No one with an IQ over 50 enjoys first person shooters

No one with an IQ over 50 enjoys first person shooters

This is a fact

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party dude

They're fun until you play one. Then it's monotony all the way down.
t. 137

Actually, FPS players are probably the more intelligent of the various genre followers. FPS games emphasize reaction time, which is correlated strongly with general intelligence.

Plus... FPS games are just nuts.

>Researchers have reported medium-sized correlations between reaction time and measures of intelligence: There is thus a tendency for individuals with higher IQ to be faster on reaction time tests "Correlation between reaction time and intelligence in psychometrically similar groups in America and India." "The genetic correlation between intelligence and speed of information processing." "Whole Brain Size and General Mental Ability: A Review"
>Reaction times are so easy to do that 9- to 12-year-old children can perform them in less than 1 s. On these simple tests, children with higher GMA scores perform faster than do children with lower scores, perhaps because reaction time measures the neurophysiological efficiency of the brain's capacity to process information accurately—the same ability measured by intelligence tests (Deary, 2000; Jensen, 2006). Children are not trained to perform well on reaction time tasks (as they are on certain paper-and-pencil tests), so the advantage of those with higher GMA scores on these tasks cannot arise from practice, familiarity, education, or training. Simple reaction time (SRT) measures correlate with IQ ~ 0.20, while more complex choice reaction time (CRT) measures correlate ~0.40. In aggregate, RTs can correlate 0.70 with IQ (Jensen, 2006).

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>favorite game is DOOM
>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

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OP will never fucking recover holy shit

I stopped playing FPS games after watching the New Zealand shooting

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It’s the FPS general thread now. What have you bros been playing?

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entry level as fuck


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this is the absolute state of Yea Forums
>can't stand Yea Forums tier shocking videos
>image literally ripped from tumblr

I don't know if I have an IQ but I'm 25 and hate FPS games so fuck you

I just enjoy shooting stuff, I enjoy menial tasks because I don't actually need to be present to do it.

Yea Forums in general seems pretty insecure about their IQ nowadays


Overwatch. There's not anything else with players, really...

Some games I wish had large playerbases so I could play them:

- Planetside 1
- Tribes: Ascend (beta version...)
- Tremulous
- Natural Selection 2
- Hidden: Source

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I play them but don't enjoy them.

It's been years and I still can't get over the "nods respectfully" guy in the back.

RPG players are probably stupider honestly.


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he just couldn't help himself. it was so brave of her that his neck muscles moved on their own

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>le reddit brain number

>t. 49 IQ

Why are there like three different animated gifs trying to make that guy nod and they all suck?

>When Carmack was 14, he broke into a school to help a group of children steal Apple II computers. To gain entry to the building Carmack concocted a sticky substance of thermite mixed with Vaseline that melted through the windows. However, an overweight accomplice struggled to get through the hole, and opened the window, setting off a silent alarm and alerting police. Carmack was arrested, and sent for psychiatric evaluation (the report mentions 'no empathy for other human beings' and describes Carmack as 'a brain on legs'). Carmack was then sentenced to a year in a juvenile home.[4][5]

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I don't think the point is to win an Emmy

Carmack looks like an anime character in that picture.

is over 50 good or bad

What's your excuse, Yea Forums?

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I used to love listening to Carmack ramble about stuff for 2 hours at Quakecon with no notes. Does he still do that at any Oculus events?

Are there any good fps games made in the past few years?

What kind of games do intellectuals such as yourself play OP?

Anyone else just get sick of pointing mouse cursors at people's heads and clicking?

I used to really enjoy FPS but I just can't get excited about the core mechanic of it anymore, I know most games are actually defined by the meta elements around the core mechanic but I've just played too many, I've done it too much.

I don't wanna point and click on dudes anymore.

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I bet you're against eugenics though

i have a 60 iq and i enjoy first person fps games so suck it

Rainbow six siege is probably the only online FPS in the last 10 years that is genuinely something I haven't seen before.

im literally the only exception

No, I pretty much never get tired of headshotting people. It's literally almost a sexual feeling for me.

OP btfo so hard on the first post lmao

who dis cracka is

First person shooters are 1000x more intellectual than JRPGs. The dumbest, most shallow, most mechanically sterile CoD game might as well be a triumphant work of art compared to even the best traditional JRPG

that you, doug?

Prove it

i have an IQ of 51

Ns2 is really good right now. 500+ players and it's on sale. Come play user, TTO (best EU server) has high skill games every day, NSL still does comp, TA (only good NA server) is very popular right now, and the new patch is actually good.

I'd play it but I don't have any friends to play with and it got boring to me.

You're a low test ADHD sperg.


A person with a an IQ of 50 or lower is literally incapable of even playing any video game. Therefore OP is wrong.
How does it feel to get BTFO so hard, OP? Bet you must be felling really embarrassed right now. Go ahead and delete you thread, you little bitch.

couldn't have been BTFO any harder

Did they ever fix those god awful load times?

play games with a vertical aspect so you can get sick fucking airshots instead of boring headshots

dont know why i replied to a bara furry faggot but, here we are

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I'm not sure how much they've been improved, but they're not awful. I have it on my hard drive instead of my SSD, and it takes around 30 seconds to load into a game.

For what? I have a 146 IQ. Feels good, man.

imagine not even being 147 IQ!

my IQ is 148 OP, and i love fps. everyone else is retarded

No one with an IQ over 50 calls them "first person shooters". As that would imply that you'd be shooting the first person, that is, yourself.
It would be a short game!
No, the acronym "FPS" is actually short for "frames per second", which is connected with the genre due to its obsession with graphics.

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I'm someone with an IQ of 149 IQ that loves shooters

you mean genetical engineering? No I'm not against it. Eugenics are a meme, it doesn't work, especially regarding intelligence.

It feels good having an IQ of 150 and being an FPS god

>Eugenics are a meme, it doesn't work, especially regarding intelligence.

Well, I can see you are telling the truth when you say you have a low IQ.

holy fucking shit fpbp

It doesn't though. Sure growing up with high IQ parents increase your chance at having a high IQ but two retards can have a genius son and two genius can have a retarded son. Given that eugenics are specifically refering to seeking better traits through mate selection, then yeah it's bullshit unless you supplement it with genetical engineering.

> Sure growing up with high IQ parents increase your chance at having a high IQ

Growing up has almost nothing to do with it. IQ is roughly 80% genetic:

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

>two retards can have a genius son and two genius can have a retarded son.

This is irrelevant. We are talking about averages here. You COULD win the lottery, but the overwhelming odds are that you won't.

>Given that eugenics are specifically refering to seeking better traits through mate selection, then yeah it's bullshit


Do you understand how genetics works?