How do we save the horror genre?
How do we save the horror genre?
>nothing happens
Did ya fuck up?
Endtown is shit
if you watch it for 10 min something fucked up appears
I checked in adobe and there is only 1 frame, you ain't fooling me.
by impregnating your mother , hopefully she will bring another horror into this world
Wait, then what did i see?
Nah, it's a mixed bag at best. For each good arc you get a shit one that make you wanna drop.
Every frame I see with based QT Wally I'm more and more glad the fucking pig arc is over, what a shitshow of an arc
1. Remove chaser-horror games
2. Remove chaser-horror games
3. Remove chaser-horror games
4. All horror games are only scary if you can reasonably believe that they might happen, so keep it within the realm of plausible deniability
>All horror games are only scary if you can reasonably believe that they might happen
lmao what a fucking retard
Scary monster horror is dead. We got to go deeper.
No, it's shit. The author keep pulling shit up his ass everytime to make half assed twists like it's a Shyamalan movie.
>Remove jump scares
>Put in old school horror combat systems like Silent hill 2 or Resident evil
>Have stylized graphics or put a shitty filter over everything
>No checkpoints every 5 minutes
>No more metaphors for depression, schizophrenia or other mental illnesses as being the whole point of the game
>Getting scared by shit that couldn't possibly happen
What a baby.
Spotted the Holly fag.
Stay mad, faggot.
haven't read this comic in forever, does it still get updated?
The horror genre is untenable for video games; as soon as you hit a game over the fear of the unknown element dissipates. Movies can handle horror well because the audience has no direct input, monsters can remain unseen and the consequences of being captured go unspoken. This doesn't work for vidya, either you can get captured and maybe the game is scary until your first game over at which point you've seen it and now it's just a game, or you can't get captured at all, in which case its just going to be a fucking walking simulator.
Last I remember, it ended. They ended it with it was all a dream
>waifuwar nigger
Fuck off, you are the reason why we can't have good threads anymore.
A problem is that being chased by the thing a few times can be scary, even if you die and restart. When it becomes frustrating you lose fear and just become enraged.
Fuck off waifunigger. You're part of the reason the threads are cancerous. That and the bad comic.
And let's not forget the terrible fanfiction.
>horror should rely solely on serial killers and animals because zombies, monsters, ghosts, curses, etc aren't possible
I mean in the most genuine way possible you sound autistic
I haven't seen it since the ending where it was all Porvoo, Finland
Nice place, I was there a few months ago. They have good racist candy.
>Confused "Plausible believability" with the word "realistic"
>Tries to pretend he isn't shitposting.
I mean in the most genuine way possible you sound autistic
fucking kek
OP rekt
How can I get some of these?
No more jumpscares.
Jumpscares are the fart joke of the horror genre.
That was an april fools joke numbnuts
Fart jokes can be funny though.
Stop with resource management.
That one sure flew over your head, didn't it?
Yes but unless you're some kind of mental cripple you wouldn't like to hear farts for 8 hours.
Since fan support caused RE2 to be remade, people could probably do the same for Silent Hill 2 to get Konami to remake it.
Got me there.
You regret using Endtown for the OP, OP?
Wow user NOTHING gets past you!
>If it it's not possible it's not scary, sorry sweetie!
>w-wait, no, i mean if it is impossible, as long as it's believable, except if it's not believable, except except-- stop making fun of me!
Sorry your epic "n-no u" retort failed but you still sound autistic. Just stop, user, it's an anonymous imageboard, you don't have to try and save face
>>If it it's not possible it's not scary, sorry sweetie!
Who are you quoting?
... Where did his arm brace go?
Arguably complete confusion is scarier than believability.
If I get completely confused at a horror game, or anything horror related, usually it just pulls me out. I think you might be referring to light confusion, but really I would classify that more as a mystery or thriller element than I would as confusion.
Up his vagina.
>>Put in old school horror combat systems like Silent hill 2
>>No more metaphors for depression, schizophrenia or other mental illnesses as being the whole point of the game
This man got it.
If you're in a completely strange place that works completely against your intuition, that's scarier than a normal place where something scary lives.
There is nothing more scary than the strange because you have no expectation for safety. If you get pulled out that just means it's badly constructed, or you just don't enjoy fictional media in general.
Downhill just like the comic
Most horror games have you as just running away all the time like a pussy or have you shooting things up like a bad ass. Plus the whole events of the game not being real but a delusion or something gets so tiresome it stopped being a twist and just a trope by this point.
Yeah, fuck off Hamsterson. Atmosphere is a huge part of what makes horror scary. Even when you respawn, you still have to face that tension of waiting for the monster to appear all over again.
...Is this loss?
Make the monsters more sexy.
>If you're in a completely strange place that works completely against your intuition, that's scarier than a normal place where something scary lives.
1. I would argue that's not the case. Take for example "the safe room that has the monster in it". Ruining someone's literal safe space and reminding them that there are no such things can be incredibly scary, whereas a completely unknown place working on rules you don't know might not have a chance to be scary at all because you don't know what to be scared of.
2. I think you're confusing "Somewhat mystified" with "Confusion" again. I'm confused when "has anyone ever been so far as to[...]". I'm not confused when something is coming at me with a machete, even if I don't know why.
right but the guy i was referring to was waxing nostalgic about Silent Hill and bemoaning everything being a metaphor for mental illness despite that being Silent Hill's shtick (at least, SH2).
He's right dude, you're genuinely autistic.
Bullshit nigger I saw that. Don't switch IPs.
The true horror is watching morons argue on the internet anonymously.
It doesn't really make me mad if I know you're doing it on purpose.
We don't need to save the horror genre, all hope is gone in this timeline, that's the true horror.
I'm not the same person who called you autistic initially.
>it's another we were the true monsters all along
yawn, tired of this trope
>it's another episode of "Zoomer thinks P.T. is the pinnacle of the horror game genre"
Too bad it's happening to Wally too
>no jumpscares
if this was advertised, i guarantee everyone would just blitz through it because there's actually nothing to worry about. when you know nothing is going to happen in a videogame or a movie, you instantly lose all that unease
not him but the real horror is companies like Konami crippling creators and the art form.
My wife divorced me.
That was april fool's.
It's still being updated. Very very slowly. A few times a year.
>The Wizard and Attack of the Dragon the Dragon
>Joseph Joseph Anderson Anderson