Give me a good reason why games as a service is not fraud

Give me a good reason why games as a service is not fraud.

Protip. You can`t.

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guy looks like what I would imagine an incel to be

but I already agree with you

>tons of popular gaming youtubers shout out the video
>none of them care to directly help him out with his goal

He's married to a Polish girl.

Does it matter if most people who buy and play video games dont know or dont give a shit about it?
Too many people are happy to just pour their money into things that entertain them as long as the things they buy stay easily accessible for a certain period of time.

How many youtubers are also lawyers?

What should they do beyond shill the video?

it involves unironically rising up against developers and publishers which none of you are going to do anyway

At least he's not a fat fuck like 90% of e-celebs

tons of them have a specific legal team just to deal with that content ID copyright shit

Counter point:
When semi popular mmos close down when they are still semi popular.

reminder: this is video game culture
it's allowed on Yea Forums
deal with it

At least my head's not a fucking triangle, bitch.

>fags unironically shitting on ross
Commit suicide.

Nobody can do this. Games as a service is fraudulent under the consumer laws of the United States. Which means they're basically guaranteed to be illegal in the EU.


how long until someone sues and becomes a millionare

A^2 + B^2 = C^2

stop posting onions jesus on Yea Forums

what did you expect from newfags?

b-but e-celeb b-but >sage
Ross is the second best channel behind Red Letter Media.

What's it feel like flossing between teeth with such massive gaps?

Well no shit he's married to a Polish girl. Isn't exactly hard.

hahahah yeah a guy from their network they talk to is a legal team.

You're fucking delusional if you think anyone besides Pewdiepie and people as big as him have anything remotely resembling legal pull with copyright issues.

There has never been any legal ruling stating such a thing

Ross looks like a genderbent Overly Attached Girlfriend

His argument is retarded as nobody is selling games as an actual service outside of MMOs, the term is only used as a business model of consistant updates.

Probably similar to you wiping your cavernous asshole, fag.

You're agreeing with him and you're too stupid to realize it.

Isn't Ross a lawyer?

You will have three cavities in your teeth when next you visit the dentist

Don't forget to brush twice a day and floss

He's married to a polish Poland. Which actually makes it quite impressive

I haven't flossed since Fortnite made it popular.

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Any claim presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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what are you talking about? there is ton of evidence

>pay for thing
>thing breaks
>makers of thing designed the thing to be literally, literally, unrepairable
for literally any other product the last line isn't possible, for instance if it's a broken metal bit, you could conceivably design and cast a replacement. encryption is something else entirely.

A reason why GaaS is fraud, or a reason why you can't dispute it?

>moving goal posts

This is board in favor of drm, anti piracy, "hyped-already pre-order", paid mods/dlc can be good and, of course, games-as-a-service friendly.

i hate this guy so much but he is tight most of the time but god damn i hate him as a person

>games should live beyond the official support for the dev
literally why would anybody disagree with this

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Take it easy, Mantooth.

Why do people keep shilling this literal who e-celeb instead instead of the hundreds of the dozen prominent ones that have been against it for ages?

name ONE gaas worth preserving.

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- Developers should never be forced to do anything other than what they promised such as release code or ensure offline support, BUT
- Intellectual property is immoral. Fans should have every right to set up private servers, distribute game files, make mods, make romhacks, or make games with identical mechanics, settings, and characters.

All of them. All games should be preserved. Even the ones you don't like.

Your favourite multiplayer game that doesn't allow LAN or splitscreen.

>e-celeb shit
I mean don't pretend like you actually want to discuss videos games

also kill yourselves

What's wrong with him as a person in your opinion?

He's married to a Polish cutie can you say the same?

stop fucking shilling his video, you're only going to make people biased against him/you

Hitman 2016, Hitman 2.

God tier games absolutely ruined by games as a service bullshit that will ultimately destroy their replayability in the long term.

Ross is the best eceleb


Watch the video


Yea Forums literally does not have an argument against him

All e-celeb are fucking cancer slit your wrists you stupid nigger
