It sold that much?

It sold that much?

Attached: Super Mario Party sales.jpg (678x281, 22K)

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It's Mario Party, what did you expect?

Attached: 1488068179084.png (232x390, 131K)

Switch was in a pretty shitty drought when it came out so Switch owners felt forced to buy it.

Duh, it has Mario on the cover

>Switch was in a pretty shitty drought
are you saying it still isn't?

2 million like usual

retarded faggot. the game got most of its sales from control bundles

Not to sell more than GOW2018, literally the fastest selling Playstation exclusive of all time.

The real tragedy is the lack of new content.

Camelot have been putting out content for almost a year since Mario Tennis's release and yet NDcube can't even give us 1 or 2 more boards to play on in the least 5 or so months the game has been out?

Mario Party is a much easier sell than God of War based solely on the multiplayer aspect.

It's a party game for some dumb fun, of course it was going to sell somewhat well. The reception from the previous MP might have helped this one out a bit.

It makes sense. It's the first Mario Party in like 10 years to go back to the old formula.
There's a lot of shit that could be improved to the game, sure, but for most people just having the game be more like the old ones was enough to satisfy them for now.

Attached: 1506622649341.jpg (300x300, 29K)

They had good intentions going back to the classic formula, but for fucks sake they executed it so bad.

How did that mario tennis sell? I feel like I sold more of that game than party.

2.64m, it's on the same page as the Mario Party sales

this shit happens all the time FF7 outsold OOT

FF7 had an extremely high return rate.

>one of the highest selling mario parties of all time, good chance it'll be the highest selling eventually
>no update to add shit or even let us skip those fucking cutscenes
it's a shame, this game has a god tier selection of mini games

Attached: shotgun.jpg (205x246, 6K)

what else do toddlers have to play?

Uncensored games.

Attached: 1556496678388.jpg (706x452, 102K)

>the meme during the ps3 years was that sony got the underage panty quest games
>nowadays it's nintendo who gets them
how did this happen

direct prediction dates
smash roster dlc
and uhh....

FF7 was in a console with a bigger userbase, here is the opposite
