>find erotic audio on clips4sale
>sounds exactly like my friend I play Overwatch with
>go to the site its from
>it actually is her
Oh shit nigger what the fuck do I do?
>find erotic audio on clips4sale
>sounds exactly like my friend I play Overwatch with
>go to the site its from
>it actually is her
Oh shit nigger what the fuck do I do?
Fuck her
Fuck her
Fuck her
Fuck her then kill yourself for playing Overwatch
Have sex
Fuck niggers
>playing overwatch
nothing, because you don't really know her, also what kind of retard buys porn?
Record her and share it
have s- wait
i bet she fucks black men
Do you know her IRL?
I read a doujin with a similar premise
blackmail her for sex and mind_break
Have sex.
Share link to her parents
link pls
>there is no link
>op is (still) a faggot
Don't act any differently and just quietly enjoy your secret knowledge you idiot.
you've just accidentally'd yourself into the plot of a porno user, go big or go home
t. OP's friend
bring it up and boldly say you thought it was hot as hell then fuck her
OR just jack off to it secretly
or just brood over it like a needy beta fag
You should share the link so I know which one not to listen to in order to preserve her privacy
He's probably not posting it because he knows you retards will ruin it for him
Okay so here is what you do OP, I've thought of every possible situation
1.Wait until she starts arguing with you and use it as a secret weapon.
2.Confront her with it but be open and ask if she can do something for you directly, don't sperg out and go: GRUNK WANT SEX NOW I HAS AUDIO FILE, it won't work, all you can do is work your way up and use it as a starting point
3.ask her about it casually without saying anything directly, if she doesn't mention it then leave it but if she does then start talking with her about it.
4. DON'T try and blackmail her with it, if she has the same username on a porn site and her regular site then it's evident she doesn't really care and will likely not like you for being a dick
5. The second you see her again put it on full volume and let her hear it, if she doesn't really care she will probably find it funny. If not it's recoverable.
If my 1000+ collection of hentai taught me anything. Save the audio files & blackmail her to fuck you.