Everything else seems to get infested with political bullshit
Are waifu threads the only vidya-related threads on Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
The moment I see a ballsack this thread is going under. I don't make the rules I just follow them.
Look better
Shame about the OP, could've gone for a good waifu thread.
lol cute
But I did
Nuke it
Don't patronize me mam, or I'll knock your teeth out
You think I'll get in trouble? Im a cop. IM FUCKING INVINCIBLE
I wish astolfo was a girl so I could fuck her
I'm in love with you user
There is no such thing as a good waifu. They are all the same and they don't exist. All you can do is stare at the pictures, but you can never interact with them in person, just through a screen with an AI. This is the cold, hard truth about waifus.
user, you still can; it's not like she's lacking in holes
yeah but that's a sin
I'm not gay but I'd fuck him so hard.
>Not lucid dreaming
Thanks babe,
Its hard work but someone's gotta do it.
So is junk food.
risk of rain thread got personally removed by a mod just for a meta/trap thread
fuck this website, I hate all of you
Yea Forums is for anime now
>you will never have someone so happy to see you come home that they start crying
police chan will you be my waifu? I love you best of all
stay mad
Waifufaggots ruined Yea Forums
Get a dog
>not tulpamancing your waifu into reality
Look at this total loser.
But I fucked Midna last night
My waifu since 1999
I want a cute boygirl in a naked apron though
S-sorry mam,
The only thing I'm married to is the law
And oh baby do I take it places, as far as a non-mod can go in this godforsaken place.
I have so much respect for janitors and plumbers.
I love Kasumi!
This isn't healthy, user
Looks like you're getting what you want
Goddammit, it has a tumblr now.
Professional pencil pushers in debit btfo.
Whos this cock sucker?
oh okay police chan. I understand. But if you ever retire...
>draw girl
>call it a boy
bite a bullet you freak
A toast to jannies everywhere
summoning reisenfag
Live out half of your fantasy through buyfagging and riced up desktops, and fill the void where real companionship should be with a well behaved pet, trust me its as close as you will ever get.
>drunk af
>ranting about bullshit in my.head
Please shoot me
for all intensive purposes, Astolfo is a girl
*stomps u*
Some waifufags are very big political shitposters sadly. I hate nu-Yea Forums so much
Where do you get that idea?
I'm not really feeling well.
Life can be pretty hard at times.
Overwhelming problems keep findnig me.
Vicious cycles keep bringing me down and making me feel bad.
Every time I try to fix them, I make mistakes that waste time.
Kind of feel like giving up on everything.
Always, though, I am able to get over it and get stronger.
Sometimes it gets really ad, but there are things that make me feel better.
So, to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, I read the first letter of every sentence.
Hard to delve into political bullshit when you're busy dumping every image to ever exist of your waifu.
that or the thread evolves into ERP
Manlets are based
>ywn tickle Astolfo's tummy with your tongue
Yea Forums is for burgers
It ate my fucking spoiler __
she cute
My apologies, but this is not happening. I could never cheat on my waifu since 1999.
you mother fucker
Top kek
Justice never retires
For me, it's Ushi
i see nothing wrong with that
Astolfo and d'Eon are made for straight men
oh my!
Is this the tranny thread?
come back to xivg
This. I just smile knowing that sodomites will either die of aids or kill themselves.