Been making both home consoles and handhelds since late 80s

>Been making both home consoles and handhelds since late 80s
>now it's just nintendo switch
I mean, it's a hybrid console, but will nintendo just stop making home consoles at this point with wii u's failure?

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why should they? they found themselves a nice niche market.

Hope so. Nintendo handhelds are honestly the only ones that have been worth using. The Switch is an amazing idea but the lackluster amount of anything puts me off, even though I bought it for Zelda.
I always liked handhelds as it was always a way to get a dev's b-team to make some cool stuff, but now that it's homogenized there really can't be that discerning thing so we're just gonna see a bunch of a-team samey stuff.

Which is? You think the next console will also be just one hybrid one? I thought they rely heavily on gimmicks to sell on their consoles.

It's just weird cause their home consoles are the ones i've been getting since gamecube, i bought their handhelds, but much later in their life and preferred psp and vita, cause something in handhelds having home console graphics and experience made me prefer sony. Tho vita sucked and switch is the only handheld now basically. It's not a huge deal for sony and their history to just stop making another handheld in the meantime after only 2 of them, but seeing nintendo stop making home consoles is just weird

>cheaper hardware
>profitable ip
why should they abandon these?

>Nintendo always releases hardware a generation behind
That's only been true since wii and ps3. Gamecube was on par with ps2 hardware wise and was getting the same multiplat games as ps2 and xbox. And in the 90s nintendo was all about competing im graphics and hardware dep.

N64 was a generation behind and Gamecube being more powerful than Ps2 is an urban myth, they fucked it up with the cartidges and the mini discs so loading memes aside no that shit was a generation behind

I'm more intrigued to find out where they will go from here. Will all their consoles now by hybrid? Will they still insist that they won't compete with Xbox and Playstation in terms of graphics, despite the fact that there success comes mostly from their first party shit which people eat up regardless of how many gimmicks their fucking consoles have (thankfully the Switch enforces none despite having many).
They've said that they want to support the Switch for a decade, meaning that the next time they release a new console, they will probably release in the same time window that the PS6 and whatever the next Xbox might be, but I don't think MS will still be in the market at that point.

Nintendo always releases hardware a generation behind, always loses 3rd party support and nearly always loses the console war this has been the case since PS1 and the only exception until now was the PS3 but even the PS3 sold better than the other 6 Nintendo Home consoles. The Playstation 1 obliterated the N64 in sales, the Playstation 2 obliterated the Gamecube in sales, and the Playstation 3 still outsold all 6 other Nintendo consoles. The Playstation 4 has decimated its competition it is about to be Playstations THIRD 100m unit selling console. 3 out of 4 of Sonys attempts in the home console market have sold 100m units and only ONE of Nintendos has which was even scuffed because they pulled a fast one and pandered to casuals (which they still do) and tricked people with motion controller gimmicks.

You may wonder how Nintendo is still in the battle despite all these significant losses. It is because of Pokemon and Handhelds. Handhelds account for 56% of Nintendos total hardware sales. Let me say that again in words not just figures. FIFTEY-SIX PERCENT, and how could they not? They are extremely affordable and offer high quality games. But the Switch is NOT at this moment in the same price ranges as their old handhelds have been. You better just pray that the next Switch revision cuts costs. If Nintendo does not create an affordable successor to the 3DS they are completely and utterly fucked and even Pokemon wont be able to save them. Nintendo has never been able to stay alive for this long because of Mario and Zelda. They have ALWAYS been on life support since 1996 because of their handhelds and Pokemon.

Mini discs were the reason it failed? And that's how it was generations behind? And how was n64 generations behind, except it having cartridges instead of cds? Graphically wise its better, no fmvs though. I prefer ps1 and ps2 library to both though.

Is that a pasta?

n64 couldnt even do 2D

Nah, it couldn't even do 1D

Stop with that "hybrid" meme. It's 100% a portable.
PSP had official cables for the TV, and PSPgo had a straight-up dock just like the Switch has. No one called them hybrids. Not to mention the modding scene for 3DS -> TV connection.

The one and ONLY difference is that the Switch throttles itself in portable mode, but that's as retarded as saying that a laptop is actually a tower PC because it doesn't throttle as much while connected to power. No, it's still a laptop because it uses laptop components (CPU/GPU), just as the Switch is 100% a tablet because it literally uses tablet components.
Just because it has a cheap ass dock that scratches its own screen and also just so happens to output the signal to the TV doesn't make it a homeconsole.

Nintendo left the homeconsole market, it's now only a portable platform holder.

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no its facts

How so?

Why did you delete your first post and replace with a more Facebook tier one? And as i said already, gamecube was the same if not more powerful than ps2, n64 had smoother graphics than pixelated ps1 ones

Vs fmv cutscenes

No, PS1 was the best of both worlds, it didnt have Saturns 2D but it had excellent 2D and better textures than N64s 3D and FMV

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