What the fuck is Nintendo doing?

What the fuck is Nintendo doing?

Attached: panty-party-physical.jpg (706x452, 121K)

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I love this new nintendo! They don't give a fuck!

Filling a void left by Sony's faggotry.

Holy fuck BASED

Actually being fucking fun

what exactly am i supposed to do with those panties?

I love panties

Staying out of other people's business, like they should.

Finally trying to pander to more mature audiences, huh? Oh well, too little too late. Maybe if nintendo wasn't the publisher caring only about the audience with the mentality of an 8 year old for the past 30 years, I might've cared about them today.

Wear it

Make a ribbon with it.

those pantsu are pre-worn right?

Nintendo had nothing to do with that release.


Not telling people what they can or can't play for starters.

they are saving gaming

>pander to more mature audiences, huh?
They're just letting companies put out the games they want to without trying to take a moral highground like Sony is, you sperg.

Can't wait to see an user put it on like that one time with the bib

>Nintendo becomes the company we always wanted them to be.

Guys we have to buy this. We have to show nintendo shit like this sells

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Ignoring white SJWs.
They're LITERALLY the only people who complain about sex or cute stuff in vidya.
Even non-white SJWs aren't THAT regressive.

>taiwan tries to copy something popular in japan
>completely misses the point
Also why are people suddenly posting about this now when it's been on PC for years?

As reggie said, games have to be fun

How do they miss the point and its literally just because of the preorder/special edition pantsu

we have to stop them guys!
We can't let these snowflakes ruin games for our children!
We are le legion! we le never le forget!

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I'd totally pick up a physical release but I don't need all that extra stuff.

The work of the Gods.

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panties are only desirable when they're worn by cute girls, no one wants to play as a bunch of flying pieces of clothing with no girls in sight

You can buy just the standard physical version on playasia too, but it's double the price of just getting it on eshop so eh, I dunno.

>Congratulating Nintendo for something they had nothing to do with

Ignoring you know *whos* and SJWs

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>not knowing that console publishers have to approve every game that appears on their system
just how new are you, jesus christ

Being fucking based and redpilled thats what

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sniff pantsu

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Will buy if used panties

You mean like how every game on steam is approved to be on it? Or the mountain of shovelware garbage on the switch eshop, and every other console eshop for that matter?

Post your favorite kind of pantsu.

Attached: gelbooru.com 4172978 1girl animal_print arisa_(shadowverse) ass bangs bear_panties bear_print black_ (850x595, 427K)

A hairy sweaty dude filled them with his crotch for that geniune neet nut smell. enjoy.

same thing they always do: get yet another old port instead of new games.


You know that girls sweat and stink very much, a lot of times, yes?

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Nintendo's is definitely doing all this at this point just to irritate Sony.

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a great loss


Grabbing several millions of customers Snoy threw in the trash to appease sjw who dont buy video games.

pretty good

You know that girls sweat and stink
that's the whole appeal with used underwear

Being on the wrong side of history. Very bigoted and not brave at all.


Nintendo stopped being lame just in time for Sony to swallow the blue pill.

Yes. Someone at Valve has to give each game the Green light. You can't just upload a MS Paint picture and say "Fuck you, pay me."


Literal trash
Not even girls wearing them panties


Panties under pantyhose

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>Nintendo used to censor games while Sony was the panty quest console
>now its the other way around

What the fuck is going on bros?

>it's nor Len wearing them
into the trash with you

Nice futa

Too puffy

Fuck off trapfag

That's pretty based. But are those actual panties? If so, why do they look so shit?

Every mahou shoujo has a dick, this is well know fact

so, what's the game like?

Preorder bonus has them peed in.

Gay dude here, bought the game solely to show my support for lewd shit in vidya. Fuck prudes and fuck normies.

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A change in leadership.
Iwata died, which seems like the last bastion for wanting Nintendo to have that “Santa Claus” image.

Sony moves their HQ to California and filled their boardrooms with SJW.

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my money in their pockets

Allowing the switch to be what the Vita always dreamed.

It’s like Virtua On with panties.

Its been out on steam for a while, you can probably see some gameplay somehere

Imagine buying something solely to make a statement.
Holy fuck, you are part of the problem

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Don’t forget to buy Moero Chronicles II as well. It’s out now.

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>make a statement
I bought it to sell for double price on ebay. Dumbass.

Time to support her shorts.

Arrogant Sony returned since the PS4 has ran circles around MS and Ninty. On top of that, most of PS's top staff are SJWs and they moved to California.

>it's literal kusoge
I guess switch really is the new vita


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I wish this game was actually good. Transforming into a cute girl's panties is a fetish of mine.

>One copy of Panty Party please.

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>On steam since over 2 years


this looks like the better of two games. Panty Party is unique though so the physical version has some nice collectors points.

I’d believe it
>Yo this one flying panty game wants on switch
>Fuck it let’s give them full approval and then some just steal niche markets from Sony

Think this sell out by the end of the month? I really want this, but don't get paid at my new job for a while.

Iwata died unfortunately.
Almost all of old guard Nintendo is either dead or retired
Literally all that’s left is Shiggy and Aoumta

How can 3d women even begin to conpete?

Stop watching low rate LN adaptations nigga

Imagine demanding business making political statements that tickle your feels and then not buying those games.

Is it possible to buy used panties from Japan?

Bruhs, I'm gonna level with you
I fucking love panties

Is the final boss a pair of racy lacy black lingerie?

Me too senpai. So comfy.

They even include panties for their tranny audience

If you need to ask, you are not the target market

>They even include panties for their tranny audience
user, you're supposed to put that on your head.

Attached: Akaza.Akane.full.1236613.jpg (820x820, 492K)

And that's why we like dirty panties.

>pic related is all they get now
>nintendo gets all the panty quest games and other japanese third parties now

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What is it with lewd games? Can't anyone just ever make a good one on par with triple A games? They are all just cash grabs.

snoyboys never cared for the vita tho

Wank material very rarely ever considers being a video-game first and foremost

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>triple a budget
>for niche games

This. Unabashedly based and pantypilled. I’m getting it.

This look cool I guess would never buy it cause ain't my thing but does the game even have any content? Seems glorified here when it seems like simple shooter

I'd probably give it to my little sis

what the fuck?
why does this game remind me of SD Gundam Capsule Fighter

>Forgetting based Koizumi

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whatever the fuck they want


Good for them

literally the only hurdle to getting your "game" onto steam is that you pay valve's fee
you literally don't actually have to include a working .exe but steam would put your "game onto the store anyways as long as you paid the fat fuck gaben your shekels

Why the fuck is it rated E10+

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it's just fabric
literally clothe
not even worn

because even 10 year olds can understand that panties aren't that big of a deal

>This is what Yea Forums thinks is a good video game

>Here, little timmy! I bought a pair of panties just for you!
>Oh boy, thanks daddy!

Because it's just panties fighting each other with no sexual connotation.

are you little timmy, user?

People complaining about sjws and shit, but you defending actual pedo stuff is 10x worse. Quit thinking yourselves better.


wat gay
fuckin japan

>Virtual-On is kusoge now
How Yea Forums has fallen

isn't the game like five bucks on sale on PC? how much is this?

that kid's dad is fucking based

Based new Holy Trinity.

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How long until Resetera bans discussion of Nintendo games, you'd think the Smash Bros thing would have done it by now

the game's pretty good. I wish the girls I waifu'd weren't cheap sluts that go nude immediately at rubbing session it breaks the fun.

wtf I love France now

Name a time that has actually happened.

>watch gameplay
>literally underwear fighting each other
thanks for the kek user


I think you're supposed to put them over the switch while it is in handheld mode, judging from the squared off shape.

I hope to god if someone does get those pantsu and posts on Yea Forums, it’ll actually be a person putting it on their head instead of a raging fag wearing it normally.

those are only a picture of a panda?

put them on your pet trap catgirl housemaid of course you fucking pleb.

Here's that attention you ordered.

the hellis the game even about?


I gotchu, senpai.

Literally bought this today to show my support for lewd lolis

Sniff then

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I’m basic

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Imagine if you got turned into panties and worn by that girl h-haha

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this looks more fun to play than 90% of western shit.


I just jacked off to this. Am I sick?

I don't know, what's your body temperate?

Like 102 every time I open that image. 98.6 when I don't have it opened.

K-On is a shit show. This image is wonderful.

I know right.
I wish someone would make a game like that.

After browsing /x/ for a decade I have a fear of spoiler pics. Feels good getting that off my chest. Preordered.

Carry on.

There isn't a single spoilered picture in this thread though.

Is it ok for me to cum 3 times to it the span of 20 mins?

Nintendo nabbed the panties!

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>Switch shitters get this
>Sony chads get Persona 5 R
>w-we never wanted Persona, who hyped for panty party bros?!

That depends on the person.
Some are fine doing that, others not.
If you feel any pain, stop.

I feel pain in knowing I will never cum in that cunny.

Is this getting a physical release?

What if she farted

He was such a turbo virgin it went full circle and turned him into a full blown chad holy shit

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>other Japanese third parties

Like RE2, Ace Combat, DMC, Sekiro?

This game came out on steam 2 years ago but only now people care? I literally played it and its just a bunch of sentient flying panties shooting each other. There is a human character in there but sexual ever happens to her, just her reacting to the weirdness of panties shooting each other.

Why is she so perfect user?

I think it's in between sticking it to Sony and getting a physical release.

Omega Labyrinth when

Attached: Omega-Labyrinth_10-15-15_020.jpg (600x340, 182K)

the people that play these games are children in adult bodies


Wear them like bain

Never ever.

I still hope that pqube just says fuck it leaks their completed translation on the internet. I would gladly give them money for a steam release.

>triple A

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Pqube was fucked

I mean with games like Splatoon and other shit what demographic do you think they have playing this shit? Wait should I play the Switch my ISP is japanese servers.

Ah you hate mario and zelda.

To be fair, a lot of AAA games are cash grabs themselves with all the microtransactions that some of these games have.

Okey dokey then

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I still can't get over Fukushima looking like a hentai rapist.

next up Nintendo Labia

Fucking game existed for ages on steam and is a fucking meme game
https: //store.steampowered.com/app/562410/Panty_Party/


I used to love shimapan but it got ruined hard by all those he-mans pretending to be traps. I’m all for that gay shit but fuck why do people think they can pull off the trap look if they got nothing right going on for them?

being based as fuck

>first link
>despair in care
I feel a new fetish welling up within me.

Im at the point where I just want whomever to censor this shit just to send anti-sjw spergs on another never ending baby tantrum

Anyone else ever tried on panties and got a hard on?

Surely SOMEONE has the Underage Panty Quest XVII pic.

I just read about him. He's responsible for Majora's Mask? Based if true.