Persona 5 is my favourite game, so I decided to finally play 3 and 4 before Royal comes out...

Persona 5 is my favourite game, so I decided to finally play 3 and 4 before Royal comes out. I just bought a Vita TV and P4G. What am I in for?

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4 is a comfier version of 5
and 3 has the best story but the worst gameplay but i thought tatarus was pretty cool

I'm down on some comfy gaming.
Because of V I know who the villian is but I assume that won't spoil the whole game?

It's actually a pretty big spoiler unfortunately because 80% of P4 really is a straight-up murder mystery, but it definitely won't spoil your enjoyment of the game overall.

Cool, I'm more of a fan of the journey than the destination, so it's cool.

>worst gameplay
Everything but the combat itself is better.

Story is really good
Combat and dungeons are ass
Social links are also below 4 and 5.

Tartarus is best because you can get through it the most painlessly and P4 had absolutely terrible social links. Even P5 is debatable at best.

>Social links are also below 4 and 5.
5 maybe, 4 not so much.

Less focus on story. More focus on social segments with your friends. Bosses are shadows of your eventual teammates instead of shadows of your enemies. Dungeons are RNG like Mementos instead of fixed design like Palaces. Combat is a lot more stripped down with a lot fewer mechanics and RNG Persona acquisition instead of demon negotiation. Teammates can gain skills from hanging out with them in different areas in addition to leveling up, and in fact some of their best skills are acquired this way. A lot more branching paths in terms of what endings you can get so make sure you pay attention to everything because the game will do everything it can to push you away from getting the true ending if you haven't already looked up how to do it.

before you star remember that Adachi is the killer and the gas station attendant is the mastermind

Thank you!

Why don't you just play the game and find out you retarded faggot.

Looking for advice on the most practical way to play P3 and P4 in 2019, so far I’ve gathered that I’m gonna have to emulate P3Fes and either buy a vita/TV for P4G?

Persona is NOT a game. It's an interactive MOVIE

Sounds about right. If you don't feel like buying a Vita there's really no problem with the original version of P4 either.

5 just polished up a lot of things from 4 so chances are you won't like it as much, although it's still enjoyable in its own right.

You're not missing out on very much if you play regular P4, so don't bother if it's too much effort.

I think most of the social links are pretty garbage in 3 honestly.

scooby doo with a forced deviant art tier character

I bought a vita tv for p4g.

Worth the price, p4g is my all time favorite game.

Persona 5 is top 40 for me, but I'm thinking royal will fix most issues I had with it.

Also it has best boy kanji, and teddy kicks the ever loving fuck out of that cat.

>I just bought a Vita TV
Pretty based. Most people don't have access to one. Persona 4: Golden is the best Persona game.

Warning: If you plan on buying VITA games, do it through your PSTV, otherwise you'll run into errors on the PlayStation Store. Sony got into arguements over selling VITA games that weren't compatible with PSTV.

I figured I'd spend £60 on a new game I'll probably enjoy half as much may aswell just buy a pstv and P4G.

I have zero desire to play any other games on it. I'm treating it like a plug and play that plays one game.

>what am i in for
falling in love with this fucking child and fighting for her as if she's your very own daughter. thats what.

I hate japs and their "big bro" borderline pedo love but... fuck. I'd give both kidney's if it meant saving Nanako's life.

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I did about 3/4 of them and they were mostly good. You probably just choose shitty ones like Yuko and student council girl.

Moon, Star, Chariot, Strength and Temperance all suck. Justice, Hierophant, and Fortune are just boring. The rest are either alright or pretty good, but that's still a decent handful I wasn't really a fan of. Not like 4 or 5 are without social links I didn't like, but 3 just has the most I didn't enjoy much.

>a game atlus didnt even bother to port to another system from the failed vita
take a guess user.

I cant argue with the time 3 was probably one of the best games I've ever played but after the ending set in and I realized if I wanted to 100% it on NG+ there was literally one fucking way to do it or I was dicked I just had no desire to go back and mess with that. I've beaten 4 and 5 multiple times though and the ride never gets old....they just have far more freedom in how I can spend my days and I love that.

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The Vita only failed because Sony were morons about it, the actual consumer attachment rate was very high and there are solid games on it (some of which I'm still playing). Why it was abandoned by Sony and "failed" is honestly a fucking mystery because there was no real reason to aside from maybe the shitty memory card thing.

I'm so glad they ultimately didn't persist with the micromanaging system that came with doing all of the girl social links in 3. Making sure I was swapping between all their social links in time to not reverse the shit stressed me out.

>no fast travel

It's definitely still comfy as fuck for anime games and visual novels and the like. Nothing better than laying down in bed for the night with a perfectly sized handheld and just cozying up with some weeb shit.

Yeah that's just one point on a list of bullshit I hated about that game's social system. They presented you with a thriving town you were supposed to explore and get to know at your leisure but the reality was that was a fucking lie and you had to micromanage EVERYTHING.

im not trying to argue why vita failed or how it failed.
im simply saying despite most publishers re-releasing their vita games to ps4 or pc, atlus did not do so with P4G/

anime cringe and weebshit
yes i used the world cring, cry louder

Adachi is the killer

I really enjoyed ones like the main cast, mmo, schoolgirl, and dying man. P4 didn't have anything on their level and P5 just felt really forced with having everything tied to mementos.
There is fast travel.

I feel like everyone knows this by now and just doesn't care since 98% of the game isn't that.

Misleading or downright uninformed, beside new endings, new post game contents, new social links, golden also fix the horrible pacing at the start.

>P5 just felt really forced with having everything tied to mementos
On one hand, I agree, but I also feel like this is partially why they changed the name of social links for 5. When I initially played P5, the notion of having these people not involved with the story acknowledge what you are and keep your secret/support you because you helped them out was a fresh take on the system for me. I still like how it was handled, but I feel like it literally only works because of how everything else in the game operates. It's a pretty harmonious system.

Vita and TV are extremely easy to jailbreak so you can treat it like an emulator box.

Chad propaganda from start to finish

Is Vita hacking easy these days? Might try it out if so.

4 > 3 = 5. People are gonna hate my opinion.

>help the killer ending is important
>Mary Sue dungeon is important
>Adachi/Mary Sue links are important

The Adachi link and new dungeon were actually good though

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Because your order is wrong
3 > 5 = 4

>Not liking the accomplice ending and the gimmick dungeon
How. Marie's dungeon is the only remotely challenging one in the game after Yukiko's.

Of course it works with the whole system of the game around it, but it's not worth the loss of characterization that comes with formulaic plots. It's not so much about that person anymore and more about their pitiful circumstances that you save them from to gain their favor. They're way too shallow as a result.

>I didn't actually play the game and only watched the anime

I've enjoyed persona 4's collection the most. It's a bit unfair but I grown fond of the cast and story.

You're both entitled to your opinions and I respect them

Personally though 4 = 5 > 3

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It has nothing to do with liking or disliking, not having them really doesn't detract from the experience that much. The best it does is give Adachi a bit better characterization, it's not worth going out of your way for an entire system and game when you can download and emulate in minutes.

Disagree with that, the point with every confidant is still primarily their character development. The Mementos bosses, for the links that have them (and only like half of the non-automatic ones even do to begin with) are catalysts and that's it. Simply taking down the bosses does not, by itself, actually do anything for their character development, especially in the cases where the Mementos boss is tangential to the confidant (Futaba) or taking them down doesn't actually fix the threat (Sojiro, Iwai).

Explain why it's so integral to the game if you can.

I can't argue with that. Half of the game is basically a problem solving simulator because of this. It works well for what it is, and I still enjoy what it is, but I do wish there was more in the way of character development. Which there is some, but it's mostly just you hanging out until they decide to come out and tell you what's bugging them so you can quash the problem in 10 minutes.

By your logic all the stuff they added in FES was fucking pointless too. If they've never played the game before then why shouldn't they play the version with the most content?

3 is the best game story/character/music wise, but suffers from gameplay issues, pacing issues, and the fact that you have to be absolutely autismal with what you do if you want to 100% it. it's the most unforgiving game social link wise, and you're coming from the game that doesn't need any guide or thinking at all to get 100% your first time through
4 is comfy as all fuck and is the absolute best friend simulator if you're a lonely weeaboo autist like most persona players (you are)

All in all they're extremely fun and good games, despite their flaws.
You'll likely always think your first Persona game is the best because its such a new experience. I think Persona 3 is the best because I played it back in 2007 when I was 16, and I was a suicidal edgy kid back then so it really spoke to me.
Hope you like them, Anonymous

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Persona 3 is a mallgoth version of 4 and you can't control what your fucking idiot partners do. unplayable.

>and only like half of the non-automatic ones even do to begin with
That's still the majority of them.
>Simply taking down the bosses does not, by itself, actually do anything for their character development, especially in the cases where the Mementos boss is tangential to the confidant (Futaba) or taking them down doesn't actually fix the threat (Sojiro, Iwai).
That's my point, they're inserted as the huge event in those links but do nothing to enhance them.

I played P3P first and I still think Persona 4 Golden was my personal favourite.

Teddie is the killer

>By your logic all the stuff they added in FES was fucking pointless too.
The only part wasn't was The Answer, which was an expansion to the story.
>If they've never played the game before then why shouldn't they play the version with the most content?
Because they have to go out of their way to buy a PS Vita/TV as well as the game itself, wasting time and money when they could literally download the base game in half an hour or less and experience the same thing for the most part.

Nanako is the killer

no he's not, naoto is
you're a pussy just say the real spoiler instead of making up fake ones

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Persona 3 was my first game I honestly think it was the fucking worst...saying it has the best characters is a flat lie.

The only non party member social links worth giving a damn about were Sun, Tower, Hermit, and Devil. Mitsuru and Yukari were just two different flavors of "muh daddy issues", Ken was damn near pointless outside of being a plot device for Shinjiro, and Fuuka was.....there I guess? Akihiko, Junpei, and Aigis were admittedly interesting (also the villain was a huge asspull with no buildup, at least Takaya was kind of fun to listen to).

It had a damn good climax and good music (which the other entries do too, "best" is a matter of opinion) but all in all it's a ride I'm more than comfortable with only ever taking once....the next two games were flat out better and way more fun to replay.

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>They could just play the base game for free
Not an argument if they aren't poor and want to spend the money. The Vita has plenty of other games they can enjoy anyway.

Persona 3 is more flawed but it's the better of the two. Since you'll be playing P3P you won't be able to get the full 3 experience so play it first since Golden will probably ruin it for you.Play both Persona 2s as well

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>(also the villain was a huge asspull with no buildup
As opposed to the epic Gas Attendant or Yaldabaoth?
>no buildup
Nigger there was an entire fucking MONTH of doing nothing for buildup
> Ken was damn near pointless outside of being a plot device for Shinjiro
Do you mean this the other way around?
>the next two games were flat out better and way more fun to replay.
Disagree entirely. I've yet to replay Persona 5 after 2+ years of initially playing it and I've only replayed Persona 4 once.

>Not an argument if they aren't poor and want to spend the money.
You're relying on that possibility though, I said in the first place depending on their circumstances.
>The Vita has plenty of other games they can enjoy anyway.

1. I'm talking about Ikutsuki, not the random ass god that descends from the sky like in the next two games (who also had actual villains prior to that).
2. Ken WAS fucking pointless, name something he did that mattered aside from shooting Shinjiro
3. A matter of opinion but I'm not going to argue this one...I liked the games with more freedom of choice in my days is all.

>I'm talking about Ikutsuki
The entire point of it is that you're left in the dark and wondering why it is that you're fighting this. Yukari is trying to figure out what happened to her Dad and how the Kirijo Group is involved with that, the player is not told really WHY they're doing anything, and Ikutsuki is the only one who, outside of Mitsuru, seems to know anything more about the Dark Hour and it should be strange that he's so sure that the dark hour will end once you eliminate all the shadows on full moons.

>Ken was fucking pointless
He's a party member, and he serves as a way to show what happened before you and Yukari showed up at SEES with his Mom getting killed by Shinjiro, which delves into an interesting topic of the Personas fighting against their users that was barely touched upon and sadly has never been used again in the series. He is also essential to Akihiko's development as a character as well, and the party coming closer and more united.

>I liked the games with more freedom of choice in my days is all
Persona 3FES has more freedom of choice in what you can do when compared to Persona 4, but not Golden. It's only natural that the further iterations would improve upon the gameplay, which is something they have done. Morgana didn't need to be so restrictive in Persona 5 to the point where it got annoying.
It's unfortunate that Persona 5 is basically Persona 4-2 and its unfortunate that Persona 4 did not manage to reach the level of Persona 3, but that's a matter of opinion as well.

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Better character development.

Unless you paid out the ass for it, where/how much did you buy your PS TV for? Because it's almost impossible to buy a cheap one in 2019, and I hate myself for not picking one up when they were $20 everywhere, but I still really want one

5 is the best at everything that isnt story though???

I guess? Even "best story" is a relative thing

Nanako is probably one of, if not the only child character I've ever seriously liked in all of vidya, or even shows/movies in general. Most kid characters are just annoying as fuck and the worst character in the story, but not Nanako. She's great

Fuuka wasn't "just there" user.
She was there for you!

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Combat/dungeons/gameplay stuff, yeah, but only because it's newer. A hypothetical remake of 3 and 4 would make them equal to 5, at the very least. Would fix/add a lot of the fun stuff like baton pass to combat, and a serious remake would probably have them make the dungeons in both not randomized. And 5 has the worst confidant stories, but the best characters. I love all the girls, but as discussed earlier in the thread, it just feel like the exact same thing for every person as it build up to them admitting who's bothering them, and you quickly solve their problem in Mementos. They're all generic and formulaic