Try out game, because "why not?"

>try out game, because "why not?"
>get absolutely hooked on it and actually finish it
>get absorbed into the whole series
>become a huge fanboy and play the remainder of the games
>listen to its OST whenever not playing a game from the series

What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>try out game, because "why not?"
Lost me there, can't relate

Persona. Bought a vita for cheap, got p4g because it was on top of various lists recomended games for it and got absolutely hooked to the characters, settings and mysic
Now mementos with p4 music is my favourite stage in smash, and I'm going to buy a ps4 to play p4r

Gothic, and Piranha Bytes games in general.

>anime posting weeb fuck faggot
Neck yourself tranny. You will never be a woman

FF7 Compilation, boy was I disappointed.

Demon's Souls

trannybashing has become a plague on this website

I'm kinda going through that with Disgaea. I played through 1 a while back on switch, and moved to 5 like last week.

You’re more confused then a tranny

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>tranny gaslighters

Fucking Final Fantasy.

I played FFVI for the first time after falling in love with Super Mario RPG and seeing it was from the same company.

Not really, they brought it upon themselves.

Ace Combat


Monster Hunter World

Ace Combat, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Hitman, Armored Core, Demon's Souls and the following games.
>anime = tranny
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?

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pedos should be hung

>anime post = tranny
Neck yourself newfag

I have rarely if ever saw a pro tranny thread on this damn board, even before the tranny hate spam started. I’m not defending trannies I’m saying you faggots who call everyone you disagree with a tranny and will bring up trannies at the drop of a fucking hat are 1000% times worse than actual trannies.

ace combat, I tried it because of seeing the pixy meme all the time. now it's my all time favorite series, and have played the entire series

>lol dude thought crimes are real
More confused then a tranny

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do the world a favor and cut your dick off

This doesn't really count as "why not?" but for me this was SUGURI after playing 100%OJ.

fuck you, I like his dick

No, I need it for loli

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Ace Attorney and Monster Hunter. I'm a CRAPCOM dicksucker now, it seems.

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Don't worry, I already am


>tranny cult begging for members

Gravity Rush

>try out game because of liking one character
>it becomes one of my most played games as well as one of my favorites on the 3DS and in general
>try the old ones
>totally fall in love with the series
>think it's dead after the company goes out of business and we get nothing for so many years
>rune factory 5 is announced
I honestly almost cried.

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Kill yourselves.

>trannies start scurrying like roaches once you shine a light on them
The saddest part of all of this is when your mom gave birth to you, there was a father that was proud to hold you in his arms. Now you've become disgusting anime fetishists mutilating yourselves.
Unironically based. It's only weeb tranny fucks that jack off to pictures of little girls and try to defend it

positively steaming

You first

Too much loli to die young

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Stella Glow.

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Not with a game but YuYuYu was that for me.
>tfw still no NoWaYu anime

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>Implying you're not a tranny
It's time to neck.

Fallout. Started with 3 but became a huge fanboy and played them all.

I'm convinced you're just some tranny projecting your self hate onto other rational anons. You belong in a mental asylum friend.

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This, went in expecting boring a simcade
Got the most kino games I've ever played

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lolicon website, try redditera

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Battle Brothers is a good game I played pretty much only because someone posted a pic of a steam library with loads of hours on it

Xenoblade Chronicles

Everyone who calls others trannies or ether trannies themselves or want to fuck a tranny

Even faggots have people who accept them
but pedos will NEVER stop being hated
so kill yourself asap

T. 40%
>arachnophobia means you want to fuck the spider
Okay tranny

Wow good thing I only like 2D

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phoenix wright
but by 'whole series' I mean the original trilogy

Beg louder

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>tfw their has literally been spider fucking treads in Yea Forums the last few days

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I like pedos

I mean the spider thing is true.

phew, this projection
trannies hate Yea Forums, retard, even if degenerates like you want to fuck them

Final Fantasy. Played the first one on NES when it was relevant.
Haven't been able to crawl out of that hole since.

You tranny fucks literally have a board on this website where you conduct raids for your gay ass anime erp threads and try to get people to cut their dicks off. I see you, tranny.

Yakuza. I didn't expect to love it as much as I did.

you're just as delusional as your fictional tranny haven

Sounds like you got mind broken by beta losers that cut their dicks off which makes you even more pathetic

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Won't be laughing behind a computer when you kid fuckers start getting your heads stomped in the streets

>every other thread is now filled with tranny obsessed faggots and unironic pedo xD posters
How do we cure the problem

Persona, Yakuza, SMT, Valkyrie Chronicles, Disgaea. Nier, Dragon Quest, Tales Of, Summon Night, Dark Souls, Ape Escape

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MGS3. I went through the whole series and bought a PS3 when MGS4 released.

I'm literally shaking

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more little girls!

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This thread got derailed the moment a tourist screeched about how anime on a website created because of anime is bad.


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Incredibly based user

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>arachnophobia means you want to fuck the spider
I'm terrified of spiders in real life but I fap to them all the time.

>haha i'm such a pedo ;P

Persona 4. My Xbox had just red ringed and the MGS collection had just come out on PS2, so I grabbed it and I had seen people on here and elsewhere on the internet being really excited about Persona 4 which had also come out within the last few months so "why the fuck not."

Played all the Persona games before and since, and my wife and I bond over each new release.

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>muh tourist xD
this is how you can tell someone's an actual tranny. They delude themselves into thinking its only a certain subset of people that hate them and not the entire population of rational people

It's amazing how much worse this board has gotten at ignoring shitty trolls.

>thread starts with Shion
>no Shion art posted
this thread is shit

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>Tourists don't exis-

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Fuck off you tremendous faggot, jesus christ. No one was talking about trannies until you obsessed retards crashed a perfectly on topic thread for no reason.


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Xenosaga trilogy last year. I played Xenoblade Chronicles and it was all right, now I just want to replay Xenosaga.

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fuck you faggot, you derailed what could have been a great thread, and we could have got some cool game recommendations for each other.

Back when I was younger, it was Mega Man. The gameplay and OST instantly hooked me, and I became obsessed with it for years. I still play the games a lot and Mega Man 11 was amazing.

Here's a question for anyone in the thread, as well as yourself OP: Has a game ever subverted expectations enough (in a positive or negative way) to inspire you to do something? For me, it was Doom 4's Snapmap. I was so pissed at how bad it was that I decided to start making my own levels in Doom Builder 2 almost immediently

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Don't forget that /pol/ was advocating for more outsiders to come here during GG and the 2016 US election. How anyone tolerates these incredibly loud and obnoxious faggots when they opened the floodgates for outsiders and crash threads like this for no reason other than to be mad at trannies is beyond me.

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>monstergirl loli
I, too, am literally shaking.

Dragon Quest, though honestly I'm not super into the music. It's serviceable (most of the time at least) but that's about it. The monster designs are my shit, though.


nu-Deus Ex

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I got re6 as a gift and was totally going to give it shit, but playing it in coop with a relative really made it a blast to play. I might not defend its many flaws but I’m not letting someone say I didn’t have fun.

The game can certainly be fun for sure, it just felt weak as a package. I did find myself enjoying Leon's campaign at the very least.

Not a game but an anime.
For me it was Wolfs Rain.

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He says on a famously lolicon website. I'm not even saying you should be pro-loli, but you knew what you were getting into when you came here.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, even got into reading the PnP.
Funny thing is: I played the PnP before the game and thought it was boring.

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