Forgotten fun games

Forgotten fun games

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I think this game is where the series jumped the shark, ngl
First game was about two military bros, second game they're joking about helping eachother fuck pandas in a zoo and the game is nothing but michael bay esque explosions unironically

Plus there was the absolutely retarded decision to not allow splitscreen horizontally, IIRC

Back when Army of Two first came out, me and my college roommates, suitemates, were all way too into Halo 3 to really care. I didn't even think Army of Two was on my radar in 2008. My college suitemates would sneak into my room while I wasn't there and play Halo 3 without my permission, on my Xbox, but more importantly, they would look at my DVD collection. I had like 215 DVDs in alphabetical order and they would play a cruel joke where they would move two random titles in different places and see how long it would take me to notice. Yeah, I know that says a lot more about me then it does about them, but I could tell every time that was the joke. I would just scan briefly over my DVDs everyday and see if they had taken one was usually the issue wasn't-I wasn't checking to see if they put them out of order, I was checking because they would turn up MISSING. And then I would track them down and find someone across the hallway who borrowed one without asking and what do you know! The DVD is missing from inside of its jewel case! Where did it go? No one knows. Oh I found it, it's in two pieces now. No, I'm not still angry about that.

Fuck, I used to play this with my sister all the time

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The first game was just as retarded. What are you talking about? The first was just retarded in a bad way, it was unintentionally hilarious with the story and dialogue

>Not allowing splitscreen horizontally

Fuck every game that does this, Ultrawide >>> Fucking Vertical Phonescreen

I mean by the time you've finished like, the second level you're sick of seeing buildings blow up

The third game was really weird though, EA insisted on frostbite for everything so it just looked shitty

Put a bunch of hours into this game when i was young and no one seems to know it

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Insanely underrated

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Shut up!

Not whatsoever. These games were dogshit.

>ANOTHER pointless open world game with terrible story and shell of characters with batman arkham combat, so fun

The games are the definition of fun, most fun I;ve had in years

bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad

This was way too good for its time. The frenchfags really know (knew ?) how to create fun vidya.

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The game was constantly freez on the first geonosis missions. And what happened to the third game?

AoT 3 was overall shit
>Salem helped innocent citizens in an exploding China but shits his pants and runs away from a few guard
>his best friend Rios all of a sudden chooses some kidnapped Mexican druggie over him
>Alpha and Bravo don’t have any personality because “muh you could believe more that it’s YOU who does all the shooting and shit but no character creation”

it’s getting a remaster

Holy shit i didn't hear about this. Thanks for the news man, hopefully it'll live up to the original's quality.

Was there a third in development? Figured they never sold well, never had many problems with it running though just some janky sequences

Imagine having this shit taste