Give me one reason, why there should be any laws out there forbidding people from using a series universum, trade mark...

give me one reason, why there should be any laws out there forbidding people from using a series universum, trade mark, and everything else to create a 100% FREE GAME THAT DO NOT GENERATE ANY PROFIT (and if any is generated, then it is transferred to the brands owner)
its like "no, because no" kind of law. just so the big boys can maintain their control not only around products, but also over potential of products.
its stupid. its like putting a trade mark over certain sentences.

Attached: O+o+f_e63c7f_7064467.jpg (1200x1125, 218K)

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no good reason, this world is an absolute shitshow where the elite can do whatever they please.

Disney's biggest movie Lion King was a clone of an already existing Japanese story and they didn't even give credit. But when someone comes even close to remotely copying something from Disney they will sue the shit out of you.

>I should be able to use your work for FREE if i want to
fuck off commie

but i would not accept any "materialistic" profit
the company would lose nothing

i meant i wouldnt benefit on companys expense

>be disney
>virtually all original success is from stories based on other people's work
>get pissy if anybody tries it on them.
Absolutely disgusting how big corporations not only try this kind of thing, but judges back them.
The original Mickey Mouse has its copyright expire shortly and Disney is petitioning to have the law changed again. Bastards.


Because if you invent an IP you should have total control over that IP you fucking retard.

Why should a random fuck be able to use your IP to make a free product that competes with your own?
Why should a random fuck be able to use your IP to create an experience that alters the face of your brand and could damage your revenue?

If you have a fucking copyright you deserve total control over that intellectual property. Even radical libertardians are on the same page here.

>babby's first political philosophy: the thread

>Disney puts on a show of loving colorful family friendly cartoon characters that teach positive morals
>in reality they're one of the most evil megacorps to exist

Here's a good moral for kids to learn: never judge a book by its cover.

If a multi million dollar company is threatened competitively by the hobby product of some dude in his basement then holy shit they are a terrible company.

>they mean about cartoons!
>they worse than corporations than dump toxic waste in rivers
You're a bigger manchild

>old fairytales, myths, fantasy stories are taken by company
>they suddenly own those stories
>they can sue anyone who tries to copy those stories.


>already existing Japanese story
the japs didn't write hamlet you fucking weeb

Anyone can own a copyright. It's got nothing to do with "the big bad corporations". People should have the legal means to protect their creations.

That edit is fucking cringe

lel, literally look at the Kimba films, not only is the basic story stolen, they even copied some of the scenes. You don't know what you're talking about brainlet.

What is Kimba?

>muh 1960s lion cartoon predates shakespeare
so it was ok for that slant to steal a story but not disney?

You're right, a company can't be evil unless it fits your cartoonish vision of what corporate is.

because there would be no need to purchase the product of course. Content creators would not want to create new things because the potential profit would be much lower.

corporate evil*

It’s about consumer confusion and being able to protect your brand from things that could damage it, for example if rando #1 made a Metroid (or whatever) game which was super shitty, Nintendo doesn’t want possible consumers seeing that, thinking it’s real and reflective of real Metroid quality, thus associating it with them and harming their sales. t. Intellectual Property 101

Attached: 70A434F9-E33B-4850-B42E-D1149D4B2C44.jpg (600x512, 36K)

Intellectual property shouldn't even exist as a legal concept. Branding and iconography taking precedence over the substance of the work is why we live in the artistically void that is the modern era. The fact the laws surrounding it are only abused by massive international corporations to stifle legitimate competition is an aside to the larger cultural issues of commodifying thoughts and ideas.

It can still be promotion for your own self by riding on the coat tails of others.

holy shit do you really think shakespeare blew up that it reached that far? most of us only know about his bullshit because we get forced to learn it in english

You have to do something with a trademark to keep it, but it expires a certain amount of years after the creator dies anyway. They can't just remaster Steamboat Willie and it'll be fixed.

>t. literal retard

>everything japan does is original REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Yea Forums-it's ok when japan does it

Brainlets will conflate the unofficial product with the official product. This can harm the value of the product, which would then harm the value of the company, the company's stocks, and be detrimental to the economy.

You realize the hobbyist in his basement also has a copyright on his product too you fucking faggot ass retard. Without copyright the small hobbyist could create a golden IP and then Disney could plagiarize it completely and make billions of dollars off his product while he suffers in his basement making nothing.

Copyright protects the little guy. God you are fucking stupid. It's like you don't even take 5 fucking seconds to think of the counter to what you are saying

>its like "no, because no" kind of law
The laws that protect large companies from fan works also protect little guys from large companies.

It might have been a creative transformation of Shakespeare. But nonetheless that is not an infringement of copyright. Disney stole that concept from Kimba without giving a shit about copyright and without crediting. Stop defending Disney faggot.

I'm putting a trade mark on this paragraph and making it a copypasta. Have a good day and nice doing buisness with you.

Holy shit you sound mad, calm down faggot.

Big corporations can afford the best lawyers in the world, suing them is not as easy as you think. Look at Kimba for example, Disney didn't give two shits about copyright.

Please think before you write something.

give me scene comparisons using the 60s cartoon to prove it, all those articles you fags always use as reference use the 1997 movie that came after the lion king

>starving artist makes a good book
>it doesn't sell at all
>Scholastic Talent Searcher buys the book and notices it's good
>changes 1 word, puts the Scholastic publisher mark on it, puts the billion dollar powerhouse of Scholastic publisher behind marketing and distributing the book
>Scholastic makes billions off someone else's work while the original creator gets nothing

You're talking about "stifling artistic integrity" or some bullshit. You don't even think bro. Without copyright we would get exactly zero artistic creativity because there is no reason for a small guy to waste 1 year of his life making a book that a mega-billions corporation will just steal anyway.

Disney could steal his product and drag him through decades of court proceedings where he has no chance of winning even if an ace lawyer agrees to do the work on contingency against their massive legal team. Copyright does nothing to protect the little guy when the legal system can be gamed so easily by the giants for their benefit because of the absurd costs and time requirements. The only real option you have in that situation is to try and sell to another giant that's willing to take the matter to court with their own massive legal team which essentially guarantees you're going to get fucked because they know you have no other options. If copyright was really bad for the big players Disney would lobby congress right as their copyrights are about to expire for another hundred year extension.

t westcuck

How is that a take-down of the legal concept of Intellectual Property and not a take-down of the specific corrupt aspects of our broken legal system?

It's not even an accurate take on the legal system.

Do you even read what you are replying to? Why would a company take something that a single man made and then copy it to offer it for free?

Because if we let people make free content Jews will be very very angry and cast an ancient Hebrew hex on us. Pharaoh streamed Game of Thrones to all the people of Egypt on twitch and look what happened to them.

Attached: kimba.jpg (636x891, 256K)

You're absolutely right, OP. But Yea Forums is one of the biggest corporate defenders on the internet. Good luck speaking reason to these slobbering dick jobbers.

Attached: hot dorg.png (464x567, 655K)

have episodes and time stamps for each image? some of that shit could easily be from the 90s movie

you could inadvertantly end up damaging the company/IP's reputation.


Attached: 1552779820999.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

All forms of media are just derivatives of former successes nowadays. Any ounce of creativity is immediately swallowed up by corporations who then work it into whichever format will generate them the most money by appealing to mindless masses.

If you're are willing to put the time and effort into creating a game, why would you want it to be associated with known brands for any other reason than to generate interest/revenue?

I'm putting a trade mark on this paragraph and making it a copypasta. Have a good day and nice doing buisness with you

Even in the original comic you can see a lot of those scenes

>because there is no reason for a small guy to waste 1 year of his life making a book that a mega-billions corporation will just steal anyway
Maybe people could do things for reasons other than personal profit? Maybe money isn't the end all be all goal that should drive every single aspect of our lives? Open source software is a perfect example of there not needing a profit motivation for people to want to work on something. It's not as if human achievement was stagnant until the copyright was invented, if anything it was the complete opposite.

>purchase pre-order of yearly releases
>pre-purchase deluxe ultra-edition
>pre-purchase season pass
>go on forums and shill for developers
>order favorite s o y beverage from north west corporate coffee chain via post mates
>review daily youtube subscriptions of orange man bad playlist

I sure am glad we allowed democrats to tell God he wasn't wanted in our schools anymore and replaced patriotic education with anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-American curriculum where boys are brainwashed into virtue signaling how inoffensive and effeminate they are while gushing over children's toys, comic book movies that get shit out of Hollywood yearly, and cookie cutter conveyor belt video game trash.

How exactly are you going to fix the legal system surrounding such as abstractly legal concept as intellectual property? What is the solution to it requiring multiple highly paid professionals potentially thousands of man hours to work on a single instance?

How are you this clueless? This has been well-known since Lion King came out. You can google this and get endless videos and images yourself. Disney also ripped off Aladdin from the Thief and the Cobbler.

Why are you fighting so hard on a topic you're completely ignorant about for a corporation that doesn't care if you live or die? Why do you care more about defending the reputation of heartless conglomerates than the rights of consumers and individual artists?

If I was a billionaire I would contact the owners of the Kimba copyright and make a triple A high production Kimba movie and if Disney complained I could just tell them to go fuck themselves.

So you just agreed that I am correct.

Preaching to the choir here, OP.
I agree a lot of these comparisons are from the movie but just from the animation style of some of these clips you can see they are from the 60s.

Let's not forget the motto of the left: "It's only okay when WE do it!" Let's also not forget who makes up the (((Disney))) board of directors and who the vast majority of (((prosecutors and judges))) in America are.

The character designs in the 1997 movie are different from all of the screenshots in the pic he posted. It's pretty clear this is from the 60's anime.

Even the worst case scenarios without intellectual property are better than what we are enduring right now.
>Hundreds of free fanprojects are being taken down by multibillion dollar companies (even though said projects don’t even harm them in any way)
>Franchise become dead since the owners never use them and no one is legally allowed to use them
>The big multibillion dollar companies are accuring every single idea before smaller authors do
>>Also those smaller authors get sued out their asses for having remotely similar ideas
>If it was not for fair use and how there is a “limit” to copyright material, basic things like language and math could be owned and people using them would need to pay fines.

Other than copying the names of the products (for obvious reasons) you're right.

who is this guy?

Then why do they let EA shit all over SW?

Literally no one will "accidentally stumble" upon a nice (or bad) freeware SW game and mistake it for something official. And you're citing trademark protection, not IP law. There are numerous examples of publishers allowing small not-for-profit fan projects and game mods even for SW games (KOTOR for example).

In the end it doesn't matter much and encourages creativity more so than if legions of fans would devote years of their life to make SW-based games so it works out in the end, but it's still draconian.

A deranged maniac who should be locked up in an asylum.

No? The point was that your solution of "lol just fix the legal system bro" is a non-starter because the issue is intrinsic to intellectual property as a concept and not any aspect of a specific legal system due to the fact that the complexity it needs to handle abstract issues like intellectual property is the same complexity that makes it cost and time intensive. That cost and time intensive nature is then weaponized against less resource rich opposition which is the issue. If you have a silver bullet solution to the issues I laid out I'd like to here them, but I assume you're just poking holes without having anything to add to the conversation.

alright but what's his name? I want to see the source of this pic that's all over Yea Forums now

>want to make games
>use other people IP
For what purpose? Make your own. We don't need million mario titles.

His name is irrelevant, and I especially refuse to humanize that troglodyte by learning his name.

Search "star wars trailer reaction" on youtube, pretty sure he's one of the first results.

ow the edge

>Maybe people could do things for reasons other than personal profit? Maybe money isn't the end all be all goal that should drive every single aspect of our lives?

That's a utopian ideal. In the real world many things of value are hard enough to accomplish that they need to be done for money, even when it's a passion project. . People need to eat and have a place to sleep, and sometimes you want to go see a movie. These things cost money, and if they don't get it from one source they'll have to get it another. It's hard to keep up with the demands of writing a book or making a computer game when you're tired because you've been dealing with assholes all day at your call center job.

>Open source software is a perfect example of there not needing a profit motivation for people to want to work on something.

Yes, open source software is a great example. The most widely used, most stable, most actively developed open source projects have the financial backing major sponsors and donors to ensure they are well maintained.


>ts stupid. its like putting a trade mark over certain sentences.

Did you know it is illegal under copyright law to be in position of the following number?

46 DC EA D3 17 FE 45 D8 09 23 EB 97 E4 95 64 10 D4 CD B2 C2

Open source software makes money from services. The idea is that the means of production (the software) should be free, but you can still get paid for giving a service for the said software. It is to provided equal grounds to everyone.
It doesn't make sense for entertainment media. Giving permit to work with the IP should still lie on the creator, like ZUN or other creators who don't mind.

You're a moron if you think art and culture as well as the degradation of those two things due to ludicrously restrictive copyright laws aren't evil.

Just because Disney isn't doing something that's physically harming something else doesn't mean they aren't still evil, they're just less evil, not everything is black and white you retard.

I'm confused where the 'good' in this is. I guess you can argue society was stagnant before having actionable legal protections for any kind of intellectual work. Because the alternative was protecting it by denying anyone outside a sect the ability to see, learn, or hear it.

But even if humans could've harnessed electricity if people combined knowledge everyone had in the BC. Instead of being concerned about turning a profit because someone wants their innovation of a wheelbarrow design being slightly better than other's, unaware of possible technological advancements of it. But that is only semi-transparent under modern patent law, not copyright.

pretty difficult to watch

Are you seriously so retarded that you're claiming it's about Shakespeare and not about the fact that they LITERALLY copied scenes from an animated series? They shot-for-fucking-shot copied some scenes, it's not about the story, it's about EVERYTHING about Kimba, down to the FUCKING NAME THEY JUST REPLACED THE K WITH AN S

Why put time into making a copy of someone else's game when you can make your own original game and make money from it?

>they both have lions so disney ripped off kimba
fuck off

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High tier b8

japan invented africa

That complexity and cost cuts both ways. Big companies don't generally want to go to war with little guys unless they have a clear case. Large judgments are notoriously hard to collect against broke people.

>That cost and time intensive nature is then weaponized against less resource rich opposition which is the issue.

I just don't see large corporations regularly handing out lawsuits against anyone and everyone.

That's a pathetic excuse from bootlickers. Even with those supposed "protections" in place, if a giant corporation wants to steal something from a little guy, they'll fucking do it, no matter what supposed "protections" are in place for them.

If they don't steal it outright then they'll try stealing it, and when they get caught, they'll buy it, which means that they can then do whatever they want with it, even if they put you in a position where you either go to court over it, which you can't fucking afford, they steal your shit, or they pay you for said shit.

All these "protections" do is protect those who are already big, and does nothing for the small creators, anyone with half a brain should realize this.

>That's a utopian ideal.
And given the alternative of our dystopian reality I'm willing to chose the former.

>The most widely used, most stable, most actively developed open source projects have the financial backing major sponsors and donors to ensure they are well maintained.
That's an aside to my original point but it actually reinforces it. Despite not having control of the product it can still be profitable. Lack of IP doesn't preclude making money from something, it just doesn't allow you to monopolize it.

>Open source software makes money from services.
The vast majority of open source software doesn't make any money at all because it's tiny passion projects or something someone made for their personal or small group needs and decided to make available to everyone because why not.

>Giving permit to work with the IP should still lie on the creator
Maybe in a perfect world where it isn't so open to abuse from massive corporations and people are generally fair in how things are handled but as is I don't see that as a workable solution.

Fascinating bait. It's not about the lions either, but keep trying you fucking intellectual midget.

Old money and connections?

We can talk all day about the Jews mate, but the reality is that literally anyone in these positions would be doing the scummy shit that they're doing, it has literally nothing to do with their religion/ethnicity, it has to do with human nature, greed.

I like it. If you didn't feel a little pang of concern while watching that fully grown "man" do what countless other fully grown American adults are doing in reaction to a fucking Star Wars trailer, you don't understand how bad it is.

>me watch youtube, me big brain

I'm still thoroughly confused how hogging an IP is a good thing in any respect. If you create something, invent a new IP, but want to keep the rights to use it entirely to yourself, that work, that universe, whatever the case may be, lives and dies with you.
There's a reason that there's still occasionally stories with Frankenstein in them, same goes for Dracula and really any of those old monsters, they're endured so long specifically because nobody owns the idea of them anymore, they've become cultural icons of not only an era, but more generally they're what we think of when we think of monsters.

Like imagine all of the amazing works that could have been possible if the copyright for Mickey Mouse ran out, there could have been reimaginings of the character, crazy fuckers doing shit that Disney never would have dreamed of, but because they have a stranglehold on him he continues to be nothing but a glorified logo to stick on a fucking shirt.

>Large judgments are notoriously hard to collect against broke people.
They don't need to collect a judgement if their objective is to secure the IP.

>I just don't see large corporations regularly handing out lawsuits against anyone and everyone.
Alleged infringement is often handled with a C&D where they use the simple threat of dragging someone through the legal system to force them to comply. Even if you defend yourself and win chances are it's still going to absolutely destroy you financially which means it's almost never worth it, even if you've done nothing wrong. In any other context this would be extortion, but because it involves the legal system it's perfectly acceptable for a corporation to browbeat someone into compliance.

You do realize that writters could just;
>Make porn on patreon for money
>Apply to those companies in promise that their ideas will be good
>Just make novels/movies/games/etc. that are already major
>Keep their work a secret for niche communities that corparations would not care enough to steal

Maybe I don't wanna sell my fucking soul jackass

There's only really one benefit in that you won't see iconic characters appear in total trash.

It would be negative to see Mickey Mouse appear in a really lousy cheap cartoon. Or there to be a shovelware Mario game made by some really shitty company.

I'm not saying this justifies copywrite law, and I do believe good content always wins out. I think the earliest example of an author's vision being messed when a guy made a really lousy sequel to Don Quixote, it was so lousy it pissed off the author Cervantes and convinced him to write the 2nd Volume.

>I wanna make money
>Muh soul
Pick one

I actually think that thing about characters appearing in shitty things is a somewhat good point, but I also think that with the way cheap shitty indie projects are easily brushed aside and ignored should speak to how easily it would be to just brush aside shit even if it had a certain character in it.

I'm just saying that both SHOULD be possible. I shouldn't make as much money obviously as I would if I did soulless shit, but I should still be able to live on it.

>Then why do they let EA shit all over SW?
Because Star Wars will sell no matter what on name alone, for every one person that boycotts over microtransactions, there are thousands of retards that will gadly spend thousands of dollars on it

>It would be negative to see Mickey Mouse appear in a really lousy cheap cartoon. Or there to be a shovelware Mario game made by some really shitty company.
Were that the case bad fanfiction would have destroyed every viable franchise decades ago.

It's true, but the fact of the Jewish elite is all the more insidious than just that. They are a racially and religiously homogeneous elite that help each other and exclude others based on connections and race. And of course, many of the scummy, short term thinking practices of unrelenting greed that define modern society are the brainchildren of their mode of thinking and cultural practices.

I mean that's just the elite in general though. I feel like their Jewishness is kind of irrelevant myself, but I do still find it bizarre that there are so many Jews in powerful positions.

If you infringe on a franchise (Say chrono trigger) and create a good enough game that no one really NEEDS a new chrono trigger, then that can cut off any profits or sales from another CT.

Much like how Capcom finally adopted GGPO for Third Strike but once 3SOE came out there was no point in buying it other than the subpar remixes.

A smart idea would be to just pay the devs to polish it up and drop a few microtransbut what the fuck do I know

>that can cut off any profits or sales from another CT.
SE has officially said they will never make another CT because sales for the gameboy rerelease wasn't high enough, though. It's almost like the consumer is fucked coming and going.

Yes I realize that. The question was about NOT doing it for money.

This is so far from removed from the reality of the situation that I don't know how to have a productive conversation with you about it. I don't think you understand on any level the process of "securing" an "IP", and you either don't know or don't care what constitutes a legitimate C&D because most of the C&Ds that get reported (against fan remakes or Rexx) are completely within reason.

someone actually made this image unironically thinking they were making a meaningful statement

Attached: are_you_fucking_kidding_me.jpg (1500x1111, 186K)

Imagine you create an indie game. The game becomes hugely popular. But we're living in your fantasy world in which anyone can violate copyright as long as there's no profit. So someone basically makes the same exact game, but releases it for free. Now everyone plays the free rip-off instead of yours. You really think you didn't lose anything here?

If you're just talking about reusing characters or settings and not ripping off entire games, then imagine the character from your popular game is used in an unauthorized sequel which sucks balls. In your fantasy world in which copyrights and trademarks cannot be infringed, it's easy for the unauthorized sequel to be visually indistinguishable from your own work, so the average idiot consumer might not even be aware that the product is not official. Due to the unauthorized sequel being ass, now your brand's image is damaged.

It seems you're so butthurt about not being able to legally publish your Spyro the Dragon furry porn comic that you're overlooking the actual reasons that intellectual property rights exist.

I understand but that's not the point, that was merely an example.

If I was to use any game as a base, like for example Final Fantasy that same excuse would work. Why would I pay $60 for FFXVI if some fan in his basement created the same experience (possibly better) for free? An extreme example but the logic applies

Again, they help each other based on religious, ethnic, personal, and familial links, all overlapping, with a real and blatant goal to disenfranchise and exclude others, long term. Again, typical of an elite, but not fun when they are the elite of your society. The 'rich white dude' elite of the west took on an internationalist opinion after WW2 that as long as you want to make money and deals, we westerners can get along with you and accept you. Unfortunately this mindset wont survive against Chinese or Jews who will make money and accumulate power relentlessly with your partnership, all the while working to undermine and eventually subsume you.

>Creating niche series only read by a niche group of people will have my soul taken away
Yeah sure buddy.
And what’s wrong about having small companies hire you for your creative skills? There would be less megacorps and more small business in the copyright free world, and more importantly, they would be relying on you, not the other way around.

someone made this post, unironically, thinking that its ok to cry about dumb dessert shots from a soulless corparate cash cow franchise.

Jesus, I was expecting it ot be blatant, but not THAT blatent


Because Jews user. Blame Disney for extending copyright law past anything reasonable.
It should be 20 years OR until all contributors are dead.

Uh yes they did. Ever heard of William Shakeskatanan?

Because your product might damage the image of the trademark you're using and actually cause loss of money for the owner of the trademark.


Here's your hangup.
It doesn't have to generate product to be breaking copywrite law. It has to be generating *value or utility*, which is different.

Profit is one form of utility/value, but it's far from the only one.

I'll give you an example:
If I make a Kirby fan-game, and if someone else plays that game, then that person generated *utility* from my work on that Kirby game. I stole someone else's IP, and generated utility from it. The assumption here being that the person who played my illegal Kirby game could have generated that exact same utility from an official Kirby game. They had a demand for a Kirby game, so they went to my game instead of the official source, thereby depriving the official source of value for that IP.
Do we know he would have for sure? No, but evidence and prescience favors the original IP in this case. That's how the law sees it.

this, it devalues the brand. but in the case of spyro, ironically, the brand was devalued by legitimate rights-holders after 3, and would have increased in value from the fan game spring savannah and/or the other one i think i remember existing

For one, you're just using that game's characters and stuff for free publicity when you can easily make the same game but just altering the copywritten stuff. Secondly, if someone makes something most people see as superior to the paid "version" of that product, then it's obvious they're going to lose sales even though it's THEIR ideas that are being given away.

who cares, IP law is a meme.

>If you're just talking about reusing characters or settings and not ripping off entire games, then imagine the character from your popular game is used in an unauthorized sequel which sucks balls. In your fantasy world in which copyrights and trademarks cannot be infringed, it's easy for the unauthorized sequel to be visually indistinguishable from your own work, so the average idiot consumer might not even be aware that the product is not official. Due to the unauthorized sequel being ass, now your brand's image is damaged.
So Don Quixote has a negative image in the public's eye? Just using real world examples of the scenario you proposed.

I'm a patron man myself

in OP's scenario, the big company would be unable to generate revenue from stealing an IP, so they wouldnt. you could say maybe they would change enough to get around the laws, but they can already do that

>Here's your hangup.
>It doesn't have to generate product to be breaking copywrite law. It has to be generating *value or utility*, which is different.
I think you’re missing OP’s point.
It’s not about what is currently legal.
It’s about what should be legal.
Obviously piracy (for the sake of just getting free shit) would be an issue to companies, but you would need to really stretch to say “X free fangame is harming this multibillion dollar company” without a hint of irony or looking like that company’s laywer.

Oh you.
But still that exact thing happened to Cervantes where someone made an unofficial sequel. And this being pre-internet/mass communication days he had no good means to inform people the popular sequel people where reading wasn't his, especially since I think he was in jail at the time.
Still though in the end his novel did not suffer and remains one of the greatest books of all time.
Also Cervantes went on to write more where he had the real Don Quixote meet the main character from the fake sequel and they fight.

this is just retarded enough to be an actual opinion someone holds

What is this picture from? Like what kind of face is this guy making

Some guy reacting to a new star wars trailer.

They can create something original instead.

He's just some guy. He makes reaction videos to fictional works and people are now giving him needless attention.

Not that user but I imagine if it was legal to produce non-profit free games using copyrighted IPs it would result in a fucking mess of shitty companies trying to develop cheap free alternatives to their competitors' games to try and drive them out of business or force them into letting them have their company bought out to avoid bankruptcy. But the primary reason it'll never happen is because those same big jew companies like EA couldn't possibly risk people developing fan versions of their games where you don't have to shell money out the ass or eat ass.

>if a giant corporation wants to steal something from a little guy, they'll fucking do it, no matter what supposed "protections" are in place for them.

No they won't. I can think of tons of examples of someone creating something, and not having that thing stolen from them by a corporation. Corporations that blatantly rip off the work of smaller creators suffer PR backlashes more often than not. If anything it's the other way around, big companies need protection from bottom feeding slime eels that produce low quality knockoffs of already successful work.

>That's an aside to my original point but it actually reinforces it. Despite not having control of the product it can still be profitable. Lack of IP doesn't preclude making money from something, it just doesn't allow you to monopolize it.

The question was about doing things for reasons other than money. The example was open source software. Open Source Software is a great example of things only ever getting done because they were paid. Most open source is not paid. Most of it is shit. Also, where did you get the idea that open source software has a lack of IP? Almost all open source software is released under some kind of OSS license to protect the intellectual property of the source code.