Does Yea Forums ignore their girlfriend when they play vidya?

does Yea Forums ignore their girlfriend when they play vidya?


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of course

my what?


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Dumb attention seeking whore

>tfw a girl likes you

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how the fuck can you go from this to the goblinas in-game, holy fucking shit...

he's clearly busy, why interrupt him like that? Rude

cute dog

> girlfriend

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and this is where it starts...

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that's a sexy dog tbqh

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>Yea Forums
Pick one

all the girls that liked me ended up irritating me so much I cut them out of my life.

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You just know

Why isn't she playing vidya? Or doing something else? If she needs my attention 100% of the time she has problems.

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Most of the time, yeah. Same as she ignores me when she's on her phone.

Who? My right hand?

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>Not putting your hand on his cock
cmon really, he'd stop playing the game at that point.

Yeah, just like she ignores me when she plays. Games take attention. Just snap them out of it if its important ya dumb fuck

I try, yeah. She's awesome in every other aspect of my life and we share other interests, but as soon as I turn a vidya on she immediately acts like she NEEDS things right then and there. Pretty fucking annoying aspect and I guess the main reason I enjoy the time I get to myself.

Uh bro she's talking to tyrone

Take your meds buddy you're imagining thungs


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Can relate. There's this one girl crushing on me, but she's just fucking insufferable. Perhaps gaming might have made me turn into some jaded fucker.

same except i irritated them.

I would probably be annoyed if that happened. But who plays vidya when spending time with your gf?

We don't have Tyrones here.

I cannot ignore what I don't have.

>girl acts like a 5 year old craving attention
what does she seriously expect him to do


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keep ignoring her and she'll go to the dog or tyrone for the attention and pleasure she craves

Why does Yea Forums take everything related to girls so damn seriously?

I'd fuck that dog

Yes. Because I actually want to play my fucking video games when I'm playing video games. I don't just do it to waste time, I'm actually enjoying what I'm doing.

I swear to god every time my bf tries to get the dick when I'm playing video games it's like, do you have any fucking hobbies of your own you could be engaging in? Or is "in a relationship" all you have?

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Because Yea Forums is full of millennials who are growing old, and, to compensate for their lost youth, they pretend to understand things they should have learned during their teenage years and early 20s socializing.

because deprivation leads to resentment

>giving a shit about women trying to steal your attention when you're clearly in the middle of something

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someone's jelly

I see that filename user. Mods will be here any second now to ban you.

I was playing vidya maybe 4 hours a week when I had a girlfriend, she said I was spending too much time playing vidya. I offered to get her a PC if she wanted to play games with me, and she seemed absolutely offended, and we agreed to just go our own ways.
So yeah I guess I do, but i'm happier this way.

>only three girls that I knew of that liked me
>one was a land whale he later turned into a lesbo
>one just wanted to use me because she broke up with a good friend atm
>one lives in a different state

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literally us. i like to play next to my gf and she loves to watch

absolute chad

>playing videogames at that age

Why would I be jealous of dykes?

*who later turned

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just move to her what are you an underage or something



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>tfw spent the weekend playing Sekiro, RE2make and FF9 with my gf

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Whatever you do don't marry him, user. It only gets worse from there

Some girls really, really like affection.

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ITT: incels
please have sex

I don't have a girlfriend and I don't play video games.

tfw no crazed sex fiend gf

yes but I would never ignore my dog when I play video games

Are you offering?

Very well.
Bend over, slut.

You just know

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women arent people

>just move to her what are you an underage or something
Why would I move to a whole different state just for the chance of getting with her?

Anybody who doesn't meet those criteria shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums.


I play vidya with my gf

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and if you aren't retarded, you can spot a nymphomaniac with attachment issues from a mile away. do not let your dick do the thinking

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its not fucking fair bros

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Anons what the hell is wrong with yous?

She's rather cute desu. I would've banged her without the need for assault and police and all that.

hehe fooooooock nuggers hoho

Ignore this gay.

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White women love black cock.


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>Literally everyone in this thread says they would rather play video games than be present with their gf

Ask me how I know you're all virigins

have sex

someone post THAT webm

I don't like 3d so I can't have a girlfriend anyway.

That webm is obviously setting up for Netorare + Male:Dog in its next chapters. Blame the author for pandering to shock value.

Her boyfriend is a fat, balding neckbeard.
You have literally no excuse.

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Everyone in this thread doesn't even have a gf

thread's theme

Women need food, dick, and attention
If I'm with my girlfriend, I'd rather do an activity with her, even if it's just watching a movie together
When I'm by myself I do what I want to do, like playing videogames