>dark souls is ha-
Dark souls is ha-
Did you record that with an iPhone 3G?
make a better webm and maybe ill take you seriously
There was no possible way to know about the Drake Sword unless told.and ppl who say "I just saw the Drake and decided to shoot his tail for hours to see what would happen" are fucking liars
There's literally always a message right there saying something like "try tail". Also it takes like 10 hits with the weakest piece of shit bow and wooden arrows. Try harder faggot.
>10 sippy+1
>burned 2 just getting to the boss
>drake sword
no shit you guide using nigger
Got the Black Knight Halberd on my first run, didn't realize at first what power I had acquired, maybe around this point did I try it out and ho boy did it trivialize the game.
>Playing Online during your first playthrough
Fucking infant
>takes ten hits
lol no
Why are you lying?
Yeah it seems I exaggerated, apparently it's 28 hits with wood arrows. Still not "hours" like user suggested.
Kill yourself
I got the number of hits wrong, I must have used better than the worst possible gear to shoot a DRAGON
Imagine that
-lf assed like the rest of the series
Contemplate self-termination.
Imagine being that overleveled on the 3rd boss. Yikes! Nu-Yea Forums really needed to grind to beat the game.
Have you considered that some people just killed the drake, and his tail falls off as a natural part of that labor?
I like how op reposts this as soon the previous archives with 5 replies
Don't forget to s**e
What level do you think he is, and what would you consider an appropriate level for capra demon?
Keep in mind that up to this point you should've done stray demon and butterfly in addition to the required bosses.
>poor dodge timing
>almost died
>drake sword
yeah it must definitively be hard for you amateur scum
Look at his health bar.
Yes, I see his health bar.
Why did you not answer either of those questions?
>Stray demon and Butterfly
No one does these two before Capra. Unless you are following a walkthrough which i guess also fits with nu-Yea Forums.
99% of people who use the drake sword are guide reading faggots.
The other 1% are the people who actually decided and managed to kill the dragon early on their first run
The only people who think it's hard is game journalists.
>played it with his tv turned on
Fucking casual
Those who played Demon's Soul knew.
Stray demon you wouldn't do your first playthrough but I do it every time as soon as I can for 20k souls from one of the easiest bosses in the game.
Butterfly everyone does even before gargoyles, what are you talking about?
Yikes, kys. Casual. Overlevel more next time, OP. Use a cheat engine on PC instead and just turn on infinite health
There's literally no indication to visit the forest and the game flow literally leads you to gargoyles first.
okay then
I don't see why you wouldn't just answer those very simple questions?
if by "guide reading" you mean "try bows" "try tail"
Markers that people leave are literally spoilers and mini-guides. You realise that, right?
Challenges tend get easier with practice, skill and effort.
Why don't you just tongue but hole
>not RPing as a shaman getting messages from other worlds
you disgust me
That's literally the point you turbo-nigger, the fucking NPCs refer to them
When I played Dark Souls at launch I had a sword and shield and when I entered this bossfight area I instinctively held the block button and it went smoothly without much difficulty
Then I came to Yea Forums and saw everyone bitching about it
I did the exact same thing.
Apparently using shields in Dark Souls is cheating.
Same happened to me, it was pretty fun.
I dunno what's going on in OP's image but when I fought this guy one of his attacks did 80% of my health, so OP is probably an overleveling faggot.
I would be embarrassed if I wrote like you do
It's not a "guide". You can only get vague tips and pointers. Hell, the message can even trick you
is that a fucking twohanded drake sword? 10/10 I got baited
The pleb:
>reads guides and min maxes for PvE content
The tryhard:
>arbitrarily restricts what they use according to some autistic standard of fairness
The learned one:
>uses a variety of equipment and experiments with different builds for unique gameplay
>galaxy brain
Always stick to the rule of cool
lf the man I used to be
MUH FASHION retardation is the best thing that has ever happened because fucking idiots just eat that shit up
>play DS1 MP these days
>maximize for poise
>literally no one knows how to handle an enemy who doesn't stagger on the first hit because everyone is fashion casuals
>mob telegraphs a gigantic jump attack and does a complete 180° midair to track on the player
My god From software are fucking trash
(this feeling as the dawn it fades to gray)
it's probably the first boss that can't be easily assraped with a 2h zweihander because of the cramped room and dogs, and it takes place far enough into the game that you're already committed to a build without a shield and haven't spent time learning a 1h moveset
people knew about the drake sword day 1, newfag
>gonna do nothin personel uchigatana run
>first black knight drops black knight sword
oh well time to have some faceroll fun
No one gives a shit how well you do against level 5s in the burg, user.
what's the difference between the second and third one ? both impose arbitrary restrictions on themselves
SL100 or 120 in the forest, but okay
fuck this boss
Oh no one gives a shit about that either.
>complaining about the drake sword
>when the club and the demon's greathammer exist
Who at fromsoft thought it was a good idea to
1)make jump attacks do a flat 100% increased damage
2)and make jump attacks on slow weapons almost as fast as quick weapons
Dark Souls is basically a forgery of Demon's Souls. I played Demon's Souls before this game and knew that the dragons have really shitty AI and just let you tag them with arrows. I played Dark Souls blind and found the Drake Sword... then promptly threw it away because I didn't know how to get the upgrade materials.
making viewable webm is har.......d
Yeah fuck those faggots, hardcore gamers like use don't play online NO guides, and reap all the pussy we want for beating this extraordinarily difficult game blind and unaware
Pretty much the same, started with knight, didn't know about equipment load, got the Capra Demon in four or five tries. Needless to say Blighttown and the fight against Quelaag made me question what I was doing wrong, though.
I cannot understand why people pretend a game is hard when there exist ways to make it easier and they choose not to follow those paths.
>he needed a guide to beat Dark Souls
Oh no no no no no no no HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Is it Fashion if you prefer full sets?
I started using guides to figure out how to use the boss souls. Come at me
It isn't in this example but it can be.
never said that bro, fuck pussies who do
>I started using guides to figure out how to use the boss souls
first time I played Dark Souls I picked knight, had no idea about stat scaling or equipment loads. An acquaintance at the time meme'd me into getting drake sword, but I kept pumping up strength anyway with fat rolls. I had no idea about equipment upgrading. I gave up before I could even find Quelaag (I skipped her and just found my way out the other end of blightown confused). Years later I went back and stomped all over the game with a light rolling dex build and thought how much I fucking hate that guy for giving me the most worthless advice in playing the game. Now when anyone asks me about Dark Souls I immediately talk about fundamentals like builds and equipment loads.
I use guides on the first playthrough and there's nothing you can do about it :)
Uh yeah sorry, I forgot I was using Jester pants to get down from the bonfire in Shulva.
Zweihander is arguably at it's most OP and broken in Dark Souls than any other souls game.
>Zweihander is available near the starting hub of the game.
>Zweihander R2 puts literally anything on the ground and has so much range it doesn't have a chance to initiate a first strike.
>Zweihander has a huge sweeping R1 that staggers multiple enemies long enough so they can't close the distance before another R1.
>Zweihander can be 1 handed later in the game to allow the use of 100% block shields.
Okay... how is this game hard?
How do you know what weapon you need as a base?
It depends on the Set, but it can be. Ones like Alva's, absolutely.
Yeah man
Soul of Sif the Great Grey Wolf, who guards the grave of Artorias the Abysswalker.
Special beings have special souls.
Use the soul of Sif, who inherited the divine knightsword, to acquire a huge amount of souls, or to create a unique weapon.
That totally tells me I should use this on a greatshield
This whole "lol dark souls is hard" meme is bullshit.
I used to play Touhou cause it was hard.
I played Dark Souls for the lore and atmosphere.
fucking destroyed him
>he had to look up stats to cheat the game
why do you like not having fun, you would never know this much about the Zweihander if you didn't look it up
A +10 shield, no less. Does the game even tell you you need an upgraded weapon in order to ascend weapons?
>overlevelled as fuck
>drake sword
>doesn't even kill Capra
I was hoping this thread wouldn't get replies
But y'know
Demon's Souls did. You probably never played it though...
Also... why are there fog gates on boss arenas?
And... why does my character have a slight glow to them?
Demon's Souls.
>you would never know this much about the Zweihander if you didn't look it up
Are you literally retarded? There is nothing he said you can't figure out your own damn self by testing the sword.
No, I didn't, because I'm not a filthy console peasant
>Implying I ever go to butterfly at all
>10 hits with the weakest piece of shit bow and wooden arrows
Triggered guide reader right here lolol
are you him? no, so i doubt it. you all cheat the game, does no one actually learn this shit on their own anymore. goddamn casuals all of you
RPGs trained me to look at things like "stat requirements" to realize that I should use those weapons instead of the shitty ones you get in the beginning.
If you start the game and get handed a weapon that's 20 levels above your current set of stats you think... "Wow this must be really good, I can't wait to use this."
I'm not sure what kind of short bus you jumped off of but I've played video games before.
Those others things don't matter at all. Fog gates make plenty of sense on their own. Character glow? Aesthetic choice, makes no difference. Not letting people know basic information about the game? That's a problem
Thanks bro, have a (You).
This was me. Got the BKGS off the first night in the parish (I think is the one?)
Didn't even use it at first until I decided to go heavy stregth after beating Kellog and whooooa Nelly did I roll that the rest of the way
I picked up the Zweihander my own damn self, nigger. I didn't get it right at the start, because I was getting wrecked by skeletons at the time, but by simply equipping the weapon and swinging it a few times you can figure out the rest of what he said. What exactly is your problem?
It sucks that it's a lot of info about Dark is in Demon's. It's the main reason why I don't like it as much as Demon's. The whole Dark Souls series is just reselling the same engine to get more money. It's pretty obvious that no on involved really thought of it as an artistic endeavor. It's too generic and shallow to even justify it's own world.
I was pretty bad with the gargoyles and went into the forest first
None of those are stats you fucking idiot, every one of those properties are ingame enemy interactions
You can figure that out by picking up that weapon literally lying on the ground twenty feet from the starting point and using it
Do you have some sort of advanced autism?
why is it when we talk about any of the souls games it attracts the biggest losers does beating a game mean so much that you literally fume when others don't play the same or even look things up.
>play up until Pontiff Sulyvahn with Claymore
>trade his soul for Profaned Great-sword
>mfw strong attacking faggot lothric knights up the ass
Impossible, iPhones can’t even play webms, much less record then
I lol'd at that poland ball
>Played Dark souls 1 blind for the first time
>Be at the end boss, excited to kill the DLC after it
>Unknowingly get put in New Game plus without any warning
Wow, what amazing game design. Literally killed the game for me.
Oh yeah that's right, how did they honestly expect someone to naturally figure out how to get to the DLC?
Someone is gonna post about how it was obvious or not "as vague as you make it seem."
Fuck them. They are liars.
How are you so sure you didn't already play the DLC if you were going in blind?
desu tho I was also kind of pissed when I walked out the door expecting to go fuck off to the locations I hadn't been to yet but instead was greeted with a really confusing ending.
They shouldn't have let people get that ending if they never met kaath.
>all the drake sword shit posting acting like people who got it all used a guide
Do you faggots forget messages exist?
When you go under the bridge and see like 40 orange signs all saying “shoot tail” “ranged attack tail” and “try tail” or whatever and see the tail just dangling like that, it doesn’t take a billion IQ to figure out that hitting the tail gets you some shit.
Me personally on day 2, i thought it was some easy cheese to kill the dragon so I did it only to discover they were talking about a weapon.
Stop acting hardcore on the internet
Salty zoomers who didn't figure it out or shitposters who did use a guide
I did look up how to activate the DLC, incase it was missable and i could lock myself out of it.
It's more that people do the cheese, use the sword, and go "lol Dark Souls is HaRd GaME?"
At least with the Black Knight weapons you actually need to fight them to get them, and it isn't even guaranteed you will until the very end of the game when they're a regular, respawning enemy.
Was anyone else stupid enough to do their 1st playthrough dagger-only thinking it was viable, or was that just me?
Nope, in fact 100% of the people I know who complained about its difficulty were dex users with light armor trying to play it like Skyrim
anything is viable if you git gud
>using an overpowered weapon of unknown upgrade level
>obviously higher level character than most for that boss based on the amount of health
>still taking damage like a bitch
neck yourself.
No but I did try a Bandit Knife only playthrough as a Hollow Thief, without leveling up. It was all good until I got to Anor Londo, after beating Ornstein and Smough after way too many tries I gave up on it.
At least I got to backstab and kill a lvl 1 Invader at Anor Londo.
Light armor and dark knight sword is the way to go.
someone's been roll caught to death a few times
I beat it without complaining with the dagger, but there was plenty of monotony, like reaching the chaos ember.
>I've literally never done an all vit build and can see that you're using a weapon that doing anything else would be a waste, but let me assume you put points in strength like me anyway and would only have my same amount of health
Absolute morons
>getting roll-caught
>when you have more rolls than your mom
I think it's just the switch version unironically
-ck and slash not worth my time
>not a denial
you gotta hesitate a half second after the hit before rolling.
that's why you only play japanese dating sims amiright?
>using miracles like denial
You say this but then the deprived starts of with the club. Which has ridiculous scaling for a starting weapon. So you can just crank up your str and bonk every enemy to death in one or two hits before they can even react.
DaS3 has some really stupid input buffering though
I can't count how many times I pressed roll a little too late and got hit, then right when my stagger is over I automatically roll and get rollcaught
>implying I waste any slots on ToD
that shits for fast-rolling havels at level 9000
Have sex.
oh yeah no joke the netcode is, and always has been since DeS, absolute shit.
From shouldn't make any game with PvP until they get that shit figured out.
Holy shit why does no one else complain about this???
It's in every fucking fromsoft game. Who the absolute fuck puts a 30-40 frame input buffer in a game?
maybe it's just my fighting game autism but goddamn
everyone fucking complains about this all the time, where have you been?
Even if you have a +3 or so club with your strength in the 20s (very easy to get early game) you literally kill the gargoyles in 3 hits each
Putting any points at all into vit means you're bad.
club's fine, just put some shards on it and it smack a bitch.
Club also has the advantage of being a weapon type that naturally interrupts certain enemy attacks, meaning you can literally stun-lock some types of enemies ontop of the huge damage.
With the club you don't need t obother parrying or blocking at all. Just bonk.
>First playthrough
>Accidentally cut off tail of gargoyles
>Use functioning brain
>"Huh, maybe I can cut the tails off of other enemies"
>Second playthrough
>Use functioning brain again
>"Now that I have learned the game and it's mechanics, maybe I will try to cut the tail on this dragon!"
>Rewarded with a good starting weapon for paying attention and taking risks
Really activates the brain cells
No I'm saying compared to raw wepaon + vit + heavy damage, uchigatana, club and black knight weapons, drake sword is an absolute joke. Slow, drains way too much stamina per swing, and its special move is comical with the windup it needs.
Black knight sword alone can carry you till something like an upgraded Claymore in late-game out scales it in stats and twinkling titanite is one of the easiest ones to get and buy.
It's there on purpose to make your movements about strategy instead of having to do perfect timing. The reason it's so large it to punish you for panicking
*raw weapon + vit. + heavy armor with Havel's ring I mean.
That build alone would trivialise most of the game.
You know what games are still difficult without you putting arbitrary restrictions on yourself?
Literally any one that isn't casual trash.
>uchigatana, club and black knight weapons, drake sword is an absolute joke
this i swapped it almost immediately for my uchigatana because it had much better reach moveset and scaling also weeb friendly
Black Knight Polearm best weapon in the game
Yeah my first playthrough was with the club and I just ended up sticking with it the whole way through because it never felt "bad".
or they shot him once, looked up and saw the damage and health bar.
Leveling health in any game that exists means you're bad.
Any game a casual like you would even know about, you mean.
For late game you can always switch to Large Club or Butchers Knife (though the latter is disgustingly good in DS3 for how easy it is to get)
But club never sucks, for whatever its lacking in you can always have a lightning Zewihander or something to cover for it.
I really did accidentally find out about it on my first play through when I was 15. I really wanted to get past the bridge but his fire attack would kill me every time, so I either loaded up on arrows or used the ones I had on me and decided to try and cheese-kill him under the bridge so I could pass.
I didn't like the large club for some reason, but I can't recall why.