I'm on my fifth playthrough of this shit and I'm still loving it. Has this game resonated with anyone else the same way?

I'm on my fifth playthrough of this shit and I'm still loving it. Has this game resonated with anyone else the same way?

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It didn't with me because I suck at timing so every fight is hard
tfw casual

I quit playing it during my second playthrough to focus on backlog games, but every so often I'll go back and play it for a few minutes at a time just for shits and giggles.

The gameplay is so fucking solid and it controls so nicely. It feels just as refreshing as Dark Souls did back when it first came out.

I've been chipping away at some backlog games myself but I couldn't help myself from going back to it for another run.

I did a NG+ charmless/bell and got bored after owl
Then I did NG charmless/bell/no upgrades and stopped after fighting genichiro like once because no mikiri counter
Great game though

You can get Mikiri Counter right at the start with two skill points though

he said no upgrades though

Good for you user. I did 3 plays and I can't bring myself to do the last ending because there's no variety. Doesn't help that on play 3 I basically one-shotted every single boss. The game is fun but once you master it there's really not much to do.

My bad
The NG+ playthrough were definitely less enjoyable. This playthrough is just NG though and I'm really enjoying thrashing tougher enemies without many attack points just because I've learned their patterns.

I'm struggling to get motivation to play NG+. The lack of build diversity and multiplayer is really killer for me.

I did 2 NGs and only 1 NG+ tho. NG+ was def more boring than the second NG, but even the second NG(which was run 3) was a slog. The patterns are very easy to counter once you learn them, so really no upgrading just makes me do them for longer but there's not much challenge either way. Still it was worth the price IMO, got around 50 hours out of it, can't complain too hard. Just wish I could sink 200+ hours into it like souls.

No it was and one and done for me and i platinued because of my autism , worst from soft "soulesque" i played im not going to bother with the dlc , i was more fun with the japanese aestetics and gameplay of Nioh than this thing

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>people really unironically do shit like this
Fuck gooks and fuck autists

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You have to go back

>enjoying a thing is now autistic and asian(?)

How awful that someone actually likes a videogame on the videogame board of Yea Forums.

Fair enough. I've actually ended up doing more playthroughs of this game than any of the Soulsborne games just because I've found it to be more consistently enjoyable overall. If the game is enjoyable to me and doesn't have too many slow points I'll probably replay it numerous times, even if it's less "replayable" in the conventional sense.

>people really unironically replay games they enjoy several times
Yes. Fuck off zoomer.

This. I miss being invaded by gankers and role-players. I specially miss defense covenants like forest hunters, bell faggots or Aldrich's

I will eventually do another playthrought to fight Emma and Old Isshin but it's so not worth it

About to start my fourth playthrough. I do love it, but I've been binging pretty hard (for me) and will probably take a long break after the plat.

It's my favorite Fromsoftware game, I'll be revisiting it eventually as I do with every great game but I'm done with it for now as I still have a big backlog.

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Reasonable assumption that "no upgrades" is referring only to prosthetics since those are LITERALLY called "upgrades" and skills are not "upgrading" anything, you just learn them.

No skills + no upgrades sounds like a pain in the ass. No Mikiri would be fuckin brutal.

It's unlikely that I'll replay it any time soon after this fifth playthrough, but just something about this game has stuck with me in a way that not many games do

Nah, it's basically Dark Souls with all of the good parts removed.

Zoom zoom zoooooooooom

Different strokes I guess. I will say that I had more fun with Sekiro than any other Souls game on first play tho.

on NG+ now, definitely my favorite FROM game so far

From has a great track record for hitting that spot for me. Bloodborne is the game of the generation for me no contest. I will reliably put multiple playthroughs into these games but 3-4 is generally where I stop to take a break. Only games I really put hundreds of hours into see resource management stuff. Picking up Anno 1800 this weekend I think

The first game in like 10 years I played multiple times after each other. Beat it 3 times.

>muh OP builds that are always the same anyway
>muh summons to beat the bosses for me
>muh broken PVP

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cringed and bluepilled

You can use meme arrows all you want but you cannot deny those elements added much replay ability to the series. It's practically the only redeeming quality of Dark Souls 2.

Maybe if you're autistic or have nothing else to play. Then again it's a known fact that Soulsfags don't play many other games.

Name 72 good games and maybe I'll play them instead

You stupid man you, everything you posted does not matter or effect what I said at all. The elements you're poorly shitting on add more replayability to the games than Sekiro has, this isn't an opinion it is objective fact. That said I think Sekiro is an overall tighter experience, especially for new players because they don't need to learn how to build a character properly.

Is there a way to get to the bridge that leads to abandoned dungeon idol after ashina is on fire?
Going to the idol just leads to a locked door

If the game is good then it has more replay value. Sekiro's more consistently good than DaS1 and 2

>If the game is good then it has more replay value.
That's not how that works. Define "good".

I'm on my fourth with all the debuffs and I fucking hate it.

God damn you Owl you old fucking cunt, I hate you so fucking much.

Do you enjoy the game consistently? Then it has more replay value.

I still can't beat Sword Saint.

Beat NG+
Now just experimenting with trainer and glitching the game and will stop playing soon

It's Dark Souls with one weapon, one build, and a tiny boring world. It's not our fault From only knows how to make one game over and over again.

it was frustrating until the combat clicked
I can't go back now, souls is too slow

I went back to DS3 to fuck around and I tried to deflect an attack while 2handing the Lothric Knight GS. It's gonna be hard to readjust.