>/vp/ managed to make a better Pokemon game than Gamefreak
Gamefreak BTFO by Pokemon Sage
Other urls found in this thread:
>le epic jihadi pokemon
>le epic sperm pokemon
>le epic anus pokemon
They litterally didn't, it's filled with shitty memes.
>It's better!
>And by "Better", we mean literally exactly the fucking same, because we are fanboys, and if we had literally any self-awareness whatsoever, we wouldn't even bother making a fan-game in the first place
That's a different game.
Making a better game than Gamefreak is not an achievement
do i have to play a spic or can i change my skin color
that's pokemon clover retards
That's a different game but that one is also one of the best pokemon romhacks ever because it actually forces you to have strategies.
>muh white race
Is it out then? Or are they going to develop it for ten years to "perfect" it?
Same difference
A few of the monster designs are pretty great, credit where it's due.
Lavoon is probably the best monster, official or not, ever made.
That said, The game is a Pokemon fangame, meaning the people who made it have literally no idea how to make a good Pokemon game, so they just remade Pokemon Emerald and slapped some new textures in some new maps, and that's it.
And also the gym leaders are stupid overleveled, because the game had to be "hard", because that's what Pokemon games need to be, for some reason
Keep seething gamefreak shill
>"Featuring amazing pokemon such as!"
>My moms goat
>Woody Wood-Pecker
Wooooooow. Gamefreak BTFO dude.
Did this finally get fully released?
>GF getting BTFO by a game that hasn't released
Yeah sure.
Pokemon Saw-gay?
>dark skinned protag
Get a sense of humor, not everything has to be high brow humor especially on this website
>In the interest of originality, Yea Forums accidentally became progressive
It's like poetry, it rhymes
Literally nothing is high-brow humor on this website
Wait, is Sage finished now or is OP getting me excited for no reason?
Yeah, the game in fact is a lot funnier then what this shithole is creating nowadays
if you weren't so fucking retarded you would take a look in the background and see what the region is based on
If you have to use the Pokemon name to promote your unofficial game, you've already lost.
If it were just called Sage and the creatures were collected as battle chips using some kind of launcher would it still be considered good?
Where's the DL link before it gets shoaed by Nintendo?
I take the stupid goat over the last three fire starters who ended up on two legs running around. Since having them more animal-like is a apperently a sin.
Wait, this is out now?
Based Japs, I agree with all of these.
Region's based on Mexico, what exactly is the problem?
the latter
I'd agreen if it actually fucking finished. I was on the dev team from /vpmagg/ in 20-fucking-14, and they've barely progressed past gym 3 due to discord drama.
they still haven't made it to my pride and joy
He's trying to fit in
USUM is significantly better than S&M, other than that I basically agree
It's not out yet, I think some dink is just trying to shill it. The download links on the wiki are two years old.
>He doesn't know
Someone obviously enjoyed Colosseum
This isn't /vp/, you limp autist. Either go back there and keep talking about even gayer furry stuff than Yea Forums, or post actual screenshots.
>discord drama
It's actually hilarious, because this game pre-dates Discord by a good bit, and you can mark the exact date in the Wiki where Discord became popular, because it's the exact date when production ground to a halt. (which, admittedly, wasn't hard. There wasn't much going on to begin with)
What did you guys think of Uranium?
>/vp/ managed to make 20% of a better Pokemon game than Gamefreak
Except its not fag. Sage is a pretty serious adaptation.
>Starters are still Fire/Water/Grass
Made by literal retards.
Sage was created specifically because /vp/ was upset with the downward spiral of pokemon by gen 6 onward. I remember specifically too, when we were creating pokemon for the dex, I made a tuxedo squid idea and gen 6 came out not even a month later and introduced inkay/malamar.
Very much so. I loved the Under, and I wanted to create a city with the same look and feel, One of my old FCs was a dark type circus troupe leader, so I reworked his design a bit and threw him in for the gym leader surveys, who became, what is now, The great Shadini
Discord needs to hang, it is nothing but trash
Because we're trying out here, but god as my witness, it's not looking good.
I bet you're one of those "We should have Psychic/Fighting/Dark starters" guys
user, I'm pretty sure it's just like Pokemon Clover but pretentious like YIIK. Calm down :)
what's the problem
>implying Psychic/Fighting/Dark that have their secondary type become Fire/Water/Grass on the stage 3 wouldn't be good
>the day has come where I can go on pokemon adventure in mexico as qt latina with thicc ass
>Not Fairy/Dragon/Ice
Dunno shit about this but glancing at the Dex it's designs btfo the last few official gens
that's an immunity though
the only other true trio is flying/fighting/rock
putting off suicide wasn't a bad idea after all
>Not Ice/Rock/Ground
>a fucking romhack full of memes and shitposts came out before Sage
>And the shitpost romhack actually ended up being really good
What the the fuck?
Did you create any of the final pokemon user?
Is it actually good and well made or is it just yet ANOTHER "Ultra duper hard rebalancing for A CHALLENGE!!!" hack? If it's the latter, no thanks.
>Not Grass/Bug/Ghost
Is it out yet?
So if I wanted to try and emulate a pokemon game should I emulate black and white 2? I don't need to play black and white 1 to play black and white 2 do I?
No one knows since only the demos are out.
How long before incels start saying personal hygine is some kind of conspiracy to help Chad and everyone who bathes is a cuck, or some shit?
Pokemon Sage will never be finished
A few, Icetope/Chillnobyl line and Yaccuma. Yaccuma was based on a victorian sea nettle jelly, which then became "moon jelly waifu" for a while, and eventually became a token legendary with a much needed redesign.
Chillnobyl will always be my favorite though because so many anons loved it and wanted it on their teams.
>spicshit setting
Its not hard at all. The game is made to emulate emerald's style of gameplay, and to expand a lot of world building. In msot cases, its very flashy and the gym coding is pretty neat.
Heres the Water gym (Gym three of the demo)
Literally everyone can make a better game than GF
it has a mythology that lends itself well to legendaries, culture is easy to represent visually and the region naturally has varied terrain
face it, Mexico makes for a better region than the US
Thank you for showing pictures, user. I am looking forward to giving it a go once it comes out! It looks like care went into making it, at least.
vry nice
and this is true, gamefreak is absolutely shittier
Please explain.
>That compilation
Who made this? Why did they used the unfinished sketch of Urobos, and why did they just throw simon and the three starters concept work on it? Thats not even the finished logo for xochil's sake.
You don't, but keep in mind it is a sequel to the original, something like three years or so in the future. Trust me when I say you are better off play Black and White 1 - 2 feels like an expansion pack expanding on the original story. You CAN start with it, but it'll feel weird and disconnected.
The state of California by itself makes a better region than Mexico. It has desert, forest, snow, island, city, and cave stuff. Mexico has the same but without snow, yet the same amount of brown people. USA is too big to be interesting as a region imo.
>having a starter trio
>not starting with a shit Pokemon like Pidgey or Ekans and trying to slowly work your way up
Plebeians are among us and they are allowed to post.
These are all stuff I have from my days working with the crew, I can't vouch for anything in the past two years unfortunately, but I really don't expect much got done. All the cool people left when two of the devs got married, and tileanon disappeared, so the sprite work slowed to a crawl.
It will also never release.
Sounds like I might as well start with 1 then. Thanks
Perishroom is my nigga but those fags changed his design and it lost some charm
California has zero culture though
No they fucking didn't. I did.
This one's better and finished.
I like Book
That explains a lot, thanks again for actually explaining what went on with the development and why the demos found online seem to be a bit out of date. I like the concept of that Pokemon, but I feel like it's a bit out of character and more like a Digimon. Especially with the hazard symbol. I don't think The Pokemon Company would want a pokemon related with nuclear power having a giant hazard symbol considering they are a Japanese company. They would keep doing nuclear power as cutesy as possible, like how they did Victini.
Ol' Dirty Bastard would whip Book's ass.
Real talk? It is my favorite fucking generation ever. The side characters are actually relevant, the grow alongside you, the story takes a more mature theme, you aren't yet another ten year old catching literal gods, the game went through great pains to ensure all the Pokémon you meet are unique and "oh not another Rattata/Pidgey for you to pad your collection, and they have a bunch of neat unique designs to boot. If it is your first Pokémon ever you will have a blast. Enjoy, user.
When's the next demo coming out?
Do you like earthbound/Mother 3?
B/W 1 was done by that same team, and the same company of writers. It's a much heavier story based pokemon then most others.
UNLIKELY, really? Whoever made that wasn't even bright enough to go with 'Unleekly' even? Goddamn.
Woah wait, B/W 1 was by the Ape studio squad?
What the fuck is Discord? I'm aware it's a place where people chat like MSN messenger was, but just what the fuck does Discord also include that has made 'Discord drama' into a common phrase?
I'd be interested in seeing this if only because the ability to start with a rock or fighting type would necessitate the early routes not be full of normal-types in order for there to be any kind of balance.
Unlikely. So much time is passed magic and pawter probably have a kid to take care of now. Dunky's all thats really left, that and his ERP friends that joined in late and just roleplay the fakemons as their own OCs.
This, desu. What the fuck is with all the puns? I get that a lot of the OG Pokemon had silly names that were based off other stuff, but this is like you asked a dad from Montana to name a bunch of objects "as if they were a pikachu"
Yes, Reshiram and Zekrom are literally based on the white and black dragons from Mother 3.
>kusoge (shit game)
all acording to kotaku
>Only 5 new pokemon
Hard pass into the garbage.
How can it be a better Pokemon game if it doesn't have cute girls
they'd still have normal and bug types and they would get absolutely wrecked by the starters
It's the same exact shit. The "why are starters still those three types" people are fucking retarded.
>Nincel “humour”
educate yourself and stare at the abyss of despair
Yeah, Mario should have never gone 3D either. It's a shame people want to change things.
...I can't tell if you're fucking with me or not. But I'm not going to google this and assume you are telling the truth because that's an awesome thing to be true. Plus, it would explain the story heavy stuff and even the whole "tranny preschool teacher" thing. Mother 3's writers were a bit more realistic than GameFreak's.
>Hurr, I think Contra 3D was a good thing!
Change for no reason offers nothing. You don't want the starter types to change for any other reason than that's how it always is, and you couldn't tell me one advantage to starting with a different trio of types other than "it's different".
That's also a fucking retarded comparison. The starters have their type for a purpose and there's literally 0 difference if they get another type later. People claim for Dark, Psychic, Fighting starters but we got those in 2013.
Neo Contra is one of the best games in the franchise so yeah, it wasn't an entirely bad thing
Why hasn’t Nintendo hired this man?? I’m going to start a petition on reddit, who is with me?
I'm really not. Play B/W1. Reshiram and Zekrom are twqo entities that value Truth and Valor. They will only make themselves known to the one that is worthy, N's entire plot point is to make Reshiram/Zekrom accept him to prove his "Father" wrong. Its very heavily parallelled to pulling the needles.
Not to mention the music is copied:
Just play it dude, you'll be very much surprised.
>This man
>A team of random anons and 3 femanons
Your arguments hold no ground, changing them would be fine. You simply can't argue against it.
I played them, though! In fact, I played Mother 3 the week the English patch came out and played White the week it was released. How the hell did I not realize this before... Time to replay them, I guess! Good think Snivy is pretty cool.
Support your claims.
HGSS will never be as good as Platinum.
>Your arguments hold no ground,
As opposed to your non-argument?
Already did.
It would be fine, new and interesting to change the starter types.
No counter-argument exists.
>Densetsu no Kusoge
This. I declare you the winner.
>It would be fine,
sure, as long as you use the one other trio that works as well as grass/fire/water
>and interesting
As expected.
Gen IV graphics were the comfiest
One's a bird and one's a monkey.
The last two gens had
>2 dark types
>1 fighting type
>1 psychic type
>1 fairy type
>1 ghost type
I don't see how that isn't varied?
That's pretty much what they did in gen 6 but vice-versa
user... that's steam...
Do you wear the same clothes every day?
How long have you been posting here?
Gen V was universally panned by the normal populace because of the leaked designs. They took one look and Klink, Garbodor and Vanilluxe and wrote it off.
Ironically, Gen V is the strongest JRPG pokemon out there, because it actually spends time to build up its story over Go get 8 badges and beat the elite four. Its arguably the best if you're looking for a fun story and a good adventure.
Buuuuuut, because it only had Gen V pokemon and no other Gens, People complained, It's sequels rectified this by adding national pokemon and a shit ton of post game content, with better stat balancing, making it arguably THE best game in the series. It's story isnt as strong, but its also got the best villain to date.
That update killed groups by copying discord
truly the only thing more pathetic than redditors. are discordfags
>i want starters of type and type and type
>get them
No, but i don't see how that has anything to do with what i asked.
Stop changing your clothes every day.
yeah but hgss had so much extra content that they forgot to fix the piece of shit base game
Only thing I didn't like about Gen V was N, who kinda pissed me off. He was an annoying, obnoxious stalker who loved to hear himself talk.
3D was a mistake
Sad pic but the title is wrong. "Again" implies that there was a thing sometimes.
>if I keep posting my literal who opinion but slap japanese on it maybe people will believe me
are those mons fake? they actually look decent
I want Morimoto, Kawachimaru and Unno to work together on a game.
>There were retards on Yea Forums that defended this trash and LGPE
seethe harder gamefreak shill
Better than sword and shield shit.
Yes. Its the culmination of 3 years of voting in and out designs and perfecting them into sugi-style. on /vp/.
Lots of big chunky kaiju-like monsters, like Gen 1, noice.
N was pretty much proto Lilie: husbando edition.
The the story pretty much revolved around him and his shitty parent, but unlike Lilie he also served as your rival and the major antagonistic force you had to stop.
I actually liked him, because I thought it was rad as hell that he got the other box legendary and that you faced off against him with yours.
Also finding his room was pretty wack.
>game forces me to do thing to learn thing
So gen V is shit too going by these videos
No it wasn't. Sage was started in Gen 5, gayboi.
Only Phlask really sticks out to me. The rest kinda look like things we've already seen before in the official games.
GOD. I remember the shit storm that came from Bug waifu.
Yes? Did you read? Gen 6 dex got leaked out during the development of /vpmagg/.
I miss the old golems
Forusk should've been fucking deleted if that's the best we could've come up with
This kinda pisses me off, especially after how good the last movie was. Who the fuck asked for this? Who wanted a remake of Mewtwo Strikes Back with terrible CG? Just continue the storyline from the previous two films you stupid fuckers. Or if you really wanted to do a "anniversary spectacular" thing, revive that previous idea where you bring all the major characters from over the course of the show's run for a huge event.
Anyone else see the leaked Pokemon employee handbook pics?
For Pokemon N was a really big deal, I didn't have high expectations but he lived up to the hype of a real antagonist and rival
And finally acknowledging the PETA angle was a great motivation for him, especially with the reshiram/the black one respresenting truth and idealism, it's like the writers actually tried
Then they dropped the ball with his dads kekiaku and BW2 wasn't as interesting and essentially a 1:1 but less interesting and then XY and SunMoon were piles of shit
What the fuck happened, Gen 4 revamped mechanics and Gen 5 had a real story and presented actual themes and moral conflict
that's actually a terrific name, hot damn.
>he lived up to the hype of a real antagonist and rival
He was irritating as fuck. A creepy stalker who never shuts the fuck up. When he actually got the player's Pokemon to tell him about their home and mom, it pretty much cemented my absolute dislike for him. He's a total creep.
Alright, all this talking about black and white really makes me want to give them a try. Should I play black or should I play white?
>Nobody posting music
Come on,
Best douchebag
that was a really bad eronze
thenames are also bad, too on the nose desu
>Narratively getting Reshiram makes more sense.
>Like Zekrom way better
>also think that Reshiram fits N way better aesthetically.
Kinda miffed
>To on the nose
And REGIrock REGIce REGIsteel aren't?
Reshiram my love
Love this theme so much.
Infinitely better than your friendly buddy rival or the big bad team faggot boss
Narratively N getting reshiram makes more sense
What am I suppose to be seeing on that image?
It just seems like the games on release order.
I agree that the PETA angle was good and the symbolism made sense, but the writing felt held down by the fact that Pokemon is designed for children. If they went for a more mature audience or even went the path of Colosseum, I think that kind of plot would've worked way better than it did.
That being said I really appreciate what they tried with Gen 5, I actually liked being forced to use only new Pokemon even if they were just soft-clones of Gen 1 and I liked the region layout with exploration being encouraged. But I do understand why many people didn't like it.
last line next to each game is a rating from 2ch.
>Pokemon fangame
I sleep
Holy fuck, this is really nice looking. The layout gives me serious Pokemon Colosseum/XD GoD vibes. If GameFreak made shit like this then maybe the new games would be good. But they know they can be as lazy as they want and Pokemon will still sell like a huge cash cow.
The PETA angle is the best part, Its a facade to trick innocent peop[le who want to do the right thing, into doing Ghetsis' dirty work. Team Plasma truly believe what they're doing helps the world, despite the fact they're literally being used to given Ghetsis world domination power and prestige as a king. Even going as far as to use his own son as a pawn just to save his own ass. This is made even more prevalent in BW2 when Ghetsis ACTUAL followers become neo-nazis who just want pokemon for profit and drop the entire mantra. And even then he just hands them off to Colress and lets Colress do the dirty work, all for the sake of scientific advancement.
I don't even mind that. I just wish there was actual variety to the Pokemon you find in the early-game besides
>rodent pokemon
>small bird pokemon
>rock-like pokemon
>tiny bug pokemon
Every fucking game its the same progression.
I’d just go with 2. I personally don’t give a shit about the “plot” of Pokémon games so that aspect doesn’t matter. 2 is just stuffed full of content and is just a great experience all around.
>Narratively N getting reshiram makes more sense
Isn't his ideal to create a world where pokemon and humans are seperated so that mons won't suffer because of humans and then you show up with the truth that the world isn't as black and white as it seems?
Or am I literally too much of a brainlet to understand fucking pokemon of all things?
There's a demo on the Sage wiki if anyone wants to give it a try.
The jackass keeps challenging the player to battles, and when he loses, he whines about how battles are awful and his friends always get hurt in them. NIGGER YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CHALLENGED THE PLAYER IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITE. This asshole undermines his own points with his actions.
The funny thing about the PETA angle is that it kinda falls apart when you take into account that Pokemon actually WANT to battle and get stronger, and see trainers as a way to accelerate their growth.
Do the Japanese at all care about shiny pokemans?
Because it went through revisions. Originally Sap Sipper caused an overflow error and filled the text box with garbage.
It works either way. If he's the Hero of Ideals, he wants to create his own ideal world. If he's the Hero of Truth, he wants to substitute the world's truth with his own.
Anime made him the Hero of Truth.
all this dev time and its still going to be shit compared to clover
Post porn of the girl from this game.
It could be argued the player fighting to keep humans and pokemon living together despite the problems it causes for both of them is the real idealism and that serperating the two would be best for everyone. The Player and Ghetsis are unironically on the same side agains't N
>having a problem with Hispanics
Got something to say?
that game isn't even finished
isn't it 4 gyms only?
>going deeper and deeper into the ocean
>gradually gets darker towards the sunlight cutoff
>ahoy moby dick at 1:26
fucking nice
>I made a tuxedo squid idea and gen 6 came out not even a month later and introduced inkay/malamar.
Don't forget that /vp/ designed and finalized Crawglock within months of Game Freak revealing Crawlitzer.
Exactly, and thats what Colress was obsessed with.
I will never not be mad that Gamefreak dropped his quest for power.
>Wants to unshackle the limited potential in pokemon by learning about bonds and strength.
>Tests the trainer to unlock the full potential of his pokemon
>Goes as far as to DNA splice Kyurem to prove his theory
>It fails, so he doubles back and gives up leading plasma to pursue another hypothesis
>Shows up in X/Y invesitgating the ultimate doomsday weapon and genosenge energy
>Shows up in S/M to study Z-moves
>Isnt part of (Or even the fucking leader) of Aether foundation, and doesnt even care about Ultra beasts
So much wasted potential for such a great setup.
>Emerald, Johto games, Platinum and BW2 are the best
I had no idea Japan's tastes were this based.
>"Literally my mom's dog" is a Pokemon
What’s the best Pokémon fan game? Is it sage? I’ve been thinking of giving one a playthrough recently since the official games have been going steadily down hill since the start of the 3DS era.
Only gen 1 and 2 are good, everything else is zoomer shit
>due to discord drama.
kek every time,
Ultra Beasts have nothing to do with unlocking the hidden potential of Pokemon. I mean, if he wanted to unlock the hidden potential of Ultra Beasts, sure. But he seems more invested in unlocking the hidden potential of Pokemon in his own world.
Sage is still unfinished. Current demo goes up to third gym, still a good 6-10 hours of gameplay though.
Yeah, this'll never see the light of day. Nothing to see here.
Go back to Taco Bell and make my order right. Make sure to spit in the food so my uncle can close the place.
>t. genwunner faggot
Retards like you never cared about the series, you only picked it up because you were a sheep and wanted to follow the crowd
I honestly cant agree with some of this but it is probably because of nostalgia
Should be masterpiece
Again, this is probably nostalgia but I would demote this to Excellent Game
Should be Excellent Game, I dont feel strongly about it to consider it a masterpiece.
Dont see how this is the best, I liked it but I have no strong feelings for it honestly. Should be Excellent Game
>Sun/ Moon and US/UM
Should be something like "Mediocre game". I honestly thought they were fine and had some charm to them.
My dad bought it for me, I was only 10 when I got Blue version
It was planned ahead of time. He had the Z-ring insignia on the book he was reading in B/W2
The Sun & Moon anime's surprisingly decent for a kids' show.
I'd like a Baja Blast, some nachos and reinforced border laws please and I want it on the double beaner
reminder that the gimmick frontier was a mediocre idea and they didn't bring it back to oras because it would have been wasted time making shit no one outside of contrarians on Yea Forums care about
Koffing is a naval mine of pollution with a skull and crossbones...
Name a more based team.
And he has interest in Z-moves. I suppose he could have interest in the Ultra dimension, but Ultra Beasts themselves aren't really gonna unlock a Pokemon's hidden potential.
Fucking based. I really don't get why is it so hard for GF fans to demand some semblance of standards from GF. Other fanbases, like Diablo for example, are not afraid to call out on the developer for their bullshit instead of happily shoving whatever shit released by the developer down their throat.
>Look mom I posted it again!
My ""favorite"" part of this is always the amount of retards wh believe it, especially with the """"work of god"""" moniker
>Neo Contra is one of the best games in the franchise
No they aren't. A bronze era pokemon named "eronze" is way lazier than a stone age pokemon whose name doesn't include the words "stone" or "age", gayboi
>dark skinned creature
They really like putting fist in the names, don't they?
>Excelent game
Unova has the worst region and pokedex and im not even refering to Garbodor and Vaniluxe
Have they actually made progress recently? Seemed pretty dead the past few years. Shame because it did look legit promising.
Still better than this abomination
Just ignore the unovabortion cabal user, there's no real use arguing against them.
How do I get that bodies?
Platinum did polish the formula by stripping the idea to what people actually liked AKA no more Vore Pike/Battle Palace/Battle Pyramid.
GF is just lazy and abused the excuse of their series being in hanhelds to not add postgame, which ironically won't hold anymore thanks to Sword/Shield being on Switch.
It's in the middle, really. Not bad but it doesn't compare to the truly great Contra games like III, Hard Corps, or SS.
Also it takes after the top down style levels of III more than anything, I wouldn't say that it's 3D in the way that like, Mario 64 is.
it just works
Based on the trailer, I'm pretty sure they're designing Sword/Shield exclusively with handheld mode in mind.
jesus christ, raptor
Sword and Shield is actually gonna come out though
DS was the best era for pokemon, Prove me wrong.
>B/W B/W2
>PMD Blue, T/D, Sky
>Pokemon rangers
>Pokemon Trozei
>Pokemon Conquest
GF is a lazy piece of shit but all the people who shit themselves over that pile of shit is always amusing
That thing makes Sawk and Throh look good
Just hearing that name again makes me happy for some reason. Glad to see another oldfag.
>Battle Pyramid.
>Can't see shit
>wild encounters out the ass
>all encounters will try to give you a status effect
>shit like flame body or body slam will 100% give you a status effect
>can't even reliably run from these battles
>wild mons become progressively stronger with each round.
>by the third tound you have to deal with shit like lvl 100 gengars that will use grudge and spite to fuck your PP.
>can't even reliably run from them.
>trainers have strong mons that wear you out quick.
>you can only heal your mons with items you may or may not find on the floor
The battle pyramid is an absolute nightmare.
I fucking loved it.
Okay a Pepsi
Open borders
And a bean burrito
I got it
I really don't understand how random encounters had to be sacrificed in order to have pokemon living in the environment. Just have pokemon sprites peak out of grass or from around rocks every so often. That way you get tiny clues as to what is available in a given area, instead of just having it be openly broadcast in the laziest way possible.
Even Japan is full of shit.
I know. The issue is that - as far normies are concerned - people honest-to-god believed hardware was the only factor holding pokemon from looking pretty and expansive like DQ11 and having lots of stuff to do, when in reality the devs are also to blame, which is something they don't even have shame admitting: gamingbolt.com
>Given how long the franchise has taken to make the move to home consoles, there are naturally going to be expectations surrounding this new game- will Game Freak and Nintendo finally break free from the confines of the admittedly limiting structure the series has had on handhelds?
>It would be best if you did not expect that, it seems.
>[Junichi Masuda] went on to talk about the pressure Game Freak now faces, as all eyes are on it for the debut of Pokemon on the big screen- going as far as to say that maybe people shouldn’t expect too much.
>“It definitely is really fun to see that, but at the same time, it is definitely a lot of pressure, so we’re going to do our best to create a game that answers those expectations. It is very difficult to make the game, so I hope people don’t get their expectations up too high."
I've seen so many Yea Forums Pokemon fan games collapse over the years.
what happened to the japanese work ethic and pride I've heard so much about
Wait, it's finished?
Literally just fucking steal Monolithsoft from Takahashi for a second and let them make a cool looking region, that's all you have to fucking do gamefreak.
>t. internet explorer user
also it wont be updated until 2022 so its basically dead
>GF is just lazy and abused the excuse of their series being in hanhelds to not add postgame, which ironically won't hold anymore thanks to Sword/Shield being on Switch.
their excuse for this gen will be "working with new hardware/new scope"
it's next gen they'll have no excuses
its REALLY hard to believe me Yea Forums, or at least a part of it actually came up with this.
this roster is perfectly balanced with all kind of unique, badass and 'Dear god, plushies when?' pokeymans, and theres no lewd or memes in sight.
kudos to everyone who managed to create this.
>All this plus FRLG, Emerald, PMD Red and R&S Pinball via GBA slot if you had a Phat or Lite
DS really is the Pokemon machine, unless you want to play the Orre games.
>and you have to make ridiculous meme faces every week
every time
why does everyone shit on the sm anime when it's the best the anime's ever been outside of the original seriese?
Fucking 10/10 roster.
...what the fuck is wrong with people? I'm on at least 14 different Discord groups and none of them are like this. Even the NSFW ones.
maybe when it's finished and doesn't run like shit
What happened was that every single one of those designed got polled, and every single one had their typing polled, and every single one had their stat spread polled, and a new vote would be made if the winner wasn't by a large enough margin or there was a tie. It used bureaucracy to squeeze every bit of quality out of the raw ideas /vp/ had.
I remember spending a full week basically campaigning that Thoraxe was a good idea and that we just needed a good design for it. Eventually the one in that image was drawn and it got in.
>significantly better
i wouldn't say significantly
yes it IS better but they're both still turds at the end of the day
Since this site is actually reddit now the redditors have to come up with something to shit on.
ash looks like that belle delphine shitshow
A mix of /vg/ faggotry, tripfags and zoomers killed that general but generally whenever a Yea Forums discord forms it quickly devolves into a clique/trannies and mentally ill retards who spend all day posting in it much like the retards you see in this image; Jullikas, nigmode, housderloop etc
This, I even have some of our oldest designs, you can tell how much effort went into re-tooling them.
This project will not live to see the light of day. I can bet money nintendo will slam hard on it.
Based Japs, that's exactly my thoughts on the series.
Finally a great moth pokemon
Dont want to be too condescending but I just cant imagine the people who think the DS games are the best as anything but people who are way younger than me. Like 20 years old max.
>pokemon x and y mistake
It has for 5 years. Nintendo knows and doesnt care about us. primarily since its non profit, non patreon.
I'm 26. and IV-V is my highlight for pokemon. And yes I grew up with R/B/Y and snap as my first videogames ever.
I truly fucking despise Gamefreak for all they've done
If a fucking tales event could get a bomb/death threats why can't Gamefreak?
You talking shit about based sun moth?
Defend gen 2 with crunch arguments.
Absolutely SOULFUL
You can tell more time was put in designing these fakemon than fucking GAMEFREAK who only wants to make the most simplistic designs possible to sell merchandise
>Yellow is good
>Crystal not masterpiece
>RS not good but a step-down
>DP not good
>Platinum not excellent
>Complans about "discord"
>All of the posts are from steam's new community thing and not discord
What hack?
After what gamefreak did with my boy Crabrawler, they better hope SS is good
Aren't the Japanese supposed to die from overwork and commit sudoku if they fail their over-time assignments?
...Man, I really love SAGE! I don't know why but I feel like posting the word "S A G E" in this thread
Pokemon clover, a literal shitpost hack made by /vp/. It's pretty good, has a full original dex and some good music, even if most of the songs are references or memes.
Thats the joke, kid.
if only there were such dedication in other Yea Forums projects...
Gamefreak's the exception. Their franchise is so profitable than even at their worst they still make all the money as Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee showed
What elevated ruby and sapphire from good games to a masterpiece with emerald? What about emerald was so much better?
3rd games are gnerally better
that chart is pure shitpost though
>What elevated ruby and sapphire from good games to a masterpiece with emerald?
Not having Zinnia
my bad I meant FUG
You anons aren't up to date with things then, the devs are currently past the 5th gym, the desert is currently being worked on
It's not based on Mexico so much as latin america as a whole. The protags, if anything, are probably more Peruvian given that Sofia has a chullo hat and the starting town/area is snowy and in a mountain.
I wouldn't say it's "not hard at all", it's definitely designed to be more challenging then the actual games for stuff like gym battles, but it's not super duper mega hard for the sake of it or anything. It strikes a nice balance of not being utterly braindead but also not like reborn/blazeblack tier difficult.
Rumors of our death have been greatly overexagerated.
charizard is a midget compared to mewtwo
thanks for sharing user
Nice, I'm Mewtwo's height.
Sage has a really fun dex with several lines of Pokemon that would be nice if they were real.
It should have been given the Mother 4 treatment and reworked into a legitimate game. Fan games that aren't remakes/sequels really don't make that much sense. But neither seems to be coming out ever so I guess they have that in common.
Isn't this just a 'little' edgy for a kids manga?
Hilda > Serena > May = Leaf > The rest.
Brown Serena is equal to Hilda.
>pokemon special
>For kids
Where were you when pokemon jumped the sharpedo?
How new r u?
People have been posting that one edgy gore panel from the pokemon adventure manga for over a decade now where Arbok gets sliced in half
pokespe isn't for kids
>People have been posting that one edgy gore panel from the pokemon adventure manga for over a decade now where Arbok gets sliced in half
it was a ghost arbok though
People get frozen all the time though. he just unfroze next panel right?
>>[Junichi Masuda] went on to talk about the pressure Game Freak now faces, as all eyes are on it for the debut of Pokemon on the big screen- going as far as to say that maybe people shouldn’t expect too much.
"We're gonna be lazy about it and fuck you for setting your expectations high." is all I could read. Fire Masuda please.
Loreli is a sadistic bitch who has the power to craft Ice-voodoo dolls that slowly shackle and freeze a person from the inside out. She left red at the bottom of mount moon frozen in isolation just to get rid of him.
>pokemon reddit gold
crystal clear is the best pokemon fan project of all time
Skyla a best
second best after Sage but I heard their discord got taken over by literal trannies, also the Creator of Crystal Clear's a soft hearted pussy bitch snowflake
>5th gym
Is Shadini done in full then? Gym puzzle, battle and everything? I'd absolutely love to see the progress on that.
and it only took 10 years
This is 100% accurate.
I know you were thinking of the wrong game, but still,
>genuinely funny, nothing wrong with that
>kind of agree, but depends on how it's done
>probably too far, but body parts in general are fine; everyone loves Mara in SMT and it seems okay to everyone when they add genitals and whatnot to monsters
Don't group me in with those people. I wanted to try the game and they're the only group playing it.
The best
Simply the best
Not him, and only a former core dev who just hangs around current ones, but my understanding is yes, same for the 5th gym itself, though it's possible maybe the gym interiors are still being done, but I know thw towns/cities themselves are, as are the routes between them
ah yes, simply the best at being forgotten, just like every other area-pokegirl
serena's honestly one of the only bad main pokegirls
literally doesn't matter either way and has nothing to do with the game
>thinking sane people exist on the internet anymore
if you say or do one thing out of line with what [Person A] doesn't like then everything they made and everything vaguely related is garbage
also works if that thing is something that [Person B] likes and then they bend over backwards to suck their dick regardless of the quality of the work
>sub 10 foot mon
Why did gamefreak abandon real grown pokemon for monsterlets?
>trust me guys
>i'm just sucking cock
>not like i'm getting fucked in the ass
Slippery slope.
This is the average Yea Forums discord, a bunch of underaged faggots like Adamantium and speedonvhs reposting stolen memes and capeshit from Yea Forums and other normalfag cancer
Have a higher res one
also reminder up to the first 3 gyms are in a public demo: capx.fandom.com
>The rest kinda look like things we've already seen before in the official games.
Keep in mind Sage's dex was decided conceptually before gen 6 was revealed. Also it's not like the GF games don't repeat concepts and ideas
Why would you want your system? LGPE at least lets you know exactly what you can find and doesn't take an eternity to find them like those 1% rate Pokemon while also making chaining incredibly easy. It's one of the few things it did right. Me constantly encountering the same Pokemon until I randomly find a rare one isn't special or immersive, it's just frustrating because now it means sitting there for over half an hour or more to encounter the Pokemon.
I'm literally not in any of those though.
how much bullshit is in this fan game?
>Only 14 feet
>Keeps posting about discord
>Is literally not even posting discord anymore just some random steam circlejerk
this is pathetic
You’re right, cause HG/SS is superior.
Gamefreak have to be, without a doubt, the most incompetent developers in the industry. They struck gold with Pokemon and have been running with it ever since. If literally any other developer had their hands on the Pokemon IP, they would make exponentially better games.
Fuck the soys who keep supporting their mediocrity.
Its not exactly like current Gamefreak set a very high bar for what a good pokemon game is.
She didn't actually die though so it's ok. I wish she did.
>can't even fix it's own problems after a decade while Platinum save Sinnoh
define bullshit? You mean like artificial difficulty? zero, see it's not over the top difficulty wall shit like super hard fangames, but gym battles and such take a bit more thought then in the official games
I think these 5 are pretty much the consensus on the community acroos the world, almost everyone's top 5 pokemon games will be these, with just the order changing
This is exactly what I've been looking for
How have I not heard about this yet?
pretty much this the kind of people of that become the face of something are people that are the most prominent users, and if you're on a voip for 10+ hours a day your life probably isn't in a good place, with few exceptions
That's some pretty good CG, it only made me cringe for a few frames. CG usually makes me cringe on all frames.
>couldve made a pokemon clone and money out of it
>make a free game instead
Not very smart though
its made by anons on /vp/ who thge fuck was gonna get money out of it? It was meant to be a fangame since its conception since it started with /vp/ makes a game general.