Has there ever been a good game made with unity?

Has there ever been a good game made with unity?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Is this the stealth risk of rain thread?


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why yes, there is one game that I like, it's called Risk of Rain 2

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Rain World was made in unity

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A couple yeah

Had a blast in last thread.

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FUCK moderators, FUCK jannie trannies, and FUCK blazing titans

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overcooked is fun but the first one doesn't run great.

Mine will be, I swear!

kek. the mods got tricked this time.

Hollow Knight

NA east vanilla


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Unity can make literally any game, I dont understand the hate on it. Its so much better than Shitreal Engine 4 where if you want to make a change to the built in shitty lighting model you have to recompile the entire engine for 45 mins. Not to mention Shitreal Engine 4's shitty reliance on the blueprint system, and the poorly documented C++ api since all of the documentation is on BP.

enter the gungeon

Mod is confirmed for being a tranny.

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Reminder to start the Sunday threads with pic related. Some j*noid is hellbent on deleting all the vidya threads from Yea Forums.

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so are mods deleting ror2 threads again?

Waiting for more items to make Monsoon runs less wholly RNG dependent. As it is, an engineer and bungus makes the run, which is no fun for me:

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Well yeah, its a tranny reddit tumblr game. NOW GET OFF PEPE AND WOJAK'S SITE REEEEEEEEEEEE

you bet

They can't stop us

maybe they should do something useful like removing the smash threads that take up 40% of the board at all times instead of hunting FOTM indie game players
yes I am seething

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bump need 1 more


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Demon and the Crabs is the dumbest fucking challenge in the entire game. Why did they think that 20 crabs was a good idea? It should have been 5 at the very most.
>can only attempt it during a loop
>then you gotta hope you get a specific stage since they only appear on one stage with a fall off
>have to hope you get shitty items so all the AoE proc items don't anniliate them the moment they spawn
>sometimes the game doesn't count it for some stupid reason

I swear if HotPoop resets the challenges in the full release I'm seriously gonna send them a complaint letter.

NA Midwest
2 slots

panzer vor!

its a reference to a challenge in ror1

hollow knight, ori, ror2

Dunno what the fuck happened

the crabs are literally one of the easiest challenges in the game, just drop a couple of crabs whenever you hit that stage. you don't even have to do it in a single game. stop your bitching, faggot

shit i was about to join lol

actually i can't seem to join oh well, have fun

I never said it was hard, retard. I said it was dumb, which it is.

you're dumb, retard.

try this

Endless Legend
Endless Space
Wasteland 2

>start a game specifically to do this challenge
>don't get titanic planes until loop 3
>have tesla coil and 3 ceremonial daggers and a beetleguard

You're even dumber and also illiterate since you assumed that I thought it was a hard challenge.

It's hard to keep your cool when you know they do this shit all the time.
My comfy Rain World threads, while they were slowing down in the end, the mods deleting and moving it to /vg/ that finally did it.

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no u

Reminder that Yea Forums is rightful HOST WHEN clay and no newfag tranny jannie will change that

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>Sticky printer in the 3rd stage
>Glasses printer in the 4th
Took about 4 of my stickies to get 10

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Secret Lab deserved better too
The existence of /vg/ is a blight on Yea Forums

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Furi, Blades of the Shogun, the remakes of Katamari Damacy and The Silver Case, wait a second this is a Risk of Rain thread isn't it

>wait years for starsector to update so I can make threads about it again
>mods move the threads not a week later to vg
>they die not another week in
I hate /vg/ so much

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>moving a niche game with an average of 20 IP's to /vg/

cmon user, we all know this board space would be better used for another twitter screencap thread about the smash esports scene

love you too dummy

>1 round


RoR2 host when?

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Who is the worst character and why is it commander

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Escape from Cheaters can be pretty fun sometimes

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Commando has the most abysmal beginning - fucking no proper crowd control at all. Late game Command, however, is king.

artificer is worse

i love this game for the gun autism but its more stressful than fun

doing hard mode
NA east

Imo worst character is artificer just because she has no mobility


Commander has the same problem like artificer but in reverse.

I unirocally think huntress is the worst character, but every character is viable and there no "literally" unplayable characters in this game

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Commando's abilities suck a lot more than they did in RoR1, if his excellent M1 shooting didn't hard carry him he'd be a pretty trash character.


He has the Worst and I mean the WORST early game of any survivor and is super reliant of items but when you get those items you become a angel of death

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My Summer Car

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Hollow Knight

desu the weapon handling in general is just garbage

Commander is the most honest character in the game

tfw you're the only one that remembers Starsector


US East, Monsoon. Join if you hate jannies

I remember it too user
May the threads rest in peace

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2 slots lads, c'mon

Rust if you want to unleash your inner Yea Forums


still open?

currently wiping



>he needs bungus on engie

someone wanna try connecting to this once? I just want to see if it's working

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>I choose to play as inefficiently as possible.
I don't play engineer since the style doesn't appeal to me, but a multiplayer run with an engineer is a guaranteed winning run.


mercenary is literally and figuratively worse than artificer




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this post was literally and figuratively made by someone who sucks at the game

Yes and no. He's objectively more fun, but it's such a bother that Imp Overlords, Worms, and Elder Lemurians force him to play more passively.


Fills me with joy that Mercenary finally got the publicity he deserved since RoR1 at 2's launch.

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>tfw no one will ever see your custom futa huntress

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Have some more

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What the fuck happened here

I’m genuinely curious how one builds commander or what items to get; they never seem very good to me. What’s their equivalent of the fungus?

You want stickies you crave stickies honestly any on hit

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Unlimited Proc works
does anyone have the edit?

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if you've got a link brother you better be posting it

uke + daggers + hooves and tesla and glasses

>6 willowisps
>Fuck loads of enemies
>Kills one
On hit

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The Signal From Tolva

OK but needed a bit more polish and some proper button prompts

Seconding this user's /r/

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Okay that makes sense, I was just curious because literally every character wants stickies to my knowledge besides a weird railgun only MUL-T, guessing they specifically have the best interaction with it?

I hope sticky bombs are nerfed or adjusted, there is never a reason to NOT prioritize getting them at all costs it seems

It's mostly a problem with Monsoon because enemies can scale to the point where without ukes, stickies, gasoline, etc. you just can't kill certain bosses (Blazing Vagrant comes to mind) without eating up a lot of time and losing out to more scaling.

My guess is he had black hole suck in a lot of the mobs to center on the boss so when he dashed there was a lot of chances to proc his item effects and cause chain reactions. Both rings do a lot of damage when you have a couple stacks and with the number of targets he's dealing with its pretty easy to get a couple procs going which leaves an aoe of a lot of damage for a couple seconds.Then he's got ukulele's and some stickies for more sources of damage to pop and he just has to get a couple little things to die before gasoline and his fuckin will o wisps to get it to reach critical mass. Then the dunestriders get blown the fuck out because they're taking an extra 50% damage from everything going on with the 4 ap rounds. also because merc fucks

How the fuck did he one shot the bosses

It's mostly because stickies are the only item that stacks both proc chance and potency.
Stacking the ATG doesn't make you fire more rockets on-hit, just higher damage when one does fire.
It's also why syringes are especially good on commando. The dude just has a firehose of bullets which in turn turn into a cavalcade of sticky procs.

Commando's M2 and roll are underwhelming, but the character is a proc machine given how RoR2's items are so strong. That said I wouldn't mind items having less influence if it meant the character didn't feel as underwhelming initially.

You want either
10x lens makers or lens in general or either any procs like stickies,ukeles,and soldier synergies.
But to be honest I like synergies but be warned it fucks your R since it doesn't scale with attack speed.
Honestly the one character I have no clue what to get is artificer

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got the tesla coil for the first time that shit is hella strong

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>Engineer gets a legendary.
>Engineer gets 3x of the said legendary going out.

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Give me a reason why Artificer takes fall damage or can't use her icewall as a shield

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Her jetpack/floaty box is only strong enough to keep her off the ground and give her a little hop when she needs it, not to counteract the force of falling from great heights. And we couldn't make icewall too strong because the design of her entire skillset was meant to be finicky and limited in individual utility but they went overboard. Probably would be weird to implement with hopoo brand spaghetti code too.

god I wish this was on PC
a cartoony WoT with one-shot mechanic shit that doesn't take itself too seriously


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Reminder that RoR threads are deleted to make sure there is space for this

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US East Vanilla Rainstorm
(monsoon tends to be more rng based to be fun)

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You mean Artificer because only like 4 items actually synergize with her kit.
Commando sucks when you have jack shit unlocked and only becomes good when you have those items, and you get them within a certain timeframe so you don't get crept by the scailing difficulty

Nice cooldown on your abilities there

Pillars of Eternity was made with unity

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post the source u slut

When in doubt, check rorbooru.booru.org/

You want items that scale off of base damage like gasoline, because she has the hardest hitting abilities so these items do more damage compared to the other classes when activated. You don't really want syringes (and other attack speed items) unless you have brainstalks. Crit items can be good because if the crit procs on her flamethrower, it lasts for the entire duration. Other than that, you definitely want movement items since she has no mobility skills.

Invalid lobby ID


The winning strategy for multiplayer Monsoon is to just hit the teleporter as fast as possible, shop afterwards, and move on. Only grind stage 4 for the legendary chest before activating the teleporter. After that, resume instantly hitting the teleporter since there will be enough money from the boss fight + spawns to buy the whole map.
Usually means it's full if it was just posted.

it's dead

Have there been any updates on the Ryuuko mod?



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We need one more!


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thanks for playing time for slep
might host again tomorrow usual time

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he's spectating, numb nutz

Yo Noid 2

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Not on there famalam

/vg/ was a mistake and Yea Forums would be so much better without it.

>but Katawa Shoujo #4123479
I just checked, their current thread has like 30 unique IPs and all they do is say good morning to each other. They're basically an IRC at this point, they'll find a new home just fine.


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I'm a bit curious about what's going on with the helmet

Being rebuilt currently, come back tomorrow for that update.

Actually, I could use some advice on if it's fine or not. How is it so far?

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Yea Forums before /vg/ was like now but in addition to non-stop smash threads there were also nonstop LoL threads, DotA threads, CS threads, etc.
50% of the board was generals

I don't see why that's a problem, if everyone discusses their games in their respective threads? Where's the problem? Fucking up the thread and bump limit if it irks the mods too much. Bunch of fockin fags

I'm not really familiar enough with the Merc's normal helmet to tell what's different, other than that the grey part is bigger.

Part of my attempt is to go for mercenary's helmet but more anime and feminine. This is probably the general shape I'm going to be going for.


Because it would push off thinly veiled political threads

Better than what we have now desu


One more!

yes use goggle faggot


commander has the worst starting but the literal best endgame scaling out of everyone

no one even can touch his powerlevel when he has ALL the farm

the giant stupid demon horns on all the blazing enemies would be comical if what they actually do wasnt scary as fuck

>Use cube as merc
>Pull a fuck ton of enemies
>Actually some of the enemies were glacial

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why do green items even exist? they all fucking suck except for a few select ones which are fucking broken

someone explain nkhuanas opinion for a brainlet

only Berzerker's Pauldron is bad, due to the extremely strict trigger

Looks fine, can you get a shot with it attached to the body?

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when you heal enough it shoots a projectile

Shitty meme youtube bait game

BP isnt even that bad because it can pop off from AOE bullshit killing trash enemies around the thing you're focusing
>leech seed
>red whip
>bandolier on anyone besides merc
>wax quail on anyone besides merc
>hopoo feather
>missile launcher
these items are all inexcusably shit for something that costs double a white item. this isnt even counting the mediocre items like predatory instincts and buckler

You answered your own question. It can literally make any game. and literally anyone can make a game. Meaning that tons of scam artists made a million shitty non-games that look like babbies first prototype and sell it on steam. so for every Hearthstone or Kerbal Space Program or any other actually decent, well made unity game, you have hundreds of terrible, unfinished, unpolished, ugly looking, sounding and feeling games that can only be called "games" with much, much optimism.

wow you're a fucking idiot.

is rejuvenation rack even worth unlocking? I think I would rather have literally any other red item besides this

I refuse to believe someone this retarded exists.

nice samefag retard

Rack is one of the better reds, +100% healing is good.

if you seriously would rather have trash like frost relic, crappy mask, or dio's best friend, there is no saving you from your own shittery

i forgot about that shit, but still, healing is kinda bad when most shit oneshots you past 45 mins

>Hit 2 Shrines of the Mountain
>Stone Titans
>Get FOUR fucking Knurls
At least it's not red whips but come on thqt was not worth the effort

>most shit oneshots you past 45 mins!!!

when will this untrue meme die

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When your healing from passive regen or items adds up to 10% of your max health you shoot out skulls that hit things for 250% of what that 10% is. It still counts healing even if you're at full health so you don't have to let yourself get hurt to get it to work.
Thats why its nice to have on engies because the fungus healing on their turrets helps them charge it up faster even if they're not being hit.

Its better than corpsebloom in every way and is very powerful with nukhana's opinion. It can save your ass from stuff like burning procs and makes a bunch of other items more effective. Definitely not a top tier red but its a lot better than stuff like frost relic.

just obliterate yourself my dude

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1. Rimworld

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2. Koikatsu

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Rimworld deserved a better legacy than this

anything that matters, if you're still slow enough to get multihit by garbage enemies by loop one you were never going to make it anyway

give me more of your arab news RoR edits anons, I love them

3. Endless Space (plus other games from dev like ES2 and endless legends)

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>playing arti
>go to newt shop
>see alien head in the soup
>get it
>it was actually soulbound catalyst

Am i a dumbass for mixing up the two red severed heads

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do you have cataracts for eyes ? they look significantly different

4. Hollow Knight

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Here's a reference of the original on the left with the modified on the right

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I really wish it wasn't crunch time so I would have the energy to make more of these and then maybe they wouldn't look so shitty

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I love them nonetheless user, thank you

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question for unity developers who aren't retarded like myself, does learn.unity actually teach some of the things that would give you a good idea of how to use unity, or is it an absolute waste of time?

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It's busted if you get Nakahakalakashalaka's Opinion
And it makes Cautious Slugs really powerful

Oh, I didn't think the grey part was that large. Yeah, yours is looking good


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Here you go. This is likely going to be what the model is going to look like, it's only missing some accessories and the optional hair stuff.

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movespeed is so fun bros

Looks pretty good, but is it possible to make the shoulders a bit slimmer or does that create issue with animations?

>6+ huf on Artifacer
>Shaped Glass + Crowbar
>zip around the map one-shotting all trash mobs with M1

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Hahahah nigga how the fuck are achievements real nigga just edit the .txt file nigga

Yeah, the issue's not completely breaking the upper body or anything, but since Mercenary has a surprisingly bouncy animation, the shoulders/upper arms wobble a lot the smaller I make the shoulders. So my only choice was to turn MercRyuuko a shortstack.

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>get a syringe printer on 2 stages
>acquire 9
>uke printer on stage 2
>use the useless chronobauble to get 2
>start building daggers and sticky bombs
>we wipe on 3rd stage

That run had something that just didn't feel right.

>an user said he sent me ror2 gift last month, but it comes at the end of this month
>it's the end of this month
>held off buying it the entire time
>mfw it popped up in my email

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up for a game my brother?

Daggerfall remake

Will she have shield nipple outlines to stay in line with artificer and huntress?

My only problem with /vg/ is that discussion eventually grinds to a fucking halt. /lolg/ ended up having an inner circle of people who only played with each other doing gay ops and shit like that on Skype/discord. It's fucking annoying when they openly post about how they're going to shitpost and when you try to call them out on it they just imply about how no one actually cares about discussion and they'd rather just erp or ask about how each others day was.

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Is there a way to choose what items you 3D print with?

dont think so, thats the charm of it

kek, people are answering OP's question on unity. we know the real reason the thread is here.

The alternate version will, which will come after posting the normal one.

Yes, Eliminator Kaede.

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>girls und panzer
this is pissing me off
why not call it mädchen und panzer?
makes no fucking sense

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Has there ever been a game made with Unity that can do exclusive fullscreen?

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Anyone has Ryzen here? How's the performance on later loops?

Now that sounds interesting. Got an idea how long the mod will take you?

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I like what you've done with the helmet, makes it "fit" a more feminine body type if you know what I'm saying

Depending what time I finish the normal one, same day or next day after posting the normal one.

you ain't seen nothin, kid

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what difficulty do you guys play on? feels kinda weird for a game like this to even have it as a choice

engineer, huntress on monsoon, everyone else on storm or whatever the medium is called. it feels impossible for mulT and commando to hang as well in monsoon as engineer and huntress to me.
don't even consider drizzle anymore

monsoon just so it doesn't take as long to get money in the first level

If you can't find at least one game you like on there, you probably have bad taste.

Superior nippon laser beam reflected a billion times.

>Depending what time I finish the normal one
And when might that be?

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Couple days. Wednesday maybe? I've been doing well to keep multiple backups in several locations so even if my computer suddenly dies on me I can keep up on my progress.

because it's by japanese for japanese, any sort of engrish/deutchish works

Yes, kerbal space program.. That's about it off the top of my head.

so mediocre printers only work mid game with absolute shit items
good printers are usable all game round until you've stacked good items beyond the point of diminishing returns and you'd rather keep your speed then stack an extra 5000% damage on stickybombs

the rest of em are dead content, which is like, most of them

Helmet looks good, but the neck might be a bit long? If it's the same for normal Merc, it probably doesn't look as long ingame and it is fine.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but the dimensions are nearly identical as the original helmet. The only significant difference is the big square chin piece is gone, which makes me think Mercenary has a beard or something.

Why there's no printers which take specific item and give random item instead?

because people would just reroll their trash until they got a stack of stickybombs

How? A medkit recycler would only take medkits. And you might just get monster tooth out of it.
Not that guy but I think it's actually a solid idea

fuck the milky chrysalis, this thing is retardedly useless


i thought he meant you could choose the item.
yeah that would work, call them recyclers or something. but it would be pretty hard to get them to work out in your favor especially in early game

the only issue I have with it is that its likely going to end up as more dead content taking up chest spawns

NA East, Vanilla, Monsoon

Had to uninstall. I love the game but it was actually eating up my entire life. I'll be back for updates.

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see you in june

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>engineer with two tesla coils, rack, 17 bungus, 5 N'kuhana's

At first I was upset over getting 8 fucking bandoliers, but that's what the bazaar is for.


Alice a best.

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That would be Rosehip.

Commando and Mult are the best characters on monsoon though

At the start it feels really hard compared to the other characters

>can't stop playing merc
>lol deaths all the time
send help

They start slow, but they're by far the strongest later on. By far.

They walk slow, cuz they think slow.

>ror 2
>Slenderman the game

what happened to the game
i heard of it before

Slow but sure. And now for Who Killed Captain Alex: The Musical!

how accurate's this list I put together? keep in mind nothing's sorted in some descending order or anything.

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Why is trancendence that low? Stun grenades are actually pretty useful for interrupting attacks. Infusion should be higher.

Not very accurate.

Actual garbage

Gesture should be in S
Wax Quail is an A
Energy Drink is an A
Old War Stealthkit is a B
Alien Head is at least an A
Ukelele is an A
Backup Magazine is an A except for Engie
Glowing Meteorite is an F
Crowbar is a D
Effigy is a D
Brainstalks is a B
Crowdfunder is a D
Milky Chrysalis is a D
Infusion is an A
Stun Grenade is at least a B, A for higher stacks
Chronobauble is at least a D

there you go

Actually, Effigy is a F. For all the equipment you can have, why the fuck would you ever want Effigy

Also forgot, Transcendence is at least a B

gasoline is fairly shit and quail isnt that good
fire ring is worse than ice ring
stealth kit isnt that good
uke and meathook should both be higher
ap rounds are fairly bad
fireworks are better than that
fruit is better than that
bandolier and brainstalks are probably better than that
youre probably overrating medkit honestly, lmao
transcendence is definitely better than like half the lunar items no idea why you put it so low

>fire ring is worse than ice ring
That's literally wrong. Fire ring's blast does 500% damage, ice does 250%
Fire ring stacks do 250% more
Ice ring stacks do 125% more

Just start the thread with Janny mods and the autistic can't tell the difference

its not a blast, fire ring summons a tornado that deals tick damage over like 3s
if the enemy moves out of it, it will not deal full damage, while the ice ring will always deal full damage and slow
and the likelihood of an enemy not moving for the full duration of the tornado is low (although its okayish as aoe since they can also move INTO it)


this guy knows what he's talking about. can't disagree with a single point

Attached: 1550883219564.png (650x448, 33K)

Is there a way to increase likelyhood of the golden shrine? I only need Aurelion and Gilded Coast logs.


>retards insist on 'farming up the map' before hitting the tp
>they bitch and moan they're missing out on 1 or 2 chests when you go and activate that shit
>game doesn't even loop once before they die

>Gilded Coast logs
There's a logbook entry for Gilded Coast but there's actually no way to legitimately get it.

Fuck jannies and FUCK SCAVENGERS!

Anyone got the image that drawfag made of the tied up, thicc Lemurian getting fucked?

Attached: 1550684739390.gif (236x176, 2.69M)

I definitely gave Transcendence a harsher placement than other lunar items since I value healing items. Probably my Engineer games showing. I'll move the other lunar items around a bit as well.
Stun's nice all around and could use a bump up in tier, but I do think there other white items tend to take priority over it when choosing from multishops for example, which influenced my placement. Thx for all the feedback

COnsider me mad. Still gonna get Aurelion log tho

Don't bother, enginigger opinions don't matter

GuP is kino.

Oh what the FUCK, I wasn't aware there was actually a working (albeit weird graphical glitch here) splitscreen hidden in the game. Activate it by doing ctrl+alt+~ and typing "test_splitscreen"
It logs into a guest account with no unlocks though but you can go into private game and >it just works

Attached: 632360_20190429040747_1.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

That's pretty cool. I wonder how many people used the previous game's splitscreen.

I used it several times, but we all agreed that it wasn't as good as playing online together because the zoom out camera thing kinda sucked. It wasn't true splitscreen but it was still fun at least. This is automatically better since you get your own screen.

the increased fov sounds great to me, it's 99% of the reason I like frost relic

I can think of one off the top of my head.

Attached: 2010 flash gamers where u at.jpg (1200x630, 76K)

Ill never understand my luck in this game

Attached: Screenshot (84).png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

Fire Pro Wrestling World

Looks like someone needs a pc upgrade

What if
>gestures + fuel cells
>milky chrysalis

Stop playing baby mode.

It's in pretty good shape, Alex just needs to get his ass in gear so he can finally put it on steam

Enter the Gungeon
Ori and the Blind Forest

thats nice until you realize meteor's dps sucks

Threads got banished to /vg/
I'm sure you can guess what happened after

Tiddy and crotch bulge model edits when?

Doesn't it proc shit?

EU Lobby NA fine

Anyone else see a cyclops whose mouth is open rocking a pompadour in that thumbnail?

We need 2


Attached: DUSK.jpg (960x1200, 121K)

Tiddy mods already exist for all females+merc

US EAST 109775240990278605

Attached: fungus_kebab.png (500x300, 51K)

I'm too poor right now to play on anything but this ass laptop

Attached: baby borbs.jpg (471x496, 57K)

>Incredible range
>built-in mobility that scales with speed
>CC that boosts DPS

Commando does everything well enough, and he scales well into the late game. There is only one bad character right now, and it's a PVE roguelike game based on RNG-- it barely matters. Anyone who doesn't recognize that Artificer is the weakest character has the intelligence of a crab.

Attached: laughing Huntress and Artificer Risk of Rain.png (653x687, 191K)

Backup Magazines turn Artificer into a gatling gun of mini-Prion Accumulators.
Get enough Hooves, and you can make flamethrower safe enough to use throughout the game. The proc chance "bugfix" for Arty makes it a decent higher-DPS choice for when your Charged Nano-Bombs are on cooldown.
Builds that work on anyone (ex: Prion+Drowned+Fuel Cells, Tesla+any survivability, N'kuhana+healing) work on her, as well. On-kill items might work better on her than anyone else (except maybe Mul-T using Rebar Puncher) because she's really, really good at killing things quickly.