How did they do it?

>best story of any open world
>best graphics of any open world
>best mount controls of any open world (seriously, show me a game with better horse or animal controls)
>best secrets/easter eggs of any open world
>best map of any open world
>most impressive vistas
>best details of any open world
>best hunting of any open world

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they didn't. it sucks in all those categories.

Even better question is how they failed with the online so much? And why no single player dlc? So much wasted potential

>every mission is a linear shooting gallery that fails you for veering slightly off the rail
>DUDE MAKE YOUR OWN STORY walking simulator bullshit all over the place
>tedious time wasting horse riding

They're given a real budget, have talent, and spent about 10 years on it.

i dropped it halfway

>Best story of any open world

lol no

>forgoten in less than a month
ROFL, even sekiro, a game that can be finished in less than an hour had more discussion.

Name 2 open world games with better story

rdr1 and gta 4

Leave the internet, no one likes you

Hey look everyone an actual genuine NPC let's see if we can make him glitch out

Nigger we have 3 or 4 RDR2 thread pretty much every day with one of those threads starting with "already forgotten"

Says the one parroting whatever epic troll meme he reads on the internet

>read dead niggers keep making threads every day to pretend their shit game is alive
>look! it's not dead I swear
every thread dies because we aready forgot about it.

>Those RDR2 threads don't count
Fucking kill yourself

Literally any other Rockstar game. RDR2 wasn't even historically accurate, it was just another piece of pandering garbage.

>best graphics
The Hunter: Call of the Wild
>best map
The Hunter: Call of the Wild
>most impressive vistas
The Hunter: Call of the Wild
>best details
The Hunter: Call of the Wild
>best hunting
The Hunter: Call of the Wild

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8 years of hard work and a big budget. Yea Forums will act like faggots, but RDR2 was a phenomenal game

Me and everyone else I knew dropped it after chapter 3. It was one of the most dull games I've ever played in my life. I got more excitement out of Heavy Rain.

literally don't know a single person that didn't love the game


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>worst game over system ever
>bountty system is kind of wahck
>hiding your identity is pointless and the game lies to you about it

other than that yeah is pretty good

I loved this game and am always tonguing its asshole, but even of you don't like it you have to admit its one of the best if not the best looking game out there.

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me. i dropped it shortly after the feminist mission. everything was just so tiresome. all the little bullshits they put in the game to make it feel """"""""""""""""""immersive""""""""""""""""""" become just a pain in the ass after 10 hours and unbearable after 20. rdr was a much much better game than its sequel

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Do your friends also enjoy watching paint dry?

>>best story of any open world

How would you say it compares to GTA5's story? Is GTA5's story on par with it or at least close?

Hiding your identity ia not pointless. Cops see through it, but if you can pull of a crime and get away before the cops spot you, you don't get bounty.

rdr1 did literally everything better except maybe graphics. And I say "maybe" because people look worse in 2

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>Make a cowboy game based around the idea of freedom, choice and living off the land

Game is linear as shit in almost everything it does...

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You're joking right?
This is joke right........ right!?

RDR2 has better missions, better music, better characters, a better story, better horse controls, more side content and better hunting. RDR2 does absolutely everything better in every way.

Damn man, you haven't played RDR have you ?

>Better mission

Yes, I love crawling to the mission, crawling back to beginning, five minutes of fire-fight inbetween. Very fun and exciting for every mission. I love my games to be slow and dull.

except for robbing trains

and then
>the story is lackluster
>the characters arent interesting
>you can hardly fuck anyone
>you cant ride the shit out of Sadie's dirty bandit pussy

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Notice how you said nothing about the actual gameplay lol

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It was boring as fuck though.

It’s basically the vidya equivalent of capeshit. Flashy, expensive yet ultimately shallow and ofrgettable.

Is GTAV better or worse than RDR2?

I'm still disappointed.

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>best story
Holy shit you Rocksar fags are delusional. It's an amalgam of every mainstream Western film made in the past 50 years, and its ending rehashes RDR 1 to the point of complete and utter predictability. They're trying to capture lightning in a bottle and you fucks fell for it hook line and sinker, despite your incessant objections to "movie games."

Controversial opinion time:
The slow paced gameplay was the best part about it, while the story and bullshit cheats system were the worst.

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Fucking this
>be excited
>hey maybe next mission will be fun like that wood castle shootout
>it's talking to some nigger mission
>blah blah blah 15 mins go by
>riding a horse for 10 mins
>5 min shootout that is mostly boring
>ride 15 mins of horse with cinematics and blah blah
>mission succesful but now you stuck in middle of nowhere, ride to save for 15mins
just make it fun rockstar fucks

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>be rockstar
>make amazing open world
>completely an utterly trip into an aids invested dumpster when it comes to making story gameplay
>everything is so on rails you can't even use all the open world mechanics they implemented in the fucking game

It doesn't get good until about ten hours in. Yes I know that's a copout and yes I know a game shouldn't take that long to get good but it is fucking amazing once you get past the boring threshold.

i'm a huge nazi and i was able to get past this. you fags realize the basic truths about the world and then become the "redpill" version of edgy atheists

you need to RIDE THE KALI YUGA user

20 years of experience, 8 studios, 8 years, a few hundred million dollars. It's like brute force video game creation.


>go hunting
>having a good time
>ops you can carry only a couple of skins before traveling halfway the map or you lose the mats
you just KNOW the faggots just made it so it would look cool how the pelts were on the horse and not stored in an invisible inventory

I was honestly surprised they didn't give Arthur a homosexual sex scene, or a cuck fetish. I might, he was right on the cusp of being a cuck, and didn't seem like he cared about vagina at all.

i finished it and actually like the house montage but they drag that shit out and literally make you shovel shit


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they also fucked up all the mechanics as well, taking away your weapons
>get near mission marker
>get off horse
>make sure my long guns are still on me
>start mission
>sit through cutscene
>mission starts on carriage
>can't open weapon wheel
>doesn't look like i have my long guns
>5 minutes of "gameplay" go by where i'm just driving the carriage listening to dialogue
>get off carriage
>weapon wheel still locked
>5 more minutes go by
>get back on carriage
>shooty time starts
>finally get access to weapon wheel
>long guns are gone
>defend carriage with shotgun and pistol, not my actual loadout i had before
yep, that's QUALITY right there. quality FUCKING GARBAGE

what does that saying actually mean? ive heard it many times but what the fuck it means?

armageddon is here, dont give a fuck?

All of these things and the game still controlled like fucking GARBAGE! It’s crazy how they could make a game so great yet so shit and unfun to play.

Dropped it after an hour and a half due to the absolutely dogshit controls.
Should I bother picking it back up? Even the shooting feels bad.

yeah i actually replayed it after beating RDR2 and i was amazed at how much worse it was. Such a bland, uninteresting world

>Even the shooting feels bad.
the game snaps onto targets, you slightly adjust it to get a headshot (or even a bodyshot if they're moving a lot), and you fire. the game has excellent sound design so this is extremely satisfying

the game is easy, but fun

>best story of any open world
Bad things happen to bad people lead by an idiot, wow
>best graphics of any open world
Take a look at literally anything besides the character models on the main characters
>best mount controls of any open world (seriously, show me a game with better horse or animal controls)
The first ones were better
>best secrets/easter eggs of any open world
Thats as subjective as one can get
>best map of any open world
Of course, its attached the first ones
>most impressive vistas
Any game can look like a photo these days
>best details of any open world
Horse balls dont make up for the retarded horse inventory
>best hunting of any open world
Theres plenty of games that let you shoot at things and craft things out things you shoot

I feel like they botched the multiplayer so hard that people stopped talking about the game

>open world has its own standards set apart from video games
Shove it up the gaping wound you call a vaginal canal.

ummm sweetie i voted for the most left leaning party of my country at the last elections. it was just to say the point untill i played (even tho i felt like the missions were very hamfisted). game is just trash
i played more than 10 hours. game is still trash

Gta 5 is Baba's first parody compared too rdr2

lol cope

>the game snaps onto targets, you slightly adjust it to get a headshot
Yeah that sounds REALLY fun.
If TLOU can have good shooting, why not RDR?

It is fun. TLOU isn't a musket focused game and it has shitty gameplay

yup, being a manly rugged man that shoots people for living they really made him into a onions latte pussy

he shouldve had line like "this fucking whores aint worth my time" to make it make sense that he wasnt so into them

>better horse controls
this might be the most wrong any statement has ever been

In this case unlimited time and money helped. The world they made is ridiculous.
I don't think there's another studio in the world that can make a game like RDR2. And that's not because other open world creators aren't as talented, they simply can't afford it.

I will never understand why this was in the game and how it wasn't patched out day 1. That and the bounty system need fixing in the PC version.

Wrong... well, except the multiplayer, you can shit on that as much as you want. That is justified.

Best gore in a openworld

Eh... it's good... but nothing groundbreaking.

>Helps his ex who left him and doesn't want to be with him
>Hangs out with feminists
>Has women bath him and uses the opportunity to talk about his feelings.

What an alpha.

This never happened to me once in the game.

I'd love some rockstar shill to defend the "You can't sleep more than 3 times in a row" rule. Talk about arbitrary bullshit. Literally a "realism" detail for the sake of detail that adds nothing to the game and directly limits you.

Fuck this game is trash. Literal theme park. Look at all the pretty sights, but if you try to stray off the path look out.

lol have sex kiddo

This game was the ultimate zoomer filter. Got it in January, finished it last week. Beat the first several times. The missions in the first are pretty awful. I did like the aesthetic of 1 a lot, though. 1 with the updates of 2 would be pretty fun

You can punch the feminist though?


>Lieterally a "realism" detail for the sake of detail that adds nothing to the game and directly limits you.
Yup, you just described nearly everything in the game. Watch R* make you need to manually tie your shoes in GTA 6.

>the game snaps onto targets, you slightly adjust it to get a headshot (or even a bodyshot if they're moving a lot
And what part of the game playing itself feels good?

The amount of coping from people in this thread is funny. I mean, you have to be super contrarian or just not have played it to think this game is actually bad. It doesn't have to be your favorite or your cup of tea, but actually thinking it is bad is just you lying.

Man this game really triggers the zoomers

>t.diseased roastie
Nah, no more STDs for me, thanks.

>try to flank enemies in a shootout

>walk two feet in the "wrong" direction

>don't shoot the enemies in the order the game wants you to

>try to use your brain in any way during the scripted, linear, on-rails majority of the game

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Not an argument. If you're getting at that I like Fortnite, I don't. DMC is my favorite game series.

Arthur is a better character than John. Change my mind

Fucking danganronpa is better written than this sophomoric drivel lol and danganronpa is one of the worst written visual novels of all time

It's not an argument, but it's not wrong :)

yeah bro i dropped the game because i was having too much fun with it

no, you dropped it because you're ADD

>musket focused game
Are you fucking retarded

>oh shit boys we got a bolt action rifle better make the reticle magnetic

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explain how i loved the first (older) red dead and not this one then

>lel being older makes me better than everyone else

What the fuck does this even mean
Who gives a shit

explain how one of my favourite films is stalker and one of my favourite books is madame bovary then

You never played either and you’re actually an underage zoomer faggot

Prove it

Yeah sure, I bet you "dropped" the game. If dropping a game is after watching your favorite youtuber made a two hour long edgy clickbait video on how much the game sucks you "dropped" it.

You don't have one to change.
Just because you don't enjoy something that everyone else like doesn't mean you're being a contrarian. I don't like Katy Perry, but I probably listen to more music than the mindless fucks that jam to it. And please, for the love of god, look up the definition to the buzzwords you post before posting them, because it's embarrassing.

Madame Bovary fucking sucks you total faggot
>French literature
Go read the Apprenticeship of Wilhelm Meister, you goddamn pleb

>y-you only hate it because someone told you to.

See, this is cope.

>You didn't play it
Literally the lowest form of """""argument""""" ever. I can accept there are people who played and didn't like DMC.

>based and red dead pilled
Kino story, based protagonist, yup this game deserved GotY and not fucking GoW.

Peeyew! Stinky RocksTURD fan.


Stalker is old hat. Hard To Be A God is the new hotness.

You forgot your adderall/concerta this morning user.

If your adhd prevent you from enjoying genuine good games I have pity for you.

let's mourn user brain.

i dont watch gaming youtubers
>g*erms' autism
hard pass

>EVERYONE who played this game has to like it

I notice you didn't deny it.

GTA4 is still shut, people were shitting on it until GTA5, then whore like you started to fucking shill gta4, the game is bad and so are you.

gtfo with your shit game.

I don't have a problem with people not liking the game. Actually read what I wrote. People claiming the game is actually bad though are retarded. Did you get triggered by the first sentence?

But you aren't denying what I wrote. How much of a loser do you have to be to be on this site and complain about games your youtuber told you to hate?

Stop shilling a garbage game made by garbage devs.

Wtf? The horse controls and movement in 2 are better in every way possible. It actually feels like a horse

Would everyone shilling for this game like to play God of War or something? I thought Yea Forums hated movie games.

I'm not even the OP, but it's a idiot statement. Fine, I deny it, because I don't watch youtubers play games. I'm fucking 30. Oh wait, don't believe me. Yeah, that's because you're a fucking idiot that can't handle the fact that people don't like this piece of shit game. It's a slog, Arthur isn't believable as a 19th century male, and it's repetitive.

>B-but the graphics

Yes, it's a pretty game and it took a long time to make. So what?

GTAIV is great

now this is what i call cope

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You can't handle the fact that people don't like this piece of shit game.

That doesn't prove you played it

Notice how he hasn't replied either. Maybe he is applying his butthurt cream?

I used to shittalk this game when I first got it, reached ch 3 or 4 I think (shady belle) and got bored with it. I deeply regretted my previous judgement when I gave it another shot. It's like the witcher 3, it takes off slowly and then throws you straight into a mine of kino. Guarma was absolutely kino and scratched my itch for surviving on a tropical island, and all that followed was really kino. Though I admit I still haven't finished the game and I'm still embroiled in it, I'm enjoying every bit, just rescued John from the fort on the island and I'm enjoying the long-ass horse rides that I used to hate/get bored of.

Look at the OP bud, it's anal screeching over people simply enjoying it.

Prove that I did NOT play it. The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.

He is saying it's a good game. What do you mean?

are you retarded or merely pretending?

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>cheats are story locked
>can't save once you activate INE
>no fun cheats ala muh right 2bear arms or proper invincibility
Yeah, I ended up amazed after finishing it and went for a second playthrough but I miss steamrolling everything from the beginning

>never happened to me so it doesn't exist
defenders of this shit pile will go to any lengths to cover up all the glaring flaws of the game

That's a game I actually dropped because I didn't like it. I still wouldn't call it a movie game though, it's like 75% combat 25% solving environmental puzzles.

>>cheats are story locked
Can't you just type them in to the cheat menu since they're literally just text in the world?

I know, it's ridiculous. I've never been to Europe but you don't hear me denying Europe exists.


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stop lying. Either you havent played it, or you have shit taste.

this game is S-tier depressioncore after Arthur gets diagnosed with tuberculosis and you have to play watching him slowly die.

It's a pretty fantastic redemption arc but yeah, it really made funfun-time nature exploration and whatnot way less enjoyable.

I never did any debt collecting after I beat up Edith Downes' husband and he died, did I miss out on anything important?

you're the one accusing RDR2 of being a bad game, still waiting on proof of that :)

What did she mean by this?

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>game demands that you mount your horse
>mount wrong horse


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ehi i thought we were talking about how i never played both games?

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Yeah, a lot. You end up doing missions involving her and her son later that are important and affect your ending.

better atmosphere

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there's a whole park out there

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Watching Sopranos with gf, shut the fuck up ya faggit. Arthur is kino as it gets

Going back for the money with high honour is best ending tho

You can but the game wont let you use them, you need to complete certain missions to unlock them

It's a masterpiece. I can genuinely spend hours literally doing nothing but riding about the countryside, hunting animals, stumbling on cool random events, secrets and strangers. No matter what I always find something new.

It was genuinely saddening, and the you really felt the progressively more depressing atmosphere. It was painful when after a mission Arthur would just sit down and calm himself down from his coughing fit...

yeah and how you need to prove your claim lmao

>finish rdr1
>"what the fuck i wanna play as john"
>finish rdr2
>"what the fuck i dont wanna play as john"
