Criticize a game

>criticize a game
>have your livelyhood threatened
Why is this allowed?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-23 TheQuartering.png (576x617, 350K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"Content creators" need to get real jobs anyway.

Stop shilling this fat faggot.

That's how the woke and virtuous crowd handles bad apples who don't see eye to eye with them.

>Break embargo
>Use it as drama fuel for political puppets
Genius manipulation really

>get woke
>go broke
>mug nerds for pennies on the internet

>t. salty shelf packer.



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>talk about shit from a game thats not out
>mad that video gets taken down
is he retarded or something

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>t. someone with no viable skills

I think the right approach is making fun of them for being faggots.
That guy comes off as whiny.

Stop posting this ugly niGGer

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Its the same guy making all these Quartering threads every Sunday, isn't it?

I agree komrade, we must seize the means of content creation!

America is so amazing...

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Sup Jeremy

*kontent kreation

>Break embargo
he didn't break shit

i lol'ed, excellent memery

Isn't that dude like super into the alt-right?

You first

Why are youtubers and twitch streamers always crying about money? Are they really so red pilled that they can't get jobs?

Quartering is the only one helping us hold back the tranny discord invaders. They are threatened by this guy's clout and he's the only one to call out them, Feminazis, SJWs and the libs. Can't wait til you join the 40%, "ladies".

He did though. He spoiled an ending days before release.

They don't have any proper job skills, so they would probably only be able to get Mcjobs.

well some arw well off but retards like him that talk about the most retarded shit he can you dont get a lot

He shills his shit on Yea Forums all the time.

He could've been a handsome dude, but now he's an ugly girl. I bet he would still be handsome if he removed the make up

What about the 20+ streamers on twitch? They played through the entire game. You could've seen it entirely before it even released.

Thats how it is nowadays, think like everyone else or YOU need to be shamed. I remember back even 5 years ago and you could talk movie or tv shows with co workers/friends and family and you could all have differing opinions nowadays its "well why didnt you see birdbox user. EVERYONE saw bird box just watch it and like it!!" Or "how come you havent seen the new GoT user. EVERYONE is watching it. Dont be weird and not see it!!" We are slowly moving into a 1984 society.

I've seen pics of him before he went tranny. He actually was quite handsome


He's whiny, misrepresents info, and uses clickbait AF titles with no remorse.

He's just a right left

You're not wrong but

>video editing
>Not a skill

Not everyone is good at it but it shows when they are.

why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? what did he do?

oh no we gotta buy more shirts.

yeah man get woke go broke
we gotta call out them before it's late too

They didn't until a day before release. Quarterpounder spoiled it before that

Who fucking cares about this fat fuck faggot? Tell him to get a fucking job. Also MK11 is an okay game.

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Tell me, how bad is it really?
are people still complaining about gender equality in games while mass shootings are still a thing?

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keep in mind one of his retarded fans said he was going to spam this video everywhere

>"Content creators" need to get real jobs anyway.
Yep. Sad that Yea Forums has shifted to loving youtubers just because some of them are Trumptards.
>why are trannies so obsessed with this guy?
You and your fellow r/The_Donald members ask this question in every one of these threads.
Trannies aren't making these threads, you fags are.
Trannies make up such a tiny portion of the population, yet somehow they run Yea Forums? Don't make me laugh. They're insignificant.

so shitposting retards that hate mk11 haven't played the game have they

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190427205627.png (1920x1080, 2.62M)

the alt-right is super into gaming culture for some reason

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-29 pol - Does anyone feel betrayed by pewdiepie - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.p (1410x253, 97K)

Go cry about it, faggot. Take your shill shit elsewhere

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All the big channels hire someone to do their editing.

I automatically disregard any gaming "journalist" who doesn't constantly shit on the consoles, you'd think if they actually poured hours of research into "the industry they are a part of" they would warn their fanbases of children of the ass raping tactics the consoles use with shit like paid online and 1 store front. They also do this annoying trend (Fallout 76 for example) where they spend 6 months talking about how dog shit a game is gonna be and what are they doing day 1? Live streaming the game

He does have a normal job outside of youtube

It's a shame that he don't get the respect he deserves. He's one of the few unbiased and informative sources of vidya news nowadays.

Played a 16 game set here and haven't got a toasty, but everyone else gets it.

There will never be a better editor than 2009 YTPers the whole world of Movies and TV would be better if that became the typical trend for online media

I'm glad they censored it. That shit looked terrible in UMK3 and it would have looked terrible today.

Quarter pounder isn't alt-right though, he is one of those radical centrists.

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>why are trannies so obsessed with this guy?
Why is this question asked in every single thread?
>Who does when is our cries
That thread was not made by a white person. Must have been some sort of mutt.

i feel like he's not as bad as that bald faggot with something baby in his name

I thought e-celebs weren't videogames.

Because they are lazy vloggers who barely put effort into their work. Maybe if they did animation or some shit I could respect them

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Is this guy king of the incels?

The same people arguing against MK’a politics are also against one’s entitlement to their “livelihood”. The company with more power stopped this fucker. Fairness doesn’t exist in a free market.

I bet you want to take my guns to libtard? You know what would prevent mass shootings? Letting my 21 year old ass CCW on college campuses, gun free zones are fish in a barrel for psychopaths

>implying she gets posted often on Yea Forums

like packing shelves?

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>Quarter pounder isn't alt-right though, he is one of those radical centrists.
He's definitely alt-right.
Maybe when he grows up he'll become a real Republican man.

You should postmore of her.

you dont get the joke do you

>not white

Attached: (3).jpg (238x212, 6K)

>le smug zoomer internet comic reaction image

(x) off-topic


I've listened to him crying about racism and he hangs around Sargon and his cuck posse.

Makes sense. Warner is very aware of youtubers since the pewdiepie fiasco.


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Just look at his English. He's a disgusting creature pretending to be a conservative.

Daily reminder that Italians are literally niggers from North Africa

This fucker needs to get some more takedowns, he literally just reads articles other people have written

>, he literally just reads articles other people have written
not true

Why is he always linking to shit like kotaku and RPS then?

Youtube, twitch, and every other mainstream platform are in bed with the major media companies and game publishers. Nothing new.

>linking to shit like kotaku and RPS
he isnt't?

Stop shilling your shitty channel here

You're right he's literally reposting reddit posts

Attached: Screenshot_20190428-203131_YouTube.jpg (1904x741, 666K)

you can't put a copyright on a fucking reddit post you retard

>You are now a Trumptard if you criticize anything relating to blacks, trans, or homosexuals.

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People just don't have memory.

You can copyright an article though and there are hundreds of videos where you just read them, faggot

That fucking monster!
Using the internet without any permisson!
Who does he think he is!?

If you hate Quartering, know this: You are either the biggest soiboy, leftycuck, male-feminist libtard or you are literally a tranny Discord invader trying to destroy us from the inside. Either way, get the fuck off this site and back to your Discord, little fucking tranny shill. Fuck off.

>and there are hundreds of videos where you just read them
no there aren't


antiamericans are so cringey
T. Leaf

Quartering is the last and final bastion standing for truthful gaming journalism that ignores feelings for the sake of facts. I will not allow anyone to smear Quartering's good name.

I hate him becuase he's fat and gay and fat and gay and also fat.

there are plenty of other people who call shit out without acting like an outraged sperg like him

fuck off shill

nah you hate him because he points out the cancerous SJW plague that is hurting american gaming

so dilate your tranny hole, faggot

I'm not saying he breaking any laws, when you post to a public forum you forfeit your right to privacy, what I'm saying is people acting like this guy is some unique content creator is bullshit, yongyea or what ever is the same thing and cooler so why watch one. Censorship is never a good thing maybe we should stop using Google products since they are in bed with the Chinese, fuck it everyone jump ship to floatplane when it gets out of beta

We need a new report option for eceleb shit

What if I hate him for being a youtube faggot?

by acting just as butthurt and outraged as the sjws themselves? this nigga pretends he's a real journo but he's just as bad

thank you for posting this retards mug multiple times a day for free

not an lose sonny boy

This fat fuck does not create any content. He just keeps reading news from sites.

notice how people only bitch about ecelebs when its not fucking alt right weirdos?

>buys funko pops
>call other people soiboys

Attached: this is the guy calling people soyboys.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

Because it's quarterpounder and he does his "everything is shit" routine for the clicks.
Regardless of the fat faggot, WB shouldn't be taking any video down for any criticism whatsoever.

I know Yea Forums has some cocksuckers but try to understand why massive companies striking down criticism is bad for you, person who plays video games.

What are you going to do about it? You see his amusement park pics? His biceps are veined and massive.

Shaolin Monks 2/Remaster WHEN

He was hot as a dude and he's got as a woman
I'll only be turned off when he eventually gets his penis removed

>buys funko pops
>got beat up by a tranny

Going "REEEEEEEEEEE TRANNIES" every time someone says something you don't like isn't "criticizing"

he's a little bitch and just as much apart of this outrage ""culture""

stop shilling


Actually, no. They make way too much money.
The problem is that they get a small glut of money and spend it extremely poorly because they're streamers on the internet and not very financially savvy people.
It's why Pissed Jose has a video of him screeching "I ONLY HAVE SEVEN DOLLLARRSSSSS" next to his video of him buying a 5000 dollar alienware pyramid. Both of which uploaded on the same month.

>Youtube videos
How did it come to this?

I'm shocked RedLetterMedia isn't called alt-right, but I know that day is coming.

Dudes just a basedboy who went absolutely delusional because he was punished at some point for being an idiot and instead of learning fell down the fucking alt right weirdo rabbit hole

Easy to spot the reseterefugees

>He's definitely alt-right
You call literally everyone that. You define alt-right as "someone who doesn't love my favorite corporations."
You would call him Hitler if he said Starbucks was shit.

They are way too old for that drama. That and its just Mike that would get called out

>”There’s no tranny Discord invasion, bro. You’re just seeing things, dood”


Being a president is stressful. Only one who didn't change before and after the presidency was that madman Dubya.

Attached: landscape-1476210024-index-presidents-before-a.jpg (480x240, 23K)

Imagine trying to shill yourself as a gamergate eceleb in 2019

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t.seething /pol/tranny

To be fair, the Magic community fucked him hard. He criticized a really shit business practice by wizards and instead of bashing wizards, they dug up dirt on him and banned him instead.

I'm sick of
>FUCKING ALT-RIGHT WEIRDO RABBIT HOLE mm I love you corporations shlurp shlurp please ban more criticism I love it when you rape me
It's great that you like these companies, it's not great that you think the people who criticize them are actual nazis. Quarterpounder is a clickbait artist, he makes terrible hot-takes on pop culture that turn out to be wrong, but that doesn't suddenly mean it's OK for WB, wizards, whoever to just copyright strike his videos.

Gather up your discord friends and fuck off

Dafuq did wizards of the coast do that other trading card companies do

>You call literally everyone that.
Who is "you"?
>You define alt-right as "someone who doesn't love my favorite corporations."
No, alt-right are retards that love Trump.
Because real conservative men like me don't like Trump. It's not difficult to understand, just make sure to read carefully.
>You would call him Hitler if he said Starbucks was shit.
Hitler is a little bitch that committed suicide and I've never had Starbucks.




Lol no. Hambeast is a whiny cunt who just really wants to stick it to the "sjws" for ruining a card game that he uses for fap material.

Who are you talking about?

>Why is this allowed?
Response is also covered under freedom of speech. Sometimes people or groups respond by using any sort of power and sway they may hold. So really quit being a bunch of lame ass little weak ass puss bags. Crying out for something or other more powerful and stronger than you fags to save you from whatever the fuck you lil emotional queers get triggered by. Like god damn if you all hate it so much than do what you can so that you yourself can gain influence and power in this capitalistic society to then use to get your way instead of just being a bunch of punk ass beta bitches crying about shit like little faggots whenever anything is ever done that triggers your gay asses.

>Because real conservative men like me don't like Trump. It's not difficult to understand, just make sure to read carefully.
Holy shit an unironic jebhead!

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>You define alt-right as "someone who doesn't love my favorite corporations."
Ah yes Republicans just hate corporations don't they?

You do realize I was referring to the Jax ending. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Unless you're a tranny, and projecting.

What's wrong with Jeb? He's much better than Trump.
Trump is a Democrat pretending to be a Republican so he makes the rest of us look bad.
That's been his entire goal. You think he beat Hilary on his own? No, she lost on purpose. This was all part of their plan.

they tried to take out Louder with Crowder on the same day as well

Fuck off resetera. Go back to your home board if you hate hearing opinions you don't like.
>Dafuq did wizards of the coast do that other trading card companies do
They had a business practice where a 'preferred' customer (IE: Someone who does videos for them) can get a certain amount of money for showing up to events and playing in tournaments. There were several cosplayers who did that, and he said one of them were doing this without admitting that they were a part of it in an attempt to start a grassroots campaign.
Wizards said "That's misogyny" and banned him from any Wizards sponsored event for pointing this out. He used to be part of this and was actually given early copies of revisions to review.
I don't watch his videos so I'm not entirely sure about the story around it, but the tl;dr is that he made a video on one of his sponsors doing a shady business practice with a cosplayer and they claimed it was harassing her and banned him. It's another 'Corporation uses PC politics to shield itself against criticism story' and literally why he has a channel or followers at all.

Now, let's get one thing clear: quartering is fucking stupid. None of his predictions come true because he's so high off his own farts he cannot see things objectively. That said, it's still not right that happened to him. It's still not right this is happening to him. This is straight up a gigantic corporation deciding that criticism against it isn't valid and trying to suppress it.

Skills are a Jewish hoax.

Please clap