Based or Cringe?
Based or Cringe?
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As a right winger, I feel the corporation was justified in releasing the demons
Name a single problem in the history of personkind that right-wingers and corporations weren't responsible for.
you being a virgin lol
The demons serve to cull the poor who are just a drain on society
They're a force for good under a free market
No demon is illegal
Let them in
thats some based left wing commentary
why do modern 'leftists' suck on corporations' nuts so much though?
your mother being a slut
very mature
not true communism
tranny drama
I've heard people call Doom a right wing because its about killing demons, which apparently means its Christian or something.
Holy fucking BASEDOLA. user got BTFO.
The first Red Faction was more left leaning considering it was a corporation and not the government that made Mars hell for the miners.
Me inseminating your sister.
>Sometimes companies, like people, make mistakes and that means that for-profit organisations are a failure.
>I am not incorrect, and this assertion is not a mistake, however.
Check mate.
leftists BTFO
gaming has always been political
don't listen to what gamergaters try to tell you
red faction is political!?
who could have seen that coming, it was so subtle i must have missed it!
>Right wingers be like
>"Lets all live under greedy corporate control"
>Left wingers be like
>"How dare you force me to live under greedy corporate control, I want to live under the iron fist of greedy government control"
State capitalism routinely uses prison labor for profits.
Federal Income tax becoming permanent because America never fucking left war time after World War II.
The deaths of communism in russia, china and elsewhere
>shooting interdimensional illegal immigrants
Fall of the Roman Empire.
Progressive income taxes are a good thing, though. We could fund roads and schools without them.
those are criminals not political dissidents
>fund roads
Literal terrorism.
lol, America's prisons are full of political dissidents.
> personkind
Degeneracy Acceptance
>my fantasy has never been tried
That article seems kinda dumb
Jew killed 10's of millions in russia
Jews drove the germans to madness
Jew introduced communism to china
I'm noticing a pattern with these jewish fellas. They are always involved in the destruction of a people. The biggest death tolls of our recent time
>Media then
Here's my vision, unaltered and unbiased towards any kind of perspective. I am a creative and I love making interesting pieces.
>Media now
Here's my vision, but now I am going to use it a sordid vehicle for my own perspectives and viewpoints about the world, or the currently accepted zeigeist on hot-button social issues which have existed for centuries or longer and which in recent decades prior no one particularly talked about; if it offends you I wish compromise further my creative vision and not only apologise profusely but also provide a vasectomy to my career. This is the current day and I cannot believe this shit fellow woke ppl!!!
Our current failed system isn't capitalism
*Real* capitalism has never been tried
So why don't we try it already?
B-but 6 million
Narcissism is a cancer
Name one
Real capitalism has been tried. It's called a fucking grocery store, where you can buy bread for a dollar.
Mumia Abu Jamal
Leonard Peltier
Benjamin Rook
Anthony Gonzales
That's not real capitalism as Friedman described, that's a perversion of capitalism that doesn't represent real capitalism
the portals in Doom were opened by godless scientists. corporations only funded the research .
conservatives probably would've protested the atheistic practices of the UAC while simultaneously advocating tax cuts for its CEOs. libs probably would've cheered on the UAC as being infallible science authorities and praised how progressive the demonic invasion is
What the fuck are right-wingers? Shut your fucking mouth. It's literally progressive globalist liberal insanity vs everyone everything else. You brought invaders to Rome as citizens and now it's burning.
No, it's capitalism. Capitalism isn't an ideology reliant on what some faggot like Marx wrote in a book, it simply is. When people trade goods for agreed upon prices, that's capitalism. End of story.
>gaming has always been political
Yes political as in, Metal Gear Solid, subvert your expectations, make you sympathize with extreme partisan individuals that society would normally deem as "bad". The politics people complain about are not that but "fuck Drumpf" or equally simple minded patronizing shit.
Please don't use homophobic language.
Doom can be right wing or left wing depending on how you look at it. You can see politics in anything if you really want it to be there.
thread should've ended here
Ghengis Khan
Long time GMG user here, thanks for bringing this up, I hadn't seen it before. Definitely won't buy shit from them from now on, gonna write a e-mail to tell them exactly why
>Degeneracy Acceptance
>implying right wing people can't be degenerate
I go to church every Sunday yet I still browse this Hellhole.
As long as I'm paying tax on my Doritos shit ain't capitalism.
It's peoplekind, not personkind.
If you're going to throw bait out there, you limp-wristed homo, at least make sure it's true to form.
Move to a state that doesn't have a sales tax, cuck.
that'll sure show 'em.
you pathetic fucking moron.
WTF This Is Not Trumpkino
Why do leftists pretend corporations are right-wing?
Google just murdered 4 people in cold blood with a crane, to add insult to injury after all the evil bullshit they've been up to in the past decade
t. gaymangaming
My my did I hit a nerve there mr GMG rep? Of course it will show them, it is actually the best way for me to show my dissatisfaction to them. I'm sorry your company is dying but you guys should have remembered the good old adage:
>get woke, go broke
The Virgin Debater
The Chad Shitposter
but the left sucks corporation cock all the time and its the right who shits on them
thats the funny part
>anti labor laws
>anti union
>tax cuts for corporations
>anti regulation
yeah republicans sure hate corporations
The Holodomor
Tiananmen Square massacre
The "Great Leap Forward"
Crisis in Venezuela
Berlin Wall
Anything before the 17th century when corporations came about
>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>"Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a game where big business is the bad guy. Throughout the game you’re confronted with the poor, the downtrodden, those who’ve had limb replacements but can’t afford the expensive drugs that’ll stop cybernetic rejection."
He's totally ignoring that the whole plot of the game is kicked off by a CEO and one of his employees trying to make augmentations safe. This whole article is kind of disingenuous.
I mean you could also do that with a flat tax or even a regressive tax.
>anti-corporatism is a left-wing position
the same CEO who completely fucks over his employee by cutting off all his limbs just cuz
God I hate fags who have to make every single thing in their miserable lives about politics.
muh left wing
muh right wing
Collectivism vs individualism.
I don't care how countries do their politics, i fucking despise collectivism and its just so that most if not all modern collectivism is left wing in nature.
Therefore fuck lefties
The jews are doing what they did in the weimar republic before it became nazi germany. Taking over media, propaganda to demonise, demoralise and destroy the native people. Mass immigration etc
History repeats itself, we are probably going to see something equivalent to nazi Germany in the next few decades
To save his life not out of some benevolent reason. Sarif genuinly is a good guy.
I guess if corporations and cybernetics are bad guys, does that mean Taggart is the good guy?
Leftists are the reason why apple exists
check mate kuffar
feeded and seedpilled
>"everything is left-wing vs right-wing"
>implying there isn't a third position
If there is any justice in this world china would bring hellfire to California.
Wait, benevolent isn't the right word. I think I'm thinking of malevolent?
It's obvious that the author didn't think this through and just wanted to make a point.
you're not supposed to take these memeterms seriously
t. descartes idiot quote
>we are probably going to see something equivalent to nazi Germany in the next few decades
Our current not my president is literally Hitler, sweatie
based & redpilled
Nahh, there's either left or right or being apolitical
How is greed something exclusively right wing?
Also I think he got the wrong Red Faction game, every game in the series is about something different.
Guerrilla is more about self determination and nationalism since the objective of the protagonists is achieving independence from Earth, so the Red in Red Faction comes from Mars being The Red Planet, not communism.
i thought this was top 10 left handed heroes, and now im just disappointed in you and your thread
keked and rekt
all politicuck shit is cringe
Should I do it bros?
Red faction Guerilla could be right wingers fighting for freedom over left wing iron fist governments anything can be anything
Do you know any?
The only one I can think of is Sheva from RE5.
340 hours for me, so I say yes.
Wow I didn't know doom-guy was a communist
Somebody post the review.