urraaaaaaa.jpg (271x400, 34K)

Doesn't help the fucking series is banned in like 4-5 big countries.

Please do not post my wife.

>the straights are AT IT AGAIN
okay I did laff

>act like you give a fuck about femnism and social justice so that you get good boi points and the incels complain about that on the internet
>release a game with a roster 1000 times inferior than the one X had, microtransactions, a fucked up krypt and poor design choices all over it
>people will be to busy talking about muslim combat or how progressive and mature it has become

Mk11 has boring roster.
And boring fatalities, for the most part.
And they really shot themselves on the foot with toning the half-assed pseudonudity down after spending years attracting permavirgins with the scantily clad women fighters.


he just said it's not a good medium for trying to do something daring and meaningful
doesn't mean he won't try to just cash in on what he knows will sell; and it's not given he won't have a change of heart later on

>All lewd outfits have beed toned down several notches
>Jax’s ending has Raiden tell him he can’t have everything, but Jax goes back in time to stop American slavery (just american slavery, not African, Asian, or Middle Eastern slavery) and suddenly he has his family in Wakanda
>Johnny cage goes back in time to beat himself up for sexist comments he made to Basedna
>Shoa Kahn says “Make Outerworld Great Again”
And that’s all I know.

How many other major releases are there during this week?

>fighting game undersells a zombie horde game

No shit.

Also reminder a group is currently spamming on /trash/ and then telling others that /pol/ is invading

>but those Days (are) Gone...


Attached: COOLAAAPSING.gif (1365x923, 2.14M)

Mortal Kombat was always trash

Attached: IM_THE_COOLEST.gif (326x300, 796K)

Man all these games must be pretty shit if the only thing you fags brag about is the sales numbers.

Attached: image.jpg (711x477, 54K)

>Forgets Mortal Kombat X sold ten million.
Mortal Kombat is as normalfag as you can get. MK11 underperformed because it took out the titty ninjas and replaced it with fucking MMO grinds and Shao Khan's gay twin because its always a good idea to remove the shit that sells the game huh.
OH and the NRS fags had that bug lady kill fucking Scorpion....

Attached: violence.jpg (398x339, 28K)

Everybody knows fighters are dying. Even with the games being more and more accessible it is just not enough nowadays. Almost every game is getting bigger and bigger, incorporating many genres that were games on their own decades ago. In your average action adventure game you can explore, parkour, shoot, blow up, drive, fly etc.
In fightan you are in a room and can punch or kick.


>uk numbers only
>not including digital
So when do we see the actual numbers?

Here's how Contra looks in real life.
Every video and picture of him outside of his shitty videos looks male.

You degenerates will never be female, and try to cope by acting resentful like in this thread and then you ultimately go 40% because you're mentally ill.

Attached: d5hXXNC.jpg (455x348, 60K)


Fucking idiots, Days Gone is gonna get a price drop just as fast. Why waste your money? Not to mention if you wait they've patched the game more although it'll always have performance issues

>Fighters are dying.
>Faggot trying to hide the fact it was the poz and grind that killed Mortal Kombat.
>MK11 has an actual WOKE ending.
We all know what killed Mortal Kombat no use trying to make out it was something else.


>Everybody knows fighters are dying
Smash outsold every fighting game, plus other fighting games still sold a lot. Fighting is still alive, MK just fell for the SJW meme and suffered for it

the virgin SJW nigger brawler vs. the Chad straight white male game

hay for the retards here mk11 did over 11 million so you think this will flop

Attached: 1518842572774.jpg (2000x4000, 1.7M)

Injustice 2 actually flopped WB refuses to give the numbers when previously they shouted MKX's numbers from the rooftop.

Attached: NRS shills.png (735x1577, 1012K)

mkx did over 11 million

Attached: eca.png (680x435, 140K)

how did it flop did over a million

well retards only want to shitpost



>article comes out proving incels wrong

Incels: "uh... I don't even care about fighting games anyway, they're dated and boring."

Imagine if you invested as much mental energy in figuring out how to have sex as you do mental gymnastics about video game sales


>It did over a million.
>Thinks Injustice 2 just doing just over a million is a huge success.
Thanks for the laugh user.

Attached: boomer dante.jpg (405x280, 34K)

>bad character design
>boring roster
>shitty newcomers
>shitty voice acting
>story worse than mkx, story is kotal khan and fighting ironman clones
>injustice grind gear system but wihtout the lootbox, you have to manually check every fucking chest in the expensive krypt
>a free super called fatal blow because normies fucking suck and boon whined about xray not being spammed
at least it had a good villian and a good ending

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What does the article prove? That an exclusive action adventure game outsells a popular fighter effortlessly on every platform?

>Plebbit spacing.
>There is no article proving it wrong.
Nice try Sonic Fox. WB should ask for its money back you suck at shilling.

Attached: Annoying fox.jpg (178x284, 12K)

You are wrong if you think the masses care about your SJW boogieman.

It may be a shit game, but daamn.

for a fighting game yes thats a lot dumbass even if mk11 did that or a little more its not a flop

>You are wrong if you think the masses care about your SJW boogieman.
Mortal Kombat gets ignored due to SJW devs.
>SJWs try and rubbish Days Gone.
Days Gone becomes a massive success.
Well you are right the masses do not care about SJWs.

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>bad character design
Wrong, character designs are fine. Frost, Skarlet, Kollector, and Geras are among the best in the series.
>boring roster
If you think the roster is boring then you probably just don't like MK which means your opinion on the roster is null and void. Unless you're one of those Mileena or Rain fags then you're just a crybaby.
>shitty newcomers
>shitty voice acting
Voice acting is fine (outside of Sonya)
>story worse than mkx, story is kotal khan and
fighting ironman clones
Wrong. MKX fucking sucked. It was the Cage show with flashbacks for days.
>injustice grind gear system but wihtout the lootbox, you have to manually check every fucking chest in the expensive krypt
Unlockable costumes aren't that big of a deal. Plenty of people have already unlocked a third of them. On top of that they don't affect gameplay so who fucking cares?
>a free super called fatal blow because normies fucking suck and boon whined about xray not being spammed
A comeback mechanic is fine and is literally in other fighting games.

>Smash Ultimate does 14 million.
>SFV and Tekken 7 do around 3 million.
>MKX does 11 million.
>Fag thinks 1 million is good for a fighting game.

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I've never really thought to compare the two but it is real goddamn pathetic that smash has more risque women in it.

Moron, I've been on 4channel since 2001. They've always spaced like that. "Reddit spacing" is a zoomer meme.

have sex

Holy fuck Boon go home your fucking drunk.

i see the nrsshills are up late

>Mortal Kombat gets ignored due to SJW devs
no it didnt retard

Now this is a bona fide cope post.

>Yea Forums launched in 2003
>This user says he has been on Yea Forums since 2001.
The absolute state of paid WB shills.

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so you really think mk11 won't sell because of some retard on twitter was crying about the girls ok dumbass and if if mk11 does just as well as sfv and tekken will you kill yourself out of anger and street fighter 5 took a long ass time to get to 1 million

>buying a game just because it makes sjw's mad
You guys are just as bad as the ones who only buy games because they are "woke"

Yes it did. People are buying a zombie game instead. Its getting ignored because 16bit ruined MK and he just had the worst day of his life. Looks like the fag got fired.

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I'm sure I sound like a fucking schizo but in this last year or so I've kind of come to the conclusion that it's a marketing tactic exclusive to this place. It's not like shills haven't been caught red-handed here before, I would not be surprised in the least if they've decided that acting abrasive against people on Yea Forums who call them out works out better for their sales in the long run.

I mean, it is the yearly Sony game. Playstation faggots gotta play something, right?

No response then?

We hurt his feelings Anons. MORTAL KOMBAT 11 IS A FAILED GAME!

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On one hand, I'm ashamed that my fellow euros have so shit taste that they buy generic zombie apocalypse shit #5645165454 and make it top seller.
On the other hand, America fucking sucks too for being responsible for VIOLENCE GOOD SEX BAD hypocritic political climate.

Gaming has gone down the shitter in the past 20 years, and there is no coming back.
I should have found a new hobby many years ago.

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Days Gone is made deliberately with the PS template in mind. Reviews doesn't matter (to an extent).

Thats a new one. Git gud.

the game is in second place in a top sellers list and you think its flopping what kind of logic is this?

Just ordered Days Gone. Learn to cope.

Attached: days gone.jpg (600x600, 126K)

>"Promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike"
No one but degenerates say that during their wedding vows
You're not a degenerate, are you Yea Forums?

It's actually taken word-for-word from IRL biker weddings. Call it cringy or unrealistic but it says something about white trash culture that journalists are declaring to be TOO SILLY to be real

frost is literally a power ranger and geras is boring as fuck and pales in comparison to the main villian kronika
yes im glad, ermac takeda and reptile got replaced by kollector geras and cetrion
this was also the cage show AND includes the briggs show. all scorpion and subzero do is fight the ninja robot clones
again the character design fucking suck and you cant just play one character you like to get some gear, you have to fucking dig for that shit
fatal blow sucks in comparison to the xray and it fucking sucks

What the fuck were they thinking hiring IT in the first place.
Normalfags DO NOT want to see girls in burkas in their games.

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Not any of them and I have no intention of buying something I don't truly want because money is tight, but the way journos are coming down on this one is insane. Most flaws listed are just "I didn't like the story" and they're docking it 5 fucking points out of 10 for that type of shit alone. The bias against it is ridiculously transparent, I'm sure it's a wholly mediocre 7/10 and they're acting like it's unplayable.

Fag got fired. Game is a fucking flop user.

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>44% less than MK10
It's over, tranny.
Go home and dilate.

But the protagonist is so GENERIC. He's WHITE! It's so cliche and the same "humans are the real monsters" story we've seen in 50 other zombie games that came out by 2012!!

But in seriousness, the game is a 7/10. There's some jankiness but they seem to be patching things up

hmm what is this

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ok, thats surprising

Useless excrement bitching about a game they are never going to buy.

thisnice mad fag

Not counting digital sales makes this whole conversation about how well games sold completely meaningless.
You are arguing and shitting on each other based on incomplete data.

shut up nigger.

mad fag why dont you wait for everything to come out first before you fall on your face

>Its 43.6% lower than MKX.
>If you times that by say 2% you get COPE.
NRS user give it up already its a week too late. The damage is done.

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So you're just gonna keep ignoring that digital sales weren't included?

do guys like you not read everything in something and its only in one part of the world do you think the UK is the only place that buys games

you really are faggy if you buy mk11.

looks like he is they are doing some kind of victory lap on a week of data

On Ps4 yes as its will be like say another 10% at best. People buy consoles for physical. MK11 flopped. No matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise it wont change it. But continue your autism amuses me.

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And you are going to ignore the fact that 11 is on more platforms? Or the fact that install base for PS4 has gtown considerably since 2016.
>B-but this one value we are not aware of is TOTALLY going to outdo that 40% loss instead of showing same trend like it should

three platforms. Switch physical in EU doesn't drop until may 10

So you are then?

>if i ignore everything i win

generic snoy walking simulator in selling well to droves of normies shocker

Fair point but that didn’t seem to hurt days gone

in the uk

Honestly if you ever wanted a game were driving around is actually fun and feels great days gone is the game for you
You can even role down hills if you run out of gas
It’s amazing

They will never admit defeat.

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Reminds me of how anthem was a huge success
Devs want to create the most positive image imaginable about their game

What is wrong for being straight?

>implying Gillette lost a noticeable amount of money

>ignoring that digital sales
if you think adding them will somehow compensate for the 40% loss then you're in for a rue awakening

So you are then.

days gone came out?

if some fat youtuber said it did it did


Uncle E is based AF!

Her review video mentions something about the zombies being white.

mk 11 also had a 3 days head start

>audience sounded annoh each time she appeared

only if you get published by the mouse

gta 5 managed to get into the top 10 five years after release