What's gonna be the future of vidya?

What's gonna be the future of vidya?

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>playing god because you're horny

i love monster girls but i want every single one of those scientists shot dead

>not wanting to play God out of sheer horniness

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>not playing god to make monster girls a reality

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literally the best reason to advance science

God is dead
*sheaths Katana*
And I killed him.

I’ll a slightly dumb, big titted dog girl please.

>It will happen

Bless this man, Asian geneticists will drag the rest of the world into the future.

There are plenty of reasons besides fetish for this. Animals have advantages like being able to fully regrow limbs, bone and all. Greater senses. Perfect memory. The thing is, horny people are more likely to fund this. You aren't thinking of all the rich perverts that would love to have a literal dog girl. Meanwhile the rest of us get to see humanity evolve into something more.

Fuck you I want wings

This will be your average protagonist from now on.

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Good. Women need to fuck off from this planet and be replaced by monster girls who will be far more pleasing to look at and wont be egoistic cunts.

>Implying even God isn't interested to see how this plays out
Litterally human women will become obsolete

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As long as I get a catboy I'm happy

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t.sjw trying to stop the Dick Unity movment

Attached: sr-Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you Youre so warm nuzzles your necky wecky hehehe rubbies (480x208, 12K)

Civilizations have been erected, fortresses penetrated, and new technologies thrust into existence, with the motivation being the will of the penis.

>stream gaming aka stadia will be pushed big
>articles everywhere, streamers promoting it & marketing campaigns
>it'll fail misserably because of bandwith and data limit problems of the general masses
>it will die fast and silent
>the concept won't be touched by anyone for the next 50+ years
>vr will continue to not be a big factor in the gaming industry and will remain a gimmick due to it's inpractical use
>consoles will continue sell old hardware that pcs had for decades as something new and innovative like a simple SSD or 8+GB ram
>a new way to milk buyers even more will be invented and will be the next big thing like beta access and kickstarter/patreon/gofundme was a few years back
that should be the general gist of it

Fake news.

Article does not exist.

but it will


sure dude

listen here you

Will monster girl become something like this?

Attached: monster girls in KC's setting.png (594x801, 29K)

Sorry but the technology only works with girls.

>""""monster""" girls
they hardly even look like monsters, but more like generic anime girls with slight changes. Where's the REAL monster girls

Fuck I mean to say will our world monster girl become like this.

>not killing god because she threatened to take away monster waifus

I just want to lovingly ejaculate deep into a monster girl while we're holding hands, bodies close and kissing
is that too much to ask for?

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Even if minster girls become real, they probably won’t like you as much as real girls.

I would play god just because I can. I don't need a morally gray reason.

Alright faggot, what would you actually do if you were a god? Would you not create life? Would you not want it to be what you wanted?
I'm not just going to create another universe of humans, humans are fucking boring, we already have a world with them on

It's the best reason to play god.

how much do I have to donate

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so will catgirls suffer from antisocial disorders and would doggirls be extremely loyal wives?

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Those ARE the real monster girls, you're thinking of GIRL monsters.

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I want somebody to attempt meso-american monstergirls
Snakes and feathers fucking everywhere

Yes please

Attached: Neferpitou (44).jpg (736x952, 92K)

Source of this?

I don't know, I got the image from someone else and he the got the from somewhere else as well.

>posting best harpy

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It will resemble the antidiluvian age. The corruption of human flesh.

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>Not playing God because you are horny

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Go on

wait what if we're god's version of anime girls

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But user, that's an ant! AND IS DEAD

I can imagine the first few attempts being complete monstrosities that's capable of instantly bringing fear. Fuck I don't want to be in the same room with these fucks when they make the failure ones

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I doubt that this will end up well as i'm certain with animal DNA also comes their unwanted behavior unless you can ensure their brains develop the same way human brains do

Then god's reality must be fucking disgusting.

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Guys I've been shitting blood and my tummy really hurts

Monster Girls aren't possible because tits. Their tits are magic and don't sag like 20lbs of fat would.

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Where is his Patreon? I've never donated to one, but I think I could find some monthly budget for this.

Than God have some shit taste.

Are we talking boring cat ears or full on horse pussy centaurs/snake cloaca lamias?

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Why not both?

Probably cat ears and tail.

If we ain't talking full anthro, yall can fuck off.

2-3 on the oh shit nigger scale or fucking bust. 1fags get out.

Well, someone has to play God.

because i dont want shit with my spaghetti
if a monster girl isnt at LEAST 80% monster, she belongs in the trash

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I'm catholic and I wand love handles.

Fuck you, God wills this.

God is Great.

>his dick isn't hungry for discovery
you'd be a shite scientist

As well as 11 dicks.

You don't want to be out during an eclipse in Mayan mythos.

The greatest user, God is the greatest.

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based and insanepilled

Mobile will take over and consoles will die.

>try to make a monster girl
>end creating a lovecraftian monster

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I'm a practicing Christian and monster girls is God's will.

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There's not really much art of her. But she's a Raptor Harpy.

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>literally wanting to stay as a filthy weak ass human who can't do shit
if we can't get rid of the human condition and human nature in a hundred years we're fucked tbqh

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this is the most kino way the world could end

Transhumanism is based, old man

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God put those men on this earth to free us from (((Women))).

>monster girls
>literally just stacey with horn

catgirls are gonna become a reality and there's nothing you can do to stop them

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In the furture humanity will be broken up into
>Machines with human minds
>Cat Girls
pretty cool until you realise what splicing will mean for the furries

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I'm looking forward to the shitshow

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They get to stop wearing suits like freaks and integrate into a glorious new society. Seems like an improvement all around, though they might still be retarded.