What are some good video games for transgender girls to play?

What are some good video games for transgender girls to play?

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Diddy Kong Racing.

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Is this a JAV code?

try it and find out ;^)

What are some good games to play with my boyfriend while I have a buttplug up my ass? Trans girl friendly games of course.

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League of Legends

Rin is male though

All games that I love playing, being a cute trans girl and all

It feels good when I healslut as Mercy in overwatch as daddy cums on my face!

russian roulette

Fuck off, transphobe.

russian roulette

bigot, go back to /pol/

None. Get your own hobby, freaks.


sims probably, idk what trannies like to play

i loooooooove playing ff14, league of legends, overwatch, and pokemon!

Cut The Rope but you lose every time

If all trannies where traps there'd be no need for a trans rights movement

Suicide simulator 2019
Though I hear it only has a 40% rating


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Trannies aren't people, thus don't get to play people games.

No part of (You)'re post makes any sense

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Try to stop breathing

That's a man. There are no trannies in games because boys and traps are more appealing than disgusting tranny freaks.

Reminder that Link is a proud gay man, and he would spit in your tranny face and kill you on the spot for being a hideous monster that betrayed your own gender for mere attention.


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trannies are all bad people.

A Trap is a male who has genuinely tricked you into thinking they're a femoid.
A Tranny is a male who wants to trick you into thinking they're a femoid.
They overlap, but not all Trannies are Traps, but (I presume) all Traps are Trannies.

How about you go back to the mental hospital dude

Dangan Ronpa
Pay close attention to Chihiro Fujisaki

ah cosmo is at it again .40%

Nah they're just insane.
The people who encourage them are bad.

This is the wrongest post I've ever seen. There is never any overlap, and they're mutually exclusive. A trap is a natural male who never, ever takes hormones or gets surgery. He also doesn't believe he's female. A trap can NEVER be a tranny and a tranny can NEVER be a trap.

wrong, trannies can't be traps. traps are cute boys who wear cute clothes. trannies have no right to call themselves traps if they won't call themselves boys.

That's not even remotely correct. A trap could easily be a male that knows they are male and enjoys being a male but likes to present themselves in a way that could fool people around them into thinking that they are a girl. Trannies are mental patients and pretend mental patients that want themselves and others around them to validate the claim that they are in fact the opposite gender of their birth. Maybe some day when technology lets us live in any body we want to, but we are not there yet.

they encourage each other and try to recruit and trick and scare people into falling for the tranny meme, even after they've realized it's a mistake and their life is worse after taking the tranny pill. they're definitely all bad people who deserve to be executed, along with their supporters.

Why do people hate trans? Some of us feel very strongly attached to another side of us that we feel was ripped away from us early in life.

Shit threads shitting up shitty Yea Forums again I see

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That's wrong. Traps and trannies are diametrically opposed. They're polar opposites. A trap is a man who loves male beauty and wants to be the most beautiful man he can. A tranny is a disgusting freak who hates men and wants to be a female. Traps know they're men and never alter their bodies permanently. Trannies are mentally unstable so they take any snake oil they can get their hands on to look more "feminine". The result is that all trannies are ugly and can never be traps.

these are the cute trannies that make these threads btw

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>genuinely believes they are a woman and wants to be seen as such
>often, but not always has had surgery or taken hormones to achieve that effect
>do not consider themselves female
>no hormones, naturally feminine
>may or may not like tricking people into thinking they are female
Learn the difference, it could save your life.

Because you belong in a mental hospital for having no self-control and not realizing that being delusional is a mental condition

high chance for anhero on this one.

both are mentally ill. fuck off Yea Forumssetera.

holy fuckin based

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Because you're a retard who fell for lies and tricks, and are now trying to lie and trick to get other people to fall for the same mistake. There is no such thing as gender dysphoria, and you aren't "attached" to anything other than attention, articles of clothing, and the way society treats you. All of those things can be achieved as a male who just does what he wants and says fuck gender norms. But instead you entrench gender norms and stereotypes and make things worse for everybody by reinforcing the idea that you have to be a girl to wear skirts or be submissive. You make the world a more restrictive and limited place for the few people who are actually brave enough to follow their interests without turning themselves into mentally ill abominations. Basically fuck you for being weak and leading the world backwards into the dark ages where people are dominated by gender roles instead of forwards into an age where people don't give heed to societal norms.

applies to every board tbhlad

daily reminder

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because you're an ugly failure. cute guys who want to do cute things are great. they stay guys, and they stay good looking because of it. you ruined yourself with hormones trying to become some kind of gross girl caricature instead of focusing on being the best you can be. trannies are all shitty people on the inside and ugly on the outside.


why would anyone actually want to be a girl

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Nah, fuck off. Traps are not, because that term should NEVER be used to refer to real people as that has polluted the meaning. Trap always refers to cute anime boy that looks like a girl, not real life crossdressers.

>I can't read: the posts
In reality, from the perspective of the person viewing them, they are
>Males who have tricked you into thinking they're females
>Males who want to trick into thinking they're female.
A cross dresser (a male dressing as a female) does not necessarily mean they're a trap.

dead by daylight


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just play Fate/Extella Link as Astolfo, he's the sweetest girl in all vydia

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>Could have been a genderless angel

One job Atlus.

you're an idiot. trannies can never be traps. they're not compatible as definitions.

>another side of us
>ripped away from us early in life

Your DNA wasn't a /pol/ neckbeard that just decided to 180 your biology to fuck with the Jews user

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All angels are male. Females can't be angels, and boys/traps are infinitely better than disgusting females/trannies.


traps hate mentally ill trannies and they don't look like girls, they're just cute boys with obvious masculine features

FUTAS are the ones who look like girls, TRAPS are just gay twinks

Unironically, The Missing of JJ

I am a woman and there is nothing you can do about it, Yea Forums.

Rise up, trans female gamers!

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Correct. A trap has a boyish, twinky body and wears cute clothes. A futa is a girl with a dick, and a tranny is a disgusting loser abomination that looks like trash because it tried to turn itself into a girl.

>recycles two existing designs into a blend of two existing characters
>calls it a new character

ATLUS is lazy as fuck user

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Swery is dead to me after that dogshit.

I am a female with a vagina and there is nothing you can do about it, Transgenders.

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we don't have to do anything, you're allowed to play dress up whenever you want

such elegance .this could be a nice finisher in a fighting game staring homeless people.

How was your surgery, hon?

saying it doesn't make it true, as much as you'd like that to be the case. You need mental help.

This. Gender Dysphoria is not real, and trannies are just weak losers who got no affection so they figured they could get it for free by pretending to be female.

pokemon x/y

Pic not related? Rin is a treasure of a male, a rare breed that can make even straight men question themselves. I would think a trannoid would be kind of intimidated by the kind of guy who can shit on their whole delusional worldview.

Sorry should have said ovaries and womb.

Haha imagine mating pressing her haha funny

i wouldn't mind a cute trap gf tbhfam

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>I would think a trannoid would be kind of intimidated by the kind of guy who can shit on their whole delusional worldview.
They are. Disgusting trannoids basically deal with traps in one of two ways. They either try to get them banned and claim they're offensive, or they try to "abduct" them and claim that the trap character is a tranny just like them. Both are morally abhorrent and proof that trannies should be shot dead in the streets.

Meh I liked it a lot even if the puzzles get old pretty quickly. That being said I don't think a single of his games is known for its interesting gameplay. But I should have guessed it was a bait thread.

trap bf*

You are a man who either plans to or already has replaced their intended genitals with a flesh wound that will close itself up unless you constantly re-open it with a glass dildo
Don't forget

HSTS trannies are the closest thing to 3D traps

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>Has visible estrogen patches
I-it's just a trap

she's going to be my girlfriend and she's going to enjoy it

Why do actual girls tolerate trannies, Yea Forums?

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Nope, they look like utter dogshit. A tranny can never be attractive, and all trannies are equally hideous and deranged. Homosexual crossdresser are the only 3D traps.

>Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies now

I fucking told you that fapping to traps was a slippery slope.

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all trannies are ugly. the closest thing to a 3d trap is a guy who crossdresses with a pretty face. no matter what dumb distinctions you make to try to separate yourself from other trannies, all trannies are shitty people with uggo bodies who deserve the rope.

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Has anyone ever fucked a trap? What was it like?

We hate them and want them to die though. Especially those of us who like traps.

>tfw 2nd grade me told my dad to invest everything we had into pharmaceutical companies in the late 90s because my fren told me how much his Ritalin cost
>tfw dad just laughed like I was a scrub
>tfw we could've made gorillions off the rush for anti-depressants and now tranny transition '''therapy''"

Still seething tbqh

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They call us TERFs which are basically the equivalent of being a White supremacist if we don't.

Transgender people are disgusting. Normal people are repulsed by them, they will never be accepted.

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>Y-you're just obsessed with us haha

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Traps are all trannies sooner or later. Told you.


Take the Greekpill and fap to twinks and shota instead. It's the ancient tradition of those who came before.

wrong. traps never become trannies because traps are content with their bodies. only the ugliest, most disgusting failures take estrogen because they're desperate. trannies will never be good looking, and traps will always stay pure.

join the 40%, annoying fags

Samefag, and obsessed retard. I only made this thread because I knew this autistic incel who keeps spamming about trannies on Yea Forums will show up and sperg out. You've been here less than 3 years, you came from the_donald subreddit during the election, and you post all day about the same topic. People from /pol/ have very sad lives and these kids lead to the degradation of Yea Forums. I hope you get a job and girlfriend someday and sort out your life.

>b-but projection
You know and I know what the truth really is.

Crossdressing is also part of that tradition, so traps are fine. The moment somebody takes estrogen or calls themselves a girl though, they belong in the trash and should be executed.

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t. seething tranny in denial

Gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness, medically.

do you really think i care about terms? trap is just a cute slang

pretty much every hot trap is on HRT and is either a transgender or "non-binary"

pretty cute face, his name is Jakob Landvik, take a look how he looks nowadays

smart are the ones who take estrogen, it does wonders

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And one more thing about this pathetic retard. He calls everything a tranny and brings his agenda into everything. He called someone a tranny for having an anime pic. Get the fuck out of Yea Forums, you have never discussed any video games here. Anime has been here longer than you've been born. faggot.

It also doesn't exist. Trannies aren't ill, so they don't deserve any sympathy or help. They're just genuinely bad people who should be locked up for supporting a growing death cult.

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies? No other board is.


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It's literally a mental illness.


What's that? I'd like to hear it from a genuine, old school Yea Forums user like yourself who clearly knows the way of things

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Wrong. Every hot trap avoids HRT like the plague and understands that they are male. You're not going to trick people with these lies, tranny. We already know that estrogen causes beer bellies and baldness in men. No one who takes estrogen has ever looked attractive a month down the line. It absolutely ruins them beyond all repair.

Someone who calls literally everyone a tranny, and talks about them obsessively, and makes it the entire point of his life is 1000% a closet tranny. See you in 10 years when you kill yourself, tranny in denial.

animal crossing

Holy shit.
Whats the story behind this tranny slamming?

We're in agreement then. I always preferred the boyish look though. A bit of girly mixed in for flavour, maybe, but overall better if they keep looking like a boy. There's that one po-ju pic of the boy in a school uniform but he also has a garter belt on. That's my poison right there.

Disgusting freaks deserve their suicide rates.

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I've been obsessed with sissy/tranny porn lately and it's making me want to crossdress and be a girl.

every hot trap stays male and has to point out that they're male and have no intention of transitioning to retarded agenda pushers like you. estrogen does not make you cute, it makes you fat and ugly. ever tranny gets disgusting after they start taking estrogen and would have been better off staying twinks/traps.

this is the only advice i can give you:

have sex

>multilated hole picture deleted
>thread still up

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>Every hot trap avoids HRT like the plague

here's your trap a couple of years without hormones bro

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Estrogen makes you ugly and ruins your body. It doesn't magically turn you into a girl. Guys who stay natural age better and look prettier for longer. This agenda you're pushing it straight up false.

good to know theres so many hypocrites we all know you watch tranny porn and are literally fucking obsessed

looks infinitely better than any tranny

sure, if you're gay

Being delusional is a mental illness.

I fap to traps all the time, but I still want the trannies and the tranny obsessors off Yea Forums. Fuck them all


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Unironically hot as fuck. Would bang. Meanwhile, Natalie Mars, Bailey Jay, Shiri Allwood and every other tranny under the sun looks like putrid shit.

cute trannies / traps deserve dicking, but don't forget to say "no homo"

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That's a good thing. He's actually attractive. People who take hormones are legitimately disgusting and they end up lookiing like shit.

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>same dude replied to me 3 times

wtf bro

he's hotter than a tranny.

All me btw

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>The discord tranny menace isn't rea-

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this. androgynous dudes who crossdress are sexier than trannies. never seen a tranny that didn't have a shitty body. the estrogen ruins them.


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This dude is cute... CUTE

i have to ask why do you want specific stuff to being a trans person?

Like aren't you trying to be a woman wouldnt you want just "games for women" instead I mean isnt the point of transition so that you are the gender you're transitioning to?

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Correct. Estrogen has been proven to cause beer bellies and male pattern baldness when given to men. There's a reason every single tranny has gross lovehandles and a shitty wig or comb over. The agendas they're pushing are blatantly false. Attractive traps never, ever take hormones. The best looking guys in dresses stay natural. Trannies are jealous though, so they spread lies to make themselves feel better. It's pathetic, and it's immoral.

This thread is very obvious satire. I'm surprised no one caught on, seems like everyone is stupid. The reason is made it is because everyone can see there are these /pol/tard incels who keep talking about trannies on a fucking video game board. This is all very retarded and I wanted the easiest possible (you)s from idiots.

I’m not gay, but I want to lick every inch of his body and I’m really gay holy shit. Forget about trannies though, I bet they try and act like women too and probably don’t even sound like women. What cursed individuals.

>Estrogen causes MPB
>Test causes MPB
>Lack of hormones cause MPB

Why doesn't everyone have MPB?

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cute. sign me up for more traps without hormones. estrogen creatures are fucking disgusting and do not get to call themselves traps because all trannies are hideous freaks.

The reason I* made it

what happened here?

It's about having a balance of the right hormones, and genetics that are in accordance with the balance you have. Introducing estrogen throws everything off balance and causes baldness at least 80% of the time.

Black people don't like trans people.

this is what evolution looks like

Any game, but you're a shallow piece of shit who doesn't care about games unless they suck your hatchet wound, fag.

lmao what a fucking mongoloid

true. the best traps hate trannies and know that estrogen ruins people. pic related hates trannies and thinks they're full of shit.

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taftaj is cute! CUTE!

10/10 trap

Holy fucking kek, where is this? Story?

what makes people trannies? when i was little i always wanted to be big and manly
are trannies just men under 6 feet tall?

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would fuck the shit out of her

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Not a trap, it's a gross ugly trannoid.

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Lack of pussy, girlfriends and realization that women do in fact have it easier than men do.

ugly as fuck.

>n-no u

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black "people" attacking people they don't like.

do they?

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>what makes people trannies
Weakness of body, mind and spirit.

>worst specimen on earth
And there's nothing you can do about it, landwhale.

you mean black "people" attacking """"people"""" no one likes.

I fucking saw this shit in 2006, kid.

This is way better than anyone on HRT.

>you will never fuck Ella Hollywood

06 trap threads were not tranny threads...

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Anime fighting games. Alternatively, not a genre but the speedrunning scene as well.

Good, that creature is disgusting.

wait, I thought having an anime girl in your picture meant that you liked that girl so much that youre willing to use her as your profile pic, not that you were pretending to be a girl

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>""people"" no one likes attacking ""people" no one likes*

I'm 118 lbs and 5'3"

they're beautiful, much better than the monsters on hrt

Final Fantasy XIV

>a tired twink on a flight with no makeup and no preparation looks better than any tranny ever could with any amount of makeup and photoshop
Yup, that's pretty much spot on.

They were and they were fucking disgusting and nsfw. Threads weren't pruned or deleted by the time even if they weren't offtopic.


Fucking prude. Just take your promotion.

these are traps

traps are feminine cute boys

Sure, budd. You can swear here you also aren't a crazy bitch like literally every woman, but there's nothing you can do about it, either. :^)

>not knowing the rules

where does one find traps and hot trannies?

asking for a friend

I know the rules, but fuck the rules.

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Is there anyone who takes this faggot seriously?

Fuck these worthless mods leaving this dumpsterfire of a thread up, must all be trannoids

Good job proving his point. That guy looks sexier than any tranny on the planet. Basically any guy who focuses on looking androgynous and being the sexiest man he can be is going to be hotter than a disgusting mutant tranny freak. Twinks with long hair appeal to everybody. Gay guys, """"straight""" guys, and women. Trannies appeal to nobody because they're lumpy disgraces with shit personalities and uggo faces.

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